tuxxedobunni · 2 years
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Drew my friends’ BH6 OCs as the Spice Girls! Starring:
@VoodooKandy’s Kat - Posh Spice
@iieshika’s DesireĂ© - Sporty Spice
@Insomniiyac’s Elei - Scary Spice
@PrinceSparvely’s Shun - Ginger Spice
@tuxxedobunni’s Violet - Baby Spice
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tuxxedobunni · 3 years
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fun facts, he likes to mess with her by treating her like a kid. calling her “chili-chan” is a way of doing it. and yes, she’s a good kisser, but he’s better at it. 💋‹I was trying out the new pen I downloaded and I didn't know I could draw so fast â˜ș Onitsuka Hanabi / Hannya © tuxxedobunniTakami Keigo / Hawks © Horikoshi Kohei
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tuxxedobunni · 3 years
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the best part of being an artist is when you make someone smile with your art :) it was a great pleasure working on this for my friend Simone đŸ’€đŸ–€
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tuxxedobunni · 3 years
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this is Onitsuka Kenzo in his 20s. his hero name is Atamoni. (ă‚ăŸă‚‚ă«; meaning boss é ­ of the onis éŹŒ)
he is the father of Hanabi and Aihi. he married Kaori, Aihi’s mother, and had an affair with Fuki, Hanabi’s mother.
he was very famous about 10 years ago, and he is still loved by middle aged and elderly citizens. he is retired, but you still see him on TV. he now owns a izakaya franchise called Onipapa (ă‚Șニパパ).
he seems to be very cheerful and well mannered, but inside he can be selfish and indecisive, and scared of disappointing people.
more infos will be posted soon!
Onitsuka Kenzo © tuxxedobunni
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tuxxedobunni · 4 years
My parents were heavily gaslighting me and taking advantage of my credit score. Dealing with them I felt like I was losing sense of reality where I cannot trust any feelings or thought I have for almost everyone around me. The worst part is that I constantly try to make excuses for people who hurt me because deep down I hate myself with passion.
I was very suicidal a couple of weeks that I wrote a suicide note just in case I cannot handle myself. I didn't do it, but I'm glad I wrote it. It was good to really think about who I really care and who deserves my love. Lots of friends tried to help me in different ways, one of them even came over to check how I'm doing, wrote down facts to help me get out of the gaslighting, and took me to my old psychiatrist. With that being said, I'm back on my meds and starting a therapy to deal with my bipolar 2 disorder and social anxieties.
Another good news is my boyfriend is back to Korea. He's been helping me a lot emotionally and I'm seeing him as much as I can.
I also have a full time job now which keeps me busy. The issue with my parents were 90 percent about money so hopefully I won't have to deal with them as much as before.
I'm writing to notify that I'm on my manic phase. My psychiatrist recommended me not to interact so much with people risking my mental health or make any big decisions from 2 weeks to 3 months. So I'll take a hiatus for that uncertain amount of time. Anyone who has something to tell me can message me directly via Facebook or Twitter.
I'm sorry if I bothered any of you and I hope nothing unpleasant happens during that time.
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tuxxedobunni · 4 years
DEFEAT THE SAD - life updates, chat & smut
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tuxxedobunni · 4 years
I was trying to get used to my new tablet. ❀ I need to do more pencil drawings!
Onitsuka Hanabi © tuxxedobunni
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tuxxedobunni · 4 years
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I am recovering from the fracture so I'm not able to use my hand fully yet, but I sketched a little piece with a new ballpoint pen brush I downloaded 💙
Onitsuka Hanabi © tuxxedobunni
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tuxxedobunni · 4 years
Words for Skin Tone | How to Describe Skin Color
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We discussed the issues describing People of Color by means of food in Part I of this guide, which brought rise to even more questions, mostly along the lines of “So, if food’s not an option, what can I use?” Well, I was just getting to that!
This final portion focuses on describing skin tone, with photo and passage examples provided throughout. I hope to cover everything from the use of straight-forward description to the more creatively-inclined, keeping in mind the questions we’ve received on this topic.
Standard Description
Basic Colors
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Pictured above: Black, Brown, Beige, White, Pink.
“She had brown skin.”
This is a perfectly fine description that, while not providing the most detail, works well and will never become cliché.
Describing characters’ skin as simply brown or beige works on its own, though it’s not particularly telling just from the range in brown alone.
Complex Colors
These are more rarely used words that actually “mean” their color. Some of these have multiple meanings, so you’ll want to look into those to determine what other associations a word might have.
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Pictured above: Umber, Sepia, Ochre, Russet, Terra-cotta, Gold, Tawny, Taupe, Khaki, Fawn.
Complex colors work well alone, though often pair well with a basic color in regards to narrowing down shade/tone.
For example: Golden brown, russet brown, tawny beige

As some of these are on the “rare” side, sliding in a definition of the word within the sentence itself may help readers who are unfamiliar with the term visualize the color without seeking a dictionary.
“He was tall and slim, his skin a russet, reddish-brown.”
Comparisons to familiar colors or visuals are also helpful:
“His skin was an ochre color, much like the mellow-brown light that bathed the forest.”
Modifiers, often adjectives, make partial changes to a word.The following words are descriptors in reference to skin tone.
Dark - Deep - Rich - Cool
Warm - Medium - Tan
Fair - Light - Pale
Rich Black, Dark brown, Warm beige, Pale pink

If you’re looking to get more specific than “brown,” modifiers narrow down shade further.
Keep in mind that these modifiers are not exactly colors.
As an already brown-skinned person, I get tan from a lot of sun and resultingly become a darker, deeper brown. I turn a pale, more yellow-brown in the winter.
While best used in combination with a color, I suppose words like “tan” “fair” and “light” do work alone; just note that tan is less likely to be taken for “naturally tan” and much more likely a tanned White person.
Calling someone “dark” as description on its own is offensive to some and also ambiguous. (See: Describing Skin as Dark)
Undertones are the colors beneath the skin, seeing as skin isn’t just one even color but has more subdued tones within the dominating palette.
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pictured above: warm / earth undertones: yellow, golden, copper, olive, bronze, orange, orange-red, coral | cool / jewel undertones: pink, red, blue, blue-red, rose, magenta, sapphire, silver. 
Mentioning the undertones within a character’s skin is an even more precise way to denote skin tone.
As shown, there’s a difference between say, brown skin with warm orange-red undertones (Kelly Rowland) and brown skin with cool, jewel undertones (Rutina Wesley).
“A dazzling smile revealed the bronze glow at her cheeks.”
“He always looked as if he’d ran a mile, a constant tinge of pink under his tawny skin.”
Standard Description Passage
“Farah’s skin, always fawn, had burned and freckled under the summer’s sun. Even at the cusp of autumn, an uneven tan clung to her skin like burrs. So unlike the smooth, red-brown ochre of her mother, which the sun had richened to a blessing.”
-From my story “Where Summer Ends” featured in Strange Little Girls
Here the state of skin also gives insight on character.
Note my use of “fawn” in regards to multiple meaning and association. While fawn is a color, it’s also a small, timid deer, which describes this very traumatized character of mine perfectly.
Though I use standard descriptions of skin tone more in my writing, at the same time I’m no stranger to creative descriptions, and do enjoy the occasional artsy detail of a character.
Creative Description
Whether compared to night-cast rivers or day’s first light
I actually enjoy seeing Characters of Colors dressed in artful detail.
I’ve read loads of descriptions in my day of white characters and their “smooth rose-tinged ivory skin”, while the PoC, if there, are reduced to something from a candy bowl or a Starbucks drink, so to actually read of PoC described in lavish detail can be somewhat of a treat.
Still, be mindful when you get creative with your character descriptions. Too many frills can become purple-prose-like, so do what feels right for your writing when and where. Not every character or scene warrants a creative description, either. Especially if they’re not even a secondary character.
Using a combination of color descriptions from standard to creative is probably a better method than straight creative. But again, do what’s good for your tale.
Natural Settings - Sky
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Pictured above: Harvest Moon -Twilight, Fall/Autumn Leaves, Clay, Desert/Sahara, Sunlight - Sunrise - Sunset - Afterglow - Dawn- Day- Daybreak, Field - Prairie - Wheat, Mountain/Cliff, Beach/Sand/Straw/Hay.
Now before you run off to compare your heroine’s skin to the harvest moon or a cliff side, think about the associations to your words.
When I think cliff, I think of jagged, perilous, rough. I hear sand and picture grainy, yet smooth. Calm. mellow.
So consider your character and what you see fit to compare them to.
Also consider whose perspective you’re describing them from. Someone describing a person they revere or admire may have a more pleasant, loftier description than someone who can’t stand the person.
“Her face was like the fire-gold glow of dawn, lifting my gaze, drawing me in.”
“She had a sandy complexion, smooth and tawny.”
Even creative descriptions tend to draw help from your standard words.
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Pictured above: Calla lilies, Western Coneflower, Hazel Fay, Hibiscus, Freesia, Rose
It was a bit difficult to find flowers to my liking that didn’t have a 20 character name or wasn’t called something like “chocolate silk” so these are the finalists. 
You’ll definitely want to avoid purple-prose here.
Also be aware of flowers that most might’ve never heard of. Roses are easy, as most know the look and coloring(s) of this plant. But Western coneflowers? Calla lilies? Maybe not so much.
“He entered the cottage in a huff, cheeks a blushing brown like the flowers Nana planted right under my window. Hazel Fay she called them, was it?”
Assorted Plants & Nature
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Pictured above: Cattails, Seashell, Driftwood, Pinecone, Acorn, Amber
These ones are kinda odd. Perhaps because I’ve never seen these in comparison to skin tone, With the exception of amber.
At least they’re common enough that most may have an idea what you’re talking about at the mention of “pinecone." 
I suggest reading out your sentences aloud to get a better feel of how it’ll sounds.
"Auburn hair swept past pointed ears, set around a face like an acorn both in shape and shade.”
I pictured some tree-dwelling being or person from a fantasy world in this example, which makes the comparison more appropriate.
I don’t suggest using a comparison just “cuz you can” but actually being thoughtful about what you’re comparing your character to and how it applies to your character and/or setting.
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Pictured above: Mahogany, Walnut, Chestnut, Golden Oak, Ash
Wood can be an iffy description for skin tone. Not only due to several of them having “foody” terminology within their names, but again, associations.
Some people would prefer not to compare/be compared to wood at all, so get opinions, try it aloud, and make sure it’s appropriate to the character if you do use it.
“The old warlock’s skin was a deep shade of mahogany, his stare serious and firm as it held mine.”
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Pictured above: Platinum, Copper, Brass, Gold, Bronze
Copper skin, brass-colored skin, golden skin

I’ve even heard variations of these used before by comparison to an object of the same properties/coloring, such as penny for copper.
These also work well with modifiers.
“The dress of fine white silks popped against the deep bronze of her skin.”
Gemstones - Minerals
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Pictured above: Onyx, Obsidian, Sard, Topaz, Carnelian, Smoky Quartz, Rutile, Pyrite, Citrine, Gypsum
These are trickier to use. As with some complex colors, the writer will have to get us to understand what most of these look like.
If you use these, or any more rare description, consider if it actually “fits” the book or scene.
Even if you’re able to get us to picture what “rutile” looks like, why are you using this description as opposed to something else? Have that answer for yourself.
“His skin reminded her of the topaz ring her father wore at his finger, a gleaming stone of brown, mellow facades.” 
Physical Description
Physical character description can be more than skin tone.
Show us hair, eyes, noses, mouth, hands
body posture, body shape, skin texture
 though not necessarily all of those nor at once.
Describing features also helps indicate race, especially if your character has some traits common within the race they are, such as afro hair to a Black character.
How comprehensive you decide to get is up to you. I wouldn’t overdo it and get specific to every mole and birthmark. Noting defining characteristics is good, though, like slightly spaced front teeth, curls that stay flopping in their face, hands freckled with sunspots

General Tips
Indicate Race Early: I suggest indicators of race be made at the earliest convenience within the writing, with more hints threaded throughout here and there.
Get Creative On Your Own: Obviously, I couldn’t cover every proper color or comparison in which has been “approved” to use for your characters’ skin color, so it’s up to you to use discretion when seeking other ways and shades to describe skin tone.
Skin Color May Not Be Enough: Describing skin tone isn’t always enough to indicate someone’s ethnicity. As timeless cases with readers equating brown to “dark white” or something, more indicators of race may be needed.
Describe White characters and PoC Alike: You should describe the race and/or skin tone of your white characters just as you do your Characters of Color. If you don’t, you risk implying that White is the default human being and PoC are the “Other”).
PSA: Don’t use “Colored.” Based on some asks we’ve received using this word, I’d like to say that unless you or your character is a racist grandmama from the 1960s, do not call People of Color “colored” please. 
Not Sure Where to Start? You really can’t go wrong using basic colors for your skin descriptions. It’s actually what many people prefer and works best for most writing. Personally, I tend to describe my characters using a combo of basic colors + modifiers, with mentions of undertones at times. I do like to veer into more creative descriptions on occasion.
Want some alternatives to “skin” or “skin color”? Try: Appearance, blend, blush, cast, coloring, complexion, flush, glow, hue, overtone, palette, pigmentation, rinse, shade, sheen, spectrum, tinge, tint, tone, undertone, value, wash.
Skin Tone Resources
List of Color Names
The Color Thesaurus
Skin Undertone & Color Matching
Tips and Words on Describing Skin
Photos: Undertones Described (Modifiers included)
Online Thesaurus (try colors, such as “red” & “brown”)
Don’t Call me Pastries: Creative Skin Tones w/ pics I 
Writing & Description Guides
WWC Featured Description Posts
WWC Guide: Words to Describe Hair
Writing with Color: Description & Skin Color Tags
7 Offensive Mistakes Well-intentioned Writers Make
I tried to be as comprehensive as possible with this guide, but if you have a question regarding describing skin color that hasn’t been answered within part I or II of this guide, or have more questions after reading this post, feel free to ask!
~ Mod Colette
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tuxxedobunni · 4 years
I have seen people comment both on here and elsewhere that some PoC characters are that in name only. And have heard people say that a "black person would never say that" that hispanic girl is a reskinned white girl. I recognize that when some writers use PoC characters as mouth pieces to talk about that ethnicity, but it seems to be a more social outlook in some cases that is hard to put a finger on.
On POC Characters not being “authentic” enough
I’m here for fixyourwritinghabits’s response to the POC would/wouldn’t accusation.
X people do not all act, react, think or live the same, so you’re right to raise your brow at anyone saying “Nah, Black people don’t do so and so.” But what you will want to look at is if this claim is valid in relation to your particular character. 
So let’s take talking back to one’s parents. Let me generalize and say in the Black community, this might be something that’s not gonna happen so often and there’s lots of jokes about how shocked Black people are to see how their White friends are allowed to say certain things to their parents that would get them personally in trouble with their Black parents. 
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But not every Black person or family is the same. You might have a Black character who would talk back and whether drama ensues or not is up to the development you created with your characters.
It’s a strange thing to balance, achieving alleged “Authenticity” vs. avoiding stereotypes, but it can and is done when you realize that people are influenced by not just their identifies as Black, Latinx, or otherwise, but personality, social class, family lives, and so on.
~Mod Colette
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tuxxedobunni · 4 years
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Merry Christmas everyone!! đŸŽ„đŸŽđŸ’šâ€ïžđŸ€took a lot of effort and time but it was definitely worth it. I love drawing group pictures and it felt so good to draw my friend’s ocs. I definitely should draw more of them đŸ„ș #bnhaoc
⚠Every oc’s owner is in caption ⚠
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tuxxedobunni · 4 years
clip studio pro is amazing đŸ„° I wasn't going to go this far when my friend requested me to draw him but we were having a nice conversations in stream and I was able to go on full detail.
art ⓒ tuxxedobunni
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tuxxedobunni · 4 years
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totally forgot to post her on tumblr. I will come up with her bio eventually! I'm struggling with details for the moment. her name is Onitsuka Hanabi. she is half Korean (jainichi to be exact) and her quirk is transforming into Oni. đŸ‘č I’m not sure if she went to UA or not, but she has just graduated high school. She is a villain for now but she will be a hero eventually ✊ Onitsuka Hanabi © tuxxedobunni
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tuxxedobunni · 4 years
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this is Arai Tatsuhiko, aka Tatsu. he is half Korean(jainichi) and half American. his hero name is Imugi. Koreans believed that most dragons were originally “imugis”(ìŽëŹŽêž°), which were said to resemble gigantic serpents. it is said imugis become dragons after thousands of years of training. so yes, he is a serpent, but he might blossom into a dragon in near future. 🐉 I’m studying more about them to figure out details of his quirk! he is in class 1-A to make his dream of becoming a hero come true!
Arai Tatsuhiko © tuxxedobunni
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tuxxedobunni · 4 years
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★ 【Kadeart🍄III】 「 Hawks & Tokoyami 」 ☆ ✔ redistribution permitted (11.19.20) ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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tuxxedobunni · 4 years
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“Generational Trauma” in five pictures. xD
You can read the fic “Fear of you” here.
[Also, guys! :D Since some of you asked; you can ship Shinyo with anyone and you can use him for  anything, be it your fics or drawings etc. (As long as it isn’t something screwed up, like, I dunno incest with Hawks or smth.) I love reading your interpretations of him! :D]
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tuxxedobunni · 4 years
I will come up with a bio eventually but I wanted to share a picture first :) their name is Negoto Cocoa. ☕ they are half Japanese and half Brazilian and their quirk is to put people to sleep. đŸ’€ they are 1st grader in UA highschool. hope they can make friends!
Negoto Cocoa © tuxxedobunni
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