tremault · 9 months
bot spam is ruining this site.
constant follows from bots, so I get fed up of checking my notifications and therefore will inevitably miss any replies or comments from anyone, so that makes the whole site unusable. This site was nice enough but it's literally broken for me now. I'm done.
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tremault · 9 months
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Did a drawing of Guyver playing videogames.
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tremault · 10 months
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Marford Quarry north of Wrexham.
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tremault · 10 months
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more world of warcraft screenshots
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tremault · 10 months
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I took a lot of screenshots of World of Warcraft. I always tried to tell some kind of story.
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tremault · 10 months
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This week I' mostly been playing Half-life 2 and guardians of the galaxy!
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tremault · 11 months
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Spidey on me Hollybobs.
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tremault · 11 months
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Spiderman is cool as heck
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tremault · 11 months
Just a bit of hazing for spider-cop
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tremault · 1 year
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Exploring Alexandria
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tremault · 1 year
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spider-man shenanigans
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tremault · 1 year
Doing some web swinging!
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tremault · 1 year
Link model for My spiritual successor to Zelda 3. In the final version, this character will not look like Link, this is the starting point.
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tremault · 1 year
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adventures in hyrule
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tremault · 11 years
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I saw this wonderful clothing in the museum.
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tremault · 11 years
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I may use tumblr for posting photos and small observations in the future. Maybe I will get good quality photo uploads. I can also type more.
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tremault · 12 years
Music and Artists, the imbalance of economic flow
There are millions, no billions of musicians and artists all around the world. When it comes to music industry etc, there is only a very small snapshot of these talent that get recognition or any kind of economic support for their labours. so why is this imbalance here?
is it because it is only the large publishers who can afford to fight against this so called 'piracy'? is it because only the publishers have the money to put music and art through the machine to come up with CD's and DVD's that can be sold in shops? this is probably a big part of it. but what about online?
so many people give their art away for free or don't have any way to recoup any potential loss when people take it without asking. they don't have the lawyers or legal expertise or even the time to go chasing after all of this.
so the imbalance remains and the potential for a rich vibrant culture of art and music around the world, is left untapped. surely there is some way to combat this and make a better world for creative effort?
surely, if there were a government backed scheme to make all music free, that would be a good way to level the playing field. eliminate this concept of 'copyright'. it is old and outdated idea initially invented to get the publishers more money. then government pays money to the artists whose work is accessed the most. people whose music is played the most will get paid. peoples artwork that is viewed the most, get paid.
where does the money come from? this is what tax is for. this is what tax should always be for. all people in the uk currently have to pay a TV license. we could simply expand the tv license to instead be a new media rights fund. people pay their media rights share and get free media. this tax could even be made transparent and affixed to various services such as broadband bills or satellite television bills etc. it would of course have to be tied up with appropriate legislation to ensure that it is proportional to the amount of media produced and accessible. but that would be for regulating bodies or politicians to work out.  I believe the concept stands as the best way to move forwards, to combat the current issues with so called 'piracy' and threats to our liberty.
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