uhbcyouthstaff · 11 years
Who wants to slam this at our next youth camp???
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uhbcyouthstaff · 11 years
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uhbcyouthstaff · 11 years
Yoyo loves early starts..
"I feel like as a leader there's a lot of pressure to be a morning person. I'm not a morning person, I'm barely even a person in the mornings. Talk to me at midday."
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uhbcyouthstaff · 11 years
Nevin's thoughts on life:
"I think sometimes life is kinda like a vacuum cleaner sucking on your toes."
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uhbcyouthstaff · 11 years
Adam and Eve
Cat: Does anyone want to fill Eddie in on what we’ve been talking about this eve since he just joined us? Adam: Well seeing as it’s eve, Adam better do it.
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uhbcyouthstaff · 12 years
It was funny in my head and that's all that matters.
Paul Thompson
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uhbcyouthstaff · 12 years
Yoyo's Exaggeration
Yoyo: I haven't met ANYONE in your family-
Cat: Yes you have.
Yoyo: No I-
Cat: You've met my Mum and my sister, all that's left is my Dad. You SHOULD have said, "I've met everyone in your family EXCEPT your Dad"
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uhbcyouthstaff · 12 years
Adam claiming the Word again..
Adam: Have you got enough post it notes in your bible?! Oh my word! Yoyo: it’s not your word bro, it’s God’s..
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uhbcyouthstaff · 12 years
Liam is so devoted
Liam: Ooh a women’s devotional bible, this should be perfect for me! Yoyo: Why, because you’re a woman or because you’re devoted to women? Liam under his breath: all of the above.. What a catch. Ladies please, one at a time.
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uhbcyouthstaff · 12 years
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Some of our amazing leaders at UHBC.
Adam Crichton, Grady Murpy, Cat Gooding, Sonya Cossey and Liam Taylor.
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uhbcyouthstaff · 12 years
Hey Friends.
The UHBC staff's most over-used sayings!
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uhbcyouthstaff · 12 years
It was a crap time.
One of Cat's many over-used sayings.
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uhbcyouthstaff · 12 years
Adam's Bible Verse.
Adam: I turned one night in my Bible and it was there it was - so I claimed it and now it's mine. It's my fav Bible verse.
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uhbcyouthstaff · 12 years
Another dig at Yoyo's height.
Adam: We need to be thinking about the long term-
Yoyo: What about the short term?
Adam: you would bring up the short term wouldn't you?
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uhbcyouthstaff · 12 years
Going deep with Adam
Adam: You know that saying "give a man a fish and feed him for a day but teach him to fish and it will feed him for his life" We need to teach people to fish for God.
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uhbcyouthstaff · 12 years
Sonya's Guitar Case.
Adam: Cool case Sonya!
Paul: it's a coffin.
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uhbcyouthstaff · 12 years
Paul is so fashionable.
Paul: OH BRO. Found my sandals! They're on the youthtown bus.
We all hope he leaves them there.
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