tunjungfdlh-blog · 5 years
this is me,
how to let
go of you
this is me,
how to love
once again
The Cure/Kiana Azizian
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tunjungfdlh-blog · 7 years
Mana yang lebih melelahkan, menunggu atau mengejar?
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tunjungfdlh-blog · 7 years
Hi everyone! I'm glad finally I can launch another post today. Anyway, how you guys doing? Hopefully all of you doing great! LIKE ME😎 This term break holiday, I'm so happy. WHY? Because I spend my best 2 days with my best people, @exstudof24 . We agreed that our trip to jogja was a fascinating journey. YES, ABSOLUTELY! In the first day, we went to Kukup Beach and Sri Gethuk Waterfall. Trust me, those places were awesome to enjoy the nature. Relax. Chillax.🌲🌲 Next day, we went to Mangunan Pine Forest, Malioboro Street and Taman Pelangi. What a Perfect Days! ✨✨ Thank you Jogja and thank you guys for giving me such a wonderful impression. Thank you for being a part of my holiday. Take me back soon please!!! 🎈🎈🎈 @iispsm.official @iispsm.secondary #iispsmsecondary #iispsmmagetan #iispsmtermbreak
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tunjungfdlh-blog · 7 years
Burung-burung senja Tolong sampaikan rinduku padanya Dia yang ada dibelahan bumi sana
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tunjungfdlh-blog · 7 years
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Hey!!! Have an awesome weekend with your beloved one♥ 📚 -xx -tj-
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tunjungfdlh-blog · 7 years
Gettin' ready!
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- Clean your backpack and organize your books, notebooks, laptop and study materials you will be needing for the week
- Clean your pencil pouch in case you have random things that have ended up there
- Meal prep- if this is something you don’t do at all, maybe see how it works for you for a week. If you are not a meal prepper, try setting aside the food you’ll have for breakfast the next day
- Clean your bedroom and study space- this will help clear your mind. Having a clutter-free space will relax you aswell
- Update your bujo/agenda with the upcoming events of the week- also, remember to re-write any tasks that you haven’t done from the previous week
- Make a to-do-list for Monday- categorize according to priorities. Also, try starting your list with a task you know you will easily accomplish, such as “eat breakfast”, so that you are motivated to keep on crossing tasks
- Work out- maybe go for a walk to breath some fresh air and fuel your brain with oxygen, or do whatever helps you move a little bit more than what you usually do during the weekdays
- Have a set beauty routine- paint your nails if that’s what you like, apply a hair or face mask, exfoliate your skin, have a bubble bath, or do whatever you know that will relax you and set you in a good mood
- Review your goals, short, medium, and long term- if you have not written any, this is a good time. It’s always a good thing to check your accomplishments and remind yourself of your future plans. This will help motivate you and will give you an extra boost of energy for the start of the week to keep yourself focused on working on your dreams
- Check the weather for the next day and prepare the clothes, makeup, perfume, etc, that you’ll be wearing for the week- having some extra time in the morning is always nice, as you don’t end up wasting 30 minutes of your time deciding what to wear (as it has happened to me plenty of times)
- Have a tray dedicated to store all the necessary things you can’t forget before leaving your house- gather all of them, such as your keys, your wallet, a water bottle or anything you know you will be needing and place them on the tray
- Water your plants- if you don’t have a set schedule for watering your plats, Sundays are the perfect days for that
- Empty your binders, notebooks or bag from lose pieces of paper and place them where they should be- this way you’ll make sure you’re not misplacing any important information that you might need in the future
- Check your fridge and pantry, make a grocery list and go shopping- by doing this, you’ll be certain that you won’t be running out of the foods you mostly eat in the middle of the week. If your grocery shop is located at a walking distance, you can take advantage of this and use that opportunity to breath fresh air
- Finally, have some time for yourself!- watch a movie, catch up on your favourite show, watch some youtube videos, read a book, write on your journal, play your favourite instrument, have some tea, or do whatever makes you happy. Taking care of yourself will never not be a productive thing to do.
Hope you have a wonderful week!
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tunjungfdlh-blog · 7 years
On process
Gonna start my new productivity journey tomorrow!!! I’m too excited to get back on my track!! Let me go as far as to my destination!! Watch out World!
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tunjungfdlh-blog · 7 years
Doa Rinai Hujan
Rintik hujan itulah Yang senantiasa menyampaikan Kasihku padamu, dan ikan-ikan Selalu mendoakan keselamatanmu Jika kau tanya makna goyangku Ialah zikir cinta tersempurna Di antara para kekasih jiwa Angin mengusap bening air telaga Mengazanimu sujud ke pangkuanNya
Burung-burung itulah Yang selalu menyampaikan Salamku padamu, Ketika angin senja Mengusap suntuk zikirku Jika kau tanya agamaku Agamaku agama keselamatan Jika kau tanya makna imanku Imanku adalah kepasrahan Hidupku mengakar di jantung tuhan Jiwa menyala menyibak kegelapan
Pandanglah putik bungaku Nur Muhammad mekar sepenuh jiwa Pandanglah daun-daunku Jari-jari tahiyat terucap Tiap akhir persembahan Zikirku zikir kemanunggalan Diri lebur ke dalam tuhan
Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda, 2003/2017
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tunjungfdlh-blog · 7 years
Tentang Rindu
Banyak orang tak tau kepulanganmu Banyak orang yang mencari tau Engkau diam, tak mengunggah apapun Duhai Kelabu, Apakah Kau sudah berpulang ke negrimu? Apakah Kau sudah memeluk ayah ibumu? Kelabu, pulanglah dengan membawa rindumu
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tunjungfdlh-blog · 7 years
“Sedangkan aku, orang yang tak sempurna ingin bersanding dengan Si Sempurna?”
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tunjungfdlh-blog · 7 years
Kenapa Kamu?
Hari ini Dingin ditemani rindu Hari ini Aku yang semakin merindu Semakin menggebu
Segalanya menjadi kamu Segalanya akan selalu kamu Dan kenapa selalu kamu? Yang ada dipikiranku, Kelabu?
Kenapa Kamu - 2017
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