ulilu · 2 months
Netzwerk | improvisation from Nicole Fior-Greant on Vimeo.
28.10.2023 ° written for pendula ensemble P : Druckereihalle Basel (CH) Performed by: pendula ensemble Composition: N. Fior-Greant
Netzwerk (2022), eine Improvisation, reprĂ€sentiert die komplexe Natur eines Wurzelsystems, das fĂŒr uns Menschen aufgrund seiner mikroskopischen Ebene kaum erkennbar ist. Der Tonbereich, die Dauer und die Dynamik sind grĂ¶ĂŸtenteils den Spielerinnen ĂŒberlassen, wĂ€hrend die melodische Sequenz vorgegeben ist. Diese Sequenz bewegt sich von einem hohen Tonbereich in drei DurchlĂ€ufen in einen tieferen Tonbereich, und spiegelt somit die ganzheitliche Bewegung des Wurzelwachstums wider.
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ulilu · 5 months
Le Viol du Pouvoir from Deborah de Robertis official on Vimeo.
Critique du pouvoir colonial - patriarchal, performance réalisée place Vauban, Paris, 2021
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ulilu · 5 months
#MeTooArtWorld On ne sépare pas la femme de l'artiste from Deborah de Robertis official on Vimeo.
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ulilu · 10 months
[2023#125] ein feste bott ist from Ulrich Ludat on Vimeo.
Es ist Buß- und Bettag in Deutschland, in Israel & PalĂ€stina sind die SchlĂ€chter am Werke, in den Niederlanden erobern die Ultrarechten ein weiteres euroĂ€isches Parlament; es ist Unfriede in der Welt. Ist 'Bott' in der Situation tatsĂ€chlich 'ein feste Burg'?
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ulilu · 10 months
[2023#125] ein feste bott ist from Ulrich Ludat on Vimeo.
Es ist Buß- und Bettag in Deutschland, in Israel & PalĂ€stina sind die SchlĂ€chter am Werke, in den Niederlanden erobern die Ultrarechten ein weiteres euroĂ€isches Parlament; es ist Unfriede in der Welt. Ist 'Bott' in der Situation tatsĂ€chlich 'ein feste Burg'?
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ulilu · 10 months
Untitled from Ulrich Ludat on Vimeo.
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ulilu · 2 years
Rave SĂ©ance by Marko Ciciliani from Marko Ciciliani on Vimeo.
Excerpt of the Performance-Installation Rave SĂ©ance by Marko Ciciliani (2020). Commissioned by iMAL as part of the EASTN-DC project, and also realized as part of the research project GAPPP (funded by the Austrian Science Fund as AR364-G24).
This video was recorded on January 9, 2021 in the Mumuth of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. Many thanks to the participating audience members, Uli Gladisch (sound recording) and Nicolae David (cameras).
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ulilu · 2 years
Excerpt from After Nagasaki from Silvia Gentili on Vimeo.
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ulilu · 2 years
Mnemosyne from Silvia Gentili on Vimeo.
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ulilu · 2 years
Øyvind Torvund: The Exotica Album from Other Minds on Vimeo.
Performed by the San Francisco Contemporary Music Players conducted by Eric Dudley, with JÞrgen TrÊen and Øyvind Torvund on synthesizers and sax soloist Larry Ochs, at Freight & Salvage in Berkeley, California on June 6, 2022.
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ulilu · 2 years
YOU HAVE NO IDEA by Selma Selman from Momentum Worldwide on Vimeo.
“You Have No Idea / Vi Nemate Pojma” is a live piece that is to be performed, where I continually repeat the phrase, “you have no idea”. This performance is a very intimate one. It is my frustration brought to life. You have no idea – you have no idea about my life as a whole. You do not who I am, nor do you know my happiness or sadness. You do not know about the presence or absence of pain in my life, nor how I feel at the moment that I perform this piece to a live audience. You have no idea. Though this piece refers to the specific circumstances of my life, I believe that it carries a universal message. We have no idea about the struggles that others are facing. We have no idea, but we think that we do.
Held 12th June 2016 on the occasion of the finissage of the exhibition HERO MOTHER - Contemporary Art by Post-Communist Women Rethinking Heroism Studio 1 & MOMENTUM Gallery at Kunstquartier Bethanien 14 May - 12 June 2016 Curated by Bojana Pejic and Rachel Rits-Volloch
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ulilu · 2 years
Un sentiment partagé (short film) from Mathilde Irrmann on Vimeo.
Directed by Maxime Vacher Written by Mathilde Irrmann Sound recording Ulysse Boisson
With Mathilde Irrmann and Margaux Lagleize
French with englisch Subtitles
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ulilu · 3 years
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ulilu · 4 years
GlĂŒckstee (Derselbe Ort, dasselbe Ich) from Daniela Daub on Vimeo.
Poetry-Film auf der Grundlage des Textes "Derselbe Ort, dasselbe Ich". Ein meditatives Nachdenken ĂŒber das Da-Sein und die Wirklichkeit, wĂ€hrend die Kamera ausgiebig den Holzfußboden zeigt, in dem sich das Fenster spiegelt.
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ulilu · 4 years
Heimisch werden from Daniela Daub on Vimeo.
Poetry-Film nach dem Gedicht "Heimisch werden" von Daniela Daub.
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ulilu · 4 years
Benedikte Bjerre: let it go let it go from Kunstverein Göttingen on Vimeo.
Benedikte Bjerre let it go let it go Bis zum 21. MĂ€rz 2021 Kuratorin: Tomke Braun
Benedikte Bjerre fragt in ihren Werken, inwiefern wirtschaftliche und soziale Strukturen unser Handeln und unser Sein beeinflussen. FĂŒr ihre Einzelausstellung "let it go let it go" im Kunstverein Göttingen entwickelt sie eine zugleich fragende und zukunftsgerichtete Perspektive auf die eigenen Produktionsbedingungen, indem sie Werke aus ihrer bisherigen kĂŒnstlerischen Laufbahn umdeutet und neu kontextualisiert.
Bjerre questions the extent to which economic and social structures influence our actions and being. For her solo show at Kunstverein Göttingen, she develops a questioning as well as forward-looking perspective of her own production conditions by reinterpreting and recontextualizing previous works of her artistic career.
Video: Jan Spatschek, Dennis Spangenmacher Grafik: Sascha Bente, Marius Land, Max Winter
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ulilu · 4 years
Shifts in Mapping ⁠Online Symposium @ FHNW Academy of Art and Design, ⁠Basel, Switzerland⁠ 20-21 January 2021 from FHNW Academy of Art and Design on Vimeo.
Dr. Claudia Perren Welcome to the Symposium “Shifts in Mapping” 21 January 2021 @ 09:30 Christine Schranz Introduction to the Symposium “Shifts in Mapping” 21 January 2021 @ 09:35
⁠ Birgit Schneider, University of Potsdam “(How) can data images be critical?” 21 January 2021 @ 10:00⁠ Philippe Rekacewicz, University of Helsinki “Cartography Between Art, Science and Politics: How visual representation could reveal event and facts hidden from us” 21 January 2021 @ 11:00 Ulrike Felsing, Max Frischknecht, Bern University of the Arts “Critical Map Visualizations” 21 January 2021 @ 13:00 Bureau d’Etudes: LĂ©onore Bonaccini and Xavier Fourt (Paris)⁠ “Design through Graduation: Notes on the Establishment of Reality by Scale” 21 January 2021 @ 14:00⁠ Diana Alvarez-Marin, ETH Zurich “Atlas of Indexical Cities” 21 January 2021 @ 15:30⁠
Boris Magrini Digital Sneak Preview of the Exhibition “Shaping the Invisible World” 21 January 2021 @ 17:00
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