troubletail · 10 years
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Hello fellow cosplayers/crafters!
So today, I was asked how I made my feathers for my Griselda (Odin Sphere) wings using craft foam and… well… I was on mobile and Tumblr ate it.
So I’ll make one with pictures! It won’t be that great but oh well…. It’s only a small tuto…
What you need:
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troubletail · 11 years
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Anonymous asked you:
Hey, is it okay if you like do a tutorial on trees and shrubs? PS: I looooooove your art and tutorial they are just soooooo wonderful, inspiratonal, amazing.
aww thank you so much!! ;v; haha well I don’t know a lot of trees so here’s two I actually know lmao, oak tree and pine tree I will go study more tree names when I have the time ohgosh _(:3 7 hope it helps!
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troubletail · 12 years
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Click pic for accessible version
“Like Ho-Oh, Moltres is based on the legend of the phoenix.”
I could have gone with a Slavic, Arabian, or Egyptian design with this one instead of a Roman one, and in retrospect, maybe I should have.  This is by far my least favorite humanization so far for this project, and you’re getting the color test version rather than the final because for error that I corrected, two or three more things went wrong until the whole thing became an unsalvagable mess. 
If I come back to this one, I’m tempted to just scrap the design entirely and start over with a new concept.
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troubletail · 12 years
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Click pic for accessible version
"It may also have been based on the Impundulu, a bird of witchcraft said to summon thunder and lightning with its wings and talons."
This is a bit simplified- the actual garments the design draws from have intricately detailed beadwork that I didn't feel up to attempting for a such a quick sketch- but this is definitely my favorite of the humanizations I've completed so far.
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troubletail · 12 years
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How to draw braids
by  turn-a
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troubletail · 12 years
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Click pic for (hopefully) more screenreader-friendly version!
“This Pokémon’s appearance is based on the Simurgh , deriving from the Persian رخ rokh, which is that of a giant arctic bird.”
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troubletail · 12 years
Overly Ambitious Project is Go!
So, Tumblr, long time no upload.  I haven't been completely neglecting my art, but a lot of it has been in forms that I'm not sure whether or not I want to upload here- in particular, custom My Little Ponies. 
That being said, I do have content forthcoming later this week and continuing in fits and spurts into the foreseeable future (or at least until I get tired of it and give up)- an attempt to not only draw human versions of every single pokemon, but to try to do so reflecting the vast diversity of myths, animals, and histories that their creators drew upon in designing them.
If this sounds interesting to you, check back in over the next few days for uploads or keep an eye on the tag 'we all live in a pokemon world' .
...If it doesn't, I'll still be uploading other things as sporadically as usual.
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troubletail · 12 years
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Realistic gemstone tutorial - Paint Tool SAIby ~longestdistance
The tutorial is for SAI, but it should work with Photoshop too.
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troubletail · 12 years
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troubletail · 13 years
Only one?  That's rough.
Ultimately, I think I'd have to say the Dark Ranger Cloak, but it was really close between that, the Dark Ranger Quiver, the Holy Warrior Tome, and the Holy Warrior Healing Potion.
...I suspect that parts of this set may be referencing something, but I've no clue what.
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Want a chance to win the new costume trunk? Reblog this with your favorite item from the new sets, and Friday we’ll pick 20 people to win the trunk.
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troubletail · 13 years
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troubletail · 13 years
My Little Witchy
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Fanart/request art for Draggle of her namesake from the original MLP series as a G4 pony, altered from this base by Liamb145. 
There are a few scrobbly bits where PNG transparency weirdness lost the original's black outlines and I had to try to recreate them by mouse, but the rest of the edits (even the horn) went surprisingly well, and I had a lot of fun playing with it.
...I just hope I didn't manage to lose the transparency again in the upload process.
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troubletail · 13 years
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i don’t know about you, but i grew up seeing mostly white dolls that looked nothing like me. in fact, even the few black dolls i saw looked nothing like me. they had super straight hair, and sometimes blue or green eyes. where was the barbie doll with brown eyes and beautiful curly, kinky hair?
well now, i found a DIY tutorial that allows you to make even the doll with the finest hair, look a little more like you.
A doll
End papers (sold at beauty supply shops)
Pipe cleaners
Boiling water
Note about end papers: If you start with a doll that has long hair and you plan to make a style similar to the style shown in my picture, you won’t need end papers, they’re optional. But if you start with a doll that has shorter hair and don’t plan to cut it any further, end papers will be essential.
1. Cut pipe cleaners into two-inch pieces and bend each one in half. They will look like little “V” shapes.
2. Section off a piece of hair and twist it into a tight spiral. The smaller the sections, the tighter the curls will be.
3. Wrap the spiral in an end paper (optional)
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4. Place a pipe cleaner onto the scalp and pull the twisted section into the crook of the pipe cleaner. Be sure to keep the hair spiraled tightly as you zig-zag it.
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  5. When you finish zig-zagging each section, twist the pipe cleaner ends around each other to lock everything into place.
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fully wrapped head
6. Once you have all the sections in pipe cleaners, dip the head in boiling water for the count of ten. 7. Wait for the head to cool – usually a few hours, but overnight is best. Rinse in cold water and place doll in freezer if you want to speed things up. 8. Take the pipe cleaners out. 9. If you have length to spare, trim each section to get rid of straight ends or strays.
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feel free to leave it like this, or pick it out and make your doll’s fro as big as you desire. i don’t know about you, but i’m definitely going to be doing a few of these for my little cousin, who is currently very insecure about her own beautiful curly hair.
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troubletail · 13 years
I didn't browse through every last option, but it seems like I have to either choose between my layout looking like crap or my wide pictures looking like crap.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a slightly less hideous compromise?
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troubletail · 13 years
Why doesn't Tumblr's resizing constrain proportions?
Let's see if I can't fix that...
Another freebie for someone on Subeta. This is Perrin's character Maxmilian, part time royalty, part time rogue.  I'm actually fairly proud of the coloring job, considering it was my first time attempting one by computer and that I'm doing it all by mouse rather than with a tablet.
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troubletail · 13 years
Depending on whether we're talking 'last drawing you worked on' vs 'last drawing you finished', I'm either a Snorlax or a poorly-drawn tentacle practice squid.
You are the last thing you drew:
i am apparently  now female jake english
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troubletail · 13 years
When you paint a picture, you expect to see brush strokes, because it’s a painting. It’s expected. When you paint a toy, you (or at least I) expect to see smooth paint with no brush strokes, because that’s how the original looked. It is hard to separate in your mind, the fact that this toy is no longer a factory production created by machines. It is now art, and every little brush stroke is proof of that. It bothers me, because I keep wanting to live up to that factory standard, even though I am not a factory. There are ways to do it too, those ways just happen to not be available to me. I am a bit of a perfectionist, so I keep striving to make my products better.
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