tthe2ndfallenmaster · 2 years
send ‘💦’ if your muse thinks mine is fuckable.
if you can’t see the symbol send ‘sweat droplet emoji’.
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tthe2ndfallenmaster · 3 years
Send ‘X’ to find my muse beaten, bloody, and left for dead.
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tthe2ndfallenmaster · 3 years
“Why do you go away now?”
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Hades was quiet for a moment. "Is it not simple?"
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tthe2ndfallenmaster · 3 years
send ‘🦵’ to sit on my muse’s lap for their reaction.
if you can’t see the symbol send ‘leg emoji’.
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tthe2ndfallenmaster · 3 years
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tthe2ndfallenmaster · 3 years
Would you come back to life if it meant you could be with Mavis again?
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Hades crosses his arm. In one verse he was already, but...to be with her again... That was tempting, it was always tempting... He looks over and glares. "And how do you expect that to happen?"
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tthe2ndfallenmaster · 3 years
“Oh really? And how, pray tell me, will giving her that information help? How can I expect she wouldn’t use it for something bad? Or worse, give it to Zeref. Over my own time in Hell.” It hurt seeing her cry, it did, but he didn’t want anything like what happened all those years ago, happen again.
Seeing Maeve, he growls and curses. “I didn’t die two TIMES for this to be the way I live after death. I am tired of Zeref and his foolery, and he WILL learn his lesson be it by Fairy Tail or someone else!” Hades leaves. “Besides, all that research is gone, Zeref destroyed most of it with my SHIP!”
“This world needs less suffering my love.. You have always been so good at keeping knowledge in mind and on paper. I remember…” Mavis muttered to herself as he left. Looking down at the mage at the base of the tree, she let out a soft sigh.
If precht wouldn’t help, she would find some way to ease her fears.
Maeve knew she wouldn’t be able to change his mind. She knew he was angry. He had every right to be.
Of course she would remember that detail. What didn’t she remember. ‘My love’. It hurt hearing her say that, and he had to hold himself back from saying something he could possibly regret. It hurt... all that time, all those years together... It took one accident for her to flee and come back pretty much dead, and pregnant. Not only was she knocked up, but by Zeref no less, leaving him to deal with HIS MESS... the GULL! And now Mavis wants him to help again, after everything. His ego was already bruised and damaged enough.
But his heart only hurt worse, and he couldn’t figure out who to be mad at.
In the end, it was all useless. In the end it didn’t natter. He was just going to loose against him anyway. Finding himself after some time by an ocean side, he plops himself and sighs. Now what? He was far to moody to sleep for eternity now.
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tthe2ndfallenmaster · 3 years
“And? I do not know here, why should I help her? Not my fault she is in this mess. Maybe if she actually headed warnings of the man, she wouldn’t be here…”
Not like he can help her in anyway.
“… And you think I can? Please… I wasted my whole life to find a cure and found only destruction. How do you expect me to find something actually useful?”
Mavis frowned, tears welling up in frustration. “You couldn’t save me but you can help her. She doesn’t need the curse broken she just needs more information.”
Maeve glanced up at the tree, her fairytail mark had been erased before she made the trip to seek out Hades so she saw and heard nothing. It didn’t stop her from feeling the faintest of presences. She had run away again.
“Oh really? And how, pray tell me, will giving her that information help? How can I expect she wouldn’t use it for something bad? Or worse, give it to Zeref. Over my own time in Hell.” It hurt seeing her cry, it did, but he didn’t want anything like what happened all those years ago, happen again.
Seeing Maeve, he growls and curses. “I didn’t die two TIMES for this to be the way I live after death. I am tired of Zeref and his foolery, and he WILL learn his lesson be it by Fairy Tail or someone else!” Hades leaves. “Besides, all that research is gone, Zeref destroyed most of it with my SHIP!”
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tthe2ndfallenmaster · 3 years
Hearing Maeve yell for Mavis, he pauses. Wait…she was here? Looking around, he frowns as he wonders if he was being played with.
Damn children…
Hearing a at to familiar voice, he looks over at her with a wide eye before giving her a dirty look of annoyance. “…Tsk…” With that he disappears as to not be so easily seen. “Who you take me for?”
“My closest friend and knight. Please Precht. Help Maeve, she doesn’t have anything to do with your pain. She is a scared woman.”
Mavis pouted when he disappeared, crossing her arms and puffing her cheeks.
Maeve was curled up on the ground, leaning against the tree. “Zer keeps pushing me away…. Maybe I should find Natsu….. but he can’t help…”
“And? I do not know here, why should I help her? Not my fault she is in this mess. Maybe if she actually headed warnings of the man, she wouldn’t be here...”
Not like he can help her in anyway.
“... And you think I can? Please... I wasted my whole life to find a cure and found only destruction. How do you expect me to find something actually useful?”
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tthe2ndfallenmaster · 3 years
Blinded by devotion hm? If anyone was it was HER. Hades scoffs at this as he watches from a tree, arms and legs crossed. But it mattered not… Mavis… so she knows her somehow…
Hades closes his eyes as he continues to hide. Love… what a joke…
She waved her hands a bit. “Mavis I know you followed me. I told you this was useless! I can’t even use the shadows to sneak into the old library.”
She scowls and drops to the ground, rubbing her stomach without thought.
Mavis had been watching and gave Hades a stern glare. She stood in front of the man hiding in the tree. She tried to make herself visible to him. “HELP HER YOU BIG DOLT! DONT LET HER BECOME LIKE US!”
Hearing Maeve yell for Mavis, he pauses. Wait...she was here? Looking around, he frowns as he wonders if he was being played with.
Damn children...
Hearing a at to familiar voice, he looks over at her with a wide eye before giving her a dirty look of annoyance. “...Tsk...” With that he disappears as to not be so easily seen. “Who you take me for?”
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tthe2ndfallenmaster · 3 years
With that he quickly turns and blasts a ball of magic past her as he glares, his eye cold and murderous. Such a topic was always sensitive to him, and to hear someone he didn’t trust know of it… Was an insult. 
“…Tsk…” Turning away he disappears. He was dead now, there was no reason for him to stay if he wanted too.
“Fucking coward…. Of course she was wrong about you… she is blinded by her devotion to you…” she was mad, her emotions fluctuating in a way they never have. She felt completely alone and lost.
“I shouldn’t have bothered. I’ve done well on my own till now.”
Blinded by devotion hm? If anyone was it was HER. Hades scoffs at this as he watches from a tree, arms and legs crossed. But it mattered not... Mavis... so she knows her somehow...
Hades closes his eyes as he continues to hide. Love... what a joke...
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tthe2ndfallenmaster · 3 years
“Why are you so insistent in knowing?” What? He makes a look. “Mavis? ‘He’?” Don’t tell him…
Getting up he glares at her as a dark aura forms about him before he quickly turns and walks. “Leave.” He didn’t want to hear another word. And how the HELL did she find out about the research?
“Mavis told me… that you had done something for her. She couldn’t tell me anything more… he was one of my only friends. He has grown distant now… I just want to know what to prepare for.”
His darkness doesn’t scare her, shadows wrapping around the younger woman. “Please…”
With that he quickly turns and blasts a ball of magic past her as he glares, his eye cold and murderous. Such a topic was always sensitive to him, and to hear someone he didn’t trust know of it... Was an insult. 
“...Tsk...” Turning away he disappears. He was dead now, there was no reason for him to stay if he wanted too.
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tthe2ndfallenmaster · 3 years
With the girl now in front of him, he glares before slowly looking up at her. Now she has done it.
Ankseram… “I said…I don’t know…what you are…talking about…” His teeth starts to grit. “Now leave me, before I boot you out of here MYSELF.”
“I need to know about the curse… I need to know what happens… what happens to a child? Mavis can’t tell me and he won’t.”
She isn’t phased by his glare or his rage. “I will leave after you tell me what I need to know. Or give me the research so I can try to read it myself.”
“Why are you so insistent in knowing?” What? He makes a look. “Mavis? ‘He’?” Don’t tell him...
Getting up he glares at her as a dark aura forms about him before he quickly turns and walks. “Leave.” He didn’t want to hear another word. And how the HELL did she find out about the research?
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tthe2ndfallenmaster · 3 years
And stubborn was underestimation. He rarely showed his face in public, now more then ever, to him, it was best to keep to the shadows and let things play out. But it would seem, his old childish guild had other plans.
Hearing that name, he growls. “How so? Not like I knew him really myself. Knew him just as much as everyone else.” Hades lies.
She gives a cold grin, teeth bared slightly. She had caught him in the lie. Her eyes flash slightly and she moves to be in front of him.
“You can tell me about Ankseram… you can tell me about what happened to his curse. Don’t act like you can’t.”
With the girl now in front of him, he glares before slowly looking up at her. Now she has done it.
Ankseram... “I said...I don’t know...what you are...talking about...” His teeth starts to grit. “Now leave me, before I boot you out of here MYSELF.”
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tthe2ndfallenmaster · 3 years
Fairy Tail… So that’s how she knows him, hm? “And what could I POSSIBLY have to to give you?” He snorts.
“If you know me, then you would know I don’t care for people. Therefore, I prefer to be left alone. So run along, before you get hurt.”
She knew he would be stubborn. Had been expecting it from what she learned. Mavis had warned her about him when they had their chats. She hadn’t expected much but she had run out of options.
Her tail swished in annoyance and her ears flick. “You are the only one who can give me answers about Zeref the man… not the legends…”
And stubborn was underestimation. He rarely showed his face in public, now more then ever, to him, it was best to keep to the shadows and let things play out. But it would seem, his old childish guild had other plans.
Hearing that name, he growls. “How so? Not like I knew him really myself. Knew him just as much as everyone else.” Hades lies.
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tthe2ndfallenmaster · 3 years
The elder scoffs as he looks away, but freezes at his name before tensing up. “… Who are you? What do you want?…”
“I want to gain some knowledge from you that only you can give me… I’m Maeve. I was… am? Was a member of fairytail…”
Her smile fades only a little and she moves back a step to give him some space.
Fairy Tail... So that’s how she knows him, hm? “And what could I POSSIBLY have to to give you?” He snorts.
“If you know me, then you would know I don’t care for people. Therefore, I prefer to be left alone. So run along, before you get hurt.”
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tthe2ndfallenmaster · 3 years
 ❰❰ BACK ❱❱ sender touches receiver on the back Maeve wants to send this to him!
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Sitting on the hill, overlooking the waters, Hades feels a poke before glaring as he growls. “Do you mind? I am not your grandfather, or whoever you take me for…”
“I have no living family.. I take you for Master Hades.. the man that knew my only friends…” she gives him a small smile, almost soft in return.
The elder scoffs as he looks away, but freezes at his name before tensing up. “... Who are you? What do you want?...”
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