twincuts-blog · 7 years
hey!! just as a heads-up i’ll probably be remaking this blog! basically, i feel like i need a fresh start, and it’s feeling a little cluttered here. i’ll update you guys if i do and thx for your patience xoxo
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twincuts-blog · 7 years
sorry for low activity, i’ve been on booker recently and i’m also retesting for something job-related tomorrow so i gotta study my employability relies on it being an adult Sucks
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twincuts-blog · 7 years
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twincuts-blog · 7 years
i love being an idiot
reblog if you too enjoy being stupid and foolish, a real numpty, a dumbo, a dunce, and a laughingstock 
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twincuts-blog · 7 years
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          skimpy pub scenes are not his GENERAL hangout areas, but tonight’s prior affairs demanded hard booze to attempt to forget the fling of DISAPPOINTMENT he’d subjected himself to hours ago. humane liquor, even the strongest of brews, does significantly little for a supernatural being of his psyche & physical endurance, but at the abrupt greeting & offer from the individual nearest his person, he contemplates. ‘ — … that’s a dumb name for a drink. but i guess so. ‘ anything if it’ll aid to black him out. 
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“the name don’t matter! it’s the EXPERIENCE, man!” kyo looks scandalized, like he’d named the drink himself and like the stranger is delivering a blow right to his gut. the expression dissipates into a grin again, though, as he knocks on the counter and digs into his wallet for the cash he just took out of the bank. “anyway, let’s do it. i’ll be, uh, somethin’ like legendary.”
admittedly, though, it DOES sound weird ordering “two ticklers” for them. kyo hopes it’s one of those drinks that catches on fire or some shit.
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twincuts-blog · 7 years
anyway what an EVENTFUL afternoon i’ll do some more stuff here today perhaps but u can catch me fucking it up on booker as well
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twincuts-blog · 7 years
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❝ Oh! Oh no I’m quite alright! I don’t need to vent. I get lost in my own head sometimes! Garce says if my head wasn’t attached to my shoulders, I’d surely lose it. ❞ They smiled reassuringly, grabbing one of Kyo’s hands and squeezing. They carried more within themselves than they were inclined to share. They would only be a burden if they expressed such doubts within themselves. The Oracle was to act with conviction, to speak words that could lead very nations and guide mankind back to a path of righteousness. There rested no room for doubt. They squared their shoulders and smiled, inhaling deeply as if to steady themselves. ❝ Show me–where the dogs usually come in from, I mean. I should like to see them. ❞
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“just as long as ya know you can vent whenever...” kyo didn’t BUY it, but he didn’t want to push them, either. ever since the whole oracle-in-training reveal when they’d started dating, he’d begun to figure out passion had a lot on their plate. garce and nila were very adamant about reminding him of it, too.
squeezing their hand back, kyo pulled them away from the pond and towards a more open, grassy area, away from the playground. a woman was standing somewhere in the middle with a stiff-looking brush in hand, running it through a samoyed’s thick coat and removing excess white fur. “hey, how ‘bout a dog like that? since we were talkin’ about maybe gettin’ one and all... looks like a cloud. kinda like your hair, huh?” to seemingly prove a point, he ruffled their pale locks, relishing the silken feel against his palms.
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twincuts-blog · 7 years
anon is off until further notice i’m old and tired
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twincuts-blog · 7 years
anyway, not trying to start a Drama Wildfire here, but i’m pretty candid about being a white girl idk if y’all have noticed from my selfies or anything! it’s not like i’m trying to catfish people (u guys uh, how u say, KNOW how i feel about people who catfish people) and honestly this just sounds like someone trying to #expose me when there’s nothing to expose so i’m just gonna work on my drafts as one does
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twincuts-blog · 7 years
hii umm this isnt really rp related buttttt i know ur strongly against whitewashing and stuff, but u use a korean idol pic on ur twitter and u aren't korean at all???
anyway watch the red flavor mv on youtube
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twincuts-blog · 7 years
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whaddup, it’s kayleigh here with a blog for bioshock infinite’s very own BOOKER DEWITT. it’s not 2013 anymore but better late than never! like or reblog if you’re interested in interacting, and i’ll check out your blog! 
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twincuts-blog · 7 years
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Howdy ho my name is Cherry and this is Passion! An Oracle OC with their own original canon. Passion is the nonbinary pan with a plan (they actually have no plan they have no idea what they’re doing) and they were born as The Oracle–a special human that can communicate with the gods and are supposed to on the behalf and benefit of humanity. They only recently left the sheltered monastery they were raised in and now travel to figure out the world and how to Oracle properly.
So if Passion sounds like a muse you and your own muse would be into like/reblog this and I’ll check you out!
Also if that’s not enough Passion will make your muse friendship bracelets so???
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twincuts-blog · 7 years
every misogynistic camilla hater owes me 10 dollars
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twincuts-blog · 7 years
the last battle of b.ioshock infi.nite morE LIKE ACTUAL HELL
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twincuts-blog · 7 years
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twincuts-blog · 7 years
Before my muse disappeared, they gave yours a series of 'open when' letters. Send a symbol to read them.
Open when...
☹: you're not feeling okay
☕: it's too early in the morning
✎: you miss me
❀: it's valentine's and i'm out of town
♕: you don't feel important
♡: you wonder how much i love you
⚯: you need ideas for an adventure
✰: you're staring up at the stars, looking for me
✴: you're angry
✸: you're angry at yourself
☘: you're angry at the world
☏: you need me
☁: things won't stop going wrong
✈: everything's perfect again
✌: you're guilty
❆: it's snowing
☠: i'm gone
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twincuts-blog · 7 years
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