tsknew999 · 5 years
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Getting really tired of your shit, Tumblr.
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tsknew999 · 5 years
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Arwing Pilot: Bubsy Bobcat
Here’s Bubsy as a Star Fox Team Arwing Pilot.
I’ve had this idea in my head for a while now.  I finally got around to drawing it.   Bubsy the Bobcat © Accolade Star Fox © Nintendo
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tsknew999 · 6 years
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tsknew999 · 6 years
This is just as a reminder to anyone who even still follows this: I’m mostly active here, on Twitter. I abandoned this old ass tumblr account years ago because Tumblr, to me, is a place for 3 things: Petty Drama and Bitching Memes Porn It has never really been a place where i can find and talk to reasonable people with a straight forward conversation. It’s more just been a place to dump stupid shit for attention. The Captain Pronin and Space Walker gifs are example, to me, that that is the case. I’m either mostly on Twitter, mostly uploading on YouTube as Xindictive (not TheStickKid, dead YT account for years, moved on) or on Discord, which if you WANT to actually talk to me on Discord, you DM me first. If you DM me about the Jack v Dusty drama, then unless you are SqrlyJack or you have very good reason (aka you’re an actual part of this drama and not just a spectator who got involved after the fact), i won’t give you the time of day. I’d rather have some straight facts from the sides rather than rumours and bullshit. At the end of the day, the drama is childish and growing up is needed. While i am more sided for Dusty, that does NOT mean i am against Jack. If anything, i’m in the neutral side on this. And i opt to stay on it, for the way the evidence is, this drama is more personal than it needed it be and while Jack can contact me if he wants to provide more details on why he’s more in the right than Dusty, it won’t change my stance, it’ll only change my viewpoint and opinion on the situation. I respect both Dusty and Jack, wish no harm on either.
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tsknew999 · 6 years
This tumblr comes back from the fucking dead to vouch for Rusty here. I have seen Jack’s behaviour many times and it’s a shitty thing. Dusty is literally a very innocent fan of Bubsy, very little of what Jack has used against him makes sense or is actually fact. The very fact this is even going this far is so far the most pathetic thing he has done. The problem is that i have respect for SqrlyJack. I respect his decisions with Spanky, i respect his art, i respect his opinions. But for the love of me, i cannot respect his behaviour, his actions and the actions of the people who legit send shit to him so he can shit on it and act like an ass against the person behind it. Jack should’ve just done what he said before in the convo they had. “Patch this up and agree to disagree”. This dumb “drama” shouldn’t even be a thing. It’s honestly for the best of BOTH parties for this to be dropped immediately and move on, not speak to each other again and leave each other alone. It’s also best for everyone to leave both Dusty and Jack alone about this. It’s clearly getting to more personal levels. Don’t fucking piggy back on this shit. As a final note, not every fan of Bubsy who “goes deep in the Bubsy hole” begins to hate Spanky and Jack. As someone who is a big fan of Bubsy, who considers Bubsy 3D one of their favourite all time games, non-joke, and who actually wants to see Bubsy get a proper game, not a piece of shit like Black Forest did, i like Spanky and what Jack has done thus far with Spanky and the gang. I have no ill will on any of it. I only wish that Jack and his posse would be more mature over the fandom and not go to this level of dumb, childish bullshit. If both parties can at the very least behave with each other, then there should be no need for this. SqrlyJack can make his Bubsy hate art. He can shit on the character, the series, the lore, all of it. It’s not a surprise, it’s literally a norm with the internet right now. But he needs to cool it and not attack people who like Bubsy. Same with all of his fans. There is no need to start fights and wars against each other over a fucking bobcat. Who cares if Dusty is “obsessive”? Who cares if Jack is an “asshole”? Who cares if Spanky looks ugly as shit and Bubsy is annoying as all hell? None of it means you have to take shit personal and start throwing punches at people like a prick. - Xindictive
Who wrote this stuff?
So apparently, Sqrlyjack is attempting to make me look bad with a tumblr post. Typical of that type of person.  This isn’t complicated, Sqrlyjack was cool with me until seeing me do Bubsy fan art.  Then they started making negative comments every time I posted anything Bubsy related. I respond to them telling them that I actually like Bubsy and that’s why I post Bubsy related stuff and their only retort is to start arguing with me about how bad the game is.
So, of course, they do not stop commenting toxic stuff every single time I make a Bubsy related post.  So I started hiding their comments to keep their negativity out.  They get offended by this, of course, and block me on every medium.  Fine by me, I moved on.  I want nothing more to do with this persons level of toxicity.  Later on, I finish a Bubsy fursuit and people like it. Even got messaged by the creators upcoming game about it as well as other fun stuff.  Sqrlyjack sees this and they cant help themselves and messages me.  Not even knowing what to say to me, but since they can’t help themselves and have to say something, anything,  all they have to say is “wanna see something spooky” and send me an image of the comic I made for them as a gift awhile back. (back in June or July) 
I told this person that, in their own words, they “blocked me everywhere”, but after seeing my fursuit they unblocked me just to stir up more crap.  As soon as they realize that I actually moved on and don’t care what they have to say, Their response is to give a BS apology just to try and get their foot back in the door.  I was dumb enough to think they were genuine, but, of course, they immediately became snarky again when say saw me respond to the apology.  So, I said NOPE,  don’t want anything to do with them.
Now their response is to quickly make a big post trying to slander me because “their story must be heard, quickly, before rusty might say anything and make them look bad instead”.  I had no interest in even talking about this person to anyone anymore because I didn’t want to embarrass them in public and I just want nothing to do with them, but, if they are gonna make up lies about me and or try to give information out of context in an attempt to make me look bad, then I guess I’ll have to.
Here is the log of the entire conversation between this person and I.  Not edited, not out of context.  Plain.  So you can judge for yourself. https://sta.sh/022670ywqkrt
 This person says they are “worried that I feel they hate me personally, simply because i like Bubsy”.  I don’t care if this person likes or hates me, they are the one who keeps spitting toxicity so i removed their comments.  It’s that simple.  They are the one who blocked me everywhere, by their own admission, and then when they see that people are liking something new I got going on, they unblock me because they cant stand it and gotta stirr up more trouble.  This person has some kind of obsession with me and I don’t want anything to do with it.
Saying your sorry and then in the same sentence telling the person your apologizing to that they have “obsessions”, telling someone that you’re sorry but you are “still gonna tease them”, telling them that they were an “obvious target”, these little passive aggressive remarks are not the makings of an apology, they are fake and gross. After that I made my final response to them, (which I never should have even replied to their very first comment to me) and then I blocked them and called it done.  This person then actually took time to try and get around it by messaging me with another account. So this person blocks me, then unblocks me a month later to say something to me cause they saw that i made a new fursuit, then when I block them they message me from a different account to say more. And they wanna say I am the one who is obsessed?  Dude this person is nutso. Here is the message they sent from an alt account: https://sta.sh/01vh37s8c4i4
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 "You don’t get the hate that Bubsy gets"- No, I don’t care if anyone hates Bubsy.  I just don’t want you spitting your toxic comments on my stuff anytime I post something Bubsy related.  It’s obsessive and stupid.  Get over it.
“Since they probably really upset you judging from your reactions” My reaction was to say “dude wtf you’re obsessed. bye”, You’re projecting if you think you upset me :) “But if you want to keep being scared of me” Scared of you?  Why?  Because I finally blocked you?  Does that mean you were scared of me when you blocked me?  Oh wait, no, you did that because you were upset that I was hiding your toxic comments.  You’re projecting again.
“At least i can say I tried. :V” Right, they unblock me just to say “I saw your fursuit retweeted by the Bit Trip guys” and that they “had be blocked everywhere Apparently”  (Apparently, as if they were unaware of it or didn’t do that themselves),  and they unblocked me just to “show me something spooky” which is, “apparently” the little comic i made for them months ago.  And their only explanation when asked what they meant is: “I’m just trying to say don’t act like this never happened, yo” Seriously wtf, this crazy person was grasping for straws for some way to start a convo with me again.   Then they say they are “sorry for causing me to obsess over Bubsy” as well as having “corrupted many other people into loving Bubsy”? This person just loves themselves so much, attempting to claim credit for other people liking Bubsy?  Then telling me about how they are “someone who got to talk to Michael Berlyn many times” and that they are “friends with his nephew James (who does the music for Spanky)”.  You know what this looks like?  It looks, to me, like this person didn’t unblock me and contact me again just because I made a new Bubsy fursuit (though I wouldn’t be surprised), but rather, this person saw that the creators of the new game, Choice Provisions as well as Rob Paulson, himself, were retweeting my fursuit, so they just had to unblock me and stirr stuff up because they are feeling somehow territorial that I am getting “more attention than they are” or something childish and stupid to that effect.  Then they wanna say “At least I can say I tried”.
Seriously, the moment I told this person that I’m done with their BS, their very next post went from being a smartass to “Please kind sir do not cut my hair” just in the hopes of getting their foot back in the door.
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This person first admits to me that the post I did not read was another insult, then they start trying to sound nice, complementing my fursuit, then telling me how they recently remade their own fursuit, but then goes RIGHT back to telling me about their hate for Bubsy and why. Then they wanna start ragging on me being “religious” about Bubsy?  I happen to be a Christian. So I find meaning in a lot of things that other people may not.  That is fine, no one has to share the same beliefs that I do.  But I find it gross when someone tries to display mentions of my beliefs, even in the smallest capacity, to others in a bad light.  For that, alone, I think this person is unhealthy to be around.  In other words, that’s not cool. After I blocked this person I get on discord with my friends and someone else pops up that the discord owner says was an alt account of Sqrlyjack.  Doesn’t matter in any case since they were being so negative, but, apparently, I am “passive-aggressively attacking with alts”.  I never messaged this person with an alt account or in any other fashion.  When they first blocked me for hiding their comments, I was happy about it and moved on. They are the one messaging me with alt accounts, which I proved in this post. One of the names this person is trying to imply is me: “ArtyQatarty”, is apparently someone who harrassed alot of people in a toxic fashion in the past.  I looked up the name and it was just recently removed from DA, but a post from someone complaining about them hasn’t been: https://www.deviantart.com/mydoggycatmadi/journal/ArtyQatarty-terrible-ways-of-criticism-770043544 Given their mental behavior so far, I would not be surprised if this was an alt account by Sqrlyjack that they use to be toxic to others on the down low for the fun of it. I get the feeling they recently deleted it because mentioning the account on their recent post about me would put light on it and might lead to someone, somehow, discovering that it is a Sqrlyjack alt.  Who knows. But this person assumed those alts might be me “for p̶a̶r̶a̶n̶o̶i̶a̶ some reason”.
Lastly, I make a spoof of a popular meme and this person attempts to claim that this constitutes me calling them subhuman.  I definitely admit to saying that they are “no longer a human being, I mean the lengths this asshole goes through just to hate on Bubsy, it’s freaking bonkers”.  I stand by that quote, but, the meme image has nothing to do with it or Sqrlyjack or anyone.  It is just a spoof of a currently popular meme, meant to be fun and silly. 
This person is just desperate for ammunition in their post about me so they say stupid things under the meme like: Read: “Any and all criticism makes you subhuman to me.” And
“Just let it be known the dude called me subhuman over my opinions of a video game character” No dude, this has nothing to do with your opinions over a video game character, this has to do with the way, in which, you express those opinions on others.  The way you use said opinions as an excuse to harrass me.  I gotta say it again, you blocked me everywhere, those are your words, and then you unblocked me a month later just because you saw my fursuit get mentioned by the creators of the new Bubsy game?  Just cause you had to say something? anything?
And right before I made this post my friend shows me a comment this person made on their own post trying to pre-emptively defend themselves from the slap they know they are gonna get: “ Nb4 the antidrama brigade complains about drama, blissfully unaware that they’re contributing by doing so. Not just that but contributing to the side of dehumanizing and death threats over a cartoon. ”
In other words: “In before anyone disagrees with me.  Also you’re contributing to drama nya nya”.  What are you, 8?  seriously.  Saying “Nb4” anything immediately makes you sound like a third grader.
This is stupid. I DON’T like “exposing” someone no matter how they behave.  I was more than happy to just move on when this person blocked me for hiding their toxic comments.  But if they are gonna libel me then here it is.  Facts.   The best way for me to end this post is to paste, once again, the most important thing that I have ever said to this person:
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tsknew999 · 8 years
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tsknew999 · 8 years
Guess what, Tumblr?
Sand is a gender.
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tsknew999 · 8 years
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We’re making Psychonauts 2! But we need your help! Back us here: www.fig.co
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tsknew999 · 9 years
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tsknew999 · 9 years
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tsknew999 · 9 years
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tsknew999 · 9 years
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tsknew999 · 9 years
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tsknew999 · 9 years
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You’re going too far, Spikestuff.
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tsknew999 · 9 years
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Spikestuff, pls.
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tsknew999 · 9 years
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Spikestuff wanted a wanker too.
He should probably stop asking for things about this image.
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tsknew999 · 9 years
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Spikestuff also wants more image.
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