tufuturo-abogado · 3 years
Wabe, Trishia V. | BSTCM 2K3
Social media has always been our source of entertainment in our daily lives. We get to connect with a lot of people who are far from us.
However, social media platforms also gives negative effects to us. Knowing the fact that what we see in internet is not the reality.
We can be able to post photos online that we are smiling but behind those photos is a silent battle that we are fighting, individually.
CYBERBULLYING is one of the negative things that we usually get in social media or the internet. This will make a huge damage into ourselves and affects how we interact with other people.
Way back when I was a junior highschool. I was a victim of Cyberbullying. My classmates did edited my picture and they wrote a caption "MONKEY" "CHIMPANZEE". I was hurt because I saw them laughing at the photo they edited and it was posted in social media.
Then, after a year I became a victim again when my classmate did talked about me in a group chat. I saw the entire conversation and I saw that they are exchanging messages about my appearance.
It made my whole junior highschool year a worst school year of my life. I am in pain throughout those years but I am thankful because I managed to graduate.
WE SHOULD STOP CYBERBULLYING or any kind of BULLYING because we know the consequences we'll gonna get if we do this kind of things that will cause trauma and trust issues to the victim.
Everyone be responsible enough to know where to stand. We know what's right and wrong. Choose to live a rightful life that you'll never regret the moment you face your death.
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tufuturo-abogado · 3 years
Nowadays, people are always questioning their worth as a person, as an individual. Having this problem causes lack of cofidence that resulted to poor socialization and interaction with other people.
People! If ever you are this kind of a person, change your view about yourself. No one will love you and embrace you first if you cannot do it to yourselves.
If you're gonna ask me this. Why should I love myself? Why should I boost my confidence?
Heyyy ladies and gentlemen! Read this.
It is important to love ourselves because through it we could make ourselves feel better. By feeling better It'll boost our confidence that will surely help us in facing the world each and everyday.
Remember; before others, love yourself first.
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tufuturo-abogado · 3 years
Let me start this by asking you question. Have you ever been inlove? Love is a great feeling that we can give to other people and vice versa. However, it is one of the common reason why a lot of woman gets pregnant.
It is not a wrong thing to love a man but you should have your limits so that you could take good care of yourself and your future.
Do not give everything just because you're inlove. People might say that there are a lot of contraceptives that you can buy everywhere but how about your mental health.
Ladies, start to assess yourself of the possible outcome.
If NO, then stop engaging in sexual intercourse! With or without contraceptives is still dangerous for you.
Live the life you want and imagined for yourself.
To the young moms out there or soon to be teens moms. You know to yourself that you did made a mistake but I know looking at your baby would make you feel that it's not a mistake but a blessing.
My message to all of you is that continue to live your life even if you already have a baby and a responsibility. It is not a less of you if you already have one but don't throw your life and waste it into nonsense things.
All of you are a strong woman because I know the hardships, the issues, the people (are talking behind your back) and the judgements you get every single day. Stay strong Queens mommas.
And to the girls out there specifically the teens. Know your limits. Know you boundaries. Love can wait and sex too. Don't be on a rush. Focus on youselves and your studies.
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tufuturo-abogado · 3 years
Wabe, Trishia V. / BSTCM 2K3
My Unique Experiences In This Pandemic
Before the widespread of COVID-19 here in CDO, students of USTP including me were preparing for our midterm examination then it was cancelled and we thought that it is only for a day or a week. Until the university announced that all classes will be held online through virtual way of teaching and learning. Thanks to God, I can say that up until now I keep on surviving the hassle of having this online classes. However, this new normal and new way of learning opened a lot of opportunities and new venture to me since I have a lot of time here at home.
These are the things that I did while being at home due to pandemic. First, I applied to a be an online tutor for Japanese people and fortunately I made it. For about 3 months or less I taught a lot of different kinds of Japanese until I decided to stop because we did a huge renovation to our house. Second, I became an online seller, selling different types of items and I realized that I love being in business industry. Right now, I am looking forward to the new sets of items that I will be selling because it will be my own product. Hoping that everyone will like and support me by being in this new venture.
These things made me stick to my realizations that "Life have so much to offer." I heard that a lot of people are depressed because of always being at home and the pandemic but if you always look for a positive way to overcome it then it will open a lot of new things and opportunities. I can't say that I am okay with the pandemic and not having face to face classes since I gained a lot of experiences while we are in this situation but I am saying that while we are struggling we should find a reason to live no matter what it is as long as you'll follow our community rules.
May 22, 2021
Wabe, Trishia V - TCM 2K3
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tufuturo-abogado · 4 years
This pandemic has caused a lot of problems around the world. Hospitals are full, businesses have closed, economy collapse, employees lost their jobs and many people lost their loved ones.
Covid-19 vaccination rollout will be our step to slowly eliminate the virus from dominating humanity. On the other hand, honestly I am in doubt of getting vaccinated because a lot of news circulating that it might kill us as part of its side effect. I don't know if it is fake news but still I am worried. Recently, my cousin who is working in NDRRMC CDO did vaccinated and I am happy for her but at the same time I felt scared due to the fact that she and her workmates did experienced side effects such as headache, chills and many more. Though, she is okay now thankfully.
My point here is not to scare you or anyone who will read this but I am just sharing my opinion. We have different perceptions and it's how my mind works. Such a coward.
Looking into a brighter side, I hope that these vaccines that are spreading around the world will be our 1st step to stop this pandemic and will be able to go back to our lives before.
I hope that oneday, I can be able to go to the University once again without being frightened if I will be infected and I know when we all get vaccinated then the virus could not get in to our body.
- Wabe, Trishia V.
March 23, 2021
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tufuturo-abogado · 4 years
For me, EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. The occurences or situations that I had to experienced made me realize things that I did not know I am capable with. It made me learn new things that will surely be in my mind forever.
Though, if there are things that I'd do differently when I have an opportunity to go back before. I think it will be some of my life choices that made me ignorant of the things that I envy other because they know it. Good example of it is knowing how to swim or riding a bike. For others, they might say that it's just a simple reason but for me it was supposed to be my memory of my childhood.
If you are going to ask me if what I have remember when I was a child. I cannot say many things. I grew up transferring different school and different houses due to my father's occupation.
I grew up afraid of people because every place that we lived was always new to me when I was a child. I didn't grow having childhood friends.
Lastly, I think If I'd go back. I'll avoid bad eating habits when I am stressed because I have encountered a lot of bullies from elementary, high school , senior high school until now college. I experienced being bullied physically, emotionally, verbally and mentally just because of my appearance. Having a body that doesn't meet the standard of our society made me insecure.
But here I am. Still fighting as I always will be. I cannot go back to what had happened before but I still have the chance to learn those things that I want to learn and I am working for myself to be better and most especially to lose weight. More self love since I didn't give it to myself before.
March 23, 2021
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tufuturo-abogado · 4 years
"Our vote can make a difference."
Election Day is fast approaching that one day we'll wake up that tomorrow will be our time to choose for the next leaders of our country.
One fact about me is that I haven't yet registered as a voter but I am planning to register this year so that I could be able to vote next year. Basically, it will be my first time to vote and to choose whom I'll trust our country's future with.
All I want for this upcoming election day is for us to VOTE WISELY. We should not be persuade by those politicians who are only good in the beginning and will take advantage of our current situation. Always remember that for the next 6 years. They will be our leader. The people that will respresent us, fight for us, gives us hope and provide opportunities for us.
If we will not take our vote seriously or we will vote just for compliance. Remember this; we cannot take back the time that they will sit in a position being provided with a million salary without doing their work and the the worst thing is corrupting the taxes that supposed to be for our benefit and the advancement of our nation.
One of the issue when election day is near is about VOTE BUYING. Why would you let you vote to be bought? It's more like, you are also letting your dignity to be sold to those who are dying just to be in a position where they can steal money. Even if you say that you'll only accepting the money but not really voting for them. Still, what's the difference between you and them? Both are greedy and selfish.
We always say that someday THINGS WILL CHANGE but if we do not make a move then what change are we expecting?
We should lead the first step to change. Stand for what we believed in and fight for our right as a FILIPINO. RAISE OUR FLAGS like how Catriona did for country. It's our time to raise our flags with honesty, dignity and fairness.
- WABE, Trishia V.
(Proud to be A FILIPINO)
March 22, 2021
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tufuturo-abogado · 4 years
To my younger self,
Life has so much to offer to you Trishia. I just hope that the 20-year-old Trishia can be able to hug you even if I know it's impossible. All I want is for you to learn the things that you wanted to learn because you only live ones. I hope you did learn how to swim and ride a bike because I envy others who knows those things. I didn't know that writing a letter to you, my younger self would be this emotional. Engraved it in your mind that you don't need to feel pressure because you are the best. I just hope that you did control your eating habit whenever you are stress because there are a lot of bullies along your journey that will hurt you because you gained so much weight. Even if the moment you are in those times and you are hurt. Always remember that they are not worth your time and energy. Those bullies will be punished by God when time comes. You did glow up in your own little way as years passed by. I want you to enjoy your time with your family because the 10-year-old you can see the younger version of our mom and dad. A 20-year-old me have seen how our mom and dad have gained weight and wrinkles. I hope that you will love them and please, be good to them.
Little Trish, don't be insecure on others because they are pretty, rich and slim. Just be yourself because you will someday love yourself and will decide to let go of those weight.
By the way, I know you are shy about our house due to the fact that we live in a bamboo house. Don't worry, as you get older, our house will be better. Just stay humble and kind as you always be but please know if people are using you and abusing your kindness.
Right now, I am at my room crying while typing this message remembering the times that you cried and felt the pain. Though, I know you are strong because I am the outcome of how strong and brave you are. I will not be at this point of my life if my younger self did give up right? Please be proud of yourself because I am proud of what we have become through the years.
A little tip from me, don't eat too much because it's hard to lose weight. Though, I managed it but please avoid eating too much. But if you want to, it's okay because I know you did eat so much. I'll just workout more in this present time. I love you self. I will always love you.
- Love, 20-year-old Trishia.
March 19, 2021
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tufuturo-abogado · 4 years
Missing the sea and that kind of sunset huhu..
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tufuturo-abogado · 4 years
For how many years, I am happy to be back here on tmblr for academic purposes but I will try to continue publishing my personal blogs every week even if it's not for compliance.
Writing this blog will be for my Content Writing subject. So I will be putting my name and my section as well, for identity purposes.
My name is Trishia V. Wabe. A Bachelor of Science major in Technology Communication Management, Section 2K3, student at University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines.
Question for this week is about "HOW I CHOSE MY MAJOR (TCM)?"
Since Junior High School years, I always say that I want to be a Lawyer. Then, I transfered in USTP for my Senior High School years. Unfortunately, they only offer ICT and STEM strand resulted for me to change my dream which is pursuing another course related to STEM. They said SHS is a preparation for college so I thought it would be better if I choose another one. So I started to dream about being a medicine student. Medical technology course to be specific. However, due to financial problems I need to find a course in USTP again for college because they offer no tuition fee.
So here I am being a TCM student and through it, I think I could proceed in studying law after I finished this four-year course. Who would have thought that I could be able to have an opportunity to make possible the first dream that I always want since the beginning. I know by being a TCM major will be my advantage and disadvantage since we always study about communication and practice proper use of the language. On the other hand, because it's not really focusing on social studies like politics, government, laws and many other more. By this, it would be my disadvantage but I believe that the things that I have learned through this course will help me to overcome the challenges that I will be facing soon when I'll start to study law.
Another reason why I ended being a TCM student when there are a lot of different courses in USTP was because of my cousin who was also a BSTCM student way back her college years. I don't regret choosing this course, as a matter of fact I love TCM and I embrace it wholeheartedly. Seeing my cousin loving this course made me interested on it. Witnessing her giving all that she can for this course made me want to apply for it. She told me that TCM is flexible and when you finished college you can work in an office, or as a teacher, manager and many more (work that I can apply for if being an attorney is not for me). These caught my attention because I want to work in an office or do office works, doing public speaking, giving speech in front of many people. Basically, it suits me ,my passion and the bonus point is I don't have any tuition that we need to pay every semester. Just recently, my mother opened up the topic that what if I'll proceed law after TCM. Right now, I am not closing the door for any possibilities to become a law student or lawyer someday but I am really hoping to become one.
Again, this is Trishia V. Wabe - Tu Futuro Comunicador Y Abogado. Hopefully🙏🏻
March 18, 2021
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tufuturo-abogado · 4 years
You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anyone. - Maya Angelou 🖤🤍
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tufuturo-abogado · 6 years
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Be a lady that a man needs, not a lady who needs a man. 🌺 MU💄by: @clintonragmac 📸 by: Te @vjcherushii (at Kawayan Cliff Resort)
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tufuturo-abogado · 6 years
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📸: @_iamkaycee26 💙 #TrishiaTurns18 (at Kawayan Cliff Resort)
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tufuturo-abogado · 7 years
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tattered jeans or short?😂 #repost✌
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tufuturo-abogado · 7 years
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tufuturo-abogado · 7 years
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tufuturo-abogado · 7 years
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insert Christine 👩
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