tsundereassassin · 3 years
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Gillian Flynn, Sharp Objects
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tsundereassassin · 3 years
I so desperately wanted to beautiful, to be art, but I am human. I so desperately wanted to be given agency, to have life, but I am nothing. I am neither art nor a person. Not even an endless vacuum would lay claim to my thoughts or being. I can not be void, for I exist, yet the very fact of existing renders me lacking. I am the nothing, an unthing, less than a person but existing in time and space all the same.
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tsundereassassin · 3 years
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tsundereassassin · 3 years
Its been twelve years I guess and I still want Z to come home and comfort me like he did when I was 11. I want my family back. Where did you go? Why did you leave? You fucking disappeared right when my trauma compounded and I needed you. And you left. I had to deal with it all alone. But. . . What I really want to know is: Where are you? Are you okej? Are you safe? Happy? I miss you.
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tsundereassassin · 3 years
I was never meant for this. I just want to protect. But when I see this how am I meant to act? What am I meant to do? Who am I supposed to keep safe? I'm frightened.
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tsundereassassin · 4 years
Co-napping is a beautiful thing. Knock out with me so I know it’s real
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tsundereassassin · 4 years
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A picnic for Felix 🍰
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tsundereassassin · 4 years
Thanks for reminding me of the traumaversary this week.
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tsundereassassin · 4 years
im a romantic but the plot twist is that im unlovable
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tsundereassassin · 4 years
*thinks about my ex* *thinks about my ex* *thinks about my ex* *thinks about my ex* *thinks about-*
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tsundereassassin · 4 years
When your heart hurts and your brain hurts and you'd just rather be dead.
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tsundereassassin · 4 years
my desire to be hidden from the world just keeps intensifying
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tsundereassassin · 4 years
Hey so??? If you want to ditch me just be 100% about it. Don't just leave me half wondering. I dont do this kind of bullshit.
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tsundereassassin · 4 years
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tsundereassassin · 4 years
So my sibling got back w/ their ex and me and our other sibling were very sus because of how controlling and honestly negative this person was previously (not to mention some other things) but our sibling loves him so. . . They did it anyway. Then they invited him back into our lives and promised he was a better person and honestly I want to believe that. But. . .
Now their bf is making it seem like im the untrustworthy/abusive one bc he wants to read all our dms because im going to "mistreat" my sibling because we had personal issues that we disagreed on and I wanted to handle the discussion privately instead of publicly in front of him.
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tsundereassassin · 4 years
Mothers be like: oh yeah I sold off all your collections and stuff because you don't need that any more.
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tsundereassassin · 4 years
rolled my birth certificate in a blunt and smoked it i dont have human rights anymore
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