twelvejdbsna · 4 months
Another thing
Library of Knowledge, Written Artifacts Division, Aronary Sub-Division.
Description: Relatively small white notebook meant for recording the distribution of rations, spending of electricity and water, the actions of foraging units, and potential threats. Two hundred pages total, all written in with Aronarian ink. Text is written in Southern Aronarian script. Written by Rangers Eipuhk, Pried, Arei, Eikoir, and Keihuhk; their names are written on the cover. Written in 1492 ACW (After Celestial War). Given to an Escloan member of an exploration team who stumbled into Aronary by accident and brought to the Library in 1495 ACW.
Excerpt (translated into Central Iclinarian):
“Rangers Eipuhk, Preid, Arei, and Eikoir.
Dawn of 12/7/129-2
-Sent units 4–6 out to the north — told them to clear out as many fledgling hornet nests as possible. We can’t afford to lose more forest, especially not to the hornets. (Eipuhk, 3-23:48)
-Sent unit 7 to find the eikail pack, since they migrated during the night. Told all other units to keep an eye out for them, too. (Eikoir, 3-34:48)
-Moved the new couple to an apartment closer to a bunker — they said they might’ve heard the eikail by the southeastern bunker. (Arei, 3-47:48)
-Saw this — told unit 7 to go investigate. Told them to check for airir while they’re out there — we need the other units foraging to prepare for winter. (Eikoir, 3-50:48)
-Checked the hospital’s stores — they’re running low on just about everything. We need to send units out to restock. If they don’t find anything, we could always ask Epiai’s rangers for help. (Preid, 4-12:48)
-Epiai’s running low, too — they’ve been struggling since the Purge, with a third of their population gone because of the hornets. A few panicking eikail tore down some bunker doors — they and the people inside were killed. I’ve told units 8 through 12 to gather whatever they can find for the hospital, along with the water they’re bringing. (Arei, 4-21:48)
-Started organizing the school visits for the youngest kids and the training sessions for the older kids. The training sessions will happen around 5/8/129-3, and the visits around 10/8/129-3. I’m figuring out the specifics with the trainers and the school director — if any of you can come to the director’s office for about an hour, we won’t need to do so much rescheduling. (Preid, 4-34:48)
-Planning on making curfew start sooner. Our solar panels still aren’t working properly, and we’re already starting to get less sunlight. If we want enough energy to keep warm for the winter, we need to start saving it now. (Eikoir, 4-56:48)
-Unit 7 found the eikail pack in the southern fields, near the taproot forest. They got the idea to set up a camera nearby, so we’re not caught completely off guard when the eikail move again. We’ll need to put people on camera duty — preferably a double or a couple, so they don’t get sent out with their unit. (Eipuhk, 5-19:48)
-Unit 9 was nearly killed by an airir in the western fields. We’ll have to warn the other units before they wander in looking for resources, and keep a lookout on the western tower to watch for it. Hopefully we’ll be able to notice sooner when it leaves. (Eikoir, 5-49:48)
-The hospital barely has enough to keep Keihuhk alive — he hasn’t been conscious since yesterday — and we can’t afford to lose a ranger. We’re already struggling to manage things, and it’s barely been any time at all since the Purge. Two months and we’re falling apart. Keihuhk is — was — the one who kept us organized. He made sure we didn’t end up doing each other’s jobs, made sure we didn’t make bad decisions when things got worse (you remember how we panicked when the taproot got aggressive.) Either we ask other rangers for help or we let him die, and if any of you think the latter is acceptable I’ll throw you into the wilderness to freeze. (Arei, 6-57:48)
-Arei, this isn’t the place for arguing about Keihuhk. You’ve had no issues yelling at us about him ever since he got sick, so I’m not sure why you can’t now. We’ve been trying to contact other rangers for help, ever since you shouted at us to. You know we’re doing everything we can — you’ve always known. One thing that might calm you down — the hospital is getting more energy because half of unit 2 got mauled by a lone eikail before it was scared off. That means more energy for keeping Keihuhk alive, too. (Preid, 7-03:48)
-We’ve been doing well today, haven’t we? The last two months haven’t been terrible, either. I know things could be better — would be better — if Keihuhk was alright, but we haven’t been doing terribly. We’re all still alive — we haven’t lost any children or parents, which the other rangers can’t say, and we have a remarkably empty hospital. We’re all scared of what will happen when winter comes. One thing I know you’ll be happy to hear — Auʇok’s rangers have agreed to send aid. We’ll be getting medicine by dusk. (Eikoir, 7-34:48)
-Auʇok was the first city hit by Keihuhk’s disease, wasn’t it? I thought they needed all the medicine they could get their hooves on. Or have most of them died, and they couldn’t tell us? I suppose we’ll find out when their couriers arrive. I’ve told units 1–5 to start preparing for their arrival and to start lockdown now, before we forget. (Eipuhk, 7-49:48)
-The second I complain, this becomes a conversation log. Of course. I’ve sent out today’s rations — slightly reduced, since our foraging units haven’t had much luck. For Keihuhk’s sake (and our doctors’), I hope our Mother has mercy to spare for us. (Arei, 8-13:48)
-Can we afford for unit 12 to go on a daylight mission? They noticed a herd of sleeping eifah to the east of the northern forest. They couldn’t hunt them, of course — they were foraging then. We could let them rest until daylight, then send them out to hunt. Before any of you say “no, they might be diseased,” this is our herd — they moved south and further east before the Purge, but they’ve got our tags in their ears. If you’re still worried, we can test their meat before anyone eats it. (Eikoir, 8-28:48)
-Units 1–5 have finished preparing for Auʇok’s couriers and are nearly done with lockdown. All other units have safely returned to their apartments or are doing city-bound jobs. Eikoir, you have my approval for unit 12’s daylight mission. (As an aside, I think we’d all be glad if we made our messages here shorter, so as to not waste space). (Preid, 8-40:48)
-They managed to wake him up. The doctors managed it — don’t ask me how, they hardly knew themselves. Not for long, but they managed it. I was checking on unit 2 — they’re doing well — and the doctors rushed me and said he was awake. He was slipping away when I got to him, but I think he might’ve seen me. His eyes widened, and I think he tried to say something. The doctors said it could’ve been because of the new painkillers — the ones Epiai sent us before the Purge. Do we know exactly what we’re getting from Auʇok? We could save Keihuhk. We could save anyone sick like him. (Arei, 9-24:48)
-We shouldn’t get our hopes up. I don’t know what we’re getting from Auʇok, Arei, but we don’t know that the painkillers were what woke him up, or that they’ll cure him. I don’t see how they would — painkillers don’t treat pain, they deaden it. I know you’re desperate — we all are — but we can’t afford to think of anything as Keihuhk’s (or any person’s) salvation. We need to prepare for the worst. We can try to organize ourselves again. If the worst comes, we can split his work among ourselves. I’ve started making a plan for this — I want him to get better as much as you do, Arei, but it doesn’t seem likely. (On another note, I suppose we won’t be saving space). (Preid, 9-37:48)
-We need more ink. I’ve scheduled for unit 14 to get sap from the ink trees. We need to write less so we don’t run out until then. (Though, Arei, I do agree with Preid here). (Eikoir, 9-50:48)
-I’m preparing units 15–20 to get the farms in order come dusk. The hornets ate every last plant — we’ll have to start from seeds again. We should have at least one harvest before winter properly sets in, though. (And, before everything boils over, I think we need to have a proper discussion). (Eipuhk, 10-20:48)
-Checked on unit 2. The doctors don’t have enough to treat them properly, but they’re still doing quite well. We’ll probably need to assign more people to unit 2 — Eiʇdyr was slammed into a rock and lost a horn (and got a rather severe concussion — she may have fractured her skull as well), Reiʇhi may not walk ever again, and Aukoir was nearly torn in half. If possible, we should divert more energy to the hospital. We should be able to afford it, at least until dusk comes. (Eipuhk, 10-33:48)
-The hornets managed to break the sirens. I’ve gotten a few technicians on the job — unless they’re completely ruined, the sirens should be back in order before daylight. (Arei, 10-44:48)
-Do we have any paint left over from the Celebrations? If we do, we could organize a bit of mural painting for the kids still in school. It would give parents a bit of respite, and could give the youngest better directional markers for the bunkers. (If the older kids have the time, I’m sure they’d like to join in as well — we could ask the trainers about that). (Preid, 11-18:48).
-Got to reading messages — the outpost sent us a few. Everything’s going well over there, apparently — they didn’t lose anyone in the Purge, they took down most fledgling nests without getting stung, and they haven’t been sending as much timber because they’re still getting their equipment in order. They’ve sent the hornet’s wax to us. If possible, we should send a few technicians to the outpost come dusk — we need their equipment working now. (Eikoir, 11-30:48)
-We may need to replace our solar panels. The technicians have been working on them since the Purge, and they haven’t made any progress. Keʇed’s rangers reached out recently to say they could offer aid if ever necessary — we should ask if they have any panels to spare for us. If not, we could use some material for wiring — only some of the panels are ruined. (Eipuhk, 11-45:48)
-Power in every building except the hospital has been completely shut off. Get some sleep before daylight really comes. (Preid, 11-53:48)
If you’d like to read the whole thing, you can check out a translated version on the Library’s website or ask a librarian to give you a transcript in the language of your choosing.
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twelvejdbsna · 6 months
First time posting my writing online so I don’t really know what I’m doing, but
Library of Knowledge, Written Artifacts Division, Acala Subdivision.
Description: Half of a sheet of paper, covered in writing in ink on both sides in the only known Acalan script. The paper has been torn in half – the other half is missing. The exact date of writing is unknown, but it was written shortly after the Acalan Mass-Possession. Retrieved from an abandoned building of unknown purpose in Acala in 548 ACW (After Celestial War).
Excerpt (translated into Central Iclinarian):
“It let me go and I don’t why but I have to do something before it comes back but I don’t know what and there isn’t anything here other than paper and pens and a few desks. I don’t know where this is I haven’t been paying attention I should’ve been what do I do? What made it let go did it change its mind what made it hold on in the first place I know people weren’t happy with it but they couldn’t have done something to upset it so why is it doing this? I was at work and taking care of the flowers and Syi was arranging someone’s order and then we could hear Acala in our heads it talked to us and told us to get outside and I could tell Syi didn’t want to but he did anyway and it made us go to different places and I haven’t seen Syi since. I don’t know if he’s dead or hurt or if it let him go too and I don’t know how long this is going to last I can’t remember what it made me do but my legs hurt and I don’t know when I last ate or had water or slept…”
The writing continues and is cut off by the tear on both sides. If you’d like to read the entire thing, you can check it out on the Library’s website or ask a librarian to give you a transcript in the language of your choosing.
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