umbralreaver · 4 days
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An Imp asks to be picked up, to see an Angel’s eyes up close.
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umbralreaver · 4 days
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companion piece to the Tabitha i did earlier this month. pose taken from this piece from 2019, mostly to try to make it more dynamic.
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umbralreaver · 4 days
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I have no idea what I'm doing
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umbralreaver · 4 days
oops! it has been a while. i wont ramble at length about it (at least not up here), but i've been working at remaking my art style from scratch
dragon sona time :)
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it me! (more literally if you get me Θ∆)
it isn't a lot atm, but its enough that i wanted to post something so here!
ill keep further ramblings below a cut lol, but yes hi yes im figuring out how to draw again and im actually enjoying it for the first time in a while ^.=.^
but yeah lmao, i kind of hard fell out of love with my art style due to it being a Lot of Effort for what was ultimately... flat (at least to me), so i kind of didnt have the energy to continue doing it, especially when i couldnt get the results i wanted.
so! this is where im experimenting with now, kind of trying to hard mimic traditional without caring for keeping it "clean". that means for me keeping my sketches as my lines, and not using masks for my colors so they bleed through underneath, all that
but yes, that's all! should hopefully be able to find the time to draw a bit more often now that it doesnt quite feel like a soul-wrenching chore <3
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umbralreaver · 5 days
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And nary a word was spoken at witchwarp.com!
United Way Debby Relief California Fire Foundation Save the Children
My Patreon Campaign
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umbralreaver · 6 days
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The Order of Saint George is devoted to the eradication of all dragons.
My first illustration assignment!
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umbralreaver · 9 days
I know some people have unfathomable beef with the term but i really don’t see the issue with transmascs describing their specific experiences with societal mistreatment and persecution as “transandrophobia”, like i think it’s good to be able to discuss specific experiences and articulate the problems you’re facing actually.
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umbralreaver · 10 days
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Reah and Tabitha on that leatherdyke shit.
Artwork originally created for 2024's Queer OC Zine
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umbralreaver · 10 days
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Dr. Macht disagrees that he is a supervillain, and argues that his attempt to flood the world with a powerful growth serum that would increase global height and strength by 400% was entirely benevolent.
(The trail of carnage left in this attempt was NOT entirely benevolent.)
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umbralreaver · 10 days
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umbralreaver · 13 days
Not gonna reblog the original because I'm not about to spread transphobic takes around. But here's a reminder to all young trans men who want to take T some day that being on testosterone does not make you violent. It does not change your personality. It does not make you unstable and dangerous. You don't need to go on psych meds in conjunction with T just because you're on T. I can't believe we're still saying this. Unfortunately this take came from a trans woman. Throwing your trans siblings under the bus will not get you more support from conservatives, trust me.
I'm back on T after a long break. I feel more emotionally stable than before. I am having less frequent PTSD and anxiety attacks. I am able to calm down easier. Before T, I'd be having anxiety attacks that lasted so long I needed to take medication for them. Now, I'm actually able to self soothe. No idea if it's because of the hormone difference or because knowing I'm back in HRT is just lowering my stress levels, but it's what's happening.
What it does do is make you feel a bit like a teenaged cis boy going through puberty. I'm sleepy, hungry, and horny. Im sweating more and my sweat and piss stink more for some damn reason. The last time I was on T, I was feeling some twinges of irritation at times, but nothing close to violent impulses, and that hasn't even come back this time around. It has never made me forget how people perceived as female are treated. It doesn't make me snap at people, and it ABSOLUTELY did not and does not make me feel sexually violent.
Don't let people scare you. You will still be you on T. You will be able to relax and unclench and stop hiding. You will be able to breathe and feel comfortable in who you are.
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umbralreaver · 15 days
Does Tumblr even have any human moderators left?
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umbralreaver · 16 days
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since my CPU is currently overheating a little, have a photograph instead: Tabitha à la Andreas
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umbralreaver · 19 days
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The Wolf War wages on
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umbralreaver · 20 days
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Holy relic I guess.
I need my weekend
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umbralreaver · 26 days
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I present my offering; Cigarette Mom Miku
She’ll let you buy candy with the change, if you go buy her a Diet Coke from the party store.
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umbralreaver · 29 days
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Part of a character sheet I made for a friend!
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