trueocd · 6 years
Finding people you can talk to about your OCD is important. It may not make the OCD better, but it can make you feel less alone and give you the strength to work on it.
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trueocd · 6 years
OCD is not wanting tiles to be straight.
OCD is not liking things to be neat on your desk.
OCD is not having an incredibly organized room.
OCD does not equal perfectionism and perfectionism does not equal OCD.
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trueocd · 6 years
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trueocd · 6 years
💞 When you experience intrusive thoughts.
Stop. And breathe deeply.
Please know that it’s just a thought.
The mind had a thought.
The neurons transmitted some information.
An electro-chemical reaction occurred.
Imagine your thought as a tiny leaf floating away on the wind. A small and insignificant part of nature.
It’s alright. Just let the wind blow it away.
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trueocd · 6 years
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a serious mental illness. It is fairly common, affecting about one in one hundred adults and one in two hundred children in the U.S.
However, the media does not see it as serious. In daily life we hear or see people describing themselves as OCD, or chalking it up to simply being what someone is if they like symmetry.
But it is so much more than that. It is a crippling illness that can affect every aspect of a person’s life. Getting treatment for OCD is crucial. Awareness of this illness is important.
Source: https://iocdf.org
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