turtle-clown · 11 days
Oh darlin' please, I know I'm just a snarlin' beast (And perhaps we've all grown obsolete)
Hey girl. Brock and warriana fic that may or may not be a character study of warriana spanning snippets of time. This ends somewhat abruptly cause I realized I didn’t want to make it any longer than it is
The most important thing to note here is that everyone is a anthropomorphic animal, Brock is a alligator snapper and warriana is a lion (art of their designs here), also the ventures are goats
Also!! The title is taken from the song guys are gross by that handsome devil because I think it’s Brock and warriana core. Listen to it it’s good music
Warriana isn’t quite sure what to make of Brock.
From what little she knows about turtles, they aren’t exactly the parental type, abandoning their young while they're still eggs. But here she is, seeing Brock, a snapping turtle, fuss over one of the Venture boys (Dean she thinks? She doesn’t quite remember). Her tail flicks. Her initial opinion of him was more of a brute than anything, with his tank-like build, sharp scales and claws. Her opinion shifted the night they fought Think Tank together, but here? She doesn’t know anymore.
She knows the sheer strength that he holds, not just with his muscles but also with his claws (as sharp as a bear's from what she’s heard) and bite (anyone who's heard about snapping turtles have heard the stories about them biting fingers off, along with limbs on smaller species). He could tear the goat apart if he wanted to, yet he’s gentle with the Venture boy, carefully checking his fur for any injuries along with making sure his horns aren’t broken (they’re still quite small, she isn’t sure if anything could harm them significantly like that).
The day goes on; she won’t stop thinking about it.
One day he asks her something she’s heard many times.
“Why do you have a mane? Kinda thought only male lions have those.”
She growled slightly hearing that damn question. She hates being asked it. “If you must know, it’s due to a slight hormonal imbalance that I have. That doesn’t change the fact that I’m a lioness.” She snarled, he looked at her almost blankly. “I uh… wasn’t implying anything by asking that. I also have some weird genetic stuff; ah, which is why I have hair, a decent part of my heritage is mammalian; I was just wondering if you had something similar.” He practically rambled on.
She wasn’t sure how to feel about this response. Usually others ask it and be an asshole insinuating she’s not actually a lioness. Yet here Brock is, defying what she thinks of him once again.
Part of her wants to tear his throat out with her teeth, while another appreciates him understanding her and not being an ass about it.
She doesn’t exactly know how, but he ended up sleeping partially on top of her, his face in her mane. It would almost be cute if his beak wasn’t so close to her neck.
She’s heard more about him by now, mostly through rumors in Tophet tower. The villains there have a turn of phrase, “death by Samson”. She’s heard it before but didn’t think much of it, why would she care who this Samson is? Suddenly she thinks she does care, now that his beak is so close to her neck and since she learned that he’s an alligator snapping turtle.
It isn’t exactly hard to visualize what would happen if he decided to bite right now; he could crush her thyroid along with piercing her jugular vein using the ends of his beak. He wouldn’t let go, he’s smart enough that he wouldn't, leading to either her dying from her neck being crushed or him tearing out the part of her neck that was bitten. It’s frightening to imagine.
She doesn’t exactly look forward to moving him off of her. Definitely just because of how dangerous he is, not because she likes having him like this.
“Are you… painting?”
“Huh. Oh, yea, I learned to paint a few years back. I’m not too good at it on account of my lack of actual fingers, but I still paint occasionally.”
She considered this for a few seconds. “…Could you paint me?”
He practically dropped his brush.
She definitely wasn’t starting to also grow fond of the Venture twins. Definitely not.
She and the rest of the Crusaders Action League were just on a simple patrol until Stars and Garters spotted the Brown Widow with someone. She knew this because she saw on her invisible flying chariot, and she also recognized the person the Brown Widow was with. Letting out a mix of a sigh and a growl, she flew the chariot down to the three.
She didn’t particularly care what nonsense he was saying (something about the Brown Widow liking men? What was his problem); what was certain is that as soon as she was close enough, she whacked him in the back of the head as hard as she could without causing permanent damage.
“Quit it Tosh, he hasn’t even done anything.” She growled out, getting ready to grab him by the scruff and pull him away.
“Hi Warriana.” “…Dean.”
She sighed. “You two should leave the area, you wouldn’t want to have this happen again tonight.” He nodded as she turned around and pulled Stars and Garters away from the pair.
(She heard the Brown Widow whisper, asking how Dean knew her. She didn’t hear the response.)
She could tell he’s had a lot on his mind lately.
Between something that he doesn’t talk about because “it’s classified” but very clearly caused him discomfort, and Hank going missing, he’s been going to her a lot.
Not even for sex, just to get his mind off of things by talking to her and doing small menial tasks that she didn’t have the time to do herself. She’d appreciate it if he wasn’t very obviously bothered by the things that have happened lately. His problems are now her problems; the phrase “Shared joy is double joy; Shared sorrow is half a sorrow.” comes to mind.
When Hank went missing, she tried to help when possible, but it got harder to justify prioritizing searching for a missing person to her coworkers as time went on and the case got colder. The media moved on as well, pursuing more… fresh and controversial topics to cover. It sickened her in more ways than one.
All she could really do now is be there for Brock when he comes to her apartment.
She raked her claws through his hair as the two of them lay together, careful not to touch his scalp. Even though part of his face was obscured by her mane, she could still see how the stress was getting to him, most prominently with the bags under his eyes; when did he last sleep? She knows that she probably shouldn’t be worrying about him like this, he’s a grown man that could rip someone in half (she wouldn’t be very surprised if he has done exactly that), he doesn’t need anyone looking out for him.
But maybe he should, especially lately with what was basically one of his sons going missing.
She laid her head down next to his, she hoped the Venture kid was found soon, for his sake at least.
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turtle-clown · 10 months
I don’t have a title for this one lawl. Anyways new AiColo fic this time with even more Headcanons thrown in (like many things in general regarding Ecolo, Ai not having fur, mention of ringo n ecolo being adoptive siblings basically, and some other misc stuff). As always this may be ooc but that’s just how it be
Fair warning though: the beginning does have mentions of copious amounts of blood and a character being dead (don’t worry no one’s actually dead here, it’s just a nightmare). It is italicized so you can skip it if needed
Red. That was the first thing Ecolo registered.
And then, they comprehended what the red was.
Blood. Oh, so much blood. They were covered in it; having the overwhelming metallic taste of it on their mouth.
But that wasn’t the only thing that was red, oh no.
It was also Ringo. She was red as well; yet not in the normal way. Sure her hair and parts of her outfit were red, but those weren’t the only things.
There were gashes all over her body as she lay in the pool of blood underneath her, along with a hole in the front of her neck like it was torn out.
And finally, they understood.
They did this to her.
Their friend. Their sister.
Their core started to crackle like electricity, panicked. They didn’t understand, how could this happen.
There was a presence behind them. A powerful one. They slowly looked behind them; their core starting to glow brighter with the building energy.
A dark, shadowy figure loomed over them with glowing red eyes, staring directly at them. They didn’t even need to see the distinguishable horns and wings on the silhouette to know who it was, they could tell from presence alone.
The figure growled, eyes narrowing; raising a clawed hand to attack.
Yet before it landed,
Their eyes snapped open.
Out. They need to get out. They need to get OUT.
Their core burst with the building energy, destroying the space rock they were resting inside (they didn’t particularly care to classify it at the moment, well, it’s more like they couldn’t due to fear) causing it to shatter to many pieces. As they felt the cool non-air of space, their core slowly fizzled to normal size and their heaving slowed as they came back to their senses.
Right. Of course. They were asleep.
They wouldn’t-
They clenched their head with their paws, making them notice the claws that had formed due to the new piercing pain from digging their claws into their nonexistent skull. Their hold softened; they couldn’t stay here, and not just for the obvious reason of they blew up the only sleeping spot they had currently. (They needed to distract themselves from that awful, awful nightmare anyways, and what better way than to figure out where to sleep for, well, however long they happen to).
They cou- shouldn’t go to Ringo, they can’t face her until they get over this. They can’t go to Satan, yes he would have somewhere for them to sleep, but if he finds out why? They would be seen as weak, an idiot; he can never see them like this. Similarly, they can’t go to Ex; they’re pretty sure he hates and/or deeply distrusts them anyways. So, they’re out of options.
…Well… except for one.
Ai. They’re basically friends right? They’ve hung out quite frequently after they found out he remembers them. Plus… he's kind enough to let them sleep on his bed right? (Somewhere within them, another reason tries to rear its head out; they pushed that feeling down deep, deep within them once more. Love isn’t a real thing after all).
Their matter scattered into the blobs that surround them, leaving only their core; it’s faster to travel this way. Yes, it technically uses more energy than how they travel most of the time, but it doesn’t matter that much. Where they’re going is safe, plus having less energy might help them fall asleep again.
And so, their core (and their entire being by extension) crackles like electricity, building the energy to quickly travel to the Tetra. And just as fast as the energy built up, they are gone in an instant.
Tired, that’s what Ai is at the moment. It’s been what can best be described as a long day; making sure everything’s working on the Tetra (including making sure Zed isn’t malfunctioning somehow), fixing anything that needs to be, trying to block out Ess ranting about Tee being boring again (he loves his sister, he really does, but by the stars she can be a bit much sometimes), and of course having to deal with the twins pranking specifically him (sometimes there’s a small part in his mind that tells him to retaliate, to become less bark and more bite. The larger majority of his mind knows that’s not a good idea in the slightest).
His thoughts on the day left when he opened the door to his room and saw a lump covered in blankets on his bed. No… not a lump, he can see the dark blue paws, speckled with a lighter blue holding the blankets in place. It’s Ecolo.
(They’re still awake, they know he’s in the room. They just can’t let him know this, he may tell them to leave.)
He walked up to the bed, now noticing their face isn’t covered like the rest of them; their expression seems more unreadable than usual. He also notices their claws, he didn’t even know they had claws; what would even cause Ecolo to show them?
Before his mind could recognize what he was doing; he moved his hand to cup their face, using his thumb to caress it like one would a cat.
They had leaned into it, making a very faint noise.
(They didn't know what they were doing at this point; why were they enjoying this? What in their mind thought this was a good idea? And yet, despite the thoughts going through their head, they couldn’t help but be calmed by Ai's presence; becoming less tense as he held their head.)
Their claws seemed to become less noticeable, which was good he supposed; considering the possible implications of them.
They seemed less tense and more content in general now, which is good. In fact they seem sort of cute like this.
He retracted his hand, moving it and his other one onto his snout as he looks away from Ecolo. Oh dear, he likes them more than he thought doesn't he? He already knew his feelings might’ve not been entirely platonic about them, but this? Well, he might just explode from embarrassment.
He glanced back at them, he still needs to sleep, and he doesn’t want to wake them up.
(They are still awake, he doesn’t know this. He also doesn’t know that when he stopped holding their head, they felt a hint of disappointment. Or was it sadness? They don’t quite care for putting an exact label on their emotions like mortals do.)
He sighs, knowing he’ll have to get this over with eventually. First he removes the white parts of his outfit, folding them up and putting them away once he’s done. Then, he removes his turtleneck sweater, since it isn’t exactly comfortable sleeping in it, he learned that the hard way. He wears a dress shirt under it anyways, since it helps with wearing it throughout the day; if he didn’t it would be sensory hell, as one may say. After folding that and putting it away, he takes off his boots and then puts them near the door where they belong.
He’s aware of how long it takes for him to go to bed, he always has been, but now it seems more prominent than ever.
Finally, he takes off his glasses and puts them in their case, putting it back in the drawer where it belongs. And now he’s back to looking at Ecolo, who is still covered in blankets on his bed. Even after telling himself that he’ll have to do this eventually, he hesitates; it’s still a bit strange in an embarrassing way, he’s going to need to share a bed with someone and that someone is Ecolo.
Trying not to move them around too much just in case it wakes them, he nudges them to the side enough for him to comfortably lay on the bed; while also taking back at least one of the blankets covering Ecolo, he does sort of need them after all, since he doesn’t exactly have fur. He’s also careful to not touch them directly, he isn’t wearing his gloves anymore, so if he tried his hand would pass right through.
And when he finally settled, they inched closer to him and rested their head on his chest.
(It’s mostly instinct, since they are finally falling asleep. Even still, there’s a part of them that knows what’s happening and doesn’t care to stop it.)
Once again, Ai mentally goes through the motions of comprehending what’s happening and how he feels about it; this time he figures he’ll figure it out once he wakes up, it’s too late to be dealing with this.
And so, putting one of his arms around them, he starts to go to sleep.
Neither of them ever mention it, but that night they both had the best rest either of them had in a long time.
Slowly overtime, it becomes a habit for Ecolo to sleep in Ai's room; neither of them comment on it, since it slowly becomes a normal thing for them. Yet neither of them bring up how they feel, how they really feel, and at that point neither of them want to; since it may ruin what they already have.
Eventually though, someone has to say something; but for now, they can enjoy being as close as they can be.
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turtle-clown · 1 year
Apple pie
Aka the 444 words AiColo fic that’s badly disguised as a character study of Ai (which I also wrote while listening to the song apple pie on repeat, hense the title)
Will this be ooc? Maybe! Will it not be that good? Probably! But I don’t care that much since I like it ^w^
Ecolo helped Ai forget in a way.
He wasn’t forgetting like most people after interacting with Ecolo, not remembering them, he forgot in a different way. As Long as they were around, he would forget about his problems, like they never existed. Of course, he’d remember said problems as soon as they became relevant again, but before that he feels… happier.
It didn’t take much for him to forget either, all Ecolo would need to do is just float near them while he works on something and it works. Strangely their presence calms him, and he doesn’t get why. Logically, a being like them should terrify him, yet they don’t. It confused him and yet, he didn’t care that much about it. There was another thing that confused him though; sometimes it seemed that Ecolo wanted to be in physical contact with him. It was strange; from what he could tell, if Ecolo touches fabric or other cloth material they don’t pass through like they would if it was bare skin. Yet they seemed to hesitate despite everything below his neck being entirely covered, so why were they hesitant? Could they…? Perhaps…?
Sometimes he’d directly ask them, yet every time they’d dodge the question and not answer. For a short period of time after asking, they’d stop trying. Strangely enough this saddened him; he stopped asking after the first few times.
At some point, Ai realized that his feelings for Ecolo may not be entirely platonic. It was a normal day, with Ecolo rambling about something they found neat on earth instead of him going on and on about engineering, as sometimes they’d ask him about something and he’d explain it in detail. While watching them ramble on, something clicked in his head. He couldn’t exactly explain it with words, but something about how he was watching them made him realize it. And, just like all problems he had, he pushed to the back of his mind and forgot quickly; he didn’t want to ruin the moment after all. He only remembered that what happened earlier really happened when he was trying to sleep that night.
He considered confessing eventually, yet found it an unfun idea to say the least. Considering how they acted when being asked about their strange behavior before, he didn’t like thinking about how they’d respond to a love confession. It’s funny in a way, this being the scariest thing regarding them he could think of.
He supposed he could wait for both of them to be comfortable with the prospect of that interaction. They were happy with how they currently are after all, why should he potentially ruin that?
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turtle-clown · 1 year
I don’t actually have a title for this one. It’s just a silly half chatfic where mikey says something ab a Mountain goats lyric and everyone gets slightly concerned
Also usernames: Donnie is BoyGirlAutism, Mikey is SilliestGuy, raph is CrimsonFkr, April is CarrieIRL, and Casey is HockeyPunk
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It was late at night when Donatello stopped working on her current project to check the family group chat (well, it’s not just family considering April and Casey’s presence in it). The other ones on at this time were Mikey (who was in turtle's room), April (who she guessed was pulling an all nighter from earlier messages), Casey and Raph (who were both hanging out on the surface). At the moment, it seemed that Mikey and Raph were arguing while Casey popped in occasionally to type something like “lmao” or “lol”, with April seemingly just watching the argument considering her lack of input on the discussion at hand.
CrimsonFkr> I just don’t get why you put shit like jellybeans and marshmallows on pizza
SilliestGuy> erm. your literally afraid of bugs bozo
HockeyPunk> lol
CrimsonFkr> mikey I hope you die rn
SilliestGuy> </3 hand in unlovable hand I guess
> have fun guessing whos who tho
> (spoiler alert im the one w the unlovable hand lawl)
And, in just three messages, Mikey caused him to go from smiling at how ridiculous this argument and the rebuttals are to shock at what his sibling just sent. As he tried to process just exactly what they said, everyone else in the chat had just about the same reaction.
CrimsonFkr> HUH.?
CarrieIRL> MIKEY????
HockeyPunk> DUDE??
SilliestGuy> ?
She finally managed to get herself to type something.
BoyGirlAutism> Mikey are you. Alright??
SilliestGuy> do you really need to ask that
BoyGirlAutism> .
> Fair enough I guess??
> That doesn’t mean we won’t talk about this later
SilliestGuy> (;;;*_*)
> (・_├┬┴┬┴
BoyGirlAutism> 🫵 Don’t try to hide you and your emotions from me I know where you sleep
HockeyPunk> bruh are we just gonna brush past the fact mike basically trauma dumped via a mountain goats lyric
CrimsonFkr> i think. now that im past the initial shock of it it seems about right for this family
CarrieIRL> And how do you know what turtle was referencing Jones 🤨
CrimsonFkr> yea case how do you know 🤨📸
HockeyPunk> hey now
And, just like that, the strangely silly mood of the chat came back. As fun as he found the chats antics to be, he couldn’t help but think of what Mikey just admitted. Has… this been how he’s been feeling for this entire time? If not then when did he start feeling like that?
All she knew is that it would be an absolute mess to deal with (especially once Leo catches up on what happened in the chat, only the gods know how that’ll end up). But first, she needed to sleep before she could properly deal with that.
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turtle-clown · 2 years
In which Ecolo has feelings
Aka turtle is back on their bullshit: AiColo edition
Heads up, Im not very experienced in writing things for puyo puyo so this is probably off in some way. Also this has a very abrupt ending which is partially on purpose (bc I thought it would be funny)
[Note: this is actually technically pre AiColo, however it’s very much implied there are feelings goin on in here]
Every now and then, Ecolo would wander their way towards somewhere or something that has living beings, this time they came across the SS Tetra. They decided to pay the crew a visit (and maybe torment them a little), so they floated their way towards and into the spaceship. As far as they could see, everyone was doing the same tasks they seemingly do everyday; which is very boring if you ask Ecolo, which is kinda hypocritical since all they do is float around in space. But eventually they started to notice a sound coming from somewhere, somewhere on the ship someone was whimpering like a dog. So, out of curiosity, they followed the noise.
Eventually they found themselves in a room (they guessed that it was a bedroom, though they couldn’t tell due to how it looked), and looking at the source of the sound. In the corner, the engineer of the spaceship, Ai, was curled up in a ball whimpering. Normally, they wouldn't have cared that much, yet… there was something in the back of their mind telling them to help him. The only problem was that they had no idea how to comfort someone (they had a hard time dealing with emotions, both theirs and other peoples), and yet they wanted to try.
“Um, hello?” Amazing start Ecolo, ten out of ten. Almost immediately, Ai managed to back himself further into the corner (if that’s even possible) and started barking at them (it’s more of a yip really, they just don’t know what word to use). While thinking of what to do, they recalled something they heard about what to do when Ai is in this state. ‘The best way to calm Ai down is to battle him, that always brings him back to his senses.’ That didn’t exactly make sense to them, besides it doesn’t seem… right to battle him in this state. Lowering themselves to get more on his eye level they reach their hand out. “Hey, I’m not gonna hurt you alright? You're okay.” He still seemed unsure however; eventually they realized it probably had something to do with the fact that they’re not exactly tangible. Realizing this, they changed form, becoming more humanoid. Which seemed to work since he looked less afraid, so they got closer, ending up sitting next to him.
Being closer meant that they could see more of what Ai was like in this state (for example he was crying at the moment), although there is something unexpected from being this close. He started to latch onto their arm, like he was hugging it. It was at this point they started to try and process what they were feeling; previously they had never really had this specific emotion before, it was similar to when they were around Ringo but… different. (In the back of their mind, they thought for a second that this is what amitie was talking about that one time, but they quickly killed that train of thought. Love was meaningless to them, it’s just some word humans use for things they like). Ecolo was snapped back to reality as Ai did that whining noise again, and despite their mind yelling at them about this, they pulled him closer into their arms.
Eventually the noises stopped, which was good, they assumed. Although they were more surprised by Ai talking. “I… apologize for having you assist me through this.” This was the first time he ever talked to them; they didn’t really know what to say, so they continued to sit in silence. After a long beat of silence Ai said something again, this time it was a bit more… concerning to them. “How did you change form? I don’t recall you doing something like this last time I saw you.” How does he remember that? He shouldn’t remember that. Even if he remembered after the two worlds were separated again, their existence hasn’t been remembered by anyone other than Ringo. “You… remember me?” “Of course I do, you would be very hard to forget.” He chuckled at that a little, they didn’t find it as funny.
Much later they got up from the floor (mostly because Ai said he should probably check on things, Ecolo because they didn’t really want to be there anymore), once again Ai talked. “It was nice seeing someone from the puyo world again, even under the circumstances.” He smiled at them, they got that feeling again. “Uh… Same.” After giving the (honestly very lackluster) response, they promptly turned into their usual form and floated through the wall, out of the ship.
Back in the vacuum of space they attempted to clear their head, yet they couldn’t stop thinking about the SS Tetras engineer. No matter how hard they tried, he wouldn’t leave their thoughts. Later on Ecolo would return to the SS Tetra to give Ai a note. The note said ‘get out of my universe’.
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turtle-clown · 2 years
Nonexistent Meet-Cute
Hi gamers I’m back w another mikey fic that may or may not be out of character lawl. It’s based on and named after the song Nonexistent Meet-Cute bc I think it’s very mikey Core in its themes n stuff
Btw before you read some things to note: I use they/them for Mikey throughout this entire thing (bc slight projection. They’re also heavily implied to be afab in this), this is also spurred by me not liking renet n Mikey paired together (read ab it here), technically there’s art for this (here, I think it has some context for some things), there will be a line or two before the text bc for whatever reason sometimes when text is under the cut it replaces one of the first two paragraphs w the other (fix your site tumblr)
[i don’t think this should be said but don’t Tag as ship for Mikey n renet. It kinda misses the purpose of the fic]
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It should be easy, all Mikey needed to do was to tell her that they were starting to get uncomfortable with how close she was to them. They just… couldn’t put it into words that easily. Their thoughts were more like a mixture of ideas blended together into one, so it was hard for them to articulate their thoughts without sounding incoherent. They wouldn’t recognize it yet, but while they were anxiously thinking on how to say what they want. Their hands went from lightly rubbing their forearms, to picking at their arm wraps, to scratching harder and harder until- slice. Finally noticing what their hands were doing they looked where the damage was, which was in the gap between the wraps on their forearms and their elbow. Looks like they would need to ask Donnie for some bandages, he did warn them that if unkempt their claws could cause harm whether intentionally or not.
Walking to the lab they hadn’t seen or heard Leo or Raph, they should probably ask Donnie about that after they cover up the wound they created. They knocked, making sure he knows they’re coming in before they do; it was a system made so that in case of an accidental explosion, it happens while the doors are closed and not open. Luckily no ‘boom’ happens so they open the doors and come in, seeing Donnie at his computer. “Hey bro, where are the medical supplies? I kinda… clawed my arms too hard.” He looks up from what he’s doing and upon noticing the cut he pulls a face. “Yeesh, that looks bad.” He gets up, showing Mikey where the supplies are. “Are you sure you want your claws that long? If they’re strong enough to pierce your skin you should probably shorten them.” Grabbing what they need, they respond. “Nah it’s fine, I can probably just make it so that they’re not as pointy.” Unlike their brothers, they actually quite like how the claws look when they’re noticeable.
Speaking of their brothers- “Do you know where Leo and Raph are? I didn’t see them before I came in here.” Donnie’s expression turned to a more mad one. “They went out on patrol, they said it was a ‘A-Team only patrol’.” Oh. Of course. That stupid A-Team B-Team thing. They groaned. “I can’t believe they’re still doing this.” Yet some part of them can, they’ve always been picked on by their brothers, starting way back when they were named Venus. Their brothers never took them seriously, and Splinter barely talked directly to them outside of the dojo. If only they could just- “Uh, Mikey.” “Y-yea?” “You're digging your claws into your arm.” They looked and wouldn’t you know it, they were. “Oh.” They loosened their grip and as they did their arm started bleeding. “Uhh…” Donnie sighed. “Don’t worry I’ll help you with that one.” “Thanks dee.”
They remember what it was like to meet Renet for the first time, they had thought she was so beautiful. They hadn’t thought about the implications of her being from the future yet, they were too focused on her. In a way, they could understand how Donnie felt when he met April, completely blinded by love. And yet, as time passed they had slowly started to piece things together about what she had told them. If them and their brothers would be legends, then how old were they in those legends? Were they teenagers or were they adults? All four of them are getting closer to being adults, and yet they don’t think they’ve done anything that would make them legends to be told many many years in the future. If they were adults in the story’s Renet has been told and she’s a teenager, then why was she okay with them being into her. ‘I haven’t even been born yet.’ Why would she say that so casually to someone. It's just… starting to make them think that maybe it’s not a good idea after all.
And so, here they are with Renet on a rooftop, about to tell her what they think. “Renet, I don’t want this anymore.” Wow off to a great start huh doctor Word-enstien. Whatever smile she had faltered. “What do you mean?” “I mean that I don’t think I love you anymore.” They could hear her talking, trying to salvage what was never supposed to happen, but they didn’t care. All of their thoughts were piling up, everything started becoming louder, and their head started hurting more and more until- “Shut the fuck up!” They snarled, baring their teeth. “Don’t you understand? It would’ve never fucking worked in the end!” They were getting closer, some part of them understood what they were about to do, but that wasn’t important. “So why don’t you fuck off!” And so, they sliced.
Back in their room they had time to think about it. They didn’t mean it in a way, yet they did. It’s hard to sort out their thoughts and emotions on things, so it’s possible that some of that anger was because of their brothers. It’s just… difficult to deal with your brothers making you feel worse than them and excluding you. And yet they must hide this, everyone probably thinks they’re always happy and ready to make a joke, and if they’re not that then who are they to other people? They’re not sure. They almost forget about Renet focusing on who they might be. Almost. Something in them wonders if what happened on the rooftop really did. They will never know unless she comes back again huh. It’s better that way they suppose, they don’t really want to think about her anymore anyways.
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turtle-clown · 2 years
Hiii besties <3 new fic very soon. I just wanna post it when it’s not dark out here lawl
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turtle-clown · 2 years
Cryptid of the Highlands
Something for my version of the wingmas aus that have been popping up. Don’t really like how short this is! Wanted to add more to it but my brain won’t let me </3
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Since he was found he had the feeling he didn’t belong. Not here at least. Everyone kept staring at him back at the pearl clan (he couldn’t keep his wings hidden, they were too big and it felt uncomfortable to force them into hiding), so he was glad that when Lady Sneasler chose him to be her warden he was allowed to move to the highlands. The open skies and high altitudes called to him in a way he couldn’t understand, especially when Lady Sneasler showed him her den. When he was in the cave-turned den he felt… safe he supposed, he liked the darkness and how it tunneled towards Lady Sneaslers den. His tent was very close to the entrance because of that.
He had yet to see the other warden of the highlands, he hadn’t heard much but what he had was… not exactly pleasant, however he wanted to make opinions from experience so he wouldn’t let what the other clan members say persuade him. It was dark out so he didn’t exactly expect to see him, however he did notice a lack of light coming from wayward cave. Did the torches he set up go out somehow? He wanted to investigate so he glided down to the entrance (he wasn’t exactly able to fly, something in him says he never was). Walking in he saw that the torches were gone, something must have happened to them so he continued forward.
He was quite glad his vision was better in the dark, otherwise he might’ve disturbed the alpha crobat that otherwise would have harmed him (while he may be able to see in here he has a feeling others may not, which is why he added the torches). Walking through the tunnels (being mindful of the inhabitants), he started hearing a voice, so he walked towards it. Then he saw them, it was someone in what he guessed was the diamond clan uniform with their back to him talking to a skuntank, what he also noticed were the extinguished torches in their hands. “Pardon me.” He said, announcing his presence to the person. “It appears you have extinguished the torches, I would like to know why as I have put them up to assist those who may go through here.” The person turned around, with a confused expression turning into that of what could be discribed as terror (he did not understand why, there was nothing to be afraid of after all). Quickly after the person ran off, dropping the extinguished torches as they did.
“Hm, odd.” He said, before picking up the torches to relight them and place them back where they belong.
(Eventually he would tell Irida about the encounter, only to be told that his appearance was much more terrifying than he had guessed and that he had actually met the other warden of the highlands.)
(Meanwhile Melli would have been trying to convince Adaman that there was a vengeful spirit with giant wings akin to that of a golbat haunting the highlands.)
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turtle-clown · 2 years
When three becomes two
A small fic with my submas sibling oc saka!! Come closer I Promise I won’t hurt you :)
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It was something that Saka had practiced for a long time, in fact they could argue that they have been doing it since they first met the subway bosses way before any of them were in the public eye. Yet sometimes without anyone who could tell they weren’t one of their brothers before they revealed themselves in a while it all felt stale, and that’s where their brother's closest friend (and possible adoptive sister) comes in. Elesa, just like with their brothers, was like a sister to them, so they knew that the three of them could rope her into this. “So, I just sit here and see if I can tell who’s Saka?” She asked, all four of them were in the office for both Ingo and Emmet. “Essentially, there’s a bit more to it than that.” They had replied, excited to see how well she could tell who’s who. It was simple; when Elesa was told to close her eyes Saka would take the form of one of the brothers, then after spinning around a bit to mix up where they stood she would open her eyes and try to guess which of one the doubles was saka. This time when she closed her eyes Saka took the form of Emmet; he tended to be slightly easier to pretend to be than Ingo. They spun around and… “You can open your eyes now!” Perfect. They were on Emmets right, mirroring the pose he was in. “I am Emmet!” “I am also Emmet!” They both pointed forward with one hand and with the other pointed down. “Which one of us is the real Emmet!” They had said in unison; it was a practiced routine whenever they did this of course.
Elesa was deep in thought, she was closely examining every feature to try and find a single flaw. After a while she had found something and pointed to one of them. “You’re Saka aren’t you?” The emmet she had pointed at tipped the brim of their hat down to cover their eyes and… giggled, tipping the hat back up revealing their red eye markings and eyebrows; eyes closed and grinning in a way that showed their sharp teeth. Saka had turned back to their human disguise, still smiling yet in the way a meowth would. “Bravo Elesa! How did you know it was Saka?” Ingo had congratulated her, a bit louder than he should’ve but that’s to be expected with him. She pointed back at Saka, but this time specifically pointing at their eyes. “They had more blue eyes compared to you guys' red ones, also their pupils were more white than emmets.” They had absorbed this information, anything to help them improve their illusions is good after all.
It had been weeks since they last saw Ingo, the real Ingo they mean; they have seen him plenty whenever looking in the reflection whenever they’re not home (it feels like whenever they’re out they’re pretending). They didn’t want to keep lying to everyone, but Emmet thought otherwise; he wanted to hide the fact that anything was wrong. No one was notified when ingo disappeared, only Emmet and Saka knew. It was killing them inside. This was too much for either of them to figure out on their own but he hadn’t realized that. funny how they’re younger yet they could be considered more responsible than him; except they weren’t, they had played along like some tool and they have had enough. No one could tell anything was amiss and they were sick of it.
They were alone when Elesa came by the office (the office that had once belonged to their brother). They didn’t know what to expect and yet. “I know it’s you Saka.” They didn’t know how much was metaphorically lifted off their shoulders, but her words were enough to make them drop their disguise entirely; running and jumping into her arms so that they could finally be a Zorua once again.
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turtle-clown · 2 years
A two in one deal
Something for my tmnt/pla au once again (this takes place before memories in black and white if your wondering)
[The doc title was "A two in one deal: new son and getting a chance to be unhinged" btw :) ]
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After the events of the red sky, Michelangelo grew slightly distant. He understood in a way, both were outsiders in the perspective of the residents of Hisui and commander Kamando certainly didn’t help with what he did. One day he was able to talk to Michelangelo, however he did not expect them to say what they did. “I’m going to fight Arceus.” Very blunt and straight to the point, kind of like… he was getting off track. “Wh- how, might I ask?” They pulled out their Arc-Phone from their satchel to show him something. A message, ‘Seek out all Pokémon’. “Before I woke up on Prelude Beach, a voice claiming to be Arceus said ‘Seek out all Pokémon, and thou shalt find me once more.’ I have a feeling that when I arrive I will be challenged to a battle.” They put their Arc-Phone away. “That’s why I’ve been busy catching Pokémon, to reach Arceus.” He wasn’t exactly sure what to say, so many questions were racing in his mind. However he settled on a simple one. “Why are you telling me this?” They looked back at him looking slightly unsure themselves. “Well, at first I think I wanted to tell you so that you could help me around the Highlands, but to be honest I’m not entirely sure anymore. I guess I want you nearby just in case something bad happens.” Neither of them seemed alright with that answer, and yet he agreed. So now they were both headed to the summit camp.
It had been a long while since Michelangelo went to the temple, he had decided to stay at the summit camp (this was not his train to ride after all). However when they returned he didn't exactly notice what was wrong at first. “Ah, Michelangelo! Your ba-” “Ingo.” A trembling voice cut him off, they were removing their mask when he finally noticed what had happened to them. “I remember everything now.” With their mask removed he could now make an assessment of what they are, if that was even possible for him. They were covered in green scales, with darker ones where their freckles once were. They now had a face similar to that of a Turtwig but wrong; they didn’t have a beak like a Turtwig did, only a mouth with very sharp canines. They were no longer human, but were they even human to begin with, he wonders. Yet despite all of this they were still Michelangelo, even if they weren’t those light blue eyes with tears flowing out would make him care for them either way.
He couldn’t stop himself from launching himself at Michelangelo, embracing them in a hug in an attempt to comfort them. Neither of them needed to say anything, the message was clear. They would talk about this later.
Neither of them knew how Jubilife would react to one of their top Survey Corps members' new form; Michael was very adamant that the people of Jubilife would exile him once again, however he was hopeful. Michael hid themself in his coat, wearing their mask once again; waiting until they got into the Galaxy Hall to reveal themselves. “Oh! Warden Ingo and Michael, your back!” The Professor ran up to the both of them; Michael burying themselves deeper in Ingos coat. “So, what did you find in the Coronet Highlands?” They couldn’t bring themselves to speak. “Actually, we’d like to have this discussion in the Galaxy Hall if that’s alright. It’s very important that this doesn’t happen outside.” He spoke for them, he knew that they didn’t operate too well under stress out in the open. Professor Laventon seemed to understand, leading them to his research lab.
Michael explained what happened, showing the pokeball they have Arceus in and the new Plate they got (guess they weren't kidding when they said they were going to fight Arceus). “Wow, this is- I’m not even sure how to put it into words but this is great! Although I have to ask, why are you hiding in warden Ingos coat?” Ah, they both knew that the metaphorical Bouffalant in the room had to be addressed sooner or later (what was a Bouffalant?). “Well, I guess there’s no use in hiding it.” They pulled themselves out of Ingos coat, taking their mask off as well, to reveal themselves. However they didn’t even get a second to explain themselves before a voice neither wanted to hear boomed out behind them. “I knew we shouldn’t have trusted you.” Kamando. he could see their pupils shrink in fear as they turned around to face him. “Wh- hey commander, please just let me-” “Silence!” They were cut off. As Commander Kamando went on he noticed something, Michael was shrinking into themself and visibly shaking. Something about it was familiar, it was almost like… oh hell no. “That's enough Commander!” He yelled loudly (he hasn’t been that loud since… he didn’t know when), putting himself between Michael and the commander. “Of course you’d protect that… thing.” He hissed; it was at this point the warden had enough, not even bothering with what the Commander had to say next as he walked up and punched him right in the face. He wasn’t really an angry person, he never necessarily needed to be one, however he could make an exception just this once. He barely even registered the blood on his knuckles until he saw blood come out of the Commander's broken nose (did he really hit him that hard? He didn’t know he was that strong).
Some parts after that were a bit of a blur; maybe the events couldn’t be processed in his mind properly due to the overwhelming need to protect Michael. However what he knew for sure was that Capt- Commander Cyllene told Kamando that he was no longer welcome as a leader and was temporarily exiled until he showed remorse for his actions. Currently he didn’t really want to think about the ex-commander right now; he was in Michael's place of residence to keep an eye on them (something about the order Commander Cyllene gave him makes him think she’s worried about them). He was making food for the both of them, however he couldn’t stop but look at Michael. They were sitting on their futon, hugging their legs close to their chest; their Samurott, Nexter, was curled around them in a protective manner (he wondered if their Pokémon heard what happened and that’s why Nexter was like that). Eventually he had to say something (he never liked silence that often, he wondered if they felt the same). “Michelangelo I… apologize for what happened earlier, I should’ve listened to you and I shouldn’t have let my train derail when Kamando started yelling at you.” They turned to look at him and sighed. “It’s alright, I’m kinda used to that at this point. Also you don’t have to apologize for punching him, he deserved it and it was really nice seeing you stand up for me; that doesn’t happen often from what I remember.” Once again, he had froze up from the implications of something about Michael. He was worried about them; what life did they have before they landed here in Hisui? “Do you… want to talk about it?” They looked at Nexter, petting the Samurott. “Not really, maybe someday when I’m ready.” They had this sorrowful expression while talking, like they were reminiscing on their past. “I understand. Also food is ready.” “Oh Sick.”
It was starting to get dark out, he should probably get back to the highlands (Lady Sneasler would scold him for being out late if she was able to speak). “It seems it’s about time for me to depart.” He stood up. “Make sure to sleep, your engine can’t run as well without rest.” Michael had this sort of nervous smile; he knew they tended to not get enough sleep. “Alright I’ll try, see ya dad.” Both of them froze. “Did you just-” “No!” They got up, starting to push him out the door. “SeeYouTomorrowGoodNight!” They sped through their words as they shoved him out the door and closed it as fast as possible. Now he stood outside in front of the door, still processing what happened. Despite the events of the day, there was still something to be happy about, he supposed.
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turtle-clown · 2 years
Emmet accidentally links his and Ingos minds: the fic
Something for my beta arceus emmet au (ooooOOOhhhhHHHH you wanna check the tag out so you can see my art oooOOOOhhhhHHH)
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He had found his brother. It took the help of Arceus' children but he had found his brother. However, something was wrong. Ingo didn't remember him. Turns out falling through space and time and subsequently hitting your head on a rock hard isn't a good thing. Well, Ingo did apparently remember small parts about him (that they looked the same and his scripting for example), but it wasn’t enough. He supposed the reason Ingo didn’t recognize him was because he might have killed and dethroned Arceus, basically turning him into a god. Although he supposed that was a good thing in this context, maybe he had the abilities to recover his brother's memories. Looks like he needs to talk to Rei.
Rei knew a lot about what arceus was capable of. It helped so verrry much. Turns out after beating Arceus they returned Rei’s memories. It was different then what happened to his brother, but he guessed a similar principle applied. The problem was he didn’t know how to use the powers he now gained. The only reason he figured out how to get here was because of those who were once Arceus’ children. He’d need a bit more help than before.
Turns out those strange plates work on him. Verrry weird feeling. At least he has a small idea on what to do now. Using the mind plate he could most likely try to recover his brother's memories more easily. However he couldn’t be sure until he tried (he didn’t want to think about the possibility it wouldn’t work, he couldn’t).
“You want to do what?!” He was mostly confused, however he rationalized that anyone would be if a god who claimed to be your brother said he can recover your lost memories. “I am Emmet. I know this sounds verrry strange. But I think it is possible.” Emmet was currently holding the mind plate; he wasn’t sure why he was (last he checked Rei had it in his possession), although he could guess. “Are you sure this will work? Have you performed safety checks?” The pseudo-pupils on his eyes narrowed slightly. “I am Emmet. I know what I’m doing.” He wasn’t sure who he was trying to convince, however he knew that Emmet wouldn’t back down (how did he know that?) so he complied. “Alright, I just hope whatever you're doing works.” Despite his mouth only really being visible when talking, he could tell Emmet's smile widened. It was at that moment that he seemed to do something with the plate, turning the ends of his fur(?) into a sort of pinkish color. All he really remembered after that was Emmet putting his hands on his head.
This was a verrry strange place.
Everything is so… vague.
Maybe if he…
No that didn’t work much. He’d need to try harder.
He wonders…
That seemed to do something.
Just a little more and he would be done. He hoped.
When he regained consciousness he heard Emmet talking, however it sounded sort of like an echo (strange, they aren’t in a place that can reverberate sound). ‘This is verrry much not good. I should’ve performed more safety checks. What if he’s gone for good now. What if-’ he doesn’t usually talk this much at once, only really before or after battle (even then it was a script he made for himself). He had mostly been able to drown out his brother talking when he opened his eyes, that’s when he noticed something (or two things more accurately). One, Emmet's mouth wasn’t visible (concerning), and two, he was no longer using the mind plate (far more concerning). At this point Emmet realized he was awake. “Ingo! You're awake! I thought I had lost you more than before! Do you have your memories back?” Ah right, the reason why the both of them went down this track. “Yes, you have done an exceptional job at bringing my mind back on track. Bravo! However, I believe there is now an unexpected side effect of you trying to bring my memories back to the station.” Once again the pseudo-pupils narrowed, a bit more this time. “W-what do you mean?” He saw Emmet's mouth disappear, yet he still heard him talking. ‘Oh no what did I do. This is verrry bad. I definitely should’ve done more safety checks.-’ Before his brother could continue, he interrupted. “That. I can hear you talk, however I assume you are not verbally saying anything, considering that your mouth isn’t visible.” That seemed to stop his train of thought (Elesa would’ve thought that was funny), because all that was left was one simple statement. ‘oh.’
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turtle-clown · 3 years
Memories of black and white
Something for my tmnt/pla au where Mikey is the protag of pla, this takes place sometime after the dex is completed
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He had his memories, after the fight against Arceus he was turned back to what he was and subsequently remembered everything. Which was alright, he went with, despite not being able to really get back home he was alright. However something bothered him, or more accurately has bothered him since he needed to go to the Coronet Highlands, Ingo. If he is allowed to be able to remember then why can’t Ingo? It was frustrating, so he set out to try and help.
Usually they’d spend their time out in the wilderness, trying to find something interesting, not this time. They were staying in the village as much as possible today, as much as they didn’t like it they needed to be able to draw him to the best of their abilities, so they stayed near the training grounds. Their plan wasn’t exactly perfect but they never really were the best at planning anyways (that was mainly Leo’s job. Man they missed their brothers). It was simple, draw Ingo as closely as possible, then ask the differences between him and the man in white so that they can try and draw him. They always worked best with visuals, and knowing how similar Ingo was to them they hoped the same was true for him.
Eventually he had to approach him. He wasn’t exactly good at starting a conversation, although he had to in order for the plan to proceed. “Are you alright Michelangelo?” Ah, in his thoughts he wasn’t able to sense the man in question approaching him (something in him knew Master Splinter would not be happy if he were still alive, a ninja always has to stay alert or something like that). “Oh, no I’m actually fine at the moment. In fact I actually wanted to talk to you about the man in white you remember.” Ingo froze a bit, he seemed to stand a bit taller at the mention of the man in white. “Oh? What is it?” Something in his voice seemed to convey curiosity, although his face stayed relatively the same. “So I was thinking, if you remember him to look like you then you must know the difference between the two of you right?” He moved the paper he was drawing on to give Ingo a better look. “So I decided to draw you as a reference point, then you can tell me what exactly you remember the differences to be then I can draw what the man in white supposedly looks like! Not the best plan but it could work!” He stopped at that, waiting for a response from the older male. It was extremely hard to tell what he was thinking (he never was good at telling what people were feeling from their face alone, this probably wasn’t helped by the fact the warden barely emotes). After a bit, he responded “Bravo! Thank you for wanting to help me recall what I have forgotten! Your drawing is also quite nice, you're very talented.” Oh yea, he’d almost forgotten how kind the warden was behind that almost constant frown (he definitely didn’t expect that compliment however, people don’t compliment his work often, especially before being dropped in this world). Seems this plan could work after all.
They both were now sitting outside the wallflower, Ingo telling Mikey what the differences between him and the man in white were to the best of his ability. And once he was done, they started drawing on the other side of the paper a flipped version of the man he had drawn before but with the differences listed (smile instead of a frown, no goatee, clothes in perfect condition, etc). Once they were done they leaned back up (their back hurt a bit, if memory serves donnie did tell them that if they leaned forward while drawing too much it could lead to issues later in life once) and turned the paper around so that Ingo could see. “So, what do you think? Is this what he looks like?” The warden picked up the paper, he seemed to have a haunted look in his eyes (maybe they miscalculated a bit, they hadn’t really seen what happens when he remembers something).
"Follow the rules. Safe driving! Follow the schedule. Everybody smile! Check safety. Everything's ready! Aim for victory! All aboard!"
That voice…
"I am E—e-. We won, but I am not really satisfied. I can tell that you won't give up. Because you will be much, much stronger. That's why we are waiting for you to come back!"
Please… let me remember…
"I am ——t. I am a S-bw-y B-ss. I like winning more than anything else.”
Name… what is his name…
“I am E—--.”
“I am E-m—.”
“I am E-me-.”
“I am Emmet.”
Emmet. I remember now.
“Ingo! Are you alright?! You stopped responding there for a bit.” Ok he definitely didn’t expect that to happen, on the list of things expected to happen was for him to suddenly stop responding to all input and start crying was not on there. “His name. I remember his name now.” Oh! That was something new. “Really? What is it?” He was really curious, he also wanted to start calling the man in white by his real name but that was more of a secondary thing. “Emmet. His name is Emmet.”
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turtle-clown · 3 years
Wait fuck I forgot the dni Banner on the fic hang on
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turtle-clown · 3 years
There we go. Fixed
Wait fuck I forgot the dni Banner on the fic hang on
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turtle-clown · 3 years
Black grey and white
A submas reunion fic based on a thought I had (sorry if any of them seem off, this is my first time writing them)
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As much as they loved caring for the balance of the worlds, their realm was a tad boring to them sometimes, which was why they checked on the other realm sometimes. However this time they saw something… interesting. It was a man, dressed in white and an orange brown, smiling. He looked very familiar to them but they just couldn’t figure out where, so they kept watching the man.
When the man went to what they assumed to be his home, the facade he built up crumpled. A smile turning to a frown as soon as the door closed behind him, and soon enough started crying. So, they listened to what the man was saying and they heard a name, again, so familiar. And then they realized where they heard the name. Ingo, that was the name, Ingo, the name of a warden long forgotten from when Sinnoh was Hisui, Ingo, an innocent caught in the events of the past with no memory.
They did not mean to bring harm to these two brothers, they didn’t want to harm anyone after the events in the past. It may have been the man with blonde hair to devise the evil scheme, but it was them who made it happen. Wanting to fix their mistakes, they decided to visit a certain man in black and brown.
Even after all this time, he didn’t remember his past much. Despite how much the Pearl Clan and Rei try to help, he just can’t remember. It’s like when a train is stopped in the middle of its journey (whatever that means). Though that was about to be on the bottom of the list of problems to attend to on the coronet highlands soon enough. He was walking across the bridge near the Fabled Spring when the water started rippling. Now that would’ve been fine and he would’ve brushed it off, however the area where the water was rippling was massive. Was it a Gyarados? There are Magikarp in the area so it could be possible (deep inside he knew it wasn’t, even alpha Gyarados aren’t that big). Then a glowing figure started rising from the water- no -the reflection on the water. Once it had fully risen and the glowing effect had disappeared he finally registered who it was, Giratina.
He wasn’t sure what to do or say to the towering form in front of him. Had they gotten decoupled from Rei? Why had they gone to them specifically? He didn’t know what to do. Then Giratina flew towards him slowly, and eventually they were dangerously close to him. In a swift but small movement, they grabbed him by the collar of his coat with their mouth lifting him up. It was around this point where he couldn’t do anything out of fear of what they’d do to him if he’d retaliated, he'd heard what they had done months ago and he didn’t want to face their rage. So he decided that it would be in his best interest to do nothing and hope that the trip wherever they bring him isn’t a bumpy one.
Emmet was not fine. Infact, he hasn’t been fine for years. It had been almost 3 years since Ingo had dropped off the face of this world, and two since the police stopped investigating his disappearance. Most people at this point have assumed he’s dead, but he didn’t want that to be true, it couldn’t be true. Everyday was harder than the last, a day more without ingo, a day closer to losing his composure. But he had to try and stay strong, he was a subway boss, he had to be. Right? He wasn’t sure anymore.
Since Ingos disappearance he had closed the multi battle trains, but that didn’t mean they were left unattended to. Every week when Gear Station closes he goes down the tunnels just in case there’s something that could tell him where Ingo had gone, guess today was his lucky day then. He had taken notice of a peculiar effect that was happening to the reflection on one of the cars of the subway, it was like it was rippling water. But that wasn’t possible, maybe his eyes were playing tricks on him (like they did everytime he looked in the mirror). And yet, a glowing figure flew out of the reflection, and when it fully emerged he had realized who it was. It was impossible but here he was, looking at Giratina (what are they covering with their wings?). Despite the primal urge to run and hide and whatever history teacher had told him, his love of battling won over. “I am Emmet. I know who you are. If you do not remove yourself from Gear Station I will battle you.”
That seemed to get their attention quick. They turned towards him, slowly moving their wings away from their chest and then… he saw him, he saw Ingo. Despite everything, despite what everyone had told him, despite how ragged and tattered his clothes are, it’s Ingo and he’s alive. “Ingo?” He said, in hopes he’d turn around finally. And he did. It was like something inside the both of them froze, neither unable to do anything until the other spoke. “Emmet?” He couldn’t hold back his tears much longer as he rushed toward Ingo like a freight train. “I am Emmet! You Are Ingo! You're alive!” He exclaimed, hugging the one he’d thought he’d lost.
Neither of them could break off for a bit (why was Ingo apologizing? He didn’t do anything wrong), but when they did he realized Giratina was facing down at the ground. Like they were ashamed of something, but why would they- oh. They must’ve been the one to make Ingo disappear, but they can’t be all that bad if they brought him back and they regret their actions. They were about to leave. “Wait!” They stopped, looking back at him speed walking towards them. “I am Emmet. I’m verrry grateful you brought ingo back home.” Ingo must’ve also walked towards Giratina because now he’s next to him (he’d never seen him smile before, that’s nice). “Thank you Giratina, for bringing me home. Bringing me back helped get my engine working again, bravo!” At this Giratina roared (possibly from joy?) and left them to properly reunite.
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turtle-clown · 3 years
Save yourself, I’ll hold them back
A fic ab my tmnt/tf2 crossover cause no one else will make a fic like this apparently
At first it was a perfectly normal day.
Well, this is if a perfectly normal day is considered fighting side by side with nine morally questionable mercenaries against robots run by cash with your brothers (which in this case you and your three brothers are mutant anthropomorphic turtles). Then yes, this is a perfectly normal day.
Michelangelo, their brothers, and semi-recently acquired work friends were fighting robots at what was nicknamed “the Decoy” by one of the mercenaries, Soldier. Now throughout most of the battle things were going pretty well, that was until the robots started pushing back. Normally this would just be an inconvenience, with the whole needing to relocate a sentry and maybe a dispenser thing, but that inconvenience was overpowered by an even bigger one.
“You know what, I’m just gonna rush my way through destroying as many as I can.” Now if that was muttered by anyone other than one of his brothers he would’ve just shrugged it off, however it wasn’t. “Raph, I’m gonna try to say this in the nicest way possible, but you will die.” Mikey replied, notifying raph that they heard what he said. Raph scoffed at the notion. “No I won't. Besides, even if I do, there's always respawn to bring me back.”
Of course with the existence of what the brothers call respawn they could always come back from death as long as it’s on and they’re in range. And yet, something in the back of Mikey’s mind was telling him that something could, no, would happen once Raph rushes in. “I will stop you.” They settled on saying, knowing that with Raphs stubbornness they may not be able to stop him. “I'd like to see you try.” He said before jumping off the cliff they were on. Around this time Engineer had arrived and Mikey had already placed his buildings down, looking at the Wrangler he placed on his dispenser he got an idea.
“Engie, i'm gonna need you to look over my stuff for a while, I need to do something.” Engineer looked over to see Mikey grabbing their Wrangler and Frontier Justice, he also noted that they had a more serious look on their face than their usual cheerful or playful expression. “Alright, I just hope you know what you're doing.” He looked back at him, expression becoming slightly more soft from noticing a slight hint of worry in his voice. “I will, don’t worry.” And with that he ran off to find either Donnie or medic.
Finding one of the two wasn’t too difficult, with him and Engie having moved the dispensers he knew that Donnie would’ve been looking for a med-kit (it was understandable why he didn’t want to be healed by the man who asked if he could dissect one of the Four if they died) it’s a good thing he memorized where med-kits would be. “Dee! I need your help with something.” Donnie looked over, slightly bloody with Quick-Fix in his hands. “Michael please make this quick, I need to make sure the others are alright.” Mikey looked at the Quick-Fix trying to see the gauge that tells what percentage their brothers Übercharge is at. “What’s your Über at?” Donnie lifted the Quick-Fix up by its side, tilting the gauge into his view. “Almost full, why?” They looked back to where they came from, to get an idea of the plan they were gonna somehow pull off. “I’m gonna need you to follow me, keep the beam of your Quick-Fix on me until I say so.” They looked back at their brother, seeing a look of confusion and slight worry. He knew that Mikey was being serious. “Alright. I just hope that whatever you have planned won’t blow up in our faces.” They smiled, turning around as the Quick-Fix beam locked onto them. “Don’t worry.” They looked back at Donnie, still smiling as if they weren’t about to put them both in grave danger. “I know exactly what I’m doing.”
Then they started running back to their sentry, hoping that their theory would be correct. If it wasn’t then, well, they didn’t have time to think about that, and yet they still hoped. As they approached Mikey’s sentry they pulled out their wrangler, and when they were in front of the sentry they pointed the wrangler down at their feet. As fast as the action was committed both them and their brother were sent flying in the air (also Donnie was screaming, probably from shock or something like that). As Mikey looked down (god they hated heights, at least, when they’re basically free falling) they saw what they assumed to be Raphs path of destruction. If it wasn’t, well again, they hadn’t really thought about that, but either way it was the direction they were going.
They were right, when the both of them were about to land they saw Raph fighting a lot of robots, and he did not look okay. They landed. “Donnie! Switch your beam to be connected to Raph and get out of here, Über if you can!” They aren’t exactly sure how they knew just what to say, hell, even do in this situation. Though they did recall that they were told that they fought best when not thinking, so that helps. “What about you?” Donnie yelled back, kind of unnecessary but with all the robots and general chaos of the situation they guessed it was alright. Then they looked back, seeing a similar face of concern that Engie had but… different (why is it that when I show the slightest bit of confidence they make that face). “That doesn't matter right now, just get Raph out of here and go!” Apparently that was the right thing to say, considering that Donnie finally got Raph out of there, though they don’t really have time to think about that considering all the robots.
Maybe he should’ve thought this through, he’s almost out of ammo and already used up all the crits in his gun (where do all these robots keep coming from?). He’s injured, badly, and he’s lost almost all feeling in his left arm (why isn’t it moving?). Well, he’s not going down without a fight.
Was that the administrator? Are the robots leaving? Maybe… maybe he should close his eyes for a bit.
Are those voices approaching? They’re familiar at least (he can’t really think right now). Did he hear someone apologize?
They could tell they were somewhere different (again, they couldn’t tell where since they couldn’t really think). Only two voices this time, oh and some birds. What was that about amputation?
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turtle-clown · 3 years
All my troubles on a burning pile
A bit of a short fic ab Mikey wanting to set stuff on fire (fic is under cut)
They knew what they were doing. They always did when it came to this, they just had to be careful. They always did it when their brothers were asleep. The less they know the better.
Grabbing what they needed was easier when they were all asleep too, especially since they knew Donnie wouldn’t let them take the things they needed out of the lab. It’s not like he would notice anything was moved considering their photographic memory.
Gasoline? Check. A box of matches? Check. Protective gear? Check. A disguise so that they wouldn’t be recognized? Check. Some other things to quicken the burning? Check.
All they needed now was to find a building owned by one the many enemies they and their brothers have gotten over time, that way in their mind they could justify burning it to the ground. Though that wouldn’t be an issue with the many times they and their brothers had to go against their enemies.
They decided on the restaurant that Don Vizioso owns; they never did like his prejudice against mutants. So they went to work: making sure that the gasoline completely encircled the restaurant, throwing some on the sides to help bring it down, checking for vents and stuffing them with anything that can be set ablaze, etc.
Now all that was left was to strike a match and burn it all to the ground, and that’s exactly what they proceeded to do.
They were back in the sewers before authorities came, and all they had to do now was bring everything back to its original state and then fall asleep.
Waking up they knew what to do, so when the news came on talking about the newest case of arson all they needed to do was to convince their brothers once again that they shouldn’t bother with whoever’s burning these buildings to the ground. Which wasn’t hard considering that they knew that their brothers would rather focus on more pressing matters like shredder or the kraang.
And once again they have fulfilled their need without anyone knowing what they have done.
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