turtlesnakes-rocket · 3 years
Weekly goal setting #27
I was not here for a while, but now I’d like to go back to setting my fitness goals for each week. It seems like I have planned out more than half of the weeks this year anyway, which I think is quite awesome. I may need to restart the counter for next year again. Perhaps I should use 2022#1, etc.?
For a while now I have not been able to run (or leave the house for the most part). I was sick for over a month with what I hope did not develop into covid at any point. I think I may need to face the fact that I either make sure I can do my workouts at home, or I don’t do them at all most of the time.
Not being able to run is a huge bummer for me. I really learned to like it and depend on my running sessions to keep me happy. Now my ankle is busted after I fell of the ffing boulder, and during my first ever climbing lesson! I think climbing is an enjoyable activity, too, but I may be too heavy at the moment to do it safely. My ankle and foot have been swollen for a few weeks now, and when I start running, the pain comes back pretty quickly. I will go check it out, but it will take time to figure out what is up and even longer before I am well again. I thought a foot-ommitting home workout would be best in my situation, so I will try doing one three times a week (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, with occassional changes).
This week I’ll do Wednesday (bc it’s Tuesday evening now), Thursday and Saturday. I came up with this sample routine for December:
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It’s a beginner workout, with not much progression, but it’s regularity I’m after, not huge gainz. I will do pushups at an angle (a huge one). I also keep trying to eat according to my meal plan, but I will only weigh in at the end of this month. Weigh-ins do me no good when it comes to mental health.
Goals for this week: [o] complete workout 1 [o] complete workout 2 [o] complete workout 3 [o] eat according to plan (5/5 days left this week) Wish me luck! My weigh-in is at the end of December and I would like to stay sane thoughout the holidays, too.
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turtlesnakes-rocket · 3 years
Weekly goal setting #26
This past week has been a challnege as usual, but I did go to one yoga class and one run. I have been working a lot lately and eating much too little. Yesterday I did not manage to even sit down and get a sip of water between 10:30 and 16:30. If writing this post weren’t on my to do list, I would never be able to find the time to do it either. So on towards next week!
Goals from the past week: [x] yoga, 1 session (60 mins) (done on Monday) [x] C25K week 1 - day 1 (done on Monday) [-] C25K week 1 - day 2 [-] C25K week 1 - day 3 [x] cont: improve sleep and work schedule (try relaxation sessions in the evening x7)
I have a trip coming up, so I probably won’t be able to do all this, but I’ll schedule it in and try.
Goals for this week: [o] yoga, session 1 (60 mins) [o] yoga, session 2 (60 mins) [o] C25K week 1 - day 1 [o] C25K week 1 - day 2 [o] C25K week 1 - day 3
Wish me luck!
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turtlesnakes-rocket · 3 years
Weekly goal setting #25
The evening relaxation sessions worked really well, so I’ll try to continue with them for another week. I will also try to go back to running -- not so much for exercise, I just really miss the feeling. I will redo C25K to make things easier on myself. If it goes well, I’ll do a smiliar follow-up program as well. Yoga did not make it into my schedule in the end, but it was because I felt a cold coming on, I did not want to spread my germs onto other people, even when fully vaccinated. I have diet catering for 3 days next week and I will try to regulate eating during more relaxed days. It has to be enough for now, although I know it is not a perfect solution. Not sure what would be a perfect solution, though.
Goals from the past week: [-] yoga, 2 sessions (60 mins) (did not do) [x] improve sleep and work schedule (try relaxation sessions in the evening x7)
Goals for this week: [o] yoga, 1 session (60 mins) [o] C25K week 1 - day 1 [o] C25K week 1 - day 2 [o] C25K week 1 - day 3 [o] cont: improve sleep and work schedule (try relaxation sessions in the evening x7)
Wish me luck!
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turtlesnakes-rocket · 3 years
Weekly goal setting #24
I wasn’t here a while, but life gets in the way of everything I do lately. I will try to push forward anyway.
I now have to plan simple things like laundry and cleaning, otherwise nothing gets done with the workload I am under. I will start with giving myself some time to solve the schedule, and only then I will think about what to do about food. I am not eating mostly home cooked low calorie meals anyway, so it should not be such a pressing issue. (It is, though.)
Goals for this week: [o] yoga, 2 sessions (60 mins) [o] improve sleep and work schedule (try relaxation sessions in the evening x7)
Wish me luck!
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turtlesnakes-rocket · 3 years
Weekly goal setting #23
Last week was more chaotic than I thought. I had very little time for myself, but managed to eat under limit all work week. Until we went away for the weekend and I got trapped in a food desert. Next time I will prepare better.
Goals for the past week: [-] yoga, 1 session (60 mins) (did not even consider doing it) [4/7] track and keep calories under the limit for 7 days
I also did not even try to do yoga. Next week I’ll try harder to focus on myself and relax more.
Goals for this week: [o] yoga, 1 session (60 mins) [o/7] track and keep calories under the limit for 7 days
Wish me luck!
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turtlesnakes-rocket · 3 years
Weekly goal setting #22
This week life should finally slow down, which is why I started tracking calories again. Today was the first day and I did not have a plan plan for my meals, so it was rather rough, but I made it. The goal is to keep up the deficit all through the rest of the month, even if I need to limit exercise because of it. All I want to do now is to relax and not make things worse with nutrition.
Goals for the past week: [x] figure out how to attempt meal planning again (let’s say I did it, ok?)
This week I would like to focus on eating under the calorie limit again. I will see how it goes and perhaps add new goals from next week on.
Goals for this week: [o] yoga, 1 session (60 mins) [o/7] track and keep calories under the limit for 7 days
Wish me luck!
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turtlesnakes-rocket · 3 years
Weekly goal setting #21
I’m a bit late with this but nevermind. This week I want to finish off the most pressing things at work and from next week on, I would like to introduce meal plans again.
Goals for the past week: [x] yoga session (ca 1 hour) - day 1 (done on Wednesday) [x] yoga session (ca 1 hour) - day 2 (done on Saturday) [-] yoga session (ca 1 hour) - day 3 (I did not go because I felt very weak on Sunday.)
I am getting my second vaccination jab this Thursday, so I am not making plans, except:
Goals for this week: [o] figure out how to attempt meal planning again Wish me luck!
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turtlesnakes-rocket · 3 years
Weekly goal setting #20
Weekly goal setting #20
I’ve had a longer break with running now, which will continue for a bit. I am in the midst of an exam session and still getting used to my new job. However, I would like to soon ease into a better eating lifestyle and go back to running. For now, I want to get back to weekly planning.
This week, I would like to do 3 sessions of yoga.
Goals for this week:
[o] yoga session (ca 1 hour) - day 1 [o] yoga session (ca 1 hour) - day 2 [o] yoga session (ca 1 hour) - day 3
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turtlesnakes-rocket · 3 years
Weekly goal setting #19 + running update
Another week, another failure to do anything outside work. I started a new job the week before last and I have to get up much earlier than before, so by the time I used to run (in the evening) I am spent. I will retry this week and see how it goes. I went to yoga, but only once on Monday. I hope to go again and more times next week.
Goals for the upcoming week: [o] run 5K program week 2 - day 1 - 44 mins. running [o] run 5K program week 2 - day 2 - 47 mins. running [o] run 5K program week 2 - day 3 - 4.6K running
I also lost some weight (not much, but I am happy with whatever). I am now at around -5 kg compared to my starting weight in January. This is ca 1/8 of what I’d like to put off in total. I hope I won’t gain it back in the near future!
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turtlesnakes-rocket · 3 years
Weekly goal setting #18 + running update
Heyo, I basically failed at running last week, so my old weekly goals are also my new weekly goals. Let’s just pretend nothing happened. Perhaps I can get back to my programme with some extra effort next week.
New goals for the week: [o] run 5K program week 2 - day 1 - 44 mins. running [o] run 5K program week 2 - day 2 - 47 mins. running [o] run 5K program week 2 - day 3 - 4.6K running
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turtlesnakes-rocket · 3 years
Weekly goal setting #17 + running update
I am still struggling to catch up with life and I am tired all the time. I am also having trouble eating enough, which brought about a surprising drop in my weight (-4 kilos since I stared counting).
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Because I did a run from last week on Monday, I allowed myself to kind of merge two runs from this week’s roster. I ran for 43 minutes, but went as far as ca 4.8 or 4.9K, depending on which tracker app you’d believe. Then I took a day off on Sunday.
Goals for the past week: [x] run 5K program week 1 - day 1 - 43 mins. running (done on Wednesday) [x] run 5K program week 1 - day 2 - 43 mins. running (done on Friday jointly with distance running, one intense session) [x] run 5K program week 1 - day 3 - 4.3K running (done on Friday jointly with time running, one intense session)
I did not feel great about running this past week, so I am hoping to regain some enthusiasm for it this week. Other than that, I am not setting any more goals for myself. I am going to continue yoga on days when I feel like going (2-4 times per week) and perhaps sleep a little more, but I am not fixing any commitments here for now.
New goals for the week: [o] run 5K program week 2 - day 1 - 44 mins. running [o] run 5K program week 2 - day 2 - 47 mins. running [o] run 5K program week 2 - day 3 - 4.6K running
I will also stop posting in the goals setters’ group on MFP, at least for now. It seems there isn’t anyone there any more. I wonder what happens to folks on MFP, they seem to register there, find me and other online pals, and they post for some time, but after several weeks their accounts often go dead. I find it all a little dishartening.
Good thing my irl running buddy is still here, cheering me on. <3
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Run 5K Program
[done] 10.03-16.03.2021 Day 1 - 43 min. Day 2 - 43 min. Day 3 - 4.3K
[in progress] 17.03-23.03.2021 Day 1 - 44 min. Day 2 - 47 min. Day 3 - 4.6K
24.03-30.05.2021 Day 1 - 48 min. Day 2 - 50 min. Day 3 - 5K
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turtlesnakes-rocket · 3 years
Weekly goal setting #16 + running update
I am a little late with my weekly goal setting, because I got sick af on the weekend. I had to postpone the last session of running and also had no proper cheat day. Instead, I got food poisoning and a sleepless night followed by an entire day of lying down with fever.
Goals for the past week: [x] follow-up program week 5 - day 1 (done on Monday) [x] follow-up program week 5 - day 2 (done on Tuesday) [x] follow-up program week 5 - day 3 (done on Monday next week) [x] reach diet goal (I guess)
Although I stuck with the nutrition plan, I was rather unhappy overall. The quality of the food which the catering service brings me took a dive and food arrived with mould on it several times, so I had to improvise some other meals. I also tried eating some dishes which seemed fresh and ended up throwing up for several hours on Saturday night. It’s a real pity, I loved this service with their kind messages and vegan menu planning. From next week on, I will pause the service and try to rebuild my stomach bacteria. Then I will reevaluate my diet goals, etc. I will try to stay more or less under 2000 calories per day throughout this week.
New goals for the week: [o] run 5K program week 1 - day 1 - 43 mins. running [o] run 5K program week 1 - day 2 - 43 mins. running [o] run 5K program week 1 - day 3 - 4.3K running
No more goals for this week other than running. I am continuing yoga (3-4 times per week) and trying to stay alive after my tiny adventure. Plus, I will have done 4 and not just 3 runs by the end of the week.
Also, today I finished the C25K follow up program! Woohoo!
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Run 5K Program
10.03-16.03.2021 Day 1 - 43 min. Day 2 - 43 min. Day 3 - 4.3K
17.03-23.03.2021 Day 1 - 44 min. Day 2 - 47 min. Day 3 - 4.6K
24.03-30.05.2021 Day 1 - 48 min. Day 2 - 50 min. Day 3 - 5K
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turtlesnakes-rocket · 3 years
Weekly goal setting #15 + running update
I failed a number of goals this past week, including my most precious one: to run 3 days a week according to the program I had set up for myself. However, I did join yoga classes and went 3 times. I also went back to volunteering work. But all this made me dilly dally on the running program up to the point where I was feeling sick on the weekend and running seemed like a very bad idea.
Goals for the past week: [x] follow-up program week 5 - day 1 (done on Wednesday) [-] follow-up program week 5 - day 2 (did not do, will reattempt) [-] follow-up program week 5 - day 3 (did not do, will reattempt) [x] come up with a new running schedule for the upcoming month (done on Monday May 3) [-] eat only catered food (or add fruit) on the days when it's available     (Monday to Saturday, say Sunday is a „cheat day”) (did not do, will reattempt) [-] read 1 chapter of "The Science of Meditation" (did not do, dropping this goal for now)
So I will try to do better this week by focusing on diet and running. I will redo week 5 of the running program from April-May and run 4K this week. I adjusted my new running plan so that I am able to attempt 5K at the end of May. I am dropping other things for now.
I made some rules concerning my diet and I will also maintain a separate checklist for my eating, because is appears to be the most serious problem for me right now. Without a detailed checklist, I feel like my days of sacrifice go unnoticed. And yes, I know that eating well may feel less of a sacrifice if you brainswash youself to think more positively. But I am not in a state of mind to do it right now. My approach for now boils down to "fuck trying hard", so I need some actionable steps which require very little positivity in thinking. If this does not work, I will go even more micro and make a plan for specific meals for each day.
Rules of the nutrition plan: - All kinds of drinks are allowed, including coke zero, yerba mate, kombucha, coffee, tea, etc. Some of these have calories, but whatever. I don't drink most soft drinks anyway and I got to live somehow. - Sunday is a cheat day and I get to eat whatever the hell I want, except I cannot eat after 10 p.m. on this particular day. - I get catered meals of 1500 calories total, and I can eat as much fruit as I like aside from the catered meals. - More rules will be added if something becomes problematic.
Diet goals: [success threshold: 5/6] [o] stick to the nutirion plan on Monday [o] stick to the nutirion plan on Tuesday [o] stick to the nutirion plan on Wednesday [o] stick to the nutirion plan on Thursday [o] stick to the nutirion plan on Friday [o] stick to the nutirion plan on Saturday
New goals for the week: [o] follow-up program week 5 - day 1 [o] follow-up program week 5 - day 2 [o] follow-up program week 5 - day 3 [o] reach diet goal
If you have any tips for how to tackle diet and exercise WITHOUT being super positive about it, please let me know!
As for running, here is my schedule for May 2021.
03.05-09.03.2021 C25K Follow-up Program - Run 4K
Run 5K Program
10.03-16.03.2021 Day 1 - 43 min. Day 2 - 43 min. Day 3 - 4.3K
17.03-23.03.2021 Day 1 - 44 min. Day 2 - 47 min. Day 3 - 4.6K
24.03-30.05.2021 Day 1 - 48 min. Day 2 - 50 min. Day 3 - 5K
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turtlesnakes-rocket · 3 years
Weekly goal setting #14 + running update (C25K follow-up week 4)
First of all, I ran in an actual race this week. Instead of running for 39 minutes like the schedule said, I ran for an hour and 26 minutes; this was the point of the race I signed up for on Monday. I did it on impulse, but the initiative was admirable and I regret nothing. I waited a few days before the next run, but I ran over 4k yesterday and my planned 3.8k today. I am quite happy with how the program is going, though I am having trouble with my legs. Next week is my last, so I need to come up with a new running schedule.
I read 1 chapter of "The Science of Meditation" (https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/290/290654/the-science-of-meditation/9780241975695.html) and I tried to take things easy this week. My eating was not great, so I will try to be less hectic next week and introduce approximate meal times into my schedule. I already put them into the calendar, let’s hope this is enough. I am getting 5 meals each day, but I will try to eat only 3 bigger meals and fast between them, which presumably helps with blood sugar regulation when you are insulin resistant.
Goals for the past week: [x] follow-up program week 4 - day 1 (done on Monday, I ran a race of over 8k) [x] follow-up program week 4 - day 2 (done on Saturday) [x] follow-up program week 4 - day 3 (done on Sunday) [-] eat only catered food for the days when it's available (Wednesday to Saturday) (failed completely) [x] read 1 chapter of "The Science of Meditation" (done on Saturday)
It’s much nicer to continue something than to start over each week. I wish I had a way to better accommodate my eating schedule and habits, though. Got tips? Let me know, please!
New goals for the week: [o] follow-up program week 5 - day 1 [o] follow-up program week 5 - day 2 [o] follow-up program week 5 - day 3 [o] come up with a new running schedule for the upcoming month [o] eat only catered food (or add fruit) on the days when it's available      (Monday to Saturday, say Sunday is a „cheat day”) [o] read 1 chapter of "The Science of Meditation"
Wish me luck!
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turtlesnakes-rocket · 3 years
Weekly goal setting #13 + running update (C25K follow-up week 3)
I caught up on running this past week, but my eating schedule got a bit out of hand. I would like to focus on being more mindful and safe emotionally in the weeks to come. I will be reading one chapter per week of "The Science of Meditation" (https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/290/290654/the-science-of-meditation/9780241975695.html) and also watching my eating a little more, as well as I can.
Goals for the past week: [x] follow-up program week 2 - day 3 (done on Monday) [x] follow-up program week 3 - day 1 (done on Thursday) [x] follow-up program week 3 - day 2 (done on Saturday) [x] follow-up program week 3 - day 3 (done on Sunday) [-] light stretching session (20 mins) - day 1 (did not do) [-] light stretching session (20 mins) - day 2 (did not do) [-] light stretching session (20 mins) - day 3 (did not do)
I will skip the stretching sessions next week, because they do not work for me as a goal. I feel too tired in my mind after running to even bother with extras, even if they help with the post-workout soreness. My life has been hectic lately, so I hardly reach my "active" goals (those which I just need to tick off) and stretching requires internal peace which is now missing from my everyday.
New goals for the week: [o] follow-up program week 4 - day 1 [o] follow-up program week 4 - day 2 [o] follow-up program week 4 - day 3 [o] eat only catered food for the days when it's available (Wednesday to Saturday) [o] read 1 chapter of "The Science of Meditation"
Wish me luck!
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turtlesnakes-rocket · 3 years
Weekly goal setting #12 + running update (C25K follow-up week 2)
I did not expect the past week to get so out of hand. I had some trouble at work and also became really tired physically, possibly due to the effects of the medication which I am on for insulin resistance. There was very little fun and a lot of inertia in my everyday this week. The catering service keeps coming, but because my partner does not want to use it, we often end up outside looking for food anyway. I have to make a choice between eating cold food out of the box, or missing a scheduled meal in favor of having takeout with him. The second option feels much nicer, I like to eat together, especially when there are not that many things that you can do together outside any more, except walk, run or eat. Oh, fuck the pandemic.
In any case, I feel like I need to commit to the catered food more to control my sugar intake. Luckily, I ordered a vegan and low-sugar version of meals by default. I am so very grateful for the meals which just appear at my door every day at 2 a.m. I really hate cooking when busy and my eating habits have become much better ever since the catering started.
Goals for the past week: [x] follow-up program week 2 - day 1 (done on Saturday) [x] follow-up program week 2 - day 2 (done on Sunday) [-] follow-up program week 2 - day 3 (did not do) [x] light stretching session (20 mins) - day 1 (done on Sunday) [-] light stretching session (20 mins) - day 2 (did not do)
I missed one run of week 2 this past week and also did not do one of the two planned stretching sessions. Normally I would just say "meh!" and do stuff for next week as usual, but since I came up with a set program in which all elements matter somehow, I will try to complete 4 runs next week instead of 3. I will run tomorrow, take a one-day break and continue with week 3. I will also try to stretch more consistently. Lately my partner joined me for stretching, which made the entire session much more social and entertaining. As is the case with running, his companionship keeps me going. J., if you are reading this, you are my rocket!
New goals for the week: [o] follow-up program week 2 - day 3 [o] follow-up program week 3 - day 1 [o] follow-up program week 3 - day 2 [o] follow-up program week 3 - day 3 [o] light stretching session (20 mins) - day 1 [o] light stretching session (20 mins) - day 2 [o] light stretching session (20 mins) - day 3
Wish me luck!
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turtlesnakes-rocket · 3 years
Weekly goal setting #11 + running update (C25K follow-up week 1)
What a tough and painful week this was. I took care of myself for the most part, but I wish I was able to do it in a better style iykwim. Getting back to the goals for this week though…
Firstly, I finished "The Body Keeps the Score”, the book was very heavy, which took its toll on me. It was useful, perhaps groundbreaking for me in some ways, but I wanted more than anything to be done with it.
Secondly, I completed week 1 of the C25K follow up program with some surprising results. I accidentally ran 4K today, instead of 3.5K and (perhaps because I ran with music?) I did it in only 35 minutes! My last run was 3.12K in 33 minutes, so I jumped almost 0.9K at the cost of only 2 minutes compared to last time. I probably ran way too fast, so I will probably keep up with the program as planned until the end. I did the stretching after the last run, but I rather winged it. I am just easing into all of this, so I want to take it slow with any new tasks.
Finally, I went on insulin resistance medication this week. I am 3 days into my treatment, so I cannot say much about it except that I feel a little off in general, but a lot less hungry than before. And I mean a lot. It feels like hunger means something completely different between being on and off medication.
Goals for the past week: [x] follow-up program week 1 - day 1 (done on Thursday) [x] follow-up program week 1 - day 2 (done on Friday) [x] follow-up program week 1 - day 3 (done on Sunday) [x] light stretching session (20 mins) (done on Sunday) [x] read 1 chapter "The Body Keeps the Score" (done, read the entire book)
Next week I will go for week 2 of the new 5-week follow-up running program and try to keep up with the stretching, increasing the number of sessions by one. We may also go hiking for one night on the weekend. It is not a goal, but just something that I look forward to.
New goals for the week: [o] follow-up program week 2 - day 1 [o] follow-up program week 2 - day 2 [o] follow-up program week 2 - day 3 [o] light stretching session (20 mins) - day 1 [o] light stretching session (20 mins) - day 2
Wish me luck!
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