I have never really shared myself singing. I love to sing and am trying to push myself to put myself out there. That being said, this is me singing Barcelona by George Ezra. I recorded this for someone in particular because they are starting to mean a lot to me.
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i rushed this so that I could post when it was still the 15th of July in at least one timezone
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People are drawn to characters like Reigen or Aizawa because they are simultaneously non-threatening while also having the ability to protect people around them. Granted, this shows itself in very different ways for each character, but I think it boils down to the same thing: people like male characters who, if they actually existed, would protect them in troubling circumstances.
They are both extremely kind and caring men who have the ability to stand up and protect the people around them. They will take care of you and make sure you’re doing okay, both mentally and physically, even if from an outside perspective this seems out of character for them. They both have problems, obviously, but when it comes down to it they are just kind. They care deeply for the people around them and will do anything they can to protect them.
Not to mention the fact that so many people just don’t have good father figures in their lives, so characters like Reigen and Aizawa —men who show kindness and tenderness towards children, who act as parental figures even if they aren’t actual parents— will be another sense of comfort for fans who never had that sort of figure in their lives. They act as a fan service for fans who have never had men like them in their lives but so desperately wish they had.
Another thing is lots of MLM (men loving men) and/or ace/aro people will see themselves in these characters, since they are both men who have neve had any significant relationships/specifically relationships with women so it is very easy to read them as not heterosexual. Whether theyre seen as gay, bisexual, asexual, etc depends on the fan, but there is no denying that they definitely fit a non-straight narative.
In conclusion, it isn’t a mystery that so manypeople are drawn to characters like Reigen or Aizawa. They are non-threatening —yet strong— men who take on a parental/mentor role for children that need that in their lives, and they also can very easily be read as not heterosexual. They are the ideal of what so many people wish men were like, which makes them a huge comfort to people who have difficult relationships with men in real life.
also theyre sexie
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Incorrect quote time!! this time from @revelryinthememes
green boy has a bad day 
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As a member of said Craigswitch coven, if ya’ll love Dresden and magic you should definitely try this RPG. It has given us hours of endless joy.
"How do I religion?!"
-the weather witch in our coven in our Dresden Files campaign
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Valerie Slip and Fall
(Coincidentally, that is also the reason my maternal grandmother last sought medical attention)
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hey everyone thanks for coming to the show we’re Arlene Titty Pills
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Matt’s face made my life.
“We’re gonna get weird, right?”
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It was such a good episode.
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Last night had some Moods
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For any of you who are writing ‘across the pond’-here is a little guide I put together of some common differences between British and American English!
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I mean, why else would those tiny hobbits need first and second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner AND supper? They’re all stoned and have the munchies.
okay listen i know tolkien was over here all like "pipeweed is tobacco" but we can all agree that its marijuana, right? merry and pippin are stoned every point in the book they have a second to relax
Compromise: hobbits smoke both & lump them together as ‘pipeweed’
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don’t forget, young midoriya
you are not alone
[You can read the card he has here]
Keep reading
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(( Rare pictures of the local grumpy cryptid. Don’t let him know you have these lest you wish to meet your end ;^) some smiles from the previous art stream! ))
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I call this set… “Noir Princesses”.
PRINTS HERE… https://bit.ly/2NqqOX7
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Thanks for those who suggested adding transcripts to get around my handwriting and Tumblr’s poor compression! Panel 1 Kaminari: Come on! Sit with us for lunch! Just once! Shinsou: If I do will you stop bothering me?  Panel 2: Present Mic: Awww! Reminds me of us in Highschool! Eraser Head: Now look at us… Panel 3:  Present Mic: … Eraser Head: … Panel 4:  Present Mic: Run while you can, yo! It’s crazy stressful caring about someone emotionally constipated! My eyebrows have been stuck like this for over a decade! Eraser Head: Run while you can, kid! They NEVER stop talking! You find yourself talked into the most stupid things and you will never know peace!!
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i would sacrifice my life for them tbh
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