trentacupofcraziness · 12 years
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trentacupofcraziness · 12 years
As much as I hate hate HATE Frappuccino Happy Hour..
The playlist is awesome.
Let's just say that I already blast it during my shifts....
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trentacupofcraziness · 12 years
Attention Starbucks Partners!
Man the boundaries!
Gird your loins!
Prepare yourselves for battle! 
Summer is almost here...
MCF's are coming back.
So is Frappuccino Happy CRAPPY Hour.
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trentacupofcraziness · 12 years
Just experienced my first time covering as a shift at another store.
It was fucking hell for the following reasons:
1. Saturday is their "Seattle" order day, so I walk in to see a city of boxes in the lobby.
2. The opening barista was late.
3. The store was a giant mess to begin with (garbage was full, lobby wasn't swept, etc.)
4. The closing crew from the evening prior didn't drop their tips.
5. The late opening barista was bitching and moaning about being sick and asked to go home early; mind you, she only had a four hour shift.
6. When I was preparing the deposit, an entire till drop was missing. Seriously. 184 dollars supernaturally "vanished" from the safe and was nowhere to be found. ON TOP of the fact that they had a till count that was 13 dollars over and a drawer that was 44 dollars over from what it's supposed to have.
7. The next partner to come in was wearing a gray shirt and worked in it. Mind you, he was on bar and was drinking a drink, talking on the phone, AND listening to his iPod.
8. The closing shift I was supposed to "hand the keys over to" was apparently fired and so the overseeing manager was trying to find coverage while still trying to figure out the whole deposit disaster.
To say it was hell is a drastic understatement. At least my partners came to visit me.
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trentacupofcraziness · 13 years
QASA score, baby. Oh yeahhhhhhhhhh
I was in the middle of checking something on the DCR when I look up and see "The EcoSure Lady".
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I immediately called my manager on the floor and I kid you not, my partners and I looked like a platoon ready to go to war.
Rags? Changed those bitches AND left them in the bucket.
Carafe? Threw that shit out in the back.
We apparently had a tray of Classic coffee cake that had to be marked out on Monday (it was Tuesday). I literally shoved that tray in the trash and threw all of the dishes inside the dishwasher.
Needless to say, after constantly scoping her out and watching her every move, she prints out the score and we all freaked out (good way, obviously). 
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This is the highest we've ever been, and my store has the highest score in our district. Happy? More like ecstatic!
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trentacupofcraziness · 13 years
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No bitch, it's unicorn blood.
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trentacupofcraziness · 13 years
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trentacupofcraziness · 13 years
If you see me running around putting sandwiches in the oven, listening to DT orders, brewing coffee, calling the line, AND ringing up customers in the front.
Don't fucking tell me, "I'm still waiting for that box of coffee." It's not my fucking fault that your inconsiderate, pretentious ass didn't think to call ahead to order a traveler--ESPECIALLY when we're in the smack dab middle of our rush. AKDJFHXIGREWOTPPXNXJWUJDJNDUGGGGGHHHHH
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trentacupofcraziness · 13 years
"is this ALL the pastries you have?!"
No, I keep a secret stash in the Batcave with my magic hot sandwich maker and Gold.
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trentacupofcraziness · 13 years
Customers who come in, during morning rushes, and order travelers.
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trentacupofcraziness · 13 years
Our order comes in tomorrow, which will include my training books, which means...
I start my Shift training tomorrow!
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trentacupofcraziness · 13 years
A woman describes her three weeks as a barista at Starbucks.
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trentacupofcraziness · 13 years
And I thought I've seen my fair share of rude people.
So yesterday at work, I was deployed on R1 (front register) at my store. I had about an hour left of my shift, and was ready to just go home when this guy approaches me to order. Mind you, I started at 5:45 am, so I'm ready to K.O. when I get to my house. Anyways, me being "Starbucks-cheery", I greeted him and he, seeming like a normal customer, orders a Tall coffee and a banana walnut bread. After this incident, it's become embedded in my brain that his total was $4.28. And then the following happened...
Customer: Okay, I have a $5 here, lemme see if I can find the $0.28...(starts rummaging pockets for change).
He pulls out the change he had, which he only had $0.27
Customer: (looking at me with a dead stare) I only have $5.27...
Me: Okay...?
Then, this guy just nonchalantly tries to get a penny from the tip jar like it's perfectly okay. At this point, I'm livid.
Me: You don't need to do that. Just leave it. 
I ring him up and give him the $.99 back, but then he pushes my hand back to me.
Customer: Wait, I didn't want the change back, I wanted a dollar bill back.
Me: Well, I'm sorry but you didn't have enough extra change for the dollar.
Customer: Well, you said it was okay. That's why I was gonna get the penny from the jar...
Me: Well, I DIDN'T say it was okay. You were gonna take it from our tip jar.
Customer: It's just a penny...
Me: You know what? It's NOT just a penny. We all work extremely hard everyday for those tips, and, yeah, it may be just a penny, but every little bit helps, and it adds up at the end of the week. And it's not fair on us that you try to take away from that because you don't want pocket change, EVEN THOUGH, you had enough for your order from the beginning.
Customer: You know what? Cancel my order. I want a refund.
Me: Absolutely! Here you go. Don't forget your $0.27 cents, too. 
I was shaking from how furious this guy made me. For one thing, I would regularly just let it slide, but the fact that he had a hissy fit and was just trying to take money from the tip jar like it's normal just really set me off. I do tips at my store, which is a drive-thru store, so we don't get awesome tips like regular cafe stores do. So yeah, every little bit REALLY DOES HELP.
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God, I hate disgustomers. Rant over.
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trentacupofcraziness · 13 years
Totally trying this at my store!
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trentacupofcraziness · 13 years
This is the story of my life at my store. God forbid we're out of splash sticks AND sleeves! You wouldn't believe the insane amount of rude comments I would get from customers just because they have to look less pretentious without their little green plastic stick and cardboard.
In the end, I always give the most sarcastic smile, wish them a nice day and laugh it off with my partners.
Honestly, what did this society have to do before the creation of sleeves or splash sticks?
Me (working the drive-thru): I have your Tall Chai. Need any napkins or anything? Customer (taking the drink): Yes, could I get one of those green, stopper things? Me: Oh, sorry ma’am, we’re actually out of the splash sticks. Custumer: *blank stare* Me: I’m really sorry....
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trentacupofcraziness · 13 years
A prayer for my fellow Partners....
Now I lay me down to rest,
I wish my fellow Baristas the best.
And if we should die before we wake,
Hell, that's one less Caramel Brulee Latte we'll have to make!
Have a good first week, Partners!
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trentacupofcraziness · 13 years
That awkward moment when you're sitting in the back, watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part Two, and trying so hard not to cry in front of your partners.
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