twisted-fate-777 · 10 years
Caitlyn pulling a gun in the middle of the interview definitely wasn’t what he was expecting but it also wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. He was hoping that his story would be convincing enough to get him off the hook but Caitlyn was too smart for that. She knew that he was lying but the problem was she couldn’t prove it. If there was one thing a life of crime had taught Twisted Fate it was that once you say a story, stick to it and a gun at his head wouldn’t change that.
“Well officer, I’m sorry my story didn’t appeal to your fancy but that is what happened.” he assured her even if he knew she wouldn’t be convinced. This was one of the few instances the card master found himself without a solid card to put on the table to take the jackpot. Caitlyn saying “I don’t like that one.” in reference to his alibi made him feel on edge. It gave him the feeling she had saw a hole in his story but he couldn’t be sure and that worried him. 
Had they of been at a card table he would have no idea what cards are in Caitlyns hand and with the hand cuff simply gating away wasn’t the solid get away it always had been. Even with the harsh circumstances surrounding the interrogation Twisted Fates demeanor would remain unshaken still sporting his sly grin and calm eyes. Whatever the case Twisted Fate knew that in a game of hearts you need to force out the queen of spades and in this case the gun in Caitlyns hand was that queen.
“Well Officer, I thought we were having an interrogation not an execution. If you have some sort of proof to my crimes then I would like to see it otherwise I don’t think the gun is necessary. I admit I’m not an expert on Piltover law but shooting a man before being proven guilty is most likely counted as murder and there for illegal... if it isn’t well. That seems rather barbaric for a city that calls itself “The city of Progress.” wouldn’t you agree officer?” Fate would ask.
Needless to say Twisted Fate found himself rather shocked as Caitlyn was hauling him off to prison. He wasn’t sure if he should be kicking himself for screwing up or if he should be congratulating her for catching him as both were events that seemed impossible in the card masters eyes.
He would tug slightly at the single cuff around his left arm as she used it to drag him down the street. “Not so hard.” he would utter as she pulled him. Twisted Fate had planned if he had gotten caught he would simply gate away but the intuitive officer had seen that coming and attached her to him making his teleportation escape useless as where ever he went she would be right next to him.
"Well Sheriff I must say you’ve really outdone yourself to track me down, but maybe we could work something out?" Twisted Fate would asked using one hand to tip his hat to her in an attempt to come off as polite. 
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twisted-fate-777 · 10 years
Reblog if you're a League RP blog.
// Looking for more blogs to follow.
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twisted-fate-777 · 10 years
After the chase Twisted Fate would leap off of Chuy and dust himself off feeling rather relieved and yet disappointed about the chases conclusion. He was expecting Piltover guards to put up more of a fight but then again they were not out of the woods just yet. That gang of guards had been taken care of but knowing Piltover more would be on the way so hiding out in the hotel would be a good idea. Zoey was going to go inside and try to get them a room before Twisted Fate would put an arm out to stop her. 
“Allow me.” he would say as he took a few steps towards the front door. Hiding out in the hotel would be a good way to avoid the casino guards but then Twisted Fate remembered just how much gold he took from them so it wasn't unlikely that they might call in the Piltover police force which would be much harder to avoid. If the police were called they would probably quickly find out it was Twisted Fate who was behind this and since they know his face if they check the hotel security cameras they will find him so he would need to be smart about this. Of course he would put on a disguise and lie his way into getting a room he could not just check in as Twisted Fate after all but he needed to remember the worse case scenario of the police finding him. A good course of action would be to rent 4 different rooms so if the officers check the computer they would have 4 different destinations to look giving them at least a few more seconds to prepare. He also would need an identity that would not look suspicious if he suddenly pulled out enough gold to pay for 4 different rooms. It only took a split second for Twisted Fate to get an idea.
He threw his coat off and took his hat from his head and placed both on the ground. He pulled a brief case from inside his enchanted hat and put his coat inside and put the hat inside the brief case. Suddenly like magic  his outfit would change into a black suit complete with red tie and black fedora to slightly conceal his face. He would life the brief case and enter the hotel lobby. Walking with pride and purpose he would step up to the front desk and speak to concierge he had the fedora down slightly covering his face the best it could without looking suspicious but he knew inevitably if the cameras were checked he would be found out. As soon as he arrived at the front desk even before being greeted he would say. “Hello there good sir, I need 4 of your best rooms.” he would say loud enough to sound normal while still concealing his voice from the camera microphones. “4 rooms?” he would be asked. “Yes you see me and some of my business associates are visiting the city trying to buy some product from one of the local labs; and when I walked by this hotel I knew this was the best in the city. So I called my associates and told them I found a place.” he would reply. “Well OK then, that will be 600 gold per room a night.” said the concierge. “No problem, the company will cover it.” he would reply and quickly pulled out some gold from the casino from his pocket and laid it on the counter. He was handed the keys and with slight bow he would walk away from the counter leaving with a short. “Allow me to tell my associate, one is with me the others will be here later tonight.” 
He would then return to Zoey in the back alley still dressed as a business man. “I got the room.” he would say. Then he took his hat from the brief case and pulled a set of womens formal wear from it. “You need to put these on, no one will believe your a business women dressed like that.” he would say in reference to her current clothing. slipping his hat back into brief case he would hold out 4 hotel room keys. “Our rooms are 417, 551, 362, and 881. Take your pick.”  
"Don't lie to me. What's wrong?" ((because... yeah c:))
The Card master appeared to be down on his luck as he set in isolation in Piltovers back alleys where only the braver of the cities residence went. The only other soul in sight was the summoner who had approched the isolated man and inquiry as to what could be bothering him.
Looking her over the first thing of notice was the bionic arm and leg it immediately gave away her identity; he recognized her as the summoner he knew back during the days of the institute of war. Being a summoner make a target much more difficult then normal but being someone he knew and a summoner would make this nearly impossible, he’d have to be cautious. He had taken off and hidden his signature hat and coat so hopefully that would help mask his identity.
His gaze was one of sorrow and desperation with pleading eyes. Without hesitation he would begin his explanation. “oh dear girl, you do not wish to hear my tale it is one of great misery and strife.” he would say before he began to cough violently but through his gagging he would try and continue. “It is my wife, she is ill and in need of medical care but we do not have the funds to afford it. I have been at every street corner in Piltover asking for donations but it seems the people of piltover have lost there sense of compassion.” he would say.
He made a desperate attempt to stand having to lean against a wall in order to keep from toppling over. With what appeared to be the last of his strength he would extend a shaky arm. “Please find it in your heart to help a poor man save the only light in his life left. Any money will help, no matter how small.” 
(Hello it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance :D)
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twisted-fate-777 · 10 years
Hello, I am wanting to make a apology on my activity. My posts so far have been spaced days apart but now that I have kinda got into the swing of things I am going to try and be more active so people I am role playing with can start expecting 1 or 2 replies a day starting soon.
0 notes
twisted-fate-777 · 10 years
Darkness was all Fate could see at first but slowly his vision would become clear and he could make out his surroundings. He couldn’t see much as the room itself was dark but he could make out a hard metal floor that he could tell was cold as ice just looking at it. The walls were grey to match and looked just as freezing. The whole room reminded Fate of a freezer and it reminded him of how much he could go for a meal. 
He tried to recall how he ended up here and it soon came back to him. He remembered coming to Zaun for scheming purposes but got caught up when one of his associates invited him to a local bar. He must of had 1 to many drinks and fallen unconscious and it would seem his associate had sold his unconscious body to some crazy scientist as an experimental guinea pig. It was not uncommon for criminals to do things like this in order to settle a debt or sometimes just for money. This was not the first time partying had lead to the card master being sold to a scientist and it wouldn’t be the last. 
He didn’t see any bars confining him to a cell so he tried to move forward but that is when the sound of rattling chains and him being pulled back against the wall behind him revealed he was being confined by chains holding him to the back wall. What was more surprising then that was when he noticed the person chained up with him. Janna the storms furry. He didn’t know how but it seemed she had been sold to the same buyer. Normally when this happened he would be locked up alone or with some large and strange men, but being locked up with a attractive women was a nice change of pace and since he knew her he decided to be a bit social before planning his escape.
“Well, Miss. Janna what brings you here?” he would ask.
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twisted-fate-777 · 10 years
Twisted Fate walked happily carrying the impressive amount of gold he had earned out the door. There was almost a spring in his step as he contemplated what he should do with the riches he had accumulated. That was when his good mood was ruined by Zoey shouting “FATE RUN!!” from behind him he would only get the chance to turn his head slightly before his wrist was grabbed and he was jerked down the street. 
The initiate tug made him drop some of his bags but he managed to hold onto the others with a side of his arm and held his hat on his head as he was forcibly guided down the street. He would turn to see the guards chasing them and it made his smile turn to a look of disappointment. “What did you do?” Twisted Fate asked. 
Zoey would then climb onto Chuy while Twisted Fate continued running close behind them he would use his free hand to take his hat off and fit the giant piles of gold down into it, strange as the bags appeared far bigger then the hat itself so there was no logical way they should be able to fit inside.
Twisted Fate continued running he probably could have simply used Gate to escape but that would not have been as fun. A high speed chase and a close getaway every now and then was good for the soul. Unfortunately that was when the motorcycles appeared which was not much of a surprise as this is Piltover after all. He would look at Zoey riding Chuy as he sped up to get beside of her Chuy seemed to be running at a speed that Fate wouldn’t be left behind but Fate was at his limits. “I don’t suppose you could find room fer me to fit up there? could yah?” he would ask.        
"Don't lie to me. What's wrong?" ((because... yeah c:))
The Card master appeared to be down on his luck as he set in isolation in Piltovers back alleys where only the braver of the cities residence went. The only other soul in sight was the summoner who had approched the isolated man and inquiry as to what could be bothering him.
Looking her over the first thing of notice was the bionic arm and leg it immediately gave away her identity; he recognized her as the summoner he knew back during the days of the institute of war. Being a summoner make a target much more difficult then normal but being someone he knew and a summoner would make this nearly impossible, he’d have to be cautious. He had taken off and hidden his signature hat and coat so hopefully that would help mask his identity.
His gaze was one of sorrow and desperation with pleading eyes. Without hesitation he would begin his explanation. “oh dear girl, you do not wish to hear my tale it is one of great misery and strife.” he would say before he began to cough violently but through his gagging he would try and continue. “It is my wife, she is ill and in need of medical care but we do not have the funds to afford it. I have been at every street corner in Piltover asking for donations but it seems the people of piltover have lost there sense of compassion.” he would say.
He made a desperate attempt to stand having to lean against a wall in order to keep from toppling over. With what appeared to be the last of his strength he would extend a shaky arm. “Please find it in your heart to help a poor man save the only light in his life left. Any money will help, no matter how small.” 
(Hello it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance :D)
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twisted-fate-777 · 10 years
Zoey would go on about how much fun she had been having but Twisted Fate seemed more interested in the large sum of gold she had brought from the slot machines. "Looks like luck is on our side tonight." Twisted Fate would laugh even though he knew that luck wasn't a factor for him. "Maybe I should give the slots a spin." he would say as the memory of his failed con had vanished replaced by the good mood a good round of poker always gave him.
"But first thing is first." he would say and hoist the enormous poker chip pile up in both hands and cowboy walk his way to turn them in leaving a trail of chips that had fallen on the ground. He would quickly return with his own gold pile the 2 of them had accumulated a amount of money to make everyone in the casino envious and Twisted Fate knew that it would draw unwanted attention from the casino staff so it would be a good idea to dash. "Well then Ms. Zoey we should be making our exit." he would say as he made his way and pushed through the revolving door onto the street.  
"Don't lie to me. What's wrong?" ((because... yeah c:))
The Card master appeared to be down on his luck as he set in isolation in Piltovers back alleys where only the braver of the cities residence went. The only other soul in sight was the summoner who had approched the isolated man and inquiry as to what could be bothering him.
Looking her over the first thing of notice was the bionic arm and leg it immediately gave away her identity; he recognized her as the summoner he knew back during the days of the institute of war. Being a summoner make a target much more difficult then normal but being someone he knew and a summoner would make this nearly impossible, he’d have to be cautious. He had taken off and hidden his signature hat and coat so hopefully that would help mask his identity.
His gaze was one of sorrow and desperation with pleading eyes. Without hesitation he would begin his explanation. “oh dear girl, you do not wish to hear my tale it is one of great misery and strife.” he would say before he began to cough violently but through his gagging he would try and continue. “It is my wife, she is ill and in need of medical care but we do not have the funds to afford it. I have been at every street corner in Piltover asking for donations but it seems the people of piltover have lost there sense of compassion.” he would say.
He made a desperate attempt to stand having to lean against a wall in order to keep from toppling over. With what appeared to be the last of his strength he would extend a shaky arm. “Please find it in your heart to help a poor man save the only light in his life left. Any money will help, no matter how small.” 
(Hello it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance :D)
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twisted-fate-777 · 10 years
Caitlyns look told the card master she wasn't in the mood for nonsense and it was reinforced by her yank of the hand cuff. She made it clear she didn't trust anything he said nor would she fall for anything he was about to say but he had a story and he was going to stick with it.
"Well if you want to know about my escapades of the night I see no harm in discussing them." he would say. Twisted Fate had recently come into what seemed like a promising position as a contact of his had stolen some high pieces of technology from one of the local labs; the technology wasn't even going up for legal sale for a long time as they hadn't even been tested yet. His contact knew that he could sell them on the Piltover black market for double the price, triple if any rival companies were interested. However his contact was a thief versed in the art of stealth not charisma so he turned to Twisted Fate as a sells man and they would split the profits 50/50. He didn't know what the tech did nor did he care or see any issues when his associate asked for his aid because he had sold stolen property on the black market before but this time instead of being meet with paying customers and a healthy profit he was greeted with the barrel of Caitlyns rifle at his back.
Of course this wasn't the story Twisted Fate was going to tell the officer; fortunately for him he already had a story in place. "You see officer I assure you I am merely a victim of circumstance. I do not blame you for mistaking my actions tonight as illegal but I assure you I was not doing anything overly horrendous. You see the technology you caught me selling was designed and produced by a industry here in piltover but they weren't green lite for testing for a while now but they were certain everything would work out as expected so they went ahead and began mass production. However there was a problem and the date for testing was pushed back further. So you see the company was left with a large quantity of goods but didn't have the green light to sell so the company decided to to have employees do street sales so they could put their goods on the market free from company policies. Which may sound malicious but it is no different then a man selling a work of art he painted with his own hands. But the higher ups apparently didn't like the idea of known employees involvement as even if it was legal it wasn't good for appearances. So they asked me to sell in their stead to keep up appearances and all that." He would stated making sure to include gestures along with his words as any good con artist would to help heighten the energy behind his words making them more believable. 
"Unfortunately I am under oath not to give out the company name, it seems they want as little to do with this as possible." he would add.        
Needless to say Twisted Fate found himself rather shocked as Caitlyn was hauling him off to prison. He wasn’t sure if he should be kicking himself for screwing up or if he should be congratulating her for catching him as both were events that seemed impossible in the card masters eyes.
He would tug slightly at the single cuff around his left arm as she used it to drag him down the street. “Not so hard.” he would utter as she pulled him. Twisted Fate had planned if he had gotten caught he would simply gate away but the intuitive officer had seen that coming and attached her to him making his teleportation escape useless as where ever he went she would be right next to him.
"Well Sheriff I must say you’ve really outdone yourself to track me down, but maybe we could work something out?" Twisted Fate would asked using one hand to tip his hat to her in an attempt to come off as polite. 
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twisted-fate-777 · 10 years
Caitlyn didn't give him the time of day when he asked to strike a deal which he was expecting. He knew of some dirty cops who would be willing to let the criminal go with a little grease on there palms or threats of blackmail if you had dirt on them which was easy for Twisted Fate as digging up secrets from peoples past was a skill he was particularly found of. Piltover had a few officers like this but Caitlyn wasn't one of them as unfortunate as that was.
She guided him down the police station as he would smile and tip his hat to the various officers on duty as if they were friends. The only response he got was some aggravated glares and irritated sighs but he didn't expect any different,
He was brought into the sheriffs office but didn't have the time to admire the decor or medals before he was put up for questioning. It seemed that Caitlyn wanted him to confess to his crimes but he was smarter then to give the police an admission of guilt. A confidence man of his caliber knew that the best course of action in this scenario is to get a story and stick to it. 
He would lean back and speak in a voice to let the officer know he was as relaxed as he would be if he was sitting in the local pub with a bottle of whisky in one hand and a royal flush in the other. "I assure you officer, my "antics." have been nothing short of civil as of late, I will admit to the crimes of tonight as you witnessed it so any excuses would be just thrown out the window, however I have done nothing else illegal in your great city." he would respond.
Needless to say Twisted Fate found himself rather shocked as Caitlyn was hauling him off to prison. He wasn’t sure if he should be kicking himself for screwing up or if he should be congratulating her for catching him as both were events that seemed impossible in the card masters eyes.
He would tug slightly at the single cuff around his left arm as she used it to drag him down the street. “Not so hard.” he would utter as she pulled him. Twisted Fate had planned if he had gotten caught he would simply gate away but the intuitive officer had seen that coming and attached her to him making his teleportation escape useless as where ever he went she would be right next to him.
"Well Sheriff I must say you’ve really outdone yourself to track me down, but maybe we could work something out?" Twisted Fate would asked using one hand to tip his hat to her in an attempt to come off as polite. 
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twisted-fate-777 · 10 years
Give me your wallet ....
Twisted Fate would put his hands up in defense at the sudden demand. "Take it easy." he would say with his usual calm and collected voice. "I've got enough to go around." he would add.
He grabbed the left side of his coat and held it open revealing a huge collection of wallets going down them in rows of 4 taking up the entire coat on the inside. "You want the casual brown leather? or is a cloth bad more your style?" he would ask pointing to various wallets he had for sale.
"Oh perhaps you'll like this." he said pulling one from his coat and holding it out for them to see. Twisted Fate nearly kicked himself for not thinking of advertising this wallet first. "Snake skinned, made from the skin of Cassiopeia herself and great collectors item, only 30 gold and 50 silver." He would say but of course he was lying but his customer didn't need to know that he had gotten the snake skin from an average snake but if the people believed it was made from the skin of the champion cursed into a snake like form then then some people would be willing to spend monumental amounts of gold. 
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twisted-fate-777 · 10 years
Needless to say Twisted Fate found himself rather shocked as Caitlyn was hauling him off to prison. He wasn't sure if he should be kicking himself for screwing up or if he should be congratulating her for catching him as both were events that seemed impossible in the card masters eyes.
He would tug slightly at the single cuff around his left arm as she used it to drag him down the street. "Not so hard." he would utter as she pulled him. Twisted Fate had planned if he had gotten caught he would simply gate away but the intuitive officer had seen that coming and attached her to him making his teleportation escape useless as where ever he went she would be right next to him.
"Well Sheriff I must say you've really outdone yourself to track me down, but maybe we could work something out?" Twisted Fate would asked using one hand to tip his hat to her in an attempt to come off as polite. 
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twisted-fate-777 · 10 years
The time flew by and eventually became an hour as the card masters seemingly endless spree of "lucky." hands sent more and more men out of the casino in a disappointed slump. No matter how lucky his opponent had gotten it didn't matter as Twisted Fate was relying on something a bit more solid then mere luck. 
After the hour had concluded Twisted Fate pulled in the huge pile of poker chips from the center of the table. "I take the jack pot again." he would say sending a series of growls from his opponents. He responded with a sly grin and "I swear its just luck." 
Then Zoey leaped on top of him unexpectedly sending his face into his pile of poker chips in front of him. Raising his head slightly he had to spit out a couple of poker chips that had been lodged into his mouth making his competitors snicker before they all fled the table. 
"Right as rain." he would say looking over his reward laying out in front of him. "Looks like dinner is on them tonight." he would laugh."How's your haul?" he asked.
(I'd like to say I am very much enjoying our RP, but unfortunately I have to call it a night but I hope we may resume this in the near future.) 
"Don't lie to me. What's wrong?" ((because... yeah c:))
The Card master appeared to be down on his luck as he set in isolation in Piltovers back alleys where only the braver of the cities residence went. The only other soul in sight was the summoner who had approched the isolated man and inquiry as to what could be bothering him.
Looking her over the first thing of notice was the bionic arm and leg it immediately gave away her identity; he recognized her as the summoner he knew back during the days of the institute of war. Being a summoner make a target much more difficult then normal but being someone he knew and a summoner would make this nearly impossible, he’d have to be cautious. He had taken off and hidden his signature hat and coat so hopefully that would help mask his identity.
His gaze was one of sorrow and desperation with pleading eyes. Without hesitation he would begin his explanation. “oh dear girl, you do not wish to hear my tale it is one of great misery and strife.” he would say before he began to cough violently but through his gagging he would try and continue. “It is my wife, she is ill and in need of medical care but we do not have the funds to afford it. I have been at every street corner in Piltover asking for donations but it seems the people of piltover have lost there sense of compassion.” he would say.
He made a desperate attempt to stand having to lean against a wall in order to keep from toppling over. With what appeared to be the last of his strength he would extend a shaky arm. “Please find it in your heart to help a poor man save the only light in his life left. Any money will help, no matter how small.” 
(Hello it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance :D)
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twisted-fate-777 · 10 years
Twisted Fate would guide her down the street for about 2 blocks until the came to the casino exterior on the way he would explain his knowledge on the place. "It's a casino and bar, not the most classy of places but a good place to make money if your luck is good." he said with a smile as his luck was always good.
The casino on the outside appeared to be 2 stories the front of the first story was surrounded by the stoop connecting the door to the sidewalk. The front wall was almost completely windows that had a length from top to bottom and what wasn't window was solid white tiled walls. The top story exterior was separated from the top stories exterior by a protruding metal awning that stretched around the building the upper floor was darker in color more grey but the material was still the same and windows in the same position. The front door was a silver revolving door for Twisted Fate to say the building wasn't the classiest of places it gave off a very distinctive appearance.
Going through the revolving door they would come to a large. Directly on the left of them were rows of slot machines and on the left was a section for the card players with black chairs and circle tables to match. On the far right of the building was the cashier station and directly in the back was the bar with tables set up for those only here for socializing and enjoying the atmosphere. The carpet was a deep swirled red with yellow colored walls. 
Upon stepping in the smell of liquor and shame would roll over you like tear gas. Twisted Fate would pop his knuckled and put on a large grin. "Well, I'm to hit the poker table." he would say. 
"Don't lie to me. What's wrong?" ((because... yeah c:))
The Card master appeared to be down on his luck as he set in isolation in Piltovers back alleys where only the braver of the cities residence went. The only other soul in sight was the summoner who had approched the isolated man and inquiry as to what could be bothering him.
Looking her over the first thing of notice was the bionic arm and leg it immediately gave away her identity; he recognized her as the summoner he knew back during the days of the institute of war. Being a summoner make a target much more difficult then normal but being someone he knew and a summoner would make this nearly impossible, he’d have to be cautious. He had taken off and hidden his signature hat and coat so hopefully that would help mask his identity.
His gaze was one of sorrow and desperation with pleading eyes. Without hesitation he would begin his explanation. “oh dear girl, you do not wish to hear my tale it is one of great misery and strife.” he would say before he began to cough violently but through his gagging he would try and continue. “It is my wife, she is ill and in need of medical care but we do not have the funds to afford it. I have been at every street corner in Piltover asking for donations but it seems the people of piltover have lost there sense of compassion.” he would say.
He made a desperate attempt to stand having to lean against a wall in order to keep from toppling over. With what appeared to be the last of his strength he would extend a shaky arm. “Please find it in your heart to help a poor man save the only light in his life left. Any money will help, no matter how small.” 
(Hello it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance :D)
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twisted-fate-777 · 10 years
Twisted Fate would lower his eye brows slightly annoyed as he didn't like it when people tried to tell him how to do his job especially when he had pulled off more then his fair share of successful cons. However in a conversation between gypsies sharing tips on how to be a better criminal was to be expected.
"Well thank ya kindly for the tip." he would say his voice still containing a slight amount of his irritation before it had completely disappeared. Twisted Fate was well versed in masking his emotions and maintaining a well behaved and friendly exterior, skills that were essential to someone living his lifestyle. 
She had answered his question to explain her presents in Piltovers back streets but in honesty he didn't care about her answer. Twisted Fate never took much of an interest in the affairs of others unless he saw something to gain out of it which in this case he didn't.
It was then he would reach up with one hand and rub his chin becoming lost in thought on what to do next. Perhaps it would be a better idea to head to Noxus, Piltover citizens were smart and critical so playing a game of deceit was like playing Hearts with a handful of Aces. Noxus however wasn't as calculative so a con there would go off without a hitch but the consequences would be much much greater; instead of a lecture he'd end up with a knife in the back. 
That was probably the best plan of action but he had only arrived in Piltover last night and leaving for the road again didn't sound to appealing especially empty handed. It was then his mind clicked remembering the casino down the street a perfect place to make a quick 1,000 gold and perhaps his friend would like to accompany him.
He would step away from building and stand straight. "Well as much fun as this alleyway has provided I believe I will be leaving town tomorrow The night is still young however so I plan to visit the casino down the way, would you like to accompany me?" he would asked holding out a single hand to signify the invitation. His con may have not worked out but there is no need for the night to be a total waste. 
"Don't lie to me. What's wrong?" ((because... yeah c:))
The Card master appeared to be down on his luck as he set in isolation in Piltovers back alleys where only the braver of the cities residence went. The only other soul in sight was the summoner who had approched the isolated man and inquiry as to what could be bothering him.
Looking her over the first thing of notice was the bionic arm and leg it immediately gave away her identity; he recognized her as the summoner he knew back during the days of the institute of war. Being a summoner make a target much more difficult then normal but being someone he knew and a summoner would make this nearly impossible, he’d have to be cautious. He had taken off and hidden his signature hat and coat so hopefully that would help mask his identity.
His gaze was one of sorrow and desperation with pleading eyes. Without hesitation he would begin his explanation. “oh dear girl, you do not wish to hear my tale it is one of great misery and strife.” he would say before he began to cough violently but through his gagging he would try and continue. “It is my wife, she is ill and in need of medical care but we do not have the funds to afford it. I have been at every street corner in Piltover asking for donations but it seems the people of piltover have lost there sense of compassion.” he would say.
He made a desperate attempt to stand having to lean against a wall in order to keep from toppling over. With what appeared to be the last of his strength he would extend a shaky arm. “Please find it in your heart to help a poor man save the only light in his life left. Any money will help, no matter how small.” 
(Hello it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance :D)
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twisted-fate-777 · 10 years
Upon being recognized his sorrowful face and pleading eyes that said "please help me." changed to a expression that conveyed more of "Are you serious?" as he growled in agitation. "Of all the people who could'a come down the alley." he would groan as he stepped a bit further back into the alleys shadows.
He reached into the darkness to retrieve his hat and placed it atop his head before he held out his coat and padded the dust off of it. "You know how long I set down and thought on that con?" he asked before throwing his coat on and pulling the shoulders up making himself presentable. There was no mistaking him now as the elusive a smooth talking card master.
"Ya' didn't even let me get to the part about volunteering at the soup kitchen and singing at the orphanage down the street, city folk will empty all the gold in there pocket for a sob story like that." he added as he crossed his arms and leaned against the building once more still aggravated about his scheme going wrong. 
"I'm here tryin' to make a livin, I think I should be askin you why you're here."  he would finish
"Don't lie to me. What's wrong?" ((because... yeah c:))
The Card master appeared to be down on his luck as he set in isolation in Piltovers back alleys where only the braver of the cities residence went. The only other soul in sight was the summoner who had approched the isolated man and inquiry as to what could be bothering him.
Looking her over the first thing of notice was the bionic arm and leg it immediately gave away her identity; he recognized her as the summoner he knew back during the days of the institute of war. Being a summoner make a target much more difficult then normal but being someone he knew and a summoner would make this nearly impossible, he’d have to be cautious. He had taken off and hidden his signature hat and coat so hopefully that would help mask his identity.
His gaze was one of sorrow and desperation with pleading eyes. Without hesitation he would begin his explanation. “oh dear girl, you do not wish to hear my tale it is one of great misery and strife.” he would say before he began to cough violently but through his gagging he would try and continue. “It is my wife, she is ill and in need of medical care but we do not have the funds to afford it. I have been at every street corner in Piltover asking for donations but it seems the people of piltover have lost there sense of compassion.” he would say.
He made a desperate attempt to stand having to lean against a wall in order to keep from toppling over. With what appeared to be the last of his strength he would extend a shaky arm. “Please find it in your heart to help a poor man save the only light in his life left. Any money will help, no matter how small.” 
(Hello it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance :D)
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twisted-fate-777 · 10 years
"Don't lie to me. What's wrong?" ((because... yeah c:))
The Card master appeared to be down on his luck as he set in isolation in Piltovers back alleys where only the braver of the cities residence went. The only other soul in sight was the summoner who had approched the isolated man and inquiry as to what could be bothering him.
Looking her over the first thing of notice was the bionic arm and leg it immediately gave away her identity; he recognized her as the summoner he knew back during the days of the institute of war. Being a summoner make a target much more difficult then normal but being someone he knew and a summoner would make this nearly impossible, he’d have to be cautious. He had taken off and hidden his signature hat and coat so hopefully that would help mask his identity.
His gaze was one of sorrow and desperation with pleading eyes. Without hesitation he would begin his explanation. “oh dear girl, you do not wish to hear my tale it is one of great misery and strife.” he would say before he began to cough violently but through his gagging he would try and continue. “It is my wife, she is ill and in need of medical care but we do not have the funds to afford it. I have been at every street corner in Piltover asking for donations but it seems the people of piltover have lost there sense of compassion.” he would say.
He made a desperate attempt to stand having to lean against a wall in order to keep from toppling over. With what appeared to be the last of his strength he would extend a shaky arm. “Please find it in your heart to help a poor man save the only light in his life left. Any money will help, no matter how small.” 
(Hello it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance :D)
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twisted-fate-777 · 10 years
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Reblog if I can go on your page and write stupid things in your ask box whenever I'd like to.
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