tsot-enthusiast · 4 months
An Intro:
To start, the basics:
My name is Gwen
I am 19
Pronouns are They/Them
I’m a zoology major
South Park is basically my favorite thing ever
The Stick of Truth>>>>>>>>>The Fractured but Whole
Main blog is @thenumber-e where i repost gay ass shit
my roomie and helper @professorducc they’ll eventually draw my designs cus i can’t
my awesome wife @panicatthecourtx
Onto the AU itself:
It’s not fully based off of the game itself, rather only the characters and kingdoms.
My personal favorite kingdom is the Dark Kingdom, my favorite characters definitely help with that one. (I’m looking at you, Craigory)
For the basics, it mainly follows Feldspar and Clyde (later known as Caliban) and their journey to bring back the Dark Kingdom after its previous downfall.
Basically, the previous Queen of the Dark Kingdom, Betsy Donovan, was killed and poisoned by the Wizard King. So, what was thought to be one of the most powerful kingdoms, maybe even on par with the Elven Kingdom, fell. It had been ten years since its downfall, and the two sixteen year olds who had no idea what they were doing, brought it back. With the power of the Stick of Truth on their side, they came back more powerful than before.
For the other kingdoms, in Kupa Keep, Cartman is of course the ruler. He was raised in poverty, which overall created his desperation for more and more power. Eventually, he found himself a following. Keep in mind, in the current timeline, he’s around 500 years old. With his following, he slowly grew the kingdom, turning it into one of the most powerful nations in Zaron. He believed the elves were cruel, so he chose to fight against them, he never wanted to work with them.
The elves, for a very long time, were the most powerful beings in all of Zaron. Their queen’s power was unmatched. Though, in a fierce battle against Kupa Keep in an attempt to bring back their kidnapped princess, the queen was killed. Her eldest son, who was ten at the time, found himself in charge of an infinitely powerful kingdom. And with rumors of the Dark Kingdom making a comeback, he knew he wasn’t worthy…
And that’s the basics! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I’ll be developing on these later, putting out more detailed posts.
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