um-prompts · 4 months
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A guide to designing wheelchair using characters!
I hope this helps anyone who's trying to design their oc using a wheelchair, it's not a complete guide but I tried my best! deffo do more research if you're writing them as a character
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um-prompts · 4 months
Character Prompt List : Jake Dillinger
Prompt list for Jake Dillinger from Be More Chill(musical).
Ice tea
Perfect child
Red Solo cup
Varsity jacket
Pool table
Night light
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um-prompts · 5 months
If you’re still doing request, is it OK if you either
Describe writing a panic attack?
Describe someone who has gray eyes?
-> a link for gray eye descriptions: x
How to Write a Panic Attack
Physical Symptoms of a Panic Attack:
pounding or racing heart
difficulty breathing
weakness or dizziness
tingly or numb hands
chest pain
stomach pain or nausea
feeling lightheaded
tense muscles
dry mouth
constriction in the chest
feeling like they're being choked
Other Symptoms:
heightened vigilance for danger and physical symptoms
anxious and irrational thinking
a strong feeling of dread, danger or foreboding
fear of going mad, losing control, or dying
feelings of unreality and detachment from the environment
Triggers for a Panic Attack:
something unexpected (ex: a phone call)
a reminder (objects, smells, locations, specific phrases, etc. that can be tied back to a traumatic experience)
stress (from work, a relationship, family, etc. that has been building up)
silence (ex: being alone in a quiet room. The silence can amplify a sense of isolation)
flashbacks (a trigger that causes the person to flash back to a traumatic memory)
out of nowhere (sometimes panic attacks just get triggered by seemingly nothing)
Writing Prompts:
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
He couldn't breathe. Oh God, he couldn't breathe and he was going to die.
She knew the panic was building up, but it crashed over her like a tsunami that swept her off her feet. The pull threatened to pull her out to sea and it was all-consuming.
They felt the panic begin to wrap its arms around them like a shadow.
"Is it okay if I hold your hand?"
"Don't touch me-- don't touch me!"
Her mind was running at a million miles a second but she couldn't pinpoint a single thought.
"It's okay. You're safe."
An icy hand had reached through their ribcage and was squeezing their heart. They couldn't breathe and they didn't know what to do to regain their breath.
"My chest hurts. It hurts."
"I can't!"
They were a crumpled heap, stowed away in the corner as tears streamed down their face.
She felt like she was on a boat out at sea, the room swaying and adding to the nausea that was washing over her.
He felt like he was having a heart attack.
They gasped for air but each breath felt shallower than the last.
She could hear her heart pounding in her ears, beating like a panicked drum to the rhythm of her fear.
He felt like he was standing on the edge of a building.
They couldn't move. It was like someone was holding down their limbs, the panic rendering them utterly frozen.
If you like what I do and want to support me, please consider donating! I also offer editing services and other writing advice on my Ko-fi!
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um-prompts · 5 months
Different Ways to Describe Eye Colors
↳ a masterpost for writing prompts that describe eye colors
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If you like what I do and want to support me, please consider buying me a coffee! I also offer editing services and other writing advice on my Ko-fi! Become a member to receive exclusive content, early access, and prioritized writing prompt requests.
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Brown Eyes
Blue Eyes
Green Eyes
Hazel Eyes
Unusual Eyes
Gray Eyes
Heterochromia Eyes
Black Eyes
White Eyes
White/Silver Eyes pt 2
Hazel Green Eyes
Gold/Yellow Eyes
Reddish-Brown Eyes
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um-prompts · 5 months
a collection of quotes, phrases, and sayings for when your muse needs a little TLC. change & alter as needed.
“Nah, it’s not that bad. I’ve had worse.”
“I don’t think I can walk that far… or at all.”
“I’m fine. I don’t need your help.”
“Will you stay with me? Just until I fall asleep?”
“I’m sorry, I’m just—I’m just really tired.”
“I don’t need a break. I’m okay.”
“It was my fault. It was all my fault.”
“I think I need help.”
“So, I don’t think I’m dying, or anything, and it’s probably not that serious, but… I’m kinda bleeding. A lot.”
“Is the room spinning right now, or is that just me?”
“No, I’m okay, I just… I hit my head. Really hard. I’ll be okay, just give me a second.”
“I’m not sick! I’m fine!”
“No, I don’t think any of my bones are broken, or anything like that. Just bad bruises.”
“Yeah, but you should see the other guy.”
“I’m fine. This just happens sometimes. It’s normal for me.”
“I’ve got a headache.”
“Seriously, though, I’m fine! Stop making such a big deal out of it!”
“I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time. I don’t need your help, and I definitely don’t need your pity. Fuck off.”
“Please tell me I don’t look as bad as I feel.”
“I think I’m running a fever.”
“So, what’s the prognosis, Doc? Am I gonna live?”
“Stop fussing over me! I’m not a baby!”
“Can I stay with you tonight? I just… really don’t want to be alone right now.”
“No, I-I’m okay. It was just a nightmare. Go back to sleep.”
“I… can’t actually remember the last time I had something to eat.”
“You shouldn’t be here. You’ll get sick, too.”
“Honey, have you been crying? What is it? What’s wrong?”
“I think you’d better take a break.”
“It’s not your fault, sweetheart. You did everything you could.”
“You don’t have to go through this alone. I’m right here for you if you’ll just let me in.”
“There’s nothing wrong with you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Don’t ever let yourself believe that there is.”
“You really don’t realize just how many people love you, do you?”
“If you’re not going to take care of yourself, at least let me do it for you!”
“I’m sorry. I know it hurts.”
“You’re not alone, baby. You never have been.”
“Let’s get you some food.”
“You’re dead on your feet, poor thing. Come on, you need some sleep.”
“Stay where you are. I’m coming to get you.”
“Tell me where it hurts.”
“How many times have I told you to be more careful?!”
“It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m right here, okay? I’m not gonna leave you. I’m never gonna leave you.”
“Oh, honey, you’re safe now. I promise. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
“Go ahead and take a shower. I’ll fix you something to eat.”
“What happened to you, baby?”
“I’ll kill that bastard. I’ll kill him for what he did to you.”
“You look like shit, man.”
“Whoa, whoa, take it easy! You got pretty banged up back there, and you don’t want to go making yourself worse.”
“I’m not trying to baby you. It’s called taking care of my friends.”
“Sweetheart, you’re burning up! Why didn’t you say anything? Why didn’t you tell anyone you were sick?”
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um-prompts · 5 months
darker vibes
❛ i would let you rip me apart if it meant loving you. ❜
❛ this fear you feel? it won’t last. ❜
❛ you are my salvation. ❜
❛ i revolt you, don’t i? ❜
❛ get the hell away from me. ❜
❛ i want to sink my teeth into every inch of you. ❜
❛ i’ll be your dirty little secret, if that’s what you’re into. ❜
❛ worship me. until i tell you to stop. ❜
❛ don’t you know how sick with love i am for you? ❜
❛ fucking hit me already. ❜
❛ i would burn the world for you. ❜
❛ i don’t want to be good, no matter how hard you wish it. ❜
❛ i don’t know how you’ve bewitched me, but it needs to stop. ❜
❛ fix me. ❜
❛ they die for love, you kill for it. ❜
❛ you are mine, whether you agree or not. ❜
❛ do you like it when i bleed for you? ❜
❛ i will keep hurting. i will keep killing. anything to protect you. ❜
❛ i’m starved for you, morning and night. ❜
❛ now i get to ravish you. ❜
❛ i am your god and your executioner. ❜
❛ you are doing so well, my pet. ❜
❛ you’re my sweetest poison. ❜
❛ let’s do something about that mouth of yours. ❜
❛ your fascination with me will be your death. ❜
❛ you’re the monster that’s enticed me into your bed. ❜
❛ all you can say are pretty lies. ❜
❛ the fucked up thing is that it isn’t enough to just love you. ❜
❛ you’ve broken me. all i can think about is you. ❜
❛ you’ll beg for more. ❜
❛ an eternity with you would never satisfy me. ❜
❛ i would gladly let you drag me to hell. ❜
❛ everything i’ve done.. every horrible atrocity, it’s been for you. ❜
❛ you’re a fucking nightmare. kiss me. ❜
❛ feel grateful that i allow you to touch me. ❜
❛ every time your lips touch my skin, you burn me from the inside out. ❜
❛ there’s no black or white, only gray. ❜
❛ no one touches what’s mine. ❜
❛ make me indifferent, make me horrible. ❜
❛ i could never be the one to love you. i can only be the one that kills you. ❜
❛ your lips are poison, your laugh a curse. ❜
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um-prompts · 5 months
things people do in real world dialogue:
• laugh at their own jokes
• don’t finish/say complete sentences
• interrupt a line of thought with a sudden new one
• say ‘uh’ between words when unsure
• accidentally blend multiple words together, and may start the sentence over again
• repeat filler words such as ‘like’ ‘literally’ ‘really’ ‘anyways’ and ‘i think’
• begin and/or end sentences with phrases such as ‘eh’ and ‘you know’, and may make those phrases into question form to get another’s input
• repeat words/phrases when in an excited state
• words fizzle out upon realizing no one is listening
• repeat themselves when others don’t understand what they’re saying, as well as to get their point across
• reply nonverbally such as hand gestures, facial expressions, random noises, movement, and even silence
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um-prompts · 5 months
Writing pro-tip #8
A love story doesn’t end with a wedding. It ends with a funeral.
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um-prompts · 5 months
general language learning resources
wordreference - has spanish, french, italian, portuguese, catalan, german, swedish, dutch, russian, polish, romanian, czech, greek, turkish, chinese, japanese, korean, & arabic
reverso translation - has arabic, chinese, dutch, french, german, hebrew, italian, japanese, polish, portuguese, romanian, russian, spanish & turkish
bab.la - has spanish, arabic, chinese, czech, danish, dutch, finnish, french, german, greek, hindi, hungarian, indonesian, italian, japanese, korean, norwegian, polish, portuguese, romanian, russian, swedish, swahili, thai, turkish, vietnamese, & esperanto
digital dictionaries of south asia - has dictionaries for assamese, baluchi, bengali, divehi, hindi, kashmiri, khowar, lushai, malayalam, marathi, nepali, oriya, pali, panjabi, pashto, persian, prakrit, rajasthani, sanskrit, sindhi, sinhala, tamil, telugu & urdu
resources for learning words in context:
reverso context  - has arabic, chinese (in beta), dutch, french, german, hebrew, italian, japanese, polish, portuguese, romanian, russian, spanish & turkish (in beta)
linguee - has german, spanish, portuguese, french, italian, russian, japanese, chinese, polish, dutch, swedish, danish, finnish, greek, czech, romanian, hungarian, slovak, bulgarian, slovene, lithuanian, latvian, maltese, & estonian
for learning different writing systems
omniglot - an encyclopedia with literally any language you could think of including ancient languages
scripts - an app for learning other writing systems with a limited amount for free (you can do 5 minutes a day for free) - has the ASL alphabet, Russian cyrillic, devanagari, Japanese kana, Chinese hanzi, & Korean hangul
Wikipedia is also helpful for learning different writing systems honestly!
forvo - a pronunciation dictionary with MANY languages (literally an underrated resource i use it all the time)
a really helpful video by luca lampariello with tips on how to get better pronunciation in any language
ipachart.com - an interactive chart with almost every sound!! literally such an amazing resource for learning the IPA (however does not include tones)
another interactive IPA chart (this one does have tones) 
language tutoring
italki - there’s many websites for language tutoring but i think italki has the most languages (i have a referral link & if you use it we can both get $10 toward tutoring lol) - they say they support 130 languages!
there’s also preply and verbling which are also good but there aren’t as many options for languages - preply has 27 and verbling has 43
(obviously these are not free but if you have the money i think tutoring is a great way to learn a language!)
getting corrections/input from native speakers
hellotalk - an app for language exchanges with native speakers & they also have functions where you can put up a piece of writing and ask for corrections - honestly this app is great
tandem - language exchange app but unlike hellotalk you can choose multiple languages (although i think hellotalk is a little bit better)
LangCorrect - supports 170 languages!
HiNative - supports 113 languages!
Lang-8 - supports 90 languages!
verb conjugation
verbix - supports a ton of languages
Reverso conjugation - only has english, french, spanish, german, italian, portuguese, hebrew russian, arabic, & japanese
duolingo - obviously everybody knows about duolingo but i’m still going to put it here - i will say i think duolingo is a lot more useful for languages that use the latin alphabet than languages with another writing system however they do have a lot of languages and add more all the time - currently they have 19 languages but you can see what languages they’re going to add on the incubator
memrise - great for vocab! personally i prefer the app to the desktop website
drops - you can only do 5 minutes a day for free but i still recommend it because it’s fun and has 42 languages! 
LingoDeer - specifically geared towards asian languages - includes korean, japanese, chinese & vietnamese (as well as spanish, french, german, portuguese and russian), however only a limited amount is available for free
busuu - has arabic, chinese, french, german, italian, japanese, polish, portuguese, spanish, russian, spanish, & turkish, 
Mondly - has 33 languages including spanish, french, german, italian, russian, japanese, korean, chinese, turkish, arabic, persian, hebrew, portuguese (both brazilian & european), catalan, latin, dutch, swedish, norwegian, danish, finnish, latvian, lithuanian, greek, romanian, afrikaans, croatian, polish, bulgarian, czech, slovak, hungarian, ukrainian, vietnamese, hindi, bengali, urdu, indonesian, tagalog & thai
a video by the polyglot Lýdia Machová about how different polyglots learn languages - this video is great especially if you don’t know where to start in terms of self study
LangFocus - a youtube channel of this guy who talks about different languages which is always a good place to start to understand how a specific language works also his videos are fun
Polyglot: How I Learn Languages by Kató Lomb - this book is great and available online completely for free! 
Fluent Forever by Gabriel Wyner (on pdfdrive) - another great book about language learning
Anki - a flashcard app (free on desktop for any system & free on android mobile - not free on ios mobile) that specifically uses spaced repetition to help you learn vocabulary, it’s got a slightly ugly design but it’s beloved by many language learners & is honestly so helpful
YouTube - literally utilize youtube it is so good.
Easy Languages - a youtube channel with several languages (basically they go around asking people on the street stuff so the language in the videos is really natural) & they also have breakaway channels for german, french, spanish, polish, italian, greek, turkish, russian, catalan & english
there’s also the LanguagePod101 youtube channels (e.g. FrenchPod101, JapanesePod101, HebrewPod101) which are super great for listening practice & language lessons as well as learning writing systems!
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um-prompts · 5 months
Writing Prompt #225
You’d been leaving little notes at the bus stop for a few weeks now. Just little encouragements to whoever may find them. As you go to set a note down in one of your normal spots, you notice a delicately folded paper crane with writing on the wings in it’s place…
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um-prompts · 5 months
Hello there!
For anyone interested in researching PTSD for their writing, I wanted to share some academic resources with you.
(Find it here: https://www.proquest.com/ptsdpubs?accountid=28179)
About PTSDpubs
PTSDpubs, formerly known as PILOTS, is a freely available, bibliographic database providing access to the worldwide literature on PTSD and other mental health consequences of traumatic events. PTSDpubs has unique features that set it apart from other databases. This database offers:
A custom PTSD and trauma focused thesaurus to help you create a precise search. This unique thesaurus includes specific PTSD symptoms, like hypervigilance, as well as terms such as PTSD (DSM-5) and PTSD (ICD-11) to help you search by diagnostic criteria.
A detailed listing of tests and measures. Each record in PTSDpubs lists all instruments used within the publication, and you can search for publications that use a specific test or measure.
A comprehensive range of publication types, including journal articles, books, reports, newsletters, and dissertations.
Cross-disciplinary coverage of all publications relevant to PTSD and psychological trauma. PTSDpubs does not limit its coverage to selected journals, but tries to include all relevant publications.
Subject coverage:
Traumatic stress and mental health sequelae
Mental health services
Professional ethics
Public Policy
Traumatized populations
If an article is not written by National Center For PTSD Staff, it may be behind a paywall. If you are a student or medical professional, you can usually access them through your institution. If not, your local library likely has the subscriptions to allow you access for free. Please contact your local library if you need assistance accessing full-text articles.
Accessibility: The National Center for PTSD is compliant with Section 508, making all electronic and information technology accessible to people with disabilities. If you find an article by National Center for PTSD staff that you would like to read that is not yet accessible, please contact [email protected] and they will provide you with a 508 accessible copy.
The National Center for PTSD created the PTSD-Repository to help people understand what is known about PTSD treatment. Researchers and clinicians have long relied on published meta-analyses and literature reviews to get an understanding of effective treatments. These sources are useful, but they can quickly become outdated and none include all randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on PTSD treatments. There hasn’t been a single, comprehensive source of information that can answer questions about all types of interventions or other study details that might matter to researchers, clinicians, patients and their families.
The PTSD-Repository was designed to address these drawbacks. It brings together data from 389 published studies on a wide range of treatments and is updated annually to capture new studies. The information in it is wide in scope and rich in detail, including over 300 variables. The audience is also broad: anyone with an interest in PTSD treatment, including Veterans, the general public, clinicians, researchers, educators, policymakers and the media.
Clinician’s Trauma Update and PTSD Research Quarterly
Two great academic publications Clinician’s Trauma Update and PTSD Research Quarterly, are open access (free) and under “Commonly Requested PTSD Publications” on this page:
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um-prompts · 5 months
Gestures that gives me butterflies :
when you're late to an event and they wait outside for you, and say, "I saved you a seat, come on babe."
when you're the one they look at, even if they're at the other end of the room
"i like your smile."
when you're working and they sit by your side, just--admiring and memorizing your every freckle, scar and they mindlessly tug a strand of your hair behind your ear
"do you know.. h-how beautiful you are?" followed by a forehead kiss that lingers longer
when they ask "Please--can i kiss you?" fisting their hands on either side of ur head, just breathing heavily cause they want all of you
when they jog over to you, taking you in their arms and spin you followed by an "i missed you, my love"
"Fall in love with me, just once, I'll carry you in my heart forever."
when they let you sleep in their lap and gives you head messages while frequently stealing kisses
knuckle and palm kisses>>>
when they're an absolutely worst cook but they try to make a cake for you
tugging you by their side and not letting you get out of bed while they whisper in their hoarse, deep voice, "Morning, mi amor"
when they slide their arms around your waist, pulling you closer to their torso
"Out of everything that suits me, you suit me better."
for more:
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um-prompts · 5 months
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i made a guide for ppl
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um-prompts · 5 months
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Show, don't tell : Part 1
Directory Writing Masterlist Blog Etiquette Buy me a Ko-Fi?
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[ Angry + Frustrated ]
Red face
Tensing up jaw/body
Clenching fists
Gritting teeth
Stomped feet
Rolling eyes
Crossing arms
Kick/Hit something
Eyebrows furl
Face crunches up
Tight lips
Narrow eyes
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[ Happy + Excited ]
Smile from ear to ear
High tone in voice
Smiling/Grinning while talking
Heart Pounding
Breathing deeply
Talking fast
Contentedly Sigh
Tilted head
Hand clasped over mouth
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[Bored + Tired ]
Pace back and forth
Sigh loudly
Blank face
Play with fingers
Staring off into space
Fidgeting around
Leaning head on hands
Rubbing eyes
Droopy eyes
Dark circles under eyes
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[Sad + Scared]
Trembling lips/body
Tears in eyes
Bite Nails
Curl up/tuck knees to chest
Bite nails
Eyes burn/turn red
Stop breathing OR breathe fast
Lose appetite
Darting eyes
Blinking quick or not at all
Pounding heart
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© ModifiedUchiha 2023 ★ Feel free to use them for inspiration , but give credit if adding to a list ★
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um-prompts · 6 months
story ideas
• highschool sweethearts
• sweet and sour
• grumpy x sunshine
• oh no i accidentally dropped my drink on you/stepped on your foot let me make it up to you
• listen her buddy, i’ve had the worst weekend and you just took my comfort food so either i’ll gawk at your hotness or beat you up
• enemies to lovers
• no you have the bed/no you have the couch
• sarcastic x serious
• bully x bully but not as bad
• oh i just met you at a cafe because you work there you’re kinda cute can i have your number
• idiots to lovers
• mafia
• football player x cheerleader
• wrong number
• sir this is pizza hut, no you cannot buy a bat and fake blood
• god i accidentally ran into you not knowing that you were a famous singer because you were in disguise let me act rude to you
• god x a tired mortal
• death x mortal who just doesn’t care
• tired x tired
• opposites
• boss x coworker
• random guy who stumbled upon a book x the writer
• oh my god someone’s following me let me pretend that im your lover/friend
• someone was making me uncomfortable but you stepped in
• grumpy girl x sunshine boy
• it was all a dare but i ended up falling in love with you
• oh no the elevator stopped working and we’re the only ones in here. did i mention that i have major claustrophobia?
• bestfriend x bestfriend
• it was just a one night stand until i saw you in collage
• we literally slept together and you felt like you needed to tell me now that you’re the one who my sister has to marry?
• i ran away from the prince that i was marrying, found you and started falling in love just to find out that you were him
• mafia x clueless kidnapper
• bratty princess x kidnapper
• arranged marriage
• you’re my roommate? oh no.
• dumbass jock x nerd
• jock who’s actually not that bad x badass nerd
• jock x feminist basketball player who needs to teach him a lesson
• rivals
• listen i was drunk can you stop thinking that we’re together
• i found you crying while you were drunk and you kinda told me all your secrets but i found out that you’re actually not half bad
• bad boy x good girl (but she’s not afraid to stand up for herself against the bad boy)
• player x girl who’s way out of his league 
• guitarist x person who wants to play the guitar
• guitarist x drummer
• god when i asked you if you wanted to sleep together it was just to get my ex to stop bothering me whenever he asked i didn’t actually think we would sleep together
• you’re emotionally damaged/exhausted and i got help let me help you
• racer x racer
• best friends brother
• okay i didn’t know that you were my sisters new boyfriend when we slept together now it’s all weird because she doesn’t know but you were really good at it
• your little brother fought with my little brother let’s fight (not in a fight)
• cat lover x cat lover
• we’re both popular singers, people ship us so our managers got an idea to make us fake date for the public
• oh my god i did not mean to send you that please i’m not weird
• pirate x pirate
• pirate x mermaid
• oh my god you’re my favorite character in my story wait how are you alive
• listen i know you won’t believe me, but i got stuck here when i was reading this book but in starting to fall for you
• main character x side character
• runaway x runaway
• emotionally damaged x drug dealer who always talks with you when you need it
• sorry i just saw some guy following you so i pretended i was your lover to make him go away
• afraid of the dark x insomniac
• traumatized x the only person they find comfort in/trust
• i hate christmas/any other holiday but you love it so i’ll celebrate it
• i met you at therapy when our therapist got our times wrong and set a meeting at the same time but i understand what you’re going through
• egomaniac x just wants to have some peace and quiet
• flirt x anger issues
• partners in crime
• police officer x criminal
• criminal x criminal
• listen i saw what music you were listening to and i like their music too wanna trade music?
• i read the note you left your favorite book, thanks for telling me not to read the chapter when i’m with people because i immediately sobbed when i was alone. want me to recommend you some more?
• rivals but talk to each other by notes but they don’t know that its them
• artist x model
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um-prompts · 6 months
Daily Prompt #019
"The last person who should be behind the wheel is you."
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um-prompts · 6 months
small things that just matter in romance:
( feel free to use hehehehe | @urfriendlywriter
my favorite is 2, 6, 9, 14, 19, 25!! tag me when yall write plssss!! would love to read <3 )
little teasing pecks after kissing passionately
giving you a little twirl whenever you wear a dress > <
that gaze when they're introducing you to people using your relationship status
"this is my ___, everyone!" and that proud smile. AAAAH <3
"hey lover :)" with an eye crinkling smileeee aaaah.
their touch on your nape when they're clasping a necklace for you. (hey god its.. uh me again heh).
kissing in the rain!!! ✧♡
holding hands while he's driving! (and then they crash- obv safety first kids :))
them sneaking into your bedroom window to see you!!! (taylor swift coded I tell you)
slow kisses, dreamy, lazy, lips gently touching the teasing the other's, eyes fluttering closed, feeling all shy SJSJKJS
undressing infront of each other !! with no crazy 18+, just wholesome kisses here and there and then going to bed ^^
love letters sealed with kisses
"hey, buzz off, that's my wife!" "ayo, you think you can talk about my husband like that?" kekekeke
draping arms around each other's waists while walkinggggg >>>
booping noses n giggling
brushes of lips with shaky breaths and a tired smile after a long day. :')) me when
flowers. tucking hairs behind your ears. caressing cheeks.
buying dinner and eating it in the car together! or in like the back of the caravan!
beach dates, running close to the waterline and tackling each other <33
midnight dances in the kitchen, going full out n crazy and not just slow dancing.
tugging at their collar when kissinggg kekekeke
mutually loathing someone and shit talking ab them (do yk how fun it is)
mini dates in the rooftops, lying on a macrame chair/hammock on top of each other and watching the moon !!!!
hugs first kinda love. seeing each other after work? hugs. and being picked up during hugs >>>
mumbling to each other in a room full of people and quietly laughing. having eyes only on each other when the world is watching you.
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