traversingthev0id · 15 days
I sometimes wonder, when people do and/or say things that are blatantly stupid or idiotic, if they are really that ignorant or if they just play the part because they believe it absolves them of their responsibility to be accountable for their words and actions. I mean after all, if they're really just stupid we shake our heads in awe of their stupidity and and move on under the assumption that person just doesn't get it.
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traversingthev0id · 6 months
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traversingthev0id · 8 months
Living life, I have learned that there exists a population who has no compassion, no empathy, and will do whatever and say whatever needs to be done or said to protect their fragile ego and greedy desire.
They will throw anyone under the bus; a child, parent, sibling, wife or husband, a friend, so that they appear blameless in every situation.
They will lie and manipulate so that though they are the perpetrator, they appear to be the victim. The only thing that allows people like this to perpetuate their lies is their ability to manipulate those around them and make others believe they are the victim while they are actually the aggressor.
Just because we want to see certain people in the light that they portray themselves to be in, does not mean they live within that light or are actually good people; they're just really good at manipulating the world around them.
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traversingthev0id · 9 months
To deny the truths of pain is to deny humanity, compassion, empathy, and understanding. None of us are perfect; we all struggle with something. You can deny your pain or accept it. Acceptance is much simpler. Denial requires excuses and shifting of blame. I don't hold myself unaccountable for my choices; there are many times in my life where I should have stepped up, but there were also many other circumstances to factor in. We can only control what we can control in life. And, no matter how much control we may think we have, there will always be circumstances beyond our control. That's why understanding and empathy are so important. The ability to recognize that we can not expect more from others than we can give or do. The ability to recognize that someone else may be suffering in ways that we haven't had the misfortune to. However, we must use our own suffering as a guide in understanding the suffering of others...we may not all have the same experiences, but humans are all capable of human emotions, however chaotic and misunderstood they can often be.
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