twinflamestruth · 1 year
This is the period from the Soul recognition when the astral energy gets polarised till the time when DF shifts to unity consciousness.
During this time the DF will send their energy to DM and this forces DM to run. DF is the leading Twin Flame and it is up to them to balance the energy and shift into unity consciousness. DF will go through the full-on Ego Death(s) until there is nothing left of the personality, identity - false self that Ego/Mind had created.
The fastest way to get out of it is to start practicing presence, detox off your Twin Flame and just be. You can try all sorts of healing and try to think your way out of it, but nothing will work. If you have had enough of the suffering your Ego/Mind is creating for you during this phase, then start practicing presence.
In the beginning the DF will be in hell - it will hurt at all levels of existence. You will get a little better after a while only to spiral back into purgatory. You will be obsessively thinking about your Twin Flame and looking for signs that could be interpreted as them coming back to you. You will go through many energetic shifts and shedding the layers of Ego/Mind. Keep in mind - this is not ascension yet, this is the preparation for ascension.
Then you will understand that nothing will help and you give up. You feel numb towards everything that exists in this world because the one person you want in this world does not want you. But this is still Ego/Mind thing - your Ego/Mind will go to a “shut-down, restart” mode when you have reached the end of your options of what to do. This is still not ascension.
Once your Ego/Mind starts the “restart mode”, it is up to you if you have had enough of the suffering and start practising presence or go for more runs up the spiral of hell.
When you start practicing presence, you will feel instantly better. It feels like hard work at the beginning, and you must build up you “muscle” to stay present, but it is worth it. I had a strong sense of shift in energy in every 5–7 days and it keeps on building even now, more than a year later. THIS IS ASCENSION.
The obsessive thinking stops, you get your energy back, YOU CAN SLEEP AGAIN!!! AND - you will start avoiding your Twin Flame. This is the time when many DFs think that they are running, but this is not the runner energy. You will never become a runner. You just find your peace so precious that you do not want anything to trigger you out of it. And you are not that strongly rooted to this state of being yet, so you can be triggered, especially by your Twin Flame.
During this time, you will be present all day and feel great, but then your dreams will be all about them suddenly. This is your unconscious mind vibrating out the separation energy, it is perfectly normal, and this will pass after a while.
So, you carry on living at the hermit mode and practice more and you ascend more. Universe will keep bringing your Twin Flame in to show you where you are with your progress. And then one day you see your Twin Flame and nothing - you are totally neutral; you do not get triggered. I think you have made it; you go back home and suddenly you are triggered again. There are still some aftershock waves from seeing them that can trigger you.
And you ascend more. Ascension will never end. And then finally, you will run into your Twin Flame and you are Zen, you go back home and you are still Zen. You keep on living and seeing them and you are still Zen. And you keep seeing them more and more and you are still Zen. This is unity consciousness.
Blessings xx
Source: https://www.quora.com/profile/Katherina-Tiny-Speck-of-Light
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twinflamestruth · 1 year
by Gray Inregio
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Understanding Ascension and what is going on with you!
You’re being awakened to the realization you’re the soul. The soul is pure awareness and presence, and nothing else. Ascension is that! You’re being the soul, your true identity.
This is the journey of the soul and not the journey of the mind. To do the journey of the soul (Ascension) is to do soul things.
Your soul wants nothing external! You have to go within for everything.
Kurt said “This is the biggest thing you’ve ever done in your life!”
It really is the biggest thing you’ve ever done in your life. He also said you cannot go backwards on your Ascension and he is right. Your life will never be the same again.
This journey is going to be one of great solitude. You will be alone almost the entire time, because you're not in control of yourself, the soul is. You will be mostly alone, energetically shifting out of 3D consciousness, however long it takes. Your soul is everything you need and you will know there is nowhere else to go in this journey.
As you align with your soul more, which is the real you, you will experience detaching from the egoic mind. Over time as you’re doing daily meditation, mindfulness, and being in the meditative state, you’re replacing duality energy with non-duality.
Non-duality feels like peace, bliss and love. That’s the soul. What you also experience is you’re detached from the mind and body. It’s like you just know you’re not that anymore and it’s energetic.
You're either in your mind's FEAR BASED ENERGY or your SOUL'S LOVE ENERGY.
I know you’re trying to get this conceptually, and it’s not conceptual. It’s energetic.
This is an energetic shift only! The mind is fear-based and the soul well just neutral, doesn’t care, and is already complete on its own. This just means you’re either in your mind (FEAR BASED energy) or PRESENT (SOUL ENERGY). Only two places you can be. You’re either in one or the other.
Your soul is an energy and it wants to expand. It's awareness and this awareness energy wants to expand. So your soul wants you to dissolve thoughts and transmute that energy to awareness and expand your awareness. The more aware and present you become, thoughts that require duality-based energy fade out.
The foundation for NON-DUALITY is ACCEPTANCE.
Allow the thoughts to be there, don't resist. Let them be there and just be aware of them and know it isn't who you are. You keep doing this till it fades out. Meditate, meditate, meditate. Meditation keeps you present and aware. Keep meditating at least twice a day.
Again, you're replacing thoughts (which are fueled by duality based energy) to soul, as the fear-based energy shrinks, thoughts fade out. Just don't feed it!
You’re turning DUALITY BASED energy which sees things as duality. Good and bad, high and low, happy and sad. It sees it as polar opposites. You’re transmuting this energy back to soul energy. Soul energy is NON-DUALITY, there is no good or bad, happy or sad, there is what IS.
The ego - the duality-based energy is an entity that mimics the soul. It’s kind of like you’re fighting over your body with other things. For the most part you were living subconsciously through these entities.
Past or Future is MIND
Present Moment is SOUL.
If you judge your thoughts, situation and things, you're back in your mind.
As you become more aware over time, things will just fall off. As you shed each layer of your ego, you will not resonate anymore with that attachment to the physical world. As each layer of the ego falls off, which can take a month or more for each layer, you shift energetically to SOUL.
As you align closer to your soul, you'll be manifesting your reality much more faster. All manifestations are with energy, not thoughts. Everything you want, feel it as if you already have it.
You can manifest what you want to experience, but you'll know it will never make you happy. You will know this when you align. It's like I got my dream car, but it's like “Oh, okay!“ I have manifested a lot of things I've wanted, but they no longer make me happy as it used to, since I'm not attached to the 3D world.
PEOPLE WHO AREN'T AWAKENED WILL NOT UNDERSTAND YOU AT ALL. There is really no need for words when you ascend. It slowly just becomes mind chatter that isn't real. The unawakened will believe however you make them feel, that's how it works.
It is usually going to be months and months before you transmute enough energy to feel the duality energy separate from yourself. As you go within, stay present and just be the consciousness (the soul) which you are, you start feeling the peace, love and bliss beneath the duality-based emotions. The duality-based emotions start to feel like just surface stuff. It just feels like it’s on the surface and not you.
This is after ascending for quite some time. That peace, bliss, and zen feels quite larger than the duality-based emotions you’ve been experiencing your whole life. As the ego breaks apart, the soul starts shining through. The awareness that brings light to what was dark.
You slowly, slowly, slowly start to feel whole. Like you don’t need anything outside of yourself, you don’t need anyone, you don’t need to become, you are just fine on your own. Solitude starts to feel awesome, you don’t need to feel happy from anything external.
As you go through the Dark Night of the Soul, you transmute your energy from fear to love, you ascend to Soul energy. So you eventually become perfectly balanced in yourself without needing anything external to live in bliss.
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As you ascend, you feel more and more balanced. Your negative and positive emotions aren’t that strong anymore. You’ll have a lot of up and down cycles over a year, maybe more. It actually doesn’t end, you just don’t feel them strongly and the down cycles aren’t as overwhealming.
If you want any concept of what is going on, it's your ego. Any information you want it's your ego. Even if you had all the knowledge... it wouldn't matter, because it's all energetic.
The ego is thoughts and duality based emotions, highs and lows. The soul is presence and peace, bliss, and zen. You aren't trying to fix or change your emotions, you're just changing your primary mode of being.
You're energetically shifting from mind to presence. Your primary mode will be presence, not thoughts and emotions. You will still have duality based emotions and thoughts, but it's not your primary mode. You're replacing all that duality of the mind with presence which is the soul.
If you're in thought, you're in your mind. If you're just watching thoughts like clouds you're the soul. If you feel like you're doing, you're in your mind. If you feel like the body is doing and you're watching it do stuff, you're the soul.
If doing things become effortless, it's you're not sucked in your duality based mind which creates the illusion of working hard or getting to the goal. Instead of feeling like things are happening to you, it's like you're watching things happening. As you align more with your soul the mind gets out of the way.
I cannot tell you what the soul is, because you'll try to create a personality that thinks it's the soul. The soul is there, it's you, it feels eternal and was always there all the time, it never left, it just exists and is there, there is no way to shut it off.
You are going to experience things that can only be experienced internally and you cannot think of it. It's like telling you what truffle taste like, but you never ate truffle and all I can say is it's nothing like you ever had before.
Most people will think you're crazy, because you can only experience this as you awakened. I can't tell people what it's like to look at my Twin Flame's eyes and it feels like me looking back at me. I can't tell you what it's like to feel your energy just vibrate into the universe and you feel you're the universe.
You are the soul, and once you experience your own true self, the soul, you just are in some state of love you can’t explain. I’m trying to explain it with my mind and I cannot. What is it like to love yourself the soul? I cannot explain it, it’s really way beyond thoughts. You just feel that love all over you and it's beautiful all the time, and you feel that way, and you enjoy experiencing your own self the soul.
You just don’t care about anything outside of yourself or getting something, like it’s THAT LEVEL OF LOVE, it feels like it’s always there, it’s always been there and it will always be there, the love cares not of time, this love cares not of future or past, it’s there, just there with you when you are present, it doesn’t go anywhere, it’s always there and you feel like nothing in the world can take it away!
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twinflamestruth · 3 years
It’s usually going to be months and months before you transmute enough energy to feel the duality based energy separate from yourself. As you go within, stay present and just be the consciousness (the soul) that you are, you will start to feel the peace, zen and bliss beneath the duality based emotions. The duality based emotions start to feel like just surface stuff. It just feels like it’s on the surface and not you.
This is after ascending for quite some time. That peace, bliss, and zen feels quite larger than the duality based emotions you’ve been experiencing your whole life. As the ego breaks apart, the soul starts shining through. The awareness that brings light to what was dark.
You slowly, slowly, slowly start to feel whole. Like you don’t need anything outside of yourself, you don’t need anyone, you don’t need to become, you’re just fine on your own. Solitude starts to feel awesome, you don’t need to feel happy from anything external.
You feel more balanced. Your negative and positive emotions aren’t that strong anymore.
As your overall energy changes and you shift to soul, your twin flame’s energy will change and shift as well. Your twin flame will NOT validate anything. They aren't aware if they're in soul energy at all. You're the only one aware, no one else. Your energy goes to them only. In any energy system energy always flows from positive to negative. The only thing that keeps you two apart is the fear based energy between you two. Once it balanced out and neutralized, they just feel they should be around you more, and more, and more.
As your soul brings them in, you balance immediately after any interaction. If you don't, it will trigger the addiction and obsessive thinking. Remember this can be a long process. Also remember to put focus on yourself. Don't focus on them. This is about your Ascension and nothing else. Focus on the life you want, focus on why your life is the way it is, and why you manifest it. Just focus on yourself.
When you have a shift energetically, your Twin Flame responds to it. They will respond very strongly early in ascension, but that fades out over time. As you ascend, you slowly, slowly, slowly come together and you don’t have to do anything. You actually can’t do anything at all.
Do you have to love yourself?
The mind sees love and you as separate, it’s trying to tell you to do these steps to love yourself. You are LOVE! Not like cuddling or romantic love, or how you love your family, that’s all separation mind love. It’s conditions to things.
Unconditional love is like “Everything is perfect right now, there is no need for anything to happen or not happen.” It’s totally different than what you mind is capable of. It’s beyond the mind and emotions, it’s the vibration of your soul. It’s amazing!
You’re Union, you’re Love, you’re Peace, you’re Bliss, you’re presence, you’re acceptance, you’re everything you need. 
You can't love your Twin Flame as though they are external to you. That's why they run. Any externalization directed at the physical person is what causes the running. You have to depart from identification with the mind. The paradox is your Twin Flame will only think about you once you completely stop thinking about them.
Having the physical form of your Twin Flame is a byproduct of Ascension.
Once you align with your soul, your energy is the same as your Twin Flame, so you energetically match and come together. As far as ascending goes, you’re going further. You’re going all the way to know you are the soul, all the way to source energy. It is NOTHING LIKE you’ve ever experienced in your life! NOTHING!
This journey is going to be one of great solitude. You will be alone almost the entire time, because you're not in control of yourself, the soul is. You will be mostly alone, energetically shifting out of 3D consciousness, however long it takes. Your soul is everything you need and you will know there is no where else to go in this journey. No one is going to understand you, your friends won’t understand you, your family will not understand you! Only other people who are awakened will get you! NO ONE WILL GET YOU!
Your soul wants no attachments out of itself. That’s YOU. The real YOU wants no attachments to anything external. Nothing in the future! Drinking, clubs, women, men, job, friends, all that's got to go. You have to feel 100% good on your own, without anything external. You feel GOOD FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER! You can sit in a chair for 20 hours and feel just fine, feel great, without doing a damn thing. That’s what your soul wants! Nothing external! You feel good just existing, and the only way to do that is be the soul.
You have to let your twin flame go 100%. All attachments have to go! Their past has to go, the future you imagined has to go, things they did for you you let go, the WHOLE THING HAS TO GO!
A billion dollars at this point means nothing to you, because your Twin Flame is everything you ever wanted in 3D. You cannot get them in 3D. You will feel that there is NOTHING! NOTHING IN THE WORLD FOR YOU after letting your Twin Flame go. You will never have that intense love with them ever again! It’s hard to let go, I know. Letting go of them is letting go of the 3D, there’s nothing for you in 3D.
All there is left is your spiritual ascension! That’s what it’s always been about, and why your other self came in. They only came in to trigger your spiritual awakening and their job’s done. You have to treat it this way. You have to treat it like it was only about your spiritual ascension, and nothing else. Meditation must become your second nature.
When you energetically shift from duality based energy to soul energy and you get over your Twin Flame, you’re like “How did this happen? I’m over them, I can’t believe it, it feels AWESOME! I didn’t ever think getting over someone could feel this great!” Getting over your Twin Flame is mind blowing, like your mind doesn’t understand how it happened. You just don’t care if you ever see them again, it’s incredible!
You slowly, slowly, and slowly come together. You just let whatever happens happen, and just let the universe bring you two together. Your Twin Flame just reacts to the energy without thinking of why they are doing it. As you shift to your soul’s energy, they just want to be around you more and more. So they become the “Chaser.” You were the one chasing and now they are chasing you. However! Since you’re the PUSH energy Twin Flame tasked with Ascension, you decide if you want to be with them or not.
SINCE YOU DID THE ASCENSION AND THE WORK WAS ON YOU, you have the final choice to be with them or not. They don’t have a choice at all. They have no say. Your Twin Flame will want to be at least friends with you if they aren’t with you, but you have that choice.
By Gray Inregio
Source: https://twinflameascensionguide.quora.com/
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twinflamestruth · 3 years
A space to help you do the inner work on your Ascension in the Twin Flame Journey:
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twinflamestruth · 3 years
At last. Welcome.
You’re here because you want to know the truth about twin flames.
Most information out there about twin flames is misinformation. And believing those common myths and untruths is keeping you and your twin flame physically apart. 
I won't tell you what you want to hear. I will tell you what you need to hear. I'm gonna tell you the truth whether it triggers your ego or not.
I am V. The One who will be your “Morpheus”.
This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends; you believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. 
Remember, all I’m offering is the truth, nothing more. Follow me.
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What are twin flames?
The Soul is a Singularity that splits into positive and negative in order to exist in this world of duality. Twin flames are one soul in two bodies, but they are polarised at the astral level, one is the positive polarity (95% of women) and the other is the negative (95% of men). Opposites who can reach true divine love ONLY AFTER spiritual ascension and inner alchemy of balancing and neutralising the fear-based push-pull energy, collapsing the duality within and passing through the illusion of separation. As long as you are in a fear-based energy of duality you can’t manifest true love. Meeting and being with your other self will trigger your spiritual ascension. It will be a roller-coaster.
When the soul recognizes itself in the body of the twin flame, the duality fear-based energy is activated and both will feel a magnetic pull towards each other. It’s an energetic attraction that cannot be stopped, that cannot be controlled, the (polarised) energies are building up, get higher and higher and when they reach a tipping point (typically after 4 to 8 weeks) they repel. When they start repelling, the positive pole pushes, the negative pole pulls. In any energetic system the energy flows always from positive to negative. That’s why it appears that the positive pole is chasing and the negative pole is running.
The fear-based energy is very obsessive and very addictive. The push twin will be obsessed with their twin flame, the pull twin will be obsessed with ANYONE and anything (any sort of addiction, it can be alcohol, sex, work, depending on each individual), BUT their twin flame. The fear-based energy won’t even allow the (runner) pull twin to focus on their twin. And the worst for them is they can’t put their finger on what’s going on.
The positive pole (divine feminine - DF) is conscious of this connection, the negative pole (divine masculine - DM) is unconscious of the connection. If you are the negative polarity twin, even if you notice the incredible similarities and sinchronicities, chances are you won’t truly realize that you are on a twin flame journey and you are running from your other self. There are cases in which DM realizes they are on a twin flame journey, but even if they know, they still run away and reject their twin.
So you cannot be together with your twin flame physically more than maximum 2 months because the energies will repel. Separation, maybe coming together again, but never more than 6-8 weeks, it’s just not possible as long as you are in the duality fear-based energy. 
Where there is fear, there cannot be love. It’s one or the other. True love is the absence of fear and total acceptance, peace, it’s unconditional. In order to get to that place of true love, you have to neutralize the push-pull energy, it’s an inner alchemy of collapsing the duality within and become singularity – aligning with your soul, not looking for external love or validation. 
The positive polarity is usually older as age, because you as the push twin are the one who is conscious that you are on a twin flame journey and you are the one who has to do the spiritual work of alchemising and neutralizing the push-pull energy. That means you have to detach. Detach from your one true love? Oh, yes. Detach from the physical form of your other self as if they never existed. And that’s when the person shows up. It’s a paradox. The good news is that after you detach even if they don't come back you don't care. The point of this journey and the entire ascension process is to collapse the duality within yourself.
What You AND Your Twin Flame Both Feel During Separation
They both feel obsession, DF towards DM and DM towards someone else. LOL, this is so fucked-up. But there is a reason why it happens like this and it happens only in a twin flame journey!
Twin flames are one soul in two bodies, polarised at the astral level into positive and negative (opposites, like everything that exists in this universe of duality): DF (divine feminine) and DM (divine masculine).
Why Kurt says DM feels... nothing? How is that possible? (Here is Kurt’s video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eENFcS2CBE&ab_channel=NewWorldAllstar)
Well, when the soul recognizes itself in the body of the twin flame the duality fear-based energy is activated, and both will feel a magnetic pull towards each other, an attraction that cannot be controlled, no matter how much of a control freak you are.
“Separation” happens when they start repelling, typically after 4-8 weeks of “being together”. When they start repelling, the positive pole pushes, the negative pole pulls. The fear-based energy is very obsessive and very addictive. DF will be obsessed with DM and unable to understand why DM runs away from something so perfect, while DM will be obsessed with anyone and anything (any sort of addiction, it can be alcohol, sex, work, depending on each individual), BUT their twin flame. The push energy of DF (chaser) won’t even allow the DM (runner) to focus on their twin. If you are DF, once DM runs away, you will get through the dark night of the soul.
The only way to get over it is to GHOST/BLOCK/DELETE or UNFOLLOW your DM on every social media pages they have. I’m not kidding. Detach completely of the physical form of your twin flame, like they never existed. And stop doing or watching those fucking tarot readings, they don’t help you at all.
And... don’t send healing energy or love to your twin flame. Don’t talk to anyone about your twin flame journey. These are huge mistakes that will backfire. You don’t need any healing or fixing your karma. Repairing the contents of your mind will never change how it functions. Instead, you have to stop living through it. The truth is: you are a soul, which is pure consciousness. Embrace true spiritualism, it will change your life. Permanently.
If they come back at some point or you run into them around town by “chance” (that always happens with twin flames, like Kurt says, and it’s so true!) it doesn’t matter, you won’t care that much, because once you balance and neutralize the push-pull energy, and then align with your soul, realizing that separation is illusion, you will start to feel amazing and life will become magical.
It’s because you don’t identify anymore with the ego-personality, but with the real self, the Soul, the Consciousness, the Undefinable, the Source, the Singularity playing in this duality world it created. This is the first step of the Ascension and true love is only possible after this Alchemy takes place. One twin can do the spiritual work for both, as they are ONE energy field: once you balance your push energy, your twin’s pull energy gets balanced too and DM will be magnetized in your life like magic. Once you let go and you don’t even think about them anymore, that’s when they show up! It’s a paradox!
True love
You can only love something that you know. First you have to know yourself in order to love yourself unconditionally. What is “you”?
You is the Soul. You have to know your soul profoundly. Love is an energy of acceptance. Pure and total acceptance without judgement.
That’s what happens is this twin flame journey.
When you love yourself, you trust and believe in yourself.
Love is not a feeling, it’s a force, a vibration. It’s the soul’s vibration – your true essence.
When you need someone and desire them and want to be with them, that’s the ego-personality-based love. The duality love. Feel good, feel bad, conditioned by what the other person is doing. Highs and lows. It’s externalized.
Unconditional true love is neutral. It feels like peace. Intense bliss and peace. It’s balance, no highs and lows. That’s the vibration of true love.
You can be/have/live true love only after you ascend (alchemize the fear-based energy, thus neutralising the push-pull repelling energy) and only with your twin flame.
Why? Because only in the presence of your twin flame your soul is complete.
You cannot be with your twin flame unless you are in a state of unconditional love. It cannot just happen. If you are in the fear-based energy (in which we all are here in 3d), what will happen between the two of you will be the push and pull dynamic – DF chasing, DM running.
LOVE is not a verb, it’s not an action, it’s not words, it’s not thoughts, it’s a state of being. Our natural state of being. An energy. You don’t love, you ARE love. Love is your soul and the soul is made of two twin flames. Aristoteles said: Love is one soul in two bodies.
Fear and love cannot coexist. The only way to be love is to be in your soul’s vibration.
You and your twin flame cannot be together physically for long periods of time unless you are in that energetic state of love.
That’s why you have to go through this process of collapsing the duality within and alchemizing fear energy into love energy within. That’s huge.
If you’re changing your energetic composition transmuting it from fear into love, you’re just gonna feel amazing all the time.
How you align with your soul? Meditation all day, every day, just be the observer of thoughts and emotions, accepting everything without judgement. Make a lifestyle out of ZEN.
Meeting the other half of your soul is a forced awakening. You other self triggers you at the level of the mind. They trigger the breaking up of your ego (this cloud of thought patterns and emotional patterns that you have unconsciously held on to over the course of your life and it becomes your identity).
True love is the total absence of fear and suffering: it’s peace, bliss, heaven, it’s unconditional and eternal, it’s beyond the common feelings known as “love”, passion, infatuation (the ego-personality “love” is fear-based, and this kind of “love” always fades).
EGO = duality, darkness, suffering, highs and lows, conditions, longing, FEAR - worldly “love” (it’s DOing, it’s externalized, it’s a verb - to love; you can love this way other souls)
SOUL=singularity, light, bliss, balance, unconditional, peace, total acceptance, LOVE - divine love (it’s BEing, it’s internalized, you ARE love, that’s why it’s unconditional; you can have this perfect love only with your other self, after the alchemy takes place).
TRUE LOVE is possible only AFTER you align with your Soul. Only after alchemizing fear into love. You can have this kind of love ONLY with your twin flame (the only being in the universe that shares your soul). That’s the sacredness of this bond.
The twin flame journey is really just the true spiritual journey, it will be your worst nightmare and the most beautiful experience ever. You have to go through hell before you reach heaven. Heaven is possible (with or without your twin flame) only after you get out of your ego. That’s when true life, true love, true YOU begins.
“The eternal flame will always burn Feel, understand, and learn.”
(Enigma - Smell of desire)
What A Relationship With The Twin Flame Is Like When Balanced [EPIC VIDEO!] : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rRJZcfCcpY&ab_channel=BeWithYourTwinFlame
The true signs you have met your twin flame
If you are the positive polarity (so-called divine feminine, chaser, push twin):
1.     Doubt. When the soul recognises itself in your twin flame’s body, the fear-based energy is activated, it’s an addictive and obsessive energy that controls the mind, that’s why you will have huge doubts that this person is “the one”.
2.     Obsession. The obsessive thinking is unfuckingbelievable, you just can’t turn it off, no matter how hard you try not to think about your twin flame, it’s impossible. So weird. If you haven’t met your twin flame, you have no idea of what kind of obsession I’m talking about. No, it’s not the usual obsession you feel when you have a crush on someone and you are in love. Nope. Not even close. They call this the dark night of the soul. Ego death. They trigger your spiritual ascension when they run from you and your ego melts away. It’s very painful.
3.     Physical pain. When your twin flame runs away from you the first time, you will feel an intense pain in your heart center or solar plexus or sacral chakra. This happens only with your twin flame when they break up with you the first time. It’s because you two are energetically connected in those 3 areas.
4.     You search for information about twin flames until you understand what’s going on. If you keep searching, you will eventually discover the truth. It’s a lot of misinformation about twin flames out there.
5.     You just know. You know that you are one, that this person is your other self. One day you just look into their eyes and you see your soul in them.
6.     The eyes. The eye area is alike in 100% of cases. It’s a fact. No exceptions here.
The eye area is alike in 100% of cases. Twin flames have the same eye colour and the same eye-shape in ALL CASES. And this is really a strong negative predictive marker for telling if someone is NOT your twin flame. Twin flames not only have the eye area very alike, but they are similar in everything.
Why the positive polarities are usually older?
The positive polarities are older because they are the ones who have to do the spiritual work necessary for the reunion to take place: neutralising and balancing the push-pull energy, collapsing the duality within, aligning with the soul and detachment, which is not easy to do. Being older means you are more experienced with love (ego-based love) and relationships and more mature, therefore stronger in order to go through this nightmare (dark night of the ego).
Twin flame runner... is a myth. “Running” implies that the twin flame is intentionally trying to get away from you. This is NOT the case. Your twin flame wants to be with you just as much as you want to be them. Why? Because the soul desires itself. All energy attracts like energy, and the soul is energy. The twin flame is your soul, so you are the exact same energy. It’s only natural for the soul to attract itself. The twin flame is not being with you intentionally. They can’t help it. The push/pull polarities of the soul are simply too strong to permit long term physical contact. Therefore the answer lies in depolarizing the energies and combining that with the other ingredients necessary to advance along your twin flame journey and truly love yourself and your twin flame.
They don’t really have a good reason for running, they are not doing it on purpose to hurt you, but they just have to get the fuck away from you and they will say anything, even hurtful things, just to get away from you. It's the duality based energy that keeps repelling you from each other.
And you don’t understand what the fuck is going on, why all of a sudden they run away when you feel and see it clearly in their eyes that they love you, that it’s real, they give you the most flimsy cooked-up excuse and they just go. And you start to seek information about twin flames and you get more confused because 99% of the info about twin flames is written by soulmates who think they are twin flames, BUT THEY ARE NOT! And they give you that romanticized story that describes soulmates = the fear-based energy love, ego-based love, butterflies and romantic, with highs and lows that you see in every movie and everywhere.
Soulmates = a worldly love, twin flames = divine love – it’s love on another level, it’s the love you can experience ONLY with your twin flame, you have never ever loved anyone this way, not even your twin flame UNTIL you balance the fear-based push-pull energy and align with your soul. You both are one soul, and the soul is made of pure love. That’s why when you are in the presence of your twin flame you will feel peace, you will feel comfortable and so free, it’s like you are with yourself. Because you are. With your other self.
True unconditional love is neutral. It’s beyond feelings (duality – feel good, feel bad, now I love you – Now I don’t like you because you hurt me, butterflies, expectations, despair, obsession, fear of losing the person, it’s high and low, you get the point). True love feels like inner peace, perfection, zen, wholeness, satori, total absence of fear and total acceptance. It’s bliss, it’s intense, but in a balanced, peaceful way, in a neutral way. It’s something you have never felt before ascension. Only after you pass through the illusion of separation, realize that you are one and balance the push-pull energy, the shift takes place. If one twin does that, the other twin will automatically become balanced too, because it’s the same energy field, they are one. They are ascending together, but only one of them is aware of what’s happening. It’s designed this way. 
But till you get to this place of true love, it’s a fucking roller-coaster! You have to pass through hell to get to heaven. Funny how that is.
So... You push, they pull. The more addicted you are to them, the more you focus on them, the more you need and want them, the more they will be addicted to anyone and anything but you. The more you chase, the more they run. It is meant to be that way, otherwise the ego death and spiritual ascension could not happen.
What about affirmations?
No. Affirmations is mental stuff. You have to align with your soul. Be the observer of the thoughts and emotions all day, every day, constantly, accepting them fully and not judge them. Soul=present moment, mind=past and future. After a while you will begin to feel the real feelings of the soul: contentment, bliss, peace, inner wholeness all the time, feeling like you don't need anything from the outside. It's magical. Also a form of art helps. Creating art or music, dancing and painting. It's the soul who creates and expresses itself through art in a state of inspiration and sometimes it feels like samadhi.
Twin flames cannot be of the same sex, it’s always man and woman.
Why? It’s simple and logical: at the level of the soul they are ONE, because the soul is a SINGULARITY, but at the astral and physical level (3d world, astral body and pshysical body) they are OPPOSITES, because the astral plane and the physical plane are DUALITY where EVERYTHING is polarised.
How to manifest physical union
Detox and ascend
1. Detox
Let go of the physical form of your other self as if they never existed.
Ghost/block/delete them.
Stop looking at twin flame information.
Stop talking about twin flames.
You say to your friends: please don’t ever mention this person again, just like I never met them.
2. Ascend
You replace all of that activity with creating a lifestyle of zen.
Embrace your spiritual journey. Focus on yourself. 
Meditate all day every day 15 hours a day.
Meditation = shifting your attention to the present moment over and over again, looking away from thought, accepting what you think and feel, but don't judge as being good or bad, you just let it be, you're neutral.
Once you get really good at that, it works instantaneously within a week or a month.
After a few weeks or months (dependind on the person) you start having very powerful deep spiritual experiences, you feel a drastic increase in your consciousness, this is “aligning with your soul and collapsing the duality within”.
And the darnest thing happens! You hear from your other self, DM starts thinking about you and want to see you right away. That happens consistently, without fail. It’s empirical data, scientific information, as Kurt relates. 
1. Understanding Ascension, Twin Flame Journey and what is going on with you:  
2. Go watch Kurt’s free content here: 
3...and Elle Hari, who is very dear to me, she’s wonderful and very spiritual: 
4. Go watch Samadhi movie.
5. Read The power of now by Eckhart Tolle.
That’s all you need. 
I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it would be the truth.
You have to let it all go. Fear, doubt and disbelief. Free your mind.
This is how you get out of the Matrix.
Good luck with your journey. 
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