txkemeanywhere · 8 months
It's kinda funny when you get a bunch of likes but no reblogs like I enjoyed your post but I'd prefer if no one else saw it
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txkemeanywhere · 8 months
Rowan | NAYKT
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Android | EnDroid robot | 13 years since activation
Above average stamina, above average strength, incredibly complex emotional processing power
NAYKT Character Facts
Rowan is an N5 model android manufactured by EnDroid as part of a contract with a company that had a plan to replace several problematic low level employees over the course of a few years.
Among his duties, Rowan was a part of the mail room and a general runner for the humans, following the instructions of at least 20 different (mostly ungrateful) humans everyday.
One day Rowan chose to leave, walked out the door unchallenged as everyone assumed he was fulfilling the order of someone and he never went back.
Since EnDroids are so hyper-realistic, it's impossible to tell Rowan isn't human unless he becomes damaged. It's how he got a job, an apartment, and went undetected by EnDroid for so long.
Writer's fave fact
Part of why Rowan left was hearing stories about kids going missing at Freddy Fazbear's and the imminent threat of the animatronics being deactivated. Given their desperation for a night guard, no one questioned his lack of last name, or any work history and he worked with the animatronics (and the children) to trap William Afton in the Golden Bonnie Springtrap suit.
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txkemeanywhere · 8 months
EnDroids are designed to blend in with the human work force. They are designed with human faces, voices, and simulated breathing to be the ultimate worker without unnerving the human workforce.
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txkemeanywhere · 8 months
Natrmare's profile is almost complete
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txkemeanywhere · 3 years
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txkemeanywhere · 3 years
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Here’s your daily dose of Nate.
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txkemeanywhere · 3 years
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Old energy.
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txkemeanywhere · 4 years
NAYKT - Update 155
Tag List: @undocumented-terriaki​​ @ask-barkiplier-rp​​ @supersepticsteph​​ @penpaulkon6​​ @are-you-here-posts​​ @markifucker-fischfuck​​ @mayeetjim @anomalous-duck​​ @risiskifi​​ @squishy-anon​​ @margarita-is-the-answer​​ @hemooryctolagus​​ @my-analogical-romance​​ @nightmarejasmine​​ @paintedsnowflakes​​ @brookeisanerd​​ @aquilacalvitium​​ @ravenbeta​​ @1galaxy-watcher1​​ @bokunobandicoot​​ @pumpkins2000​​ @insanegoldie2
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The warehouse Mr Trimmer has brought them to is a shithole. Other than the few that Lucas probably uses on the regular, every room looks like it belongs in some abandoned building ghost hunting video. There’s damage everywhere, holes in the wall, or chunks missing, several windows are broken, a lot of the furniture you find is broken. It’s not where you’d expect to find anyone, or at least, you shouldn’t.
Rowan stands in one of the offshoot rooms staring at a rather elaborate piece of graffiti on the wall. It’s a masterpiece no doubt, but it doesn’t sit right with him.
“There you are.” Yan is stood in the open doorway. It’s open because the door is missing. They glance around the room. “Where’s Enis?”
“He’s with the two men who are both called Jim.” Rowan continues to stare at the wall, tilting his head as he considers all the man hours this had to have taken, “Something about an interview with a vampire.”
Yan frowns. “Both of them? Do they at least spell it different?”
“Nope. Jim and Jim. And they’re the most normal.”
Yan smiles, trying to hide it as they step into the room. “So you’re hiding.”
“I’m thinking.”
“What about?”
“I never saw Lucas as someone who paid rent,” Yan steps up behind Rowan, gently wrapping their arms around him from behind. Rowan leans back into the hold, “But I never imagined him somewhere like this.”
“Well,” Yan’s mutters into the droid’s ear, “this is what you get when you act like a colossal asshole.” Rowan turns to glare at them. “What?”
“Just because he screwed us over doesn’t mean he deserves to live in a decrepit, crumbling shithole.”
Sure he hates Lucas, and doesn’t exactly hope he’s going to win awards, or really prosper but it’s been four years since all the shit he put the two of them through. The droid has had time to process what happened and try to move on from it. Hell Lucas may not even be the same asshole they encountered back then...or he could be worse.
Yan sighs and nuzzles against Rowan’s hair, “You’re right.” they agree.
They don’t have a stable home themselves, sticking to road trips and motels. It’s kind of necessary when you have the Deity of Chaos riding in the backseat, lot of people want that power. But at least they get to have some basic comforts along the way, like a bed, some furniture, and a sense of safety. They can’t imagine the ass would feel very safe in this place.
“How is he?” Rowan asks.
“The doctor and the blind man are still assessing him.”
“The blind man?!”
“I’ve chosen not to question it.”
“Do you think he is a Guardian?”
“I doubt even Enis would joke about that. And he wasn’t carrying that whip before he used it.”
What would it even mean if he is? I mean they already know there are other Deities and Guardians out there, even if they haven’t met them all. If he is a Guardian, then that means Nate is a Deity, but Deity of what? And how did that even happen?
And Nate is a whole other thing to worry about. Lucas collapsing seems to have distracted him for now but eventually that’s going to be sorted, and the kid will be raging at the droid again.
Rowan’s eyes slide to the side. He’s not looking forward to that.
“Don’t let that kid get to you.” Yan mutters.
“I’m not.”
“Liar,” they tease, “He’s a kid. We give him time to be pissed and he’ll get over it.”
Rowan bites at his lip. It’s a little more complicated than that. But now is definitely not the time to be worrying about it. Bigger fish. He leans more into the hold around him.
“I don’t like it here,” he admits.
“Me either, but there’s a chance we might be able to help these people.” Yan gently rocks from side to side, tightening their grip ever so slightly. The droid closes his eyes and enjoys the calming motion, “Besides if Lucas dies, he’ll probably haunt us just to be petty. Then we’d have a vamp and a ghost.”
“Oh god.” Rowan mumbles.
Yan smiles to themself, holding Rowan firmly and softly humming, before pressing a kiss to the side of his head.
The small moment they were having is broken and Rowan and Yan both turn to the doorway. A smug looking Enis stands there, a Jim at each shoulder. The twins are staring at the couple with wide-eyed child-like wonder.
“Yeah,” Enis tells them, “They do that a lot.”
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txkemeanywhere · 5 years
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txkemeanywhere · 5 years
Struggling with ETMN, need to take a break but wish to remain productive. What would you like to see?
Yan/Rowan/Enis/mystery guest - main plotline
Brandon (nxvermeanwell) headcanons
Jackie Boy Man: Isolation
Dai - Deceit (sxcietylies) headcanons
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txkemeanywhere · 5 years
If I was to make some more Protection Verse aesthetics, who would you want to see?
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txkemeanywhere · 5 years
Tag list:  @undocumented-terriaki @ask-barkiplier-rp @supersepticsteph @penpaulkon6 @are-you-here-posts @markifucker-fischfuck @virge-of-death @anomalous-duck @risiskifi @squishy-anon @margarita-is-the-answer @hemooryctolagus @my-analogical-romance @nightmarejasmine @paintedsnowflakes @brookeisanerd @aquilacalvitium @ravenbeta @1galaxy-watcher1
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For those who aren’t aware, Yan = PV!Yanderiplier (non-binary, Guardian, they/them) Rowan = robo!Nate inspired by Take Me Anywhere (male, robot, he/him), Enis = PV!Enis from Resident Enis 1 + 2 (male, vampire, Deity, he/him). Read about Rowan and Yan in Surviving Five Nights, and their encounter with Enis in Hellhound and Humanoids.
“Sorry, sorry.” Yan steps back.
“This wouldn’t keep happening if you would just let me lead.” Rowan teases.
Yan’s just stood on Rowan’s feet again. At least they’re both barefoot though. They don’t want to imagine how much worse it could be if Yan was wearing their heels.
It has been an oddly quiet day today. No hellbent monsters, no shady shenanigans, no Deity-based issues cropping up. Just a nice, normal day, and not wanting to waste such a rare blessed gift, Rowan insists they take the afternoon off and give dancing a try. Nothing fancy, just a little semi-formal, barely choreographed attempt at something that he knows Yan has always wanted to try.
“Seven.” Enis says around a mouthful of popcorn. The vampire, is sat in a chair at the side of the room, apparently very much enjoying the lazy afternoon’s activities.
“Stop counting.” Yan snaps at him, adjusting the waistcoat they decided to wear for this. Okay so it’s nothing special, but they wanted to make an effort. There’s nothing wrong with that. “In my defence, I’ve been raised in a society that told me I was always going to have to lead.”
“And now you’re in a motel room being told to just let me-” Rowan’s system blanks, everything shutting down,  Yan doesn’t even hesitate as they grab for him.
Everything comes back online almost instantly, but it’s in chaos. All signals in his brain are going haywire, spewing garbled nonsense and throwing up endless error messages. The only thing that pushes through is pain and Rowan let’s out a horrible scratchy, robotic mess of a cry as he crumples. Yan already has him though, hooking their arm under Rowan’s arms, scooping him up from the floor and immediately carrying him to the bed.
“What did you do!?” Enis leaps up from his seat rushing to scramble onto Rowan’s other side.
“I obviously didn’t do this!” Yan places a hand over Rowan’s mouth to try and stop the noise. It only manages to muffle him “What do we do?” They look across to Enis.expectantly.
“You want me to try something?” Yan glares at him and Enis flails a little in confusion. “But magic doesn’t work on robots.”
“I imagine that’s something that the Deity of Chaos could find a way around!” From what they’d observed of Enis’s abilities to date, chaos magic is literally about subverting the laws of reality and is probably a big reason there’s such a huge freaking target on their backs.
“….Are you feeling okay?” Enis stares in confusion. Yan is always going on about not using the chaos magic. I mean it’s unpredictable, dangerous and-
The vamp shifts, swinging his leg so he’s straddling Rowan’s chest, which helps to keep the droid in place at least, and with a slight blep of concentration, Enis places one hand on either side of Rowan’s head and focuses. His eyes light up with the worryingly familiar yellow glow of his magic as he works hard to do something that is utterly impossible. So a normal day. After a few moments, Rowan passes out; still running, but no longer conscious.
Yan grabs Enis, and lifts him off Rowan, backing up several steps pulling the vampire with them, immediately severing the connection between the two of them, not wanting to risk problems through prolonged contact. Enis doesn’t protest, letting himself be pulled away. Once the magic fades from Enis’s eyes, the two of them stare at the droid, unconscious on the bed.
“What the fuck?”
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txkemeanywhere · 6 years
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head above water. 
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txkemeanywhere · 6 years
Like this post if you want to be added to the tag list of Not As You Know Them (main plotline)
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txkemeanywhere · 6 years
“…humans are like that.”, he murmured in response. Even at the hotel, he had dealt with humans that had been afraid of him. Humans that were afraid did incredibly desperate, reckless things that only caused more harm. Even though Oliver wasn’t overly fond of deviants, humanity wasn’t much better.
Oliver followed him, finding it difficult not to fall into step with Rowan. He didn’t have the same irregularities as a human would have, even when walking. “I apologise if anything I said was an issue for you.”
"Don’t worry about it.” Rowan insists, as he leads the way down the street. There’s more people appearing on the sidewalk and passing by.
Rowan is sure to not let any of them get too close. Though there are a lot of good humans out there, this street can sometimes play host to some of the unpleaseant ones. Not that he wants to worry Oliver with that information.
As they pass, he points out some of the people he sees fairly regular, though he doesn’t actively make any attempt to engage with them.
❝ sometimes i feel like nothing’s real. ❞ - (@txkemeanywhere robo!Nate)
[ @txkemeanywhere ]
“How so? I don’t understand why you might feel that way… I’m not a psychologist.”, the android paused in his task for a few moments while he carefully looked over the stranger. The LED on the side of his head flickered yellow. The man (he assumed that the were a man) looked… off to him, somehow.
Oliver placed some papers down on a desk for when his owners returned, glancing over at him. “Is there anything that I can help you with, sir?”
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txkemeanywhere · 6 years
Hellhound and Humanoids - Part 7
@undocumented-terriaki @risiskifi @squishy-anon
It’s fairly easy for Rowan to sit Yan up, and slot in behind them, their cuffed hands giving the perfect excuse for Rowan to protectively wrap his arm around them. Yan certainly doesn’t protest and does what they can to help, but is clearly still injured and more than okay with staying on the floor.
The strangers, Logan and Patton, have been arguing for the last five minutes.
"I know you understand the implications of what’s occurred here, Patton.” says Logan, the one wearing the necktie.
“Of course I do, but he did it to save this man’s life.” Patton, gestures towards Yan.
“Yan’s non-binary.” Rowan calls across to them and Yan glances over their shoulder at him.
“Rowan, bigger fish.” they mutter, but Rowan simply reaches up with his free hand and covers their mouth.
“This person’s life.” Patton corrects himself, giving an apologetic smile.
“And I’m sure,” Logan reaches up, adjusting his glasses, glancing over to them, “they….” Rowan nods and Logan continues, “are incredibly grateful for that. But they’re ignorant to what Enis has dragged them into.”
“Are they usually like this?” Rowans asks of the vampire as the two strangers continue their argument.
“Yeah.” Enis sighs. He’s knelt on the floor beside them looking a far cry from the happy bean they’ve known him to be this far.
“Enis,” Yan says and Enis turns, “Not that I’m not grateful but, what did you do to me?”
“I can answer that one.” Patton raises his hand, interrupting Logan’s latest argument, taking a step towards the small floor grouping, and leaving a disgruntled Logan muttering the second half of his sentence to himself. “He made you his Guardian.”
“His what now?”
“My Guardian.” the vampire sighs and looks off to the side, clearly avoiding the conversation. “It’s complicated.”
Logan, all but recovered from the derailed discussion, steps forward. “There are numerous beings out there who may look small, sweet, and innocent,” he indicates Patton, “but do in fact have access to vast amounts of power. From what I understand they are supposed to maintain some sort of balance, although Patton is not the best at it.” he gives a frustrated sigh. “He is intent on believing the best of everyone.”
“What can I say?” Patton shrugs, beaming. “I’m an optimist.”
“But you can’t afford to be.” Logan pinches the bridge of his nose, “These beings, known as ‘Deities’ are at risk from those who want to take that power, as well as their own limitations. It is a Guardian’s duty,” He straightens his necktie, and indicates himself, “to protect them.”
“His old Guardian.....passed away,” Patton talks softly and Enis looks even more sad, if it were possible, “and it’s just not safe for him out there on his own.”
“Not with the highly chaotic nature of his abilities. The moving rooms serve as a surrogate protection, discouraging those those who might wish to use his immense power for their own gains.”
“Enis is a being of power?” Rowan looks over to the rather scrawny looking vampire. Yeah, this vampire just isn’t screaming immense power to him. Immense-ly energetic maybe. Frankly, Enis looks like he could lose in a fight with an unlocked door. Then again he did blast that thing away somehow. “What about the monster?”
“Monster?” Logan frowns, confused. “What monster?”
“Was it a giant spider!” Patton squeaks, immediately leaping to hide behind Logan whose rolling eyes suggest this is a common reaction.
Rowan points over to where the creature that took a bite of Yan is laid, very clearly no longer among the living. Yan tries to look but Rowan stops them, distracting them by running his fingers through their hair. A soothing sensation, that Yan doesn’t fight too hard against.
After a moment of staring, both Logan and Patton turn to Enis who gives a sheepish grin and a shrug.
“One of my spells may have gone a little…wrong.” he laughs awkwardly, trying to subtly hide his spellbook and failing spectacularly.
Stepping closer, Logan grimaces already able to smell it. He avoids getting too close but he can still clearly see it. The eyes are closed but those teeth, the claws, the jet black fur and that smell. Ugh.
“Oh no the poor puppy.” Patton tries to move forward, but Logan throws an arm out to stop him.
“Patton, so help me do not pet it.” Logan covers his nose and draws away, pulling Patton with him. “This is the thing that bit them?”
“You know Logan,” Patton puts a hand on Logan’s arm to draw his attention, “with something as powerful as a Hellhound, Enis would have had seconds to make a decision.”
Logan glances towards the creature again. “So it would seem.”
“So,” Yan is trying to line this all up in their head, which honestly is starting to throb at this point, “I have to protect Enis?”
“That’s how it works.”
“And the last one to do that died?” Dying is not fun. They would absolutely prefer not to do that again. A sentiment that Rowan whole-heartedly agrees with.
“I could just stay here” Everyone turns to Enis. The sparkly vampire is looking very purposefully at the floor. He doesn’t have the slightest hint of happiness to his face at all. “It’s not like anyone’s missing me.”
“You'd sacrifice your freedom to protect your Guardian?” Logan turns to Patton, confused. “Is he allowed to do that?”
Patton gently pushes Logan aside, and steps over to kneel beside Enis. As he carefully places a hand on the vampire’s shoulder it begins to glow a faint light blue color. When his hand makes contact, Patton’s eyes also begin to glow.
“You did good, kiddo.” his voice is very calm, almost fatherly, as he talks, and there’s another layer to it, almost impossible to hear but it’s definitely there. “Are you sure you want to stay here?”
Enis’s sad eyes begin to light up with the same light blue magic that’s passing through Patton. It reaches into every crevasse of Enis’s mind and clears away all the muss and the mayhem leaving only the clearest choices allowing him to see exactly what he needs to do.
The light dies and Enis closes his eyes. “Yes.”
Nobody buys that Enis wants to stay in here. The way he’s so upbeat, how glad he was to have guests. There is no way he can be happy in staying in here all alone. But Patton seems to be satisfied, drawing back and standing up.
“If that’s what you want kiddo.”
“Enis-” Yan starts, hissing as the still unhealed bite flares in pain. Their head reels and they go limp against Rowan but just about manage to stay awake. “....ow.”
“You should probably get to a hospital.” Logan suggests.
“Gee thanks.” Rowan snarks, covering Yan’s mouth again when they open it to protest. The two of them will figure something out. “And what about the moving rooms?”
Enis raises his hand, plastering on a fake smile that doesn’t quite reach up to his eyes. “I can show you the way out. It gets a bit mixed up sometimes.” As the vampire goes to stand up, Rowan reaches out, grabbing a hold of his sleeve.
“Enis.” Rowan says and Enis turns. “Thank you.” The vampire smiles before leading them out the room while Logan and Patton remain behind.
Logan folds his arms as he watches them go. “You know I’d never have thought Enis could act so selflessly.”
Patton comes up beside Logan and pats him firmly on the shoulder. “Well, Logan, every dog has his day.”
“I don’t see what dogs have to do with-” Logan turns slightly and catches sight of the Hellhound a short way off. He groans. “You’re making a pun aren’t you?”
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txkemeanywhere · 6 years
To him, it was obvious that a human would have a fearful reaction to seeing a deviant. All that most humans – and most androids, for that matter – knew about deviants was that they were dangerous. Or, as he had recently learned, could be dangerous. Rowan hadn’t led him into a large amount of danger yet.
“You must understand how most humans view deviants, correct? She wasn’t afraid due to anything you did. Unless you did something to scare her by accident, but I couldn’t imagine you doing that.”, he said, “Trust me, it takes time to get used to thinking of deviants like you would think of anyone else. I can admit that I am still… not quite there yet either.”
“I didn’t do anything.”  At that point, Rowan hadn’t even really realied he was deviant. He was just trying to survive, but he knew about them, how they were dangerous, how they were feared. “But....I guess.”
It hurts, Oliver’s outward distaste for deviants. Not that Rowan can blame him. He’s not supposed to be doing this to make friends. He’s doing this to help an android in need. He shoves his hands into his pockets.
“Come on. We can keep walking.”
❝ sometimes i feel like nothing’s real. ❞ - (@txkemeanywhere robo!Nate)
[ @txkemeanywhere ]
“How so? I don’t understand why you might feel that way… I’m not a psychologist.”, the android paused in his task for a few moments while he carefully looked over the stranger. The LED on the side of his head flickered yellow. The man (he assumed that the were a man) looked… off to him, somehow.
Oliver placed some papers down on a desk for when his owners returned, glancing over at him. “Is there anything that I can help you with, sir?”
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