ultrasocblog · 1 year
Zombo and Creeper in a nutshell:
My favorite romance trope is when Character A seems to be the first one to develop feelings, but we find out way later that Character B has had a crush for even longer. I call this trope:
"They fell first. OR SO YOU THOUGHT!"
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ultrasocblog · 1 year
-Corruption and angst-
Zombo gave the others a awkward smile before glitching slightly, he suddenly collapsed. Before he hit the ground, he felt arms quickly catching him.
He let out a pained whine, black substance starting to form in one of his eyes. "Zombo?!" He barely heard Creeper's panicked voice, he let out another pained noise. He suddenly felt his back touching the ground, he growled low. His body felt so much pain.
The hybrid felt the black substance forming in his other eye and his scars, he let out a painful shriek. His mind fading into nothing. No thoughts leftover.
"Zombo!" Creeper cried as Zombo continued to transform...
Not feeling so great this morning so it's a angsty morning
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ultrasocblog · 1 year
Facts about Vampy.
Mentions of sensitive topics such as abuse and neglect.
She used to be a famous singer until Watson fucked her up real bad.
She doesn't really realize that many her loved ones are scared of her until she actually hurts them on accident.*(ex. Storm'Acid)*
She used to be a trash hunter, a forest dweller, a mountain ranger, a cave caretaker, and many other things. *(might make a list here)*
She has the inferno light.*(will be explained one day)*
She has two sisters named: Sabrina and Marietta. She is the oldest sister, Sabrina being the middle and Marietta being the youngest!
She had two exes. Her first ex-boyfriend is/was named Oliver and he just played with her feelings. Her other ex-boyfriend is Watson and /hat guy, yeah sure, he loved her but he manipulated her, abused her*(psychically and verbally)*, and overall caused her major distrust and more cautious and rarely show emotions.
^^^ Some of her scars are actually from him, she still has headaches from when he sometimes would scratch her head.
Her parents never abused her but they have neglected her, and her two sisters.
She is apart of the radioactive gang for no reason, she still doesn't have a reason but she does secretly enjoy Storm'Acids and some of the rest of the members' company.
^^^ She absolutely despises Pine though.
She does deeply regret lashing out at Storm'Acid and some other creatures. She knows it's her fault but blames them instead of herself*(she still blames herself tho)*
She has killed two kids and a female creature.*(which happens to be Watson's wife and kids)*, it's unclear if she regrets it or not.
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ultrasocblog · 1 year
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ultrasocblog · 2 years
tag the oc that was born to suffer
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ultrasocblog · 2 years
Which OC’s got enemies, got a lotta enemies, Got a lotta people tryna drain them of Their energy?
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ultrasocblog · 2 years
Which OC inexplicably attracts animals like Disney Princess?
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ultrasocblog · 3 years
Tag the OC that's part of a canon x OC ship
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ultrasocblog · 3 years
Prompt; “What happened to their happily ever after?” “Not all love stories get a happily ever after, sometimes it’s just once upon a time.”
Characters; Savannah & Conner
Warnings; Angst
Savannah flicked her ears, that were now torn and her right side of her face hurt more than her left, despite having a large scar across her face. She had received the scar from her ex-mate, Storm.
A certain cheater, and a well known one. ". . .Ms. Savannah?" She glanced at a small child, right now, she was working at a daycare. Against her will? Probably. Willingly? She has no clue, but hey, at least she gets a break from socializing with adults, cause she really didn't want to right now.
Savannah took a deep breath, forcing a smile on her face. "Yes Conner?" She replied slowly as he sat next to her. "Can you tell me a story? I'm bored." Conner answered, his movements showed that he was bored and his voice as well.
She sighed and nodded, "Okay. This story is about Tina and her ex-husband, Ryan." She began, clearing her throat. "Tina and Ryan met at the age of six, they talked and talked, soon enough, later on in life and in high school. . .Ryan and Tina started developing feelings for each other. Both of them were 17.
Tina was a nervous wreck around him, while he was such a flirty jerk to her. Well, maybe not a jerk to her but to others, yes. Soon enough, after they finished their first two years of high school, Ryan confessed his feelings towards her. Tina happily accepted his feelings, completely unaware that he already had a girlfriend, named Juliette." She continued on, her voice was unwavering, despite the memories her own past coming back to her.
"Tina and Ryan lived happily for a short while until he asked her to marry him, during college. Tina was still unaware of Juliette though. So after they got married, Ryan joined the army while Tina stayed at home, minding her own business. Sometimes Ryan would sneak off to hang out with Juliette, there had been a few times that Tina catches him crawling through the window.
At first, for the first week, she didn't question it. But as the years progress, she suspected him. . .of doing. . .things, possibly cheating or something different, she just hoped that it wasn't cheating. After all, she trusts him, and he was loyal to her, or she thought anyway. . ." She trailed off, deciding to end the 'story' there.
She glanced at Conner, who looked intrigued with the story, his eyes were blazing with curiosity. "What happened to their happily ever after?" He asked, the question made her heart sink. Remembering her marriage love life with Storm.
She closed her eyes, only shedding a single tear. "Not all love stories get a happily ever after, sometimes it's just once upon a time." She forced her to voice to steady as she spoke. . .
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ultrasocblog · 3 years
1. Ashfall
This was it, the day where she will make her mark! It won't be easy, but hearing that she gets to join Feathertail and Stormfur on a long journey, made her feel excited. Who knows? She might be able to make friends or maybe confess her feelings to Feathertail? Either way, she just hoped that nothing bad will happen, though however, she did know that there will be dangers out there.
2. Volemist
Volemist had no problems with Thunderclan, it was Riverclan that he didn't exactly quite like. He had no clue if it was their fish smell, or the fact that their cats that can swim and eat fish or the fact that their leader, Mistystar is alive after many seasons. He is. . .debating on his feelings towards them. "Hey Volemist! Are you coming or not?!" Hm. . .guess he will worry about it later, right now, Breezepelt is calling for him.
3. Snakepaw
Snakepaw loved being in Thunderclan, and she was so glad that they took him in! Well. . .maybe if Bramblestar didn't act so strangely, it did make them uneasy about it, about him. She had noticed how he sometimes lashed out at his clanmates, the way he treats Squirrelflight and Bristlefrost. Everything right now was putting xem on edge, like, what was wrong with him? Was he always like this? Fae had no idea. . .
Day 10 - Daily Writing Challenge
Write a 5 sentence long short story from three different perspectives.
Do it for yourself or put it under this post!
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ultrasocblog · 3 years
"Leave me alone, Zombo." Creeper hissed, his back towards the hybrid, but Zombo just. . .stood there. "I uh, I heard what happened." Zombo began, glancing around awkwardly then rested his gaze on his ex-best friend.
Creeper slowly looked at him. "You never cared about me or what I accomplished in my fucked up life! So why start now?!" He snarled, but Zombo's face showed regret and guilt. "Creeper. . .I always cared about you." He whispered, looking away.
Creeper narrowed his eyes, "As if!" He hissed, tears beginning to form in his eyes. The memories of him breaking up with Mina pained him but it was for best, but he just wished he could've made it sound like it. And Zombo being here, making him remember how the two were best friends in the past didn't help either.
"I'm sorry, Creeper. I know it won't help, but just know, I'm here for you." And that was enough. . .
Creeper broke down crying. . .
[I may have gone over bored. I ended up with 910 words for the story, oops!]
Day 21 - Daily Writing Challenge
Write 100 words today. It doesn’t matter about what.
Do it for yourself or put it under this post!
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ultrasocblog · 3 years
"We need eggs. . ." Sadie mumbled, looking at her sister, Sophie. "The EGG-cellent eggs?" Her sister beamed, earning a unamused look from Sadie. "Savannah is counting on us, you dumbass." She snorted.
Sophie rolled her eyes and placed the eggs in the cart. "Great. Now we need flour, milk, butter and perhaps some cinnamon." Sadie smiled in delight as she listed off the things they needed. "You make it sound like we are baking right now." Sophie wrinkled her nose as she spoke.
"Technically we will be--well, more like Savannah will be the one that's baking." She answered. "Hey, at least she got your lazy tail off of your bed!" Sophie remarked.
"Hey!" Sadie hissed.
Day 25 - Daily Writing Challenge
Write a scene in a grocery store.
Do it for yourself or put it under this post!
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ultrasocblog · 3 years
It was over. The war between Voidshard and Universe'Zombie was over. Everyone was safe, and happy. There were only small quarrels here and there.
But it was finally over. Voidshard was finally defeated.
. . .
Day 27 - Daily Writing Challenge
Write an end scene, without the beginning.
Do it for yourself or put it under this post!
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ultrasocblog · 3 years
"So what do you want me to do again?" Doctor'Zombie looked at the red furry animal experimented thing, it's sharp teeth poking out as it looked at Doctor'Zombie.
Fuzzy slowly blinked, as it slowly came over. Approaching the glitch demon with a strange aura. It then pointed a claw at a tree that had bark that was the darkest night, but really, it was just dark oak wood.
Doctor'Zombie still felt puzzled. What did the experiment want? He glanced at it, he noticed it was now pointing at the middle of four logs. There, a small little camp fire that wasn't lit up yet.
"Oh. You want to cut it down for the camp fire?" He questioned, earning a nod from Fuzzy. ". . .Sounds simple enough." He mumbled, shaking away his doubts.
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ultrasocblog · 3 years
Tumblr media
🍇: What sort of friend are they? Where are they in the group dynamic?
🍉: Does your OC have a particular piece of jewellery that they always wear or refuse to part with?
🍋: What is your OC's most painful memory?
🍍: Where does your OC feel most comfortable?
🍎: Do they share any features or traits with any family members?
🍑: What sort of traits does your OC look for in a Significant Other?
🍒: Has Your OC had their first kiss yet? If so, with who?
🍓: Does your OC have any particular scents they like? Or hate?
🍆: Does your OC have any favourite form of affection, physical or otherwise?
🌽: How does this OC feel about acts of affection? What's their favourite act of affection, physical or emotional?
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
🎂: Has your OC have any contradictory interests or traits to the first preception people have of the? How do they surprise people?
🍪: What is something that's sentimental to you OC?
🍩: What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime they're most likely to get arrested for?
🍫: Where does your OC go to think?
🍾: Does your OC believe in luck? If so, do they have any charm or ritual they do before a stressful event?
🍷: What's one of your OC's pet peeves concerning food?
🍹: Does your OC have any funny anecdotes told about them?
🍻: What's your OC's favourite comfort ritual? How do they calm themselves down after a rough day?
🥃: If your OC was in this universe, what would be their favourite show/book/band/social media platform?
🍕: How does an OC spend a lazy day?
🍔: Are there any recent trends you think your OC would hate? Or love?
🍟: What does your OC admit to be their guilty pleasure? What actually is their guilty pleasure?
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ultrasocblog · 3 years
Prompt; “Stop grumbling and just tell me where your medicine cabinet is.”
Ship; Sewtor(Vector X Sewing'Zombie)
Vector was sitting on the couch with a blanket on him, he hated being sick, but he never complained like Sewing'Zombie used to do before his death. The ink demon was always tired, but being sick made his exhaustion worse.
It also drains the rest of his energy after his usual ink attacks, so he had a few things to worry about when he was sick. Of course, he never asks for help, so that didn't exactly help either.
But this time was different, Sewing'Zombie was here and the creature was going to take care of him. As much as Vector didn't want him to, he had no choice to accept it.
"Alright." Vector glanced at him, looking uninterested through half narrowed eyes. Looking like he was so done with the day or something.
Sewing'Zombie met his gaze firmly, 'Oh boyyy, a serious question. Here we go.' Vector thought sarcastically, waiting for the gray creature to ask the question.
But since it was taking a bit, the ink demon started to grumble quietly. It was a whole bunch of nonsense, but some were death threats to anyone that he fought so far in his life, and some were Insults about himself, and some were about the ink disease.
Vector felt a bit grateful that Sewing'Zombie hadn't caught on his self-esteem and other problems he had not told the taller male. But he wasn't praying because he knew Sewing'Zombie would find out eventually.
"Stop grumbling and just tell me where your medicine cabinet is."
The demon froze. A medicine cabinet? He always got medicine from Doctor'Zombie or 'borrow' some from Sewing'Zombie's place.
But actually having a cabinet of medication in his studio? That's something he didn't have.
He awkwardly looked at the gray creature, his throat felt sore but he had to tell the truth. He swallowed a few gulps of air, before pushing out a sentence from his throat, wasting the air he had swallowed.
"I - I don't have. . .one."
This surprised Sewing'Zombie. "What?" He looked at him questioningly, making sure he had heard right, once he earned a nod from Vector, he sighed in frustration. "Nevermind that then." He mumbled.
Vector didn't care anymore, he just wanted to sleep now. He didn't realize that Sewing'Zombie had teleported some medication here, "Here." The gray creature mumbled, nudging a small bowl of soup with the medication in it.
Sewing'Zombie knew that Vector wouldn't take the medication on its own so he had to what's called 'improvise'. The demon knew though but he reluctantly took a few sips of the soup before falling asleep quickly. Sewing'Zombie couldn't help but wonder though. . .
Why was Vector always so extra tired then he usually is?. . .
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ultrasocblog · 3 years
Prompt; "Winter is for hibernating. i’m going back to sleep."
Ship; Vector X Sewing'Zombie
"Come on Vector! Aren't you going to get up? You never sleep this late at all!" Sewing'Zombie growled, glaring at the guest bed, where dark blue fluffy blankets were covering his short, grumpy, reckless ink demon frenemy.
Vector just let out a low yet exhausted groan, the corruption had made him super moody and exhausted all the time. He kinda gets dizzy and strangely super hungry all the time as well.
"In fact, you don't even sleep at all!" Well, that's all the corruption fault. Not his. "No." Vector answered simply, his voice sounding dead-exhasuted as he tiredly look at the gray creature, who didn't look amused. But neither was he.
Sewing'Zombie rolled his eyes and yanked the blankets off of the smaller male, earning a growl. Vector grabbed the sheets and pulled them over himself. "Winter is for hibernating. I'm going back to sleep." He muttered before quickly falling back to sleep.
While the special monster just stood there, looking very concerned and worried now. He didn't know what to think about what just happened, he knew Vector was corrupted. But why were these the symptoms that Vector was experiencing? What made Vector so. . .different for it?
Sewing'Zombie knew something was off and strange, and he also knew, he needed to figure it out soon. . .
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