tuncayacelik · 1 year
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thread count: 3 | drafted: 3 | posted: 0/3 | replies: thursday
The Basics ~
name: tuncay ‘cay’ aslan çelik 
dob: august 21st, 1987
sun&moon: leo&cancer
occupation: interior architect / celik design CEO
birthplace: adana, turkey
legal residence: east haven, vermont
gender identity: cisgender
pronouns: he/him
orientation: bisexual / biromantic
status: openly married
family: mehmet çelik (father), sevda çelik (mother), amman ulusoy (ex-partner - deceased), tbd çelik (husband), mehtap çelik (daughter - 12), ayah çelik (daughter - 3), minnoş (german shepherd).
Possible Connections~
business partners ~ while his best friend is his main business partner, Tuncay likes to dip his toes into promising adventures in many areas of the business world. He mainly focuses on architecture but enjoys the idea of providing affordable and sustainable housing to people. Your character could be a fellow architect, they could be currently working together on a build, they could work for or with him in any capacity. Perhaps, they only know of each other in the business world.
friends ~ Tuncay is career focused and likes to surround himself with like-minded people but he also loves meeting people with different perspectives and opinions than he has. He tends to listen more than speak and grows protective over the people that he harbours fondness for. Most of his friendships have been surface level up until this point in his life, whether they are old friends or new budding ones, your character may find it difficult to delve deeper into a friendship with him or very easy depending on the situation.
childhood friends
ex-partners / current partners
pet-sitters / walkers
live-in nanny
Personality ~
positive traits: driven, philanthropic, kind, respectful, honest, family oriented, open-minded, critical, quick witted, playful.
negative traits: apathetic, blunt, sarcastic, noncommittal, over-protective, judgemental, critical, reckless, closed off, difficult, aggressive.
likes: learning, traveling, reading, music, exercise, health and nutrition, psychology, language, working, dark chocolate.
dislikes: disrespect (towards himself and others), feeling suffocated, itchy fabric, boredom, slow movement, small spaces, dull knives, disorganization, sleep.
hobbies: cooking, writing, pottery, volunteering, drawing, painting.
The biography ~
tw: transmissible disease (hiv), medical issues, partner death, brief mentions of internalized homophobia/toxic masculinity, fertility issues, infidelity, pregnancy/surrogacy, PTSD, Grief, and abandonment issues.
   Affluence by default was the expectation for the first-born and only son of Mehmet and Sevda Çelik, a power couple of the Turkish high society. Mehmet, the heir of a chain of international hotels and Sevda, a fierce fashion designer held preconceived notions about the little boy who had changed their eternity of fertility issues. For a while after his birth, these preconceived notions were their reality, however, the undertone of Sevda’s concern for her son’s late blooming clouded some of the joy that she felt in being a mother. Tuncay didn’t crawl until 10 months, couldn’t stand for long periods of time until 22 months, and when he finally walked, his gait was wobbly and abnormal. Physicians assured them that their son was perfectly healthy, that he was simply a strong-willed boy who didn’t want to follow traditional standards. 
It was late in the afternoon when he was three that things went awry. He had gone to bed early, had slept through the night and into the early hours of the morning but he was difficult to wake, lethargic, his fever so high that after refusing to eat his breakfast, he had start convulsing in the middle of the garden, attended to by one of the landscapers. It was at this moment that all of Sevda’s worries became reality. Her healthy baby boy was reduced to nothing, a consistent patient of the pediatric ward for two more years before her own medical emergency made them understand exactly what was going on with her child. 
She had passed HIV to her son unknowingly. 
Although putting a name to the reason that her son had gotten so sick in a rapid manner was a relief, the guilt that she felt for being the cause of it made it difficult for her to truly enjoy her son’s health when it finally came. After a couple of years of medication therapy and when Tuncay was old enough to understand his condition, Sevda was happy to learn that Tuncay, instead of hating her, started to open up to her more. They became closer than ever, made a routine of their medical upkeep, and in his teenage years, didn’t quite fall out as often as most teenagers and their parents did. 
Moving abroad to Germany for university was harder than he thought. Although he saw his parents more often than most kids, being away from his parents affected him more than he supposed it affected his parents. As difficult as the change in culture, language, and society was, he found it fun and interesting and studying made it easy. What wasn’t easy, however, was meeting Amman Ulusoy, a Turkish-born student from Canada. Their ideas clashed, their cultural morals were vastly different, but their opinions on business, life, and art was where chemistry was born. Tuncay didn’t make it easy, his attitude toward his sexuality screamed internalized homophobia and Amman called him out every time that it came up. 
He worked through it for years before he finally accepted him as a partner. By that time, they had spent so much time together that they decided not to wait - they got married in Canada, moved to Vancouver after graduation, and talked about children. Sevda was glad despite her apprehension, Mehmet became distant so as not to offend his son with his ignorance and even though he struggled, even though in the present day, he still made comments that made the architect internally cringe, his effort in acceptance was the most important thing for Tuncay. 
Mehtap, their first daughter, was the consequence of a slight misalignment between Amman and Tuncay. His infidelity weighed heavily on him for a long time after Amman passed away from an accident on the scene of one of their new constructions. Mehtap’s mother decided that it would be best for their daughter to live with her father, her intention being that having an infant to focus on would help him through the grief that came with the loss of Amman and it worked for the most part; the only issue was the distraction of tending to his daughter kept the grief away. 
He moved back to Istanbul very quickly afterward, hoping that being near his family would help ease some of the pain, he started treating life as if it was normal but once again, he used the distraction of building his own architecture company as a way to prolong dealing with the grief of losing his partner. 
There was something about grief that made his art better.
He gained notoriety, his designs were admired, his opinions were sought after, and when an opportunity to take his work to the U.S came up, he decided that he was ready to face his demons head on; they had always talked about living in the mountains and raising their children there, whether those mountains were in Canada, Turkey, or anywhere else on the planet they felt drawn toward.
And as if the universe was playing with him, while designing the project that he'd been brought in specifically for - he met a man who saw his demons and still took his hand with the excuse that they would face all of them together. The unfortunate bit was that losing his first husband created a lot of problems for him; he'd grown over-protective, anxious, and when their daughter came into the picture, it got even worse.
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tuncayacelik · 1 year
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"A black widow, Riv. It's a black widow, and she doesn't just eat her mate after 'getting' with him, she lures him to procreate first, so if this American sea monster wants me to help her with that before she eats me alive, I definitely need to get my foot unstuck. Please and thank you." Tuncay muses, trying to keep his face completely stoic as he wiggles his foot to try and free himself to get his revenge. It doesn't work, as expected, and for a brief moment, he worries that he'd actually stood in concrete.
He crosses his arms over his chest, grinning amusedly. "You're just going to stand there, aren't you? Fine, have it your way." The architect shrugs with raised and challenging brows, using his free foot to kick water at River like a child throwing tantrum in a tub of water.
River was always one that loved to take a walk around outside. So hanging out around the lake was something he wanted to do. So he was happy to be able to hang out with Tuncay. "I mean I told you not to do it" he laughed "But the creature in this lake likes to hold down her pray to have for later, so you are out of luck" he made a face. He walked near him but still out of reach to so Tuncay could reach for him. "You would worry even more since she is very into eating handsome men" he nodded with a smirk. "But I will miss you when she comes to get you" he chuckled "Isn't there like a spider or something that gets with her guy then eats him? It's a bit like that eh?" he teased him. He did not know if that fact was real or just something it heard.
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tuncayacelik · 1 year
who: open (2/5)
where: primose lake
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Up to his ankles in water, Tuncay watches his company with a scowl on his features that could scare the devil away. He was stuck, or at least, his foot was stuck in mucky bottom of the lake and he was irritated by the fact that he could design and build buildings but for the life of him, he couldn't figure out how to get his own foot unstuck. "No, what? I'm not scared of mythological sea creatures, what are you talking about? I just don't appreciate you setting me up and then not offering to help me. Please," He nearly begs, amusement written underneath the playful dramatics. "It's cold."
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tuncayacelik · 1 year
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Tuncay was tense, if not because he was touring pre-schools then because he knew that his mother was out of his eyesight, having conversations with his daughter's future teachers without him. The architect hadn't thought that it would go by this fast, after-all, she was basically still a baby, right? Still, here he was, without his husband, trying to pick the right school for Ayah. He was still on the fence, every bone in his body wanted to keep her home where he knew that she would remain safe and well taught. His mother had offered to educate her but they had decided in favour of giving their daughter a strong social foundation; or in other words, they would make a decision when she got older.
On approach, Tuncay could tell that the other was feeling almost as nervous and out of place as he was. He nods, a soft laugh escaping him in what sounded more like a nervous breath. "Kind of - we've been touring pre-schools, this one looked promising so we opted for a trial. I'm starting to regret it though. I feel like I don't see her enough as it is, with school in the mix, I'm worried she'll forget that I exist." Or worse, she would start crying for him - he didn't think he could leave her if her big brown eyes welled up with tears at the thought of him leaving her there.
who: @easthavenstarters where: East Haven Elementary CAPPING AT 3 (0/3)
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Despite the fact that Rowan was now emerging her second grade of elementary school, Evren didn't know the first thing about what he was doing. He'd sadly never been allowed to help his mom in regards to registering Rowan for school, but this year was different. Now that he was proving to be an active part of her life - more so now that he was allowed to be - his mom had agreed to let him tag along to registration. And even though Evren was trying his best to be there and be present, this was all so new to him and he was feeling a little overwhelmed. As he roamed the hallways of the school, Evren found himself getting lost among the halls as he did his best to navigate it in a way that Rowan would have to; sure, she was used to it, but it still tugged at Evren's heart just a little more thinking of how scary this place was for her when she started school two years ago. As he was roaming the halls, though, he hasn't realized that he was now standing face to face with someone else. "You have a little one in this school too?" he questioned. He wasn't one to typically put his nose in other people's business, but in that moment he didn't care. He was suddenly overwhelmed, and scared for his daughter and he wanted the other person to know that if they were feeling the same way, they were not alone.
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