tsunderetea · 5 years
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Like/repost if used ♡︎ give credit if you posted, thank you!
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tsunderetea · 5 years
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tsunderetea · 5 years
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Like/repost if used ♡ give credit if posted, thank you!
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tsunderetea · 5 years
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Rusalochka (1976)
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tsunderetea · 5 years
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Art by @prinsomnia
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tsunderetea · 5 years
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tsunderetea · 6 years
reminder: what’s yours will be yours. no need to rush. no need to feel anxious. all good things take time. and when it does come, your heart will be so grateful. give it time. rest your mind. and enjoy the present moments.
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tsunderetea · 6 years
reblog if your boyfriend is an angel
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tsunderetea · 6 years
shoutout to the people in love, falling in love, or saying ‘i love you’ for the first time. i hope it’s everlasting and beautiful the rest of your days.
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tsunderetea · 6 years
Do you have a valentine?
no, i have anxiety 
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tsunderetea · 6 years
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The Girl From the Other Side
Totsukuni no Shoujo
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tsunderetea · 6 years
12 Steps For Self Care
If it feels wrong, don’t do it
Say exactly what you mean
Don’t be a people pleaser
Trust your instincts 
Never speak bad about yourself
Never give up on your dreams
Don’t be afraid to say “no”
Don’t be afraid to say “yes”
Be KIND to yourself
Let go of what you can’t control
Stay away from drama & negativity
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tsunderetea · 6 years
♡ post-holidays self care ♡
partied too hard these holidays? i guess it’s time for you to detox, mentally & physically…
♡ take a bath or a shower. no need for fancy lush bath bombs, just light a few candles and enjoy the feeling of hot water cleansing your body. ♡ don’t have the energy to move from your bed? then stay in bed. it’s okay honey. maybe change your clothes? ♡ meditate on all you want to leave behind you and do not look back. ♡ drink tea! especially green tea. sencha is the best if you can put your hands on it. ♡ eat organic food, like raw vegetables or soup. store bought is fine. ♡ surround yourself with positive people or stay alone and enjoy your own company.
&…  ♡ if the holidays is a time you do not appreciate, or if those ones where hard to deal with for you, take a deep breath & smile, cause it’s over now! 💫
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tsunderetea · 6 years
Daily Affirmations
I am treating myself with patience and understanding.
I am accepting where I am right now without judgment.
I am the unconditional love I desire.
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tsunderetea · 6 years
if you are having trouble with eating:
you deserve to eat
you need to eat
food is not the enemy
calories give you the energy to smile
you are worthy
you are loved
i am proud of you for fighting, you can do this!!
5 seconds of insane courage, it’s all you need
your struggles are real, so is your bravery
you are good enough
you are not a mistake
you are one of a kind
every cell in your body needs love
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tsunderetea · 6 years
small habits to adopt
wake up early
drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up
meditate or concentrate on your breathing for at least 2 mins
visualize your goals for the day and for the future
make your bed 
do calf raises or squats while brushing your teeth
dry brush
take a cold shower (or end a hot shower with cold water right after for about 3 mins)
put on lotion while your skin is still damp
cleanse, tone, and moisturize your face
apply sunscreen
drink a glass of water before and after every meal
listen to a podcast/ted talk instead of music while walking or driving
park far away from where you’re going
stand up straight
look at people in the eye when talking to them
look straight ahead when walking, not at the ground
smile at strangers
stop complaining (it’s bad for your health)
bring cash instead of credit card
track your expenses
turn off notifications on your phone when doing work
resist the urge to go on your phone and observe your surroundings more
set a timer for 5 mins when scrolling through social media and stop when the time is up
learn at least 5 new vocab words from your target language every day
exercise while watching shows/videos
read at least 10 pages every day
do tasks that can be done in 2 mins right away
drink tea
prepare workout gear the night before
jot down tasks for the next day before sleeping
write down quotes/lyrics that strike a chord
spend 30 mins on a hobby
journal and write down things you are grateful for
aim for 7-8 hours of sleep
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tsunderetea · 6 years
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Lessons learnt from this summer by @minijournals
Tips and guides
Selfcare guide
Self care by @kimanoir
Self care tips for students by @theorganisedstudent
12 steps for self care
Self-care to do list
Some little self care things by @irinastudies
Self-care guide by @thetrevorproject
101 self care ideas by @microstvdy
Self care by @littleredstudies
Finals self care by @rubypolar
Instruction manual by @hufflepuffwannabe
Some self care tips by @lovefulls
Self care by @lazyhermione
15 self care ideas by @kaleylearns
Little self care things by @flowerais
Self-care by @mlstudies
Self care by @likelyhealthy
A very brief guide to selfcare by @ejlandsman
My favourite selfcare tips by @rubynerdy
26 selfcare activities by @sheisrecovering
Little habits/things to do more of by @heyrosiebee
Guide to sleep by @educatier
Balancing sleep & education by @brbimstudying
Perfect night sleep
How to go to bed early and actually fall asleep
How to drink more water ft printables
Hydration masterpost
Take a break
Types of study breaks by @samsstudygram
Tips for getting better rest
Treat yourself
Simple ways to treat yourself by @anitastudy
Guide to treating yourself by @pennyfynotes
25 No/Low cost self care acts by @gaygirlhustle
Feel good
How to feel better by @bbangstudies
Feel good by @librarystudies
7 ways to feel better by @p-antarei
If you are having a bad day by @theblacksiren
Easy ways to destress by @parisgellerstudy
Stress relievers by @noteology
How to deal with stress by @studywithclover
Apps to help you destress by @gracelearns
Tips to manage stress by @fairy-studies-blr
How to deal with study burnout by @eintsein
Avoid education burnout by @neuroticmedblr
Mental health
Saving your grades from a crisis by @smartstudy
Chronic illness + studying by @studysenior
Coping with mental health by @overstudies
Studying with depression by @rannedomblr
Anxiety distraction games by @peachou
Anxiety masterpost by @dotgrids
Relaxing doesn’t help anxiety by @merrybitchmas91
Meditation and focus
Study sounds
What to do with notebooks by @tbhstudying
Podcasts for students by @studyquill
Period masterpost
Dealing with eye strain by @studylikeaslytherin
Listen by @studyblr
50 things you can do without looking at a screen
How to live a better life by @wilstudies
Fitness & health for student by @abby-studies-art
Friendly reminders taken from @cwote
Your mental health is more important than your grades
You are good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, and strong enough
Don’t just be good to others, be good to yourself too
Embrace all that is you
You will be okay
Just breathe. It will be okay.
Be proud of yourself for how hard you’re trying.
Be nice to yourself
Don’t beat yourself up. You are doing the best you can.
Be gentle with yourself, you’re doing the best you can.
Better things are coming.
Loving yourself is the greatest revolution.
Remind yourself, you deserve to be happy
Respect yourself. Don’t let others tell you who you are.
Learn to say no to people and things that make you unhappy.
Enjoy your own company.
Forgive yourself.
Never apologise for how you feel
Give yourself some credit. You’ve come pretty far.
Mental health is just as important as physical health.
Surround yourself with good vibes
Stop worrying about people who aren’t worried about you.
If you find you are surrounded by toxic people… Cut. Them. Out.
Trust yourself. You’re smarter than you think.
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