Oh no
I literally have not updated this blog in forever. Like, a year.
Thank you to all of the followers who still have followed me though!
If you'd like, please send in some requests! I have nothing else to do with my time besides get on Flight Rising.
I have four stories in my Drafts that I plan on finishing soon, so look forward to that!
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Watch Anime (Ironically)
Dirk x Reader. Homestuck fanfiction. Smut. Crappy otaku references, sorry.
Knowing that your moirail was overreacting and everything would eventually work out on its own, you jotted out of your house, wanting to be far away as possible from your computer. Simply because you knew that your moirail would troll you until he/she had finally got you to do something for their relationship.
As soon as you were outside, a small frown appeared on your lips. Oh shit. Now I'm fucking lost. Well, you weren't lost per say. You just didn't have anywhere to go in mind.
You should have planned this out in advance.
After leaning against your house and thinking for some time, you knew exactly where you wanted to go, and who you wanted to see. And what you would be doing while seeing that person.
An anime marathon. Preferably with some romance anime, due to it may help you think on what you should do with your moirail, if the need ever occurred. And so, you set off to Dirk's house.
Not even bothering to knock on the door, since you two were extremely close (the trolls call you guys moirails as well), you waltzed in, all of the otaku-ness about the house not pestering you. You were used to it; and Dirk's weeaboo-ism. It was actually quite adorable to you. Going towards the living room, where Dirk kept his very large flat screen television. You were about to grab the remote and sit on the couch when you realized who was on it.
A random Dirk.
No, wait. No just a random Dirk. A sleeping Dirk.
With his glasses still on. Of course. Because that's how a Strider rolls.
You stopped moving, now a little scared that you might wake him up. You didn't want that to happen. What if you didn't memorize this scene? Or... No. Better, yet-
You ceased thinking about it and decided to just do it.
You quickly pulled out your phone from your back pocket and hit the camera button. You took a quick picture and smirked. An even more brilliant idea hit you, which made you slowly sneak over to the sleeping Strider and gently took off his otaku glasses. As you set them on the table and turned back, you almost stopped what you were doing just to stare. His face was beautiful.
Er, no. Handsome.
You doubt a Strider would seriously want to be called "beautiful" unless they were a chick.
Blinking thoughtfully, you remembered what you were wanting to do. Oh right. But I plan to wake him up after this... Shit. What the hell do I do?
  You groaned silently, but took the picture anyway. Whatever. No one could sleep for very long when you were around anyway. You always ended up doing something insanely loud, like stepping on a bag of chips; or falling down stairs, and hearing those damn words echoing in your head 'I warned you about stairs, bro. I told you, dog.'
You didn't hurt yourself when that happened, as it was usually just two stairs that you tripped down; but it was still loud.
There you thought to yourself and replaced the glasses back where they were before, on your sleeping crush's face. He was still sleeping, thankfully. He would overreact if he knew you had taken a picture of him. Well, overreact the way a Strider would. By not showing any facial change and getting you back ironically. Just like his older brother, Dave.
Turning and walking out of the living room, you placed your phone back into your pocket and headed out the door, closing it silently behind you. Taking a deep breath, you once again opened up the door, letting it bang against the wall but not hard enough to damage it. "I'M HOME!" you yelled loudly, knowing for a fact he would be awake by now just from that. "Where are you?" It was a question, but you were already heading towards the living room. Even if you hadn't come in all ninja-like earlier (even though you weren't even all silent or sneaky about it), he was usually either in the living room or his bedroom if he was in the house.
As you entered the living room, you seen an awake Dirk sitting up and rubbing his hair, most likely trying to fix it. As soon as he seen you, he played it off coolly by running his fingers through that mass of blond and nodding his head. "Sup, (Name)." His voice was a little groggy, and you knew that he was trying to hide it. "What're you doing here?"
You grinned widely. He was just adorable. No wonder you had the biggest crush ever on him. Making your way over to the couch, you grabbed the remote that you were going to get earlier and planted yourself next to him. You proceeded to lean your head against his shoulder, closing your eyes as you breathed in his wonderful scent. "I'm just here to watch anime with my favourite otaku."
"(Name). Strider otakus are the coolest thing in the entire world. I shouldn't even have to say that to you. It's a fucking fact." Dirk uttered that with such a serious and confident voice, that you completely believed it. There was no doubt in your mind.
But... You couldn't let him know that. "Oh, okay. I believe you." Your voice was dripped in sarcasm, and you smiled innocently as you looked at the screen. You knew that he was looking at you, even though you couldn't see those beautiful eyes of his. Your smile turned into a slight smirk when you remembered the picture you took of him just a few moments ago. You wanted to look at it stalker-like, but knew that he would start freaking out. And by 'freaking out', he would delete the photo without you knowing and deny it. Freaking Strider's.
You were drowned in the sounds coming from the anime that you were watching that you didn't notice the boy pushing hair away from your shoulder. "(Name)..." His tone seemed different and you looked up at him, tilting your head. "I want you to say in a way that lets me know you actually do believe me."
You blinked, feeling a small blush cross your face. "Wut?" The way you said it just made you blush deeper, realizing that it was pretty lame.Oh God, he's not going to let that down, is he?
  Dirk smirked just barely, and leaned closer towards you, brushing your lips against his. "Did you really come here to just watch anime with me?" He completely ignored everything that happened just a second ago, which made you a little glad. However, this closeness was something else. You were used to flirting with Dirk and having him flirt back, but that was all. Things never got farther than just that. The feel of his soft lips against yours was almost too much to bare.
"Yeah." You were astonished that you didn't stutter. "I mean, mostly. The other reason is that my moirail, or whatever it is that he/she calls me, is having boyfriend troubles." You felt his hand touch your cheek, and rub it with his thumb. "Kismesis troubles, I mean. Not boyfriend."
"That's normal for a  troll. You don't need to worry about him/her. It's not cool. You'll get wrinkles, and we don't want anything to mess up that beautiful face of yours. It's too perfect." This was out of character. Dirk never flirted this much with you. Was it because he was still half asleep?
"What? My face is perfect? But, like, you're a Strider. You don't-" You were stopped by him putting pressure on your lips. You were completely shocked for a moment, but after just a moment, you kissed back. You wanted this anyway. After all that flirting you did with him, there was no way that you were not going to kiss back. It was just unthinkable.
You were pushed down on the couch, with him over top of you. You opened your mouth just barely, allowing him access when you felt his tongue slide across your lips. You fought for dominance but quickly gave up when you realized his hands were moving your shirt up. Pulling away for some much needed breath, you let him take your shirt off.
"W-Wait," you stuttered a little, looking up at him. "Are we actually going to do this?"
You felt Dirk's eyes on you. "If you want. It'll be a fucking pain to stop right here," he motioned towards your slightly naked top half, "but I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
You thought about it, but nodded. "Only if you... uh, have feelings for me."
That made Dirk chuckle softly. "You want me to go against my cool Strider name and tell you that I fucking love you?"
Nodding your head, you knew that your face was officially completely flushed. "I never said anything about having that deep of a feeling, though."
Taking off his glasses, he set them down on a table. "C'mon, let's go to my room. I doubt that you want to have your first time here. Plus, Bro could walk in any second."
You knew that would be a very embarrassing and interesting sight if it did happen...
There was no way in hell you would want that.
You agreed and Dirk moved off of you. You were about to move off of the couch but was stopped by him picking you up bridal style and taking you to him bedroom. He set you down on the bed and took off his shirt before he moved over top of you. You blushed deeply, looking at his pale, and skinny yet somehow slightly fit form. He kissed you again, this time a little more roughly than before and started unbuttoning your pants and taking them off. He threw them somewhere near the door, and did the same with your underwear. He was moving quicker than you would have thought.
He ceased kissing you and trailed kisses down your body. When he reached your lower region, your eyes widened, a little embarrassed. "W-Wait, Dirk," you murmured, and barely contained a gasp when he felt him stick one of his fingers inside of you.
"What?" His voice was monotone, yet when you looked down at him and stared into his orange eyes, you could see that they contained love, with lust mixed in. When you didn't say anything, he started moving the finger inside of you, and kissed your belly button gently. "Don't worry, I'll be careful." You closed your eyes, knowing that he probably had much more experience than you did and so you put your trust in him.
He was skillful with his fingers, you realized, and it wasn't long before you were trembling underneath him, wanting even more. But he never gave it to you; it was infuriating and exhausting. He slipped his fingers out of you and instead moved his head towards your wet core. Slowly, he flicked his tongue out against your intimate area, making you feel pleasure of the most intense. You moaned out his name, and he took that as an incentive to continue what he was doing.
Just as he was with his fingers, he was an expert with that as well. You were guessing that he had either done this before, or it was just something a Strider was born with a knack for doing. It could be a mixture of both. You didn't care. He continued his assault, kissing you in the most intimate way a man could.
You felt a knot in the bottom of your stomach and a shiver raced through your body. You moaned out, feeling yourself release. Dirk lifted his head up after cleaning you and gave you a look so erotic that you couldn't take it and pulled him into a kiss. You slipped him out of his pants as he took off your bra and finally his own boxers.
You pulled away from the kiss slightly. "Dirk..." you mumbled, as he just smirked. You knew he was trying to hold back and seem like he was in control, but you were wanting this more than anything. He finally obliged and moved his large manhood towards your wet entrance. As he entered you, you bit your lip a little. His fingers had prepared you just a little, but not enough. You, however, quickly got used to it by focusing instead on the pleasure.
Your body automatically gave in to him as soon as the pain ended, stretching for him. He slowly picked up the pace and increased the tempo. You had never thought that from all that flirting, Dirk would somehow start to like you. It just seemed impossible and something that would happen in an anime, or fairy tale.
Every time the blond haired boy touched you, it sent an electrical shock up your spine. Even now, you were close to being sent over the edge as he thrust into you relentlessly. You felt the same feeling from earlier wash over you once more, and you screamed his name loudly as you hit your climax. He leaned down and connected your mouths, releasing himself into you.
Dirk pulled out a little reluctantly and laid down beside you, pulling you closer to him. He kissed your head as you rested it on his chest. "You were saying earlier that you loved me." You glanced up the slightest to look in his eyes, noticing a pink blush dusting his cheeks. You smiled, tracing random shapes on his chest. "I love you as well," you reassured him.
He looked at you and pulled you up so that he could kiss you passionately. "You're the most perfect being to ever appear, just so you know," he murmured once he pulled away.
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Ask a Friend
Sollux x Reader. Smut, meaning NSFW. I'm also very sorry if it's crappy. This was written long ago, I write better smut now. And his lisp is in it. I could take it out, but yeah...
Deciding to go ask one of your other friends, Sollux, on what you should do to fix the relationship, if you could (which you highly doubted), you went out of your hive. Making your way to Sollux’s hive, you softly knocked on the door. When nothing happened, you knocked louder this time, hoping to get his attention. After a few minutes of waiting, you tried the door and found it easily opened. You stepped into the dark room and shut the door behind you. Everything was quiet. As you glanced around, trying to remember where everything was, you realized that not even Sollux's computer was on. A small frown crept across your mouth. “Sollux?” you voiced. You heard some movement coming from the center of the room, and you went closer to it. You rolled your eyes a little, scowling. “Sollux! Get your fucking ass up!” you yelled at him, hitting his shoulder. The troll jumped a little, sitting up straight in his chair. He moved his hand up to his eyes and rubbed them. “Huh?” His head turned in your direction. “Why ith it tho dark in here?” His words sounded pretty… drunk sounding. “Why is it dark? I don’t know, fucker. Like, seriously. This is your doing. I just closed the door when I came into your hive.” You sighed softly, and heard the sound of him turning his chair towards your body. You were about to talk some more when a pressure was suddenly on your stomach and arms around your hips, pulling you towards the troll in front of you. “S-Sollux?” You figured out pretty easily that he had stood up and was holding you against him. The troll smirked a little, although you couldn't see it. “______, did you know you have a good body? I don’t thee why you don’t fill ath many pailth ath you can, if you feel like it.” “W-What?!” Your voice went a little higher in your shock. “P-Pails? No! I… I don’t want to fill any pails. A-Anyway, I’m here to talk about-” He stopped you by standing up in front of you and leaning close to your face. He didn't say anything, and instead just pressed his lips against yours a little roughly. You were completely surprised; you were completely sure that he had red feelings for Aradia. "What are you doing?" you asked him, breaking off from the kiss. For some reason, it kind of hurt. But that was insane; you had no feelings for Sollux. Red or otherwise. You were human for fuck's sake. Sollux ignored you and started kissing your neck. "Sol-" He chuckled a little. "Wait... Are-are you... freaking stoned?" Oh hell no. That damn Gamzee better not have offered Sollux some slime. But, if this was how Sollux got when he was stoned... No. You can't start thinking like that. You're here to help your moirail. Although you doubt much will get done, with Sollux like this. "Thtoned? Hm... Like Gamzee?" You nodded your head. "If I am, what will you do?" He pulled away from your neck and pressed a button somewhere on the wall, and dim lights turned on. He took off his glasses and laid them down on his desk. You stared for a few moments at his different coloured eyes. You rarely got to see them, because every single time you asked him, he just ignored your plea to see his eyes. And they were beautiful, so entrancing...
You didn't stop him when you felt him starting to push you towards his couch in his room. You had spent much of your time over here before you met your moirail, and had complained how it was odd for you to relax in a recuperacoon. "Would it bother you if I was?" His voiced suddenly lowered, into a sultry tone. You felt your heart skip a beat when you realized that his lisp wasn't even audible in that sentence. "Well, I mean-" "Even if I was, I don't see you doing much to stop me." That had you blushing a dark burgundy red, enough to put a troll with that blood colour to shame. It's true that you weren't trying to cease his actions and abscond the scene, and you wondered why. You didn't like Sollux. You couldn't like Sollux.
"O-Oh." Pretty soon, you were laying on the couch, with Sollux hovering above you with a smirk very clear on his face. "This is a very... suggestive position," you muttered.
Sollux leaned closer to you, his lips grazing ever so softly over your own, but not adding any pressure. "We can talk about what you wanted to talk about later." He sat up a little, taking off his shirt and throwing it to the side. "However, right now, I want to try thomething with you." He took off your own shirt and let it drop to the ground.
"It has something to do with the position we're in right now, right?" Your voice was a whisper as you felt your face heat up even more at your slightly naked chest being exposed. He didn't answer you, and instead starting sliding your pants off. "S-Sollux," you mumbled, not sure if this was how you wanted your first time with him to happen.
Oh, you wanted this - you could tell by the burning sensation in your lower region - but Sollux was stoned. Or so you thought. You couldn't really taste any of the sopor slime when he kissed you. Then again, you didn't even know what it tasted like.
Sollux glanced up at you, his blue and red eyes seeming to analyze your face. He could tell that you were hesitate, and bent lower to kiss your cheek. "I'm thorry. Do you want me to thop?" Your pants were already thrown across the room somewhere, and it would be a shame to just stop like this, when you were so turned on by how gentle yet rough he was being.
"N-No," you decided within a few seconds. "I want this."
Sollux seemed to get a sort of mischievous look in his eyes. "You mean you want me?"
You frowned a little. "I never said that. I could be doing this with-" You gasped suddenly, feeling fingers touch your intimate area.
"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that." His voice was once again a whisper so his lisp didn't come through and his face right beside your ear. He licked the shell of your ear, eliciting a small moan from you. He didn't stop rubbing your womanhood, although you wished he would just get rid of the panties. Almost like he could read your mind, he removed them, and slowly started to stroke you again. You closed your eyes as he also did the same with your bra. He slowly took a peaked nub in his mouth, and gently started teasing you.
You moaned louder when he placed a finger inside of you and started to move it, insanely slow. You knew what he was doing; he wanted you to say that you wanted him instead of just this.
You felt your muscles tighten around him, and you moaned out. Almost all at once, he stopped moving his fingers. "(Name)..." he mumbled softly, kissing the space between your breasts. "I think you know what I want you to do." His voice was unmistakably seductive as his eyes met yours.
You whimpered slightly, glancing away from him. "F-Fine. Sol, I... I feel so red for you it's not even fucking funny. I want you so badly." You felt your face heat up even more somehow, although you blamed it on the fact that you wanted the pleasure of him moving his fingers back. You didn't know if you were telling the truth, or if you were just saying anything to get him to continue.
After hearing nothing for a second, you frowned. You opened your mouth, about to go off on him, when you suddenly felt his fingers leave you. You cursed him silently for leaving you with an empty feeling, until you glanced back at him. He had stripped off his pants and boxers and was flushing his yellow blood colour. "I'm flushed for you too," he murmured, kissing you on the lips softly, before you felt something move right near your entrance. He pulled away, trailing kisses down your neck before you felt him push his member into you.
You gasped for the second time, not used to feeling that whole and that good. It hurt, of course, which made you dig your nails into his back, hoping that you weren't hurting him that much. Sollux either didn't care, or didn't feel the pain, but stopped moving inside you. You could feel his member wiggle deep inside of you.
When you were used to him, you let go of him, apologizing in a soft voice. He chuckled deep in his throat, before starting to move.
For some reason, this all seemed perfect. The way your body melded with his and even his heartbeat matching your own. He found a pace quickly and kept to it, making you barely contain yourself from moaning his name. It wasn't long before the same feeling that you had earlier came back to you. Sollux could probably tell that you were getting close to your climax, since the said troll moved to kiss you passionately. You felt your release and seen stars behind your closed eyes. He thrust a few more times and soon joined you, riding out the orgasms.
You both had caught your breath when he finally pulled out of you and laid down beside you. You shut your eyes, cuddling up next to him. "By the way, (Name)," he said, kissing your head. "I wath never thoned. But I do feel fluthed for you."
You opened up your eyes, giving him a slight glare. "Whatever." You let your hands feel his muscles on his chest and arms. "I uh, wasn't lying about feeling red for you although I just sorta realized it."
Screw your moirail at the moment. You can talk to them about their relationship troubles later.
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Ask For Some Friendly Advice
From my DA. Jake x Reader. Homestuck fanfiction.
Jake would know exactly what to do! He has had both Dirk and Jane like him, so he should be a genius in unrequited love and how to solve it. Or at least, you hope he would. He sort of didn't know that those two liked him until it was too late, and by that time, him and Dirk were not doing so well.
But cross that thought out! We don't need that sort of thinking when your moirail's freaking out about something as silly as love. copiousPeplom [CP] started pestering golgothasTerror [GT] CP: Hey! Psst. Best friend. CP: How you doin'? GT: Oh hey (name). I'm just thinking about. GT: Well trolls and their quadrants. You rose an eyebrow. Yeah, sure, Jake. That was what you were doing. CP: Still a terrible liar as ever, I see. CP: I mean! Oh, great. I was thinkin' the exact same thing. CP: Yay! You're a mind reader. /eyeroll GT: Egads. You caught me. *runs hand through hair nervously.* CP: :3 Don't I always? CP: Anyways, you remember my moirail? GT: Gadzooks! The scary one that always yells at me? How could i not forget? CP: He/She yells at you because you're completely dense, love. CP: Okay, back to me and my problem. CP: He/She is worrying about his/her quadrant. He/She is starting to have red feelings (you know, love) towards Vrezca (the jackass) and doesn't know what to do. CP: I thought I would ask you for advice since everyone seems like like you for some reason. GT: Not the person that i want to like me. CP: Oh! And who might that be? :3 GT: I may tell you later. But you could come over anytime you want to and we could discuss solutions. CP: Oh great. I wanted to come over anyway, but didn't want to seem like a burden. <3 GT: Youll never be a burden to me (name). Not after all of those adventures you helped me with! CP: Oh shush. You'll make me blush, Mr. English! CP: I'll be over in a bit. Make sure to get cleaned up, since I know you were out on another one of your adventures. GT: Oh. Right i most definitely need to get cleaned up! GT: You could come by in fifteen minutes if you please. CP: Okay! That'll give me plenty of time to get there. See you then. GT: See ya! golgothasTerror [GT] ceased pestering copiousPeplom [CP] Knowing that Jake didn't care about how you looked, or your clothing choice, you didn't even bother changing into something more flattering. Whenever you were with him, you felt comfortable, even if you were wearing something very tacky. However, you put on a little makeup and fixed your hair, not wanting to look like you just woke up. As soon as you were finished with that small task, you bounded out of the door and headed straight to Jake and Jade's house. Jade was a very cool person in your opinion, but sometimes the girl could get a little too bossy. When she started talking to Karkat and proceeded to call everyone a 'fuckass' for a short while and eventually got him to say it, you still stuck by her, trying to get her out of that phase. It kind of hurt to do it, seeing as Karkat was previously one of your boyfriends, or matesprits, or whatever he called it. But, if Jade could actually put up with all of that drama, then you would support her. Then she forced you to meet her grandpa, or grandchild. Damn time shenanigans, confusing you. You and Jake got along famously, and pretty soon were watching crappy movies with each other and John. He was actually one of your better friends, and you had the tiniest little crush on him. Your heart skipped a beat when he smiled, and you had to force yourself not to stare at his delicate, yet masculine features. As soon as you arrived at the house, you didn't even have to knock on the door before it was opened. "(Name!)" You were pounced on, sending you to the ground. "It's so good to see you!" A giggle coming out of the mouth let you know it was Jade. You grinned at her, feeling happy as you noticed her dog ears. They were twitching away, and it was possibly the cutest thing ever. "Hey there, Jade. How have you been?" you questioned, catching your breath back from the fall on the ground. She smiled, and got off of you, seeming to control the dog-part of her. "I've been very good, but enough about me! Jake's waiting for you." She stood up, and energetically half-pulled, half-helped you off of the ground, before proceeding to drag you into her house. She stopped, and moved behind you, pushing you forward. You were confused as to why she did that, but noticed Jake in front of you. Your cheeks flared; she probably guessed you had a crush on the guy. Jake wasn't looking, and you fell right into him. It took you a few seconds before you could smell the scent of soap, and when you looked up, you realised that the guy had probably just got out of the shower. "You're out, Jake! That's fantastic. Anyway, here's (Name), so my job's done." You swore you saw her wink at the guy. "Now I'm going to go hang out with Dave and John. See you two later!" She quickly retreated, shutting the door behind her. "Jade!" Jake yelled after her, a bright red blush on his face. He groaned, face palming. "What the hell was all of that about?" you asked him, tilting your head to the side, completely curious. Jake turned towards you, and shook his head. "It's not important, (Name)." He gave a small smile, and put his hand on the small of your back. "Let's just go sit down on the couch and watch some awesome movies." You grinned once again. Watching the worst movies ever just made your day. It was what you did when you were having an especially sad day - you would go over to Jake's house, say that you wanted to watch some movies with him, and laugh as he got really into all of the movies that you watched. "Sounds super!" you yelled, pronouncing the 'super' the way the French did it (Author's Note: They say it like "soup-air"). He didn't even say anything; the look in his eyes told you how happy he was that you loved his godawful movies as much as he did. "Oh!" You raised your hand, and Jake, who was turning towards the living room, stopped, half-turn, and glanced in your direction. "But I get to pick out the movie. And then we watch My Little Pony afterwards." My Little Pony was a great show, and you only got into it because Tavros, Equius, and Dirk all had a marathon of it while you were visiting the latter. Jake openly groaned for the second time that day. "Fine. I don't mind, as long as I get to hang out with you." "And then afterwards, you can help me with my moirail's troubles, oui?" Of course he didn't have much choice, and was pushed down onto the couch by you, and you bounded out of his reach and away to look at all of the movies he had. Your eyes landed on one of your favourite movies, and you had to refrain yourself from grabbing it. You wanted him to at least get a chance. "You have Troll movies, Jake!" you said happily. A few other troll movies were on the shelf, and you frowned, trying to pick between your favourite troll movie and troll Disney movies." "Troll Grease 2, Troll Tangled, or Troll (favourite movie)?" "Troll Tangled," Jake replied a little hastily. You could hear slight worry in his voice, but you ignored it. "Troll (fav movie) it is then," you mumbled softly to yourself, grinning. He never had a chance to pick a movie when it came to (fav movie) and anything else. It would always be (fav movie). Especially the troll version. You grabbed the box and headed towards the television and opening the case, not noticing the different CD that was in the box. You slipped it in the DVD player and joined Jake on the couch. "You know, I've never seen Troll Tangled, or even the original Tangled. I'm excited to see it with you. Karkat said that it was a good movie." You almost felt guilty, but those feelings dissolved when Jake's arm went around your shoulder. "The human version of Tangled was fantastic and so cute." With Karkat's assurance on how good the troll version on it was, you would definitely have to borrow it from Jake sometime to watch it. "Really? Did it have any . . . " He trailed off, seeing the words on the screen. His grin was replaced immediately by a frown. "You got (fav movie) didn't you, (Name)?" With a nod of your head, Jake started to try and take the remote away from you, murmuring a small "ay caramba". "What are you doing, Jake?" you yelped, falling onto your back, still holding the remote as far away from Jake as you could. "No! I don't want you to see this. It's not actually bloody (fav movie), please! Just be a sport and give me the device!" You squealed slightly, feeling your chest rub against Jake's own, sending your face into a blazing heat. "What's on that disk that you're freaking out so much about that you're using words like that, Jake?" you asked, before pushing the man off of you and onto the floor. Before you could move away even more, Jake's hand grabbed onto your foot. "I say! We're comrades! If I say that I don't want you to see it, you should respect my wishes and give me the contraption, cripes!" His eyes met yours, and an intense feeling of guilt washed over you. He was thoroughly freaking out over this. You stopped to think about whether or not you should, but before you could even make a decision, the "movie" started. Jake cursed loudly, and you hid the remote in your shirt before he could try to grab it again. A video started playing, and your mouth dropped. Clips from both yours and Jake's past started playing, and you wondered exactly how much time he spent on making all of this. It was insanely cheesy, but so like him. It made you realise just how much you two had been through together. Just as it was reaching the end, a present-looking Jake appeared on the screen. The Jake sitting on the floor was hiding his face on the couch cushions, and whined audibly as he heard his own voice. "Hey, uh, (Name)! We've been through quite a lot, haven't we? And I know you were expecting (fav movie), and I'm sorry that you didn't get to see it, but I promise I'll give it to you later!" The Jake on the screen flashed a brilliant smile, making you smile yourself. This was so silly and way too cute. "But I do hope that you enjoyed watching this as much as I did making it." He paused for a second, and you could clearly see hesitation in his eyes. "And we're such fantastic amigos and whatnot. But I, uh." He sighed, and your smile faded, seeing exactly how nervous he was. "I want something just a smidgen more. I just, I love you and I really hope that you feel at least slightly the same way that I do." The video ended. Not knowing exactly what to say, your eyes lowered to the ground, where Jake was still hiding his face. He wasn't even touching you anymore. "Jake," you said softly. The said boy glanced up at you, but soon started laughing. It was obviously forced. "I was going to give that to you on April Fool's Day, but you found it too soon. Looks like I'll have to do something else." You rolled your eyes. He would never do that on April Fool's Day. "Wasn't it obvious enough that I liked you too?" Your words were enough to make him stop laughing, and the smallest blush to cross over his face. "I mean, I sorta though that you knew and were just ignoring my feelings." You shrugged gently, trying to play it off. "What? I would never do that. With the way Jade was acting, I would have thought that you . . . " He sighed, face palming again. "Oh my flipping gosh. I'm such an impeccable idiot. I'm seriously arguing with the person I love over how dense I am." His face was flushed with embarrassment, but he stood up and moved over to you, placing his hand on your cheek and moving even closer. Your lips pressed together, and you swore that you felt your heart leap out of your chest. Pulling away slowly, you suddenly had a small idea. "Guess we should tell Jade the good news, huh?" "Hm? That we're together? Yeah, that's not so bad of an idea." "No, actually. I mean, that, but also, that her very subtle skills make her a fantastic matchmaker."
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This Triggers Me In So Many Ways
From my Da. Kankri x Reader. Homestuck fanfiction.
Growling slightly, you slam your laptop shut, letting a loud bang echo through the room. "God. Motherfucking. Dammit!" you scream out. Closing your eyes, you inhaled deeply to calm down, your ears buzzing. You knew what was going to come very soon, due to the company that was in your room with you at the moment. It was just that this shit was too damn ridiculous! You couldn't believe that your moirail was acting like this with you. It just wasn't like him/her!
"(Name)! Saying such words like that can be triggering to people. In fact, it's triggering me right at this moment; why would you say such vulgar language such as how Karkat or Gamzee talks? Consider how your actions are going to make people react to them and maybe next time you-" Kankri was cut off by you grabbing a pillow on the couch next to you and shoving your face into it. "Shut up!" Your voice sounded sharp and harsh, even to yourself. You turned towards him as you sat in your computer chair and glared at the poor boy. "If you say one more thing about triggers, I will personally show you what a real trigger is." You finished off your threat with a warning finger pointed right at him. The mutant blood opened up his mouth, then closed it again. You figured he was going to say something about triggers, but decided against it. That was maybe for the best, considering you were seething and going into a small panic attack over how angry your moirail was at you for no logical reason at all. Kankri himself was never good at staying silent, so as soon as a few minutes passed and you calmed down, you gave him a small smile, turning your swivel chair back towards your computer screen. "Thank you, Kankri." This time, your voice was soft, holding an apologetic tone. Your hands moved over your laptop, and you checked to see if it was broken or not. You really needed to go see someone about your anger issues sometime later, but for now you decided that you would just stay inside. The outside world had monsters and worse - other people and trolls. As soon as you made sure that nothing was broken or chipped, which took a good ten minutes thanks to Sollux teaching you what a laptop/husktop really should look like, you realized that it was far too quiet. Kankri should have already started talking ages ago. Turning back around slowly, you found him with a thoughtful look on his face. "Kanny . . . " After he still didn't reply to the nickname that he hated, the slightest frown appeared on your face. He must be thinking about something major. You got out of the chair and carefully made your way over to him, not wanting to startle him completely. "What are you thinking about?" you questioned, bringing your hand down onto his shoulder. "Hm?" was the response you got, before you noticed Kankri blink out of his trance. "Oh, nothing major." His eyes went up to meet yours and the smallest blush crept up his face. "Just thinking about Karkat and how much he triggers me." You could easily tell that he was lying when he said that, but didn't point it out. When he lied about something, which was one of his major triggers, it was either to protect someone or it was just insanely embarrassing for him. "If you'll let me talk, I won't talk about triggers, (Name)." A smile graced his face, making your heart skip just one insignificant beat. "You just love your voice, don't you?" You giggled, but smiled right back at him. "Whatever you want, Kanny. I'm calm now. I also apologize for yelling at you." It was sudden, but you felt something warm on your cheek. When you finally register it, Kankri was so close to you that you could smell his intoxicating scent. Blushing brightly, you touch your cheek as he pulled away, his own grey face filling with a bright blush. "I apologize greatly, (Name). Please tell me if I triggered you in any way and I promise to do everything in my power to make it up to you, within reason." You glanced up at him, and shook your head, finding his worried face very attractive and cute. "It was just unexpected, Kankri. Not triggering at all." Well, not in the sense he was talking about. "You're fine." His face softened from its worried form. "I'm glad." It was unlike him to be this silent, but pretty soon he started yammering about how the use of curse words was something that you should not do. You rolled your eyes a bit, hoping he had forgotten about all of that by now, but you guess you were wrong. A Vantas has amazing memory. You turned back towards your laptop and slowly walked up to it. Every now and then you nodded your head, mumbling a few "I know, I'm sorry" 's in his direction. He most likely knew you weren't listening, but he didn't seem to mind all that much. He was probably used to it, the poor guy. Turning back on your laptop, you logged off of your pesterchum quickly after seeing that your moirail was still on. You could deal with him/her later. As soon as Kankri stopped lecturing you for a moment to catch his breath, you held up a hand. "Talking about Karkat, since you are related, or dancestors or whatever, could you perhaps ask him to help my moirail? I mean, if you really want to help me out, of course. It would probably be the best damn thing that you could do for me right now besides rambling to yourself." Dammit. Was that too blunt? You turned around in your revolving chair to give the guy a sweet smile, watching his face flush. You weren't sure if it was anger or something else. He opened his mouth for the umpteenth time that day, closed it again, and then proceeded to open it. "If you would ask a little nicer, I'd consider it, (Name)." At least he didn't start lecturing you again. "Please, oh mighty and wise Kankri? Would you ask your brother and or dancestor to help my moirail deal with his/her problems?" You blinked your eyes a few times, before slowly sliding your laptop in his general direction. "It would really benefit both me and you. I would stop stressing about it, and you would be happy that I'm not cursing because I'm stressed." Another small smile. Kankri wordlessly trudged over to you, still looking graceful with the way he held himself besides dragging his feet just barely. He used your laptop, still completely quiet. It was odd with him. Whenever you were around before, he would just rant or lecture about anything and everything, even more so whenever you asked him to do something for you. Something's been changing this past sweep. You didn't mind, but it was worrying you. "You know what?" The nubby-horned troll glanced at you, before going back to typing on your laptop. "I'm going to trigger you so intently on purpose," you stated, finishing off your sentence. Once again, the troll looked back at you, but didn't look away. "What? Why would you do something so silly like that? I don't see a reason for you to trigger me. I don't want to be triggered anyway. Why would you want to trigger me when you know fully well how I get whenever someone triggers me on purpose just to get some kind of response from me? I don't really think it's-" You shooshed him, pressing a finger to his lips. "Shoosh, man. Just shut up for a freakin' second." You leaned towards him, seeing as he was right at your level and gently pressed your lips against his own. The man was obviously shocked, not kissing you back. Or he was keeping his celibacy in order. Just as you expected, he pushed you away, before standing up. You expected it, sure, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt you. "W-What was that for, (Name)? Why would you do something like that?" He started ranting, pacing the floor in front of you back and forth, like he was trying to get something off of his shoulders. You caught a few sentences of his rant, which left your mouth open. "You don't like me like that. If you feel anything for me at all, it's pale feelings, nothing close to red; Karkat made that clearly obvious to me when I asked him what his opinion was. So why, out of all the things you could've done, did you have to kiss me? I was fine and my feelings for you were hidden deep within me and you doing that just made them resurface!" His voice raised at the end, making you jump. What the hell was he talking about? Apparently that was a true trigger, if it brought back some kind of memories that scarred him. As Kankri continued ranting and pacing, you tried to digest the words and let them sink in. Wait. There was something about feelings in there . . . Kankri liked you? Karkat, the king of all romances, couldn't see that you liked him back? When did the mutant blood start to have feelings for you? Kankri stopped to have a quick breath, and you found that this was your chance to say something. "Wha-" Before you could even get the word out, Kankri exploded again, going on and on about triggers, though you weren't sure if they were scarring triggers, sexual triggers, or triggers that actually angered him. "Kankri-" He didn't shut up, and once again interrupted you. This time, you weren't even sure if he heard you. You got out of your seat and took a step towards him, barely listening to his words and focusing on his facial features. You once again shooshed him with your finger. "I don't know what Karkat said to you," you murmured, your finger going away from his mouth to his bright red sweater. "He probably has a flush crush on me or something, so the guy most likely lied to you. I thought I was making it obvious that I liked you, seeing as Terezi could see it. But I like you and only you. I have for quite a while now." You moved even closer to him, to the point that your bodies were touching. "Hell, I fuckin' feel red for you, you bastard." Kankri was completely silent. After a few seconds that seemed like hours, you felt a hand touch your face. It lifted your chin so you were looking directly into Kankri's red-laced eyes. "You trigger me in a lot more ways than just one, (Name). I would gladly break my celibacy vow if it were for you." The smile that he gave you made your heart flutter and your stomach feel like it had a million butterflies in it. "They're not all bad triggers, are they?" you questioned him, feeling your face heat up. Kankri let out a light chuckle before leaning forward, stopping just an inch away from your lips. "You can decide that." He said nothing more, closing the gap between you in a passionate kiss.
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Bake Cookies
From my DA. Eridan x Reader. Homestuck fanfiction.
For a moment, you had to stop thinking altogether to control yourself. Letting out a deep sigh, you knew this would go differently if you and your moirail were in the same room. He/ She would be raging, and you would try to calm the damn troll down. You rarely get angry when you're around your moirail, so you were considered to be a very good friend in troll culture. And, for you, it wasn't hard to calm him/her down. All you had to do was sing something calming.
It was only embarrassing when it was around other people. You leaned back in your seat, actually finding calm in the cushion of your chair. You just wanted to take a long break from pesterchum and do something nice and relaxing. You leaned forward, ready to click that little 'X' in the top right corner, and of course with your luck, your client dinged. "Who the hell is trying to message me at a time like this?" you murmured. You ignored it, trying to calm down once again. Even more dings went off, and you stared silently at the screen, contemplating whether or not you should answer it. Damn. You opened up the message, a little surprised to see Eridan trolling you. caligulasAquarium [CA] started trolling copiousPeplom [CP] CA: (Nickname) hey wwe seriously need to glubbing talk i havve somethin really important to tell ya CA: (Nickname) dammit are you evven there CA: i knoww you are dont try to pretend youre not CA: (Nickname) seriously answwer me CP: Asdfghjkl. CP: usidfhjsuidfhghgj. Ayfgvdkufghkfgh. CA: wwhat CA: wwell at least youre answwerin me CP: What in the mother fuckin' hell do you want to talk to me, of all people, about, Eridan? CP: I thought you hated 'land dwwellers'. D: CA: i dont like most of em but youre okay CA: anywway quit distractin me (Nickname) CP: Sorry, broseph. Continue yo' rant. CA: thanks anywway wwe need to meet up trust me CA: its a the most importance i didnt even want to invvolvve a land dwweller but i kneww i had to CA: could ya meet me at the beach since i knoww youre not doin anythin special CA: you nevver are CA: oh but not anywwhere near gams hivve CP: Wwhy? CA: dont make fun a me just do it CP: Fine. I'll head over there in a little bit. If I feel like it. copiousPeplom [CP] ceased pestering caligulasAquarium [CA] Eridan was your best fucking friend - besides your moirail of course. You would do anything for that sea dweller, although you knew he tolerated you because you gave him attention. But you knew that he considered you as a friend deep down in that blood pumper of his. You were even there when Feferi stopped talking to him period and he went into that whole 'depressed' phase. He was still red for her and everything, but that didn't bother you. It was only annoying when he didn't stop talking about ways to get with her. The damn chick broke his heart, and really, you thought she was a bitch. Even more so than Vriska. When she teamed up with Sollux, Feferi's act was ten times worse. She could easily be your kismesis, if you thought about it, but you weren't into that sort of thing. You quickly get dressed into something more suited for visiting a sea dweller, and headed out, already forgetting about your moirail and his/her problems. You figured he/she would get over them sooner or later, or try to figure something out with Vrezca. Arriving at the hive sooner than you expected, a frown immediately made its way to your face. Eridan was sitting outside of his ship-hive, looking out to the deep sea. What happened this time with Feferi? You slowly made your way over to the high blood, your steps not particularly audible. Kneeling down to his level, you slipped your arms around his neck, hugging him from behind. The sea dweller himself jumped at your touch, and opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but eventually relaxed into your embrace, his slightly lanky body falling into your own. "Sorry for being late or whatever, Eri," you murmured gently, knowing that if you didn't change, you could have been here sooner. But you like looking nice when you go out, so you couldn't help yourself. "What's so important that you had to drag me out of my comfy home?" You said it in a teasing tone, hoping that it would lighten the mood. Eridan's violet eyes met your own, and you gave a gentle smile, seeing that it did not work. At your smile, you swore that you seen a purple blush creep across his face, but it was gone as soon as you seen it, and the male turned back towards the ocean. "(Nickname), uh, I'vve been thinkin' a lot . . . " His accent made his v's sound like w's, and he sort of stuttered when he actually said a w, but you could always understand him perfectly. "Did you hurt yourself doing it?" When he gave you a glare, you stuck your tongue out at him. He set himself up for it. "Is it about her, by any chance?" you questioned, hoping you didn't sound too jealous. Every time you talked  to him, it was 'Fef this' and 'Fef that'. You would much prefer hearing Sollux talk about Aradia. At least he would show you how to code as he does it. "Wwell . . . Not exactly." He paused for a moment, like he was debating on something. "It's about someone else. Sorta." "Sorta? Ooh, do you have a new crush?" You grinned at this, but felt your heart sting for a moment. You brushed it off easily. "What kind of person? Human or troll? Girl or boy?" As long as it was not Feferi, you would be fine. "A . . . human." He said it was a little spite, like liking someone such as that was a shameful thing or even taboo for a troll to like a human. "An' the human is a (your gender)." "Really?" You moved away from him, but caught him when he started to fall down, as he was still laying on you. You giggled, muttering a small sorry, then moved so you were right next to him. "Give me every single juicy detail. I'm your best friend, you should tell me everything about this human." "Not at this fuckin' moment." He stood up, making you give him a pout. His face flushed even more upon seeing that, and he turned dramatically, his cape billowing in the wind. "Oh, hey. You're cutting down on using fish puns around me," you pointed out, the slightest happy. He knew you didn't like it, and was glad that he considered you. "Shut up," was his simple response. He coughed slightly, trying to get his 'cool' back. "Noww come, land dwweller. Wwe should go inside before you catch one of those . . . human colds. I don't wwant you gettin' me sick." "Human colds?" You rolled your eyes. The guy was a diva sometimes. You stood up and followed him as he walked into his hive. "Dammit! Wwhat in cod's name is this fuckin' thing?" you heard Eridan shout from right beside you. Currently, you were in his kitchen trying to decide what to make for dessert. You hadn't ate any dinner before you left, and at the moment you didn't want anything with meat. You just wanted something insanely sweet. You ignored him, quickly finding everything that you needed. "We're gonna make cookies so stfu. I don't want to have to cut you with the . . . " You turned around, swiftly scanning the room for an object. "Sugar. Sugar can, um, cut. Hardcore, man." You gave the guy a stern look, your face completely serious even though you were joking. "Okay, hand me the brown sugar and butter." You waved your hand in the general direction of the goods as you stirred some of the other ingredients in a bowl. He did as you asked, complaining the entire time. Not like you were paying attention. It was normal for him. You get a batch ready and place the tray in the oven. "So what kind of flavour are they?" you heard Eridan ask, making you turn your head to look at him. You smirked at his posture; his head was in his hands, and his elbows on the counter. His violet eyes were looking right into your very own (e/c) orbs. "Just regular brown sugar cookies. You know how much I love homemade ones." You flashed him a smile, thinking nothing of his posture. It was Eridan, and he did this on multiple occasions. "Maybe wwe could do, uh, somefin as wwe wwait for them to finish?" The sea dweller moved closer towards you as he spoke, making immediate thoughts cross your mind. He couldn't possibly be thinking . . . Could he? "Like what?"  He didn't answer, and instead grabbed your arm gently, starting to walk towards the den. His face seemed to be darkening as every second passed, almost like he was trying to decide something. Not stopping, he turned towards you and roughly pressed his semi-cold highblood lips against your warm ones. You had to admit, this was a moment that you would rank high on your "Top 5 Most Surprising Moments" list. Before now, he was never too forward with you, almost like he didn't think of you in that way, or didn't picture you liking him back. Or he guessed that Feferi would eventually "come to her senses" and get with him and wouldn't consider anyone else for a matespritship. A land dweller and an alien just seemed like something a sea dweller wouldn't consider for a red quadrant. With all of that thinking, of course you didn't kiss back. You were too absorbed in your own personal thoughts to even contemplate that. Eridan pulled away, looking extremely down, and a little mortified. "I'm sorry. I didn't realise that you wweren't interested in me like that." He laughed lightly, and you could easily tell that it was forced. He turned away, cursing under his breath. "I'm goin' to kill Sollux for lying to me." He sighed loudly, but did nothing to calm down. "We can just pretend like that never happened." You opened your mouth to speak, but shut it as soon as he said something without his normal accent. He must really think this was serious business. "I won't mind it because I lo-, uh, enjoy your presence," he continued, his eyes meeting yours, before promptly glaring at the floor and mumbling something about the cookies smelling done and leaving the room to go to the kitchen. "Oh." It was the only word that was able to come out of your mouth at this moment. "Oh!" Eridan just confessed to me. Without a freaking accent! And it was damn sexy. You followed him into the kitchen, and ceased walking, noticing him staring at the finished cookies, deep in thought. "So, uh," you started, moving up behind him. "I was surprised. You should have given me a heads up if you were going to kiss me. Only common courtesy, man." You chuckled, trying to get a reaction out of him. The only thing you got was another sigh. Your smile dropped, not knowing how to sort your words out. "I feel red for you. I seriously do, I just didn't know that you liked me so I was flabbergasted when you kissed me. I would have seriously kissed back, swear it." Eridan still wasn't looking at you. The guy most likely didn't believe you. You had done many things out of pity for him, so you figured that he was thinking this was one of those times. You turned him around and pressed your lips on his own, pulling him into a deep and passionate kiss. It took him a second before he was kissing you back, the same roughness that was in the first kiss, but with more passion and lust to it. He pushed you against the counter, his teeth tugging on your bottom lip. You speculated what he wanted, and opened your mouth to let him explore your mouth without putting up a fight on your end. He pulled away, trailing kisses down your neck, earning a shaky breath from you. "We could continue this upstairs, if you wish," you opined, giving him a flirty smile as you felt your face grow hot. Eridan was surprised for a moment, and he had to examine your face. A smile soon spread across his face. "Sounds good to me," he breathed, his normal wavy accent present yet again. "I'm on top, though."
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I Need Some Salty Air
Cronus x Reader. Homestuck fanfiction. From my DA account.
Sighing softly, and shrugging your shoulders, you knew you couldn't really do anything to help your precious moirail. "Whatever," you mumbled, your hands moving to your shoulders and rubbed, trying to lessen the tense muscles.
Another pair of hands removed yours, and started doing the work for you. You jumped, thinking that you were in your house alone. Then it donned on you that you had let Cronus in your house, and were having a very good conversation before your moirail started to pester you a few minutes ago. "Hey, Cronus. I forgot you were still in my... hive." The foreign word rolled off your tongue; you were just a human, and wasn't used to calling your house that. "Oh, yeah! You're knowledgeable about... quadrants, right? I mean, you should, seeing as you try to pick up every girl that passes you on the street to be in your red quadrant. And you do, in fact, have the worst luck ever in getting them to say yes." You giggled, shooting him a teasing smile.
The seadweller growled low in his throat, and he stopped kneading your tense shoulders, and gave you the finger instead. "Fine, I vwon't give you a massage anymore."
Instantly pouting, you give him puppy-dog-eyes. "I'm sorry! You know that I love you, right?"
Cronus turned around at that, but for a split second, you were sure you had seen a bright violet blush on his cheeks. "Don't be such a jivwe stud. It's a big tickle vwhenever you say things like that, baby." He let out a slight sigh. "You only love me in that odd ball human vway that you glub to your moirail."
You turned your back to him as well, and faced your computer. You pulled up an old memo of Karkat's that explained multiple things about quadrants to 'the fuckass humans' in a simplified way. All of the sudden, hands were at your waist, and you were lifted up into the air. You squealed, clinging to the thing that picked you up, which happened to be Cronus.
"Cronus! Put. Me. The Fuck. Down." You tried to stay calm, but the surprise-lift scared you. It was one of your stupid quirks that you hated about yourself due to your childhood best friend dropping you every time he lifted you up.
"I can't do that at the moment, dolly. I have to tell you somefin important about your moirail." You stopped freaking out for a moment to give him a look that said "go on". "Your moirail has potential for-"
You cut him off, gasping suddenly as your eyes widened. "Oh my cod." You shot him a grin as you used a fish pun. "I've got the most perfect plan ever." You held out your hand, wanting him to take it. He rose his eyebrows at you, and you dropped your hand. Oh, right. He's holding me. He can't take my hand at the moment. You forgot all about that. Whoops. "Anyway, we're going to go find him/her, and . . . " You stopped, giggling. So many fish puns were flowing through your head, thanks to hanging around Meenah. "Reel him/her into our bait after we set a trap." That one was pretty lame, but you knew that Meenah wouldn't care anyway as long as you were trying. "And then we're going to-"
You were stopped by him putting a hand over your mouth. "Baby," Cronus said, finally setting you down on the ground. You felt a cool hand slip up your shirt and stay on your stomach. You squirmed underneath his touch, still not exactly used to it. "Let's just calm down nowv. Vwe don't have to do anything rash." Kissing the top of your head, he continued speaking. "I think, before this plan of your hatches in that imaginative think pan of yours, vwe should talk about troll quadrants. I don't think that Karkat guy really put all of feelings in that memo of his that he left you humans to read. Really-"
You interrupted him. "Reely."
"What? That's what I said."
"No, Cro. I think you said r-e-a-"
"Shut up. I'm speaking. Don't correct me vwhen I'm talking. This is speech, not-" He sighed, knowing that you were doing this on purpose to bother him. "As I vwas saying; trolls slip in and out of red and black feelings vwith their kismesis or matesprit all the time, so it's normal. You don't have to cool him/her off or anything, daisy."
He then started to move towards the door of your house, and motioned his hand towards it as well, wanting you to follow him. You got out of your laziness, and did just that, a little skeptically.
Luckily, Cronus had gotten you a house, or hive, right near the ocean. He said something about it being convenient for him, and would be easier for him to visit you whenever he wanted. So you didn't have to worry about changing out of your sweats just in case you walked by someone you knew. The only other person you could possibly run into would be Gamzee, but he would definitely not care, with all of that slime messing with his head. And even if he was sober, you had Cronus with you; and you doubted Gamzee would ever hurt you. You were sweet to him, and he was the same with you. You two were good friends, to be honest.
"I vwant to tell you something, dolly," you heard Cronus murmur through the crashing of the waves hitting the body of the water, and moving slowly towards the sand you were currently standing in, barefoot. His voice made your eyes go up to his face, and you took in his grey skin, those glorious purple eyes, and the scars on his forehead.
"What is it?" His eyes met yours, and you quickly look away, hoping that he wouldn't think you were staring at him. Knowing him, he would mention it sooner or later.
"Were you admiring the vwiewv?" It was very clear there was a smirk on his face by how smug his voice was. You shook your head quickly, trying to hide your blush as well, figuring that by 'view' he meant himself. Clearing his throat, he continued. "Did you knowv that there's a legend surrounding this shore? If you put a message in a bottle and let it float, the sea dvweller vwho finds it vwill make it come true."
You gave the high blood a questioning look. "What do you mean . . . ?" He held out a clear bottle, one that you imagined old men were wanting to find to make a ship inside of it. It even had that old-timey feel. "Oh. You want me to write something inside of it, and send it on its way?"
Nodding his head, his eyes once again seemed to examine your expression. "Like a vwish." He then bowed, like you were a princess and he was your royal guard. "And then it vwould be my honour to make your vwish come true, since I vwant to make you happy, (Name)."
You blushed at his cheesy and oddly romantic words. It was a complete surprise coming from him; the teasing guy who flirted with every one who made eye contact with him. You diverted your eyes away from him, breathing in the salty sea air that you had come to love through Cronus's scent. After a few moments of silence, you finally nodded your head, and noticed him give you a relieved smile out of the corner of your eyes.
It couldn't hurt anyone anyway.
And it would be a fantastic way to tell him that you liked him, if he really did read the note.
Grabbing the bottle from him, you pretended to think for a moment on what you would write inside of it. You quickly pulled out a sheet of paper and a pen from your Fetch Modus, and turned Cronus around so that you could use his back as a writing desk. Because that's just how you roll.
"I wish that I could get an amazing seadweller to agree to be my matesprit."
  It was a short letter, but it would possibly do the trick. You rolled it up, slipping it into the bottle with ease, like you had done this a million times before. When he felt you stop using his back, he turned back around, and it was then that you noticed that he had a cigarette in his mouth, unlit as usual. You gave a quick questioning look, before just coming to the conclusion that he had simply put it there without you noticing as you were using him. Frowning slightly, you decided to not say anything about it. You hated cigarettes for various reasons, and you knew for a fact they were not good for fish. "Here ya go, Cro."
"I'm just gonna take this off," Cronus murmured, before proceeding to take off his wife beater. After dropping it on the ground, he took the bottle, and didn't even set it anywhere near the water. A smirk appeared on his face as your mouth dropped, your eyes skimming over his finely toned body. "Since you're distracted and evwerything, I'm going to read the letter nowv."
"What? But-but, you're shirtless. Don't just be shirtless while reading a letter! That could seriously hurt someone or distract them, or make them have weird fantasies that they do not want to be having all because you decided to just read a letter without a shirt on. Cronus!" Even as you spoke to him, you were just staring shamelessly. He was just so damn sexy, and him without a shirt on did not help your situation.
Those gills on his sides, his defined stomach, those muscular arms that contrasted with every move that he made.
Finally blinking after he slid the paper out of the bottle, ignoring your statement with an even more obvious smirk, you turned away as you seen him unroll the paper. "I don't even see why you had me put it in a bottle if you're going to cheat like that," you mumbled, crossing your arms over your chest.
Stealing a quick glance over at him, you noticed his face tint a dark violet colour. His eyes met yours, and amazingly you developed enough courage to not look away.
"Because I'm a cheater, (Name). Nowv . . . Vwho exactly is this 'amazing seadvweller'?" A pause, which lasted for an entire heart beat. "Is it Eridan?"
You couldn't help it and burst out into a set of giggles. "Oh cod no. Sure he's cool and all, but no. I'm as likely to want to date him as I am Kankri. And anywave, he's just too into Fef and whomever else who passes. Well, there's that, and he's also too young for me." You gave him an innocent grin, after using a fish pun so amazingly in that sentence.
Cronus's face relaxed somewhat, before it broke out into another grin. "Besides him, then, I'm pretty sure that I'm the only seadvweller you knowv." He took a small step towards you, dropping the bottle but not the paper, and grabbing the hand that was closest to him and setting it near his the gills on his face. "So I vwould lovwe to knowv if you're flushed for me; since you did use the vword matesprit, and that comes vwith a lot of responsibility." His voice lowered into a slightly sultry tone, making your face break out into a blush.
"Perhaps. Maybe you are that amazing seadweller that I was glub-" He didn't even let you finish your lame fish pun before he gently pressed his lips against yours. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You were honestly absolutely positive that your body melded perfectly to his own.
As much as you wished the kiss would last forever, sadly you were not a fish and couldn't get oxygen from an extra set on gills on your body. You pulled away, and let out a small breathy moan as he started trailing kisses down your exposed neck. "I agree to be your matesprit, by the vway," he murmured, "since you asked and all, baby."
You giggled. "You could have used fish puns in that sentence, Cronus." He groaned, and kissed your ear.
"That's Meenah's thing. And you didn't have to go through all of this just to tell me that you felt flushed for me."
"Oh, please. You should have realized that I have been crushing on you for the longest time. I doubt that I've been hiding it very well." He just kissed your cheek, giving you a small smile. "I love you, Cronus."
"I love you as well, (Name)," he stated, before kissing your lips once again.
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Loser of the Year
Song fic: Loser of the Year - Simple Plan. Hetalia fanfiction. Prussia x Reader. A little bit of Homestuck mixed in, sorry about that.
There’s a lot of talk about me,
People lining up to meet me. I’m on a verge of celebrity, So what you think about that? I’ve got friends in high places, Louis Vuitton suitcases, Look at all their pretty faces So what you think about that? So why do I feel like it’s all just a show?
      Letting your eyes fall shut for a moment, you simply let out the slightest sigh. Once again, your boyfriend Gilbert was ignoring you and talking to all of the fan girls in your school right while you were having a calm lunch in the cafeteria, talking about what you were going to do as soon as you finished high school. You swear that they were out to get you; they would do anything to make your albino lover and yourself break up.
More people you had never even see before, both boys and girls, pushed their way past the ones before and started introducing themselves and commented on how awesome his last concert was. The albino simply laughed his signature laugh, and nodded his head. "Ja. I agree completely! Everything zhat I do is awesome!"
Not being able to handle it anymore, you stood up quietly, grabbed your tray and went to dump it, barely having ate anything on it. "(Name!)" you heard your best friend Nepeta say. You turned around, and smiled at her, noticing that she grabbed both your and her bags. "Mew shouldn't leave without telling me." A small pout appeared on her face, and you quickly kiss her cheek, mumbling a sorry.
"You know me. I just get emotional and pissed whenever he's not paying attention to me." You had gotten used to her cat puns, and on occasion, you sometimes used them as well just to humour her. At the moment, however, you wanted nothing more than to go home and sulk. "Look at that! He doesn't even notice I'm not there!" You growled slightly, and turned around. "I think I'm gonna break up with him."
Nepeta's eyes widened, and her mouth dropped. Pulling her blue hat, which sported cat ears on it, farther down to cover her light brown hair, she shut her mouth, before once again opening it. "I don't think that's a purrfect idea. I think it's actually really terrible." She frowned a little. "Mew should-"
"No, Nepeta. I'm done with him. Those girls stroking his arm are way prettier than me." You sighed. "I'm going to do it right after school." You took your backpack from your best friend, put it on your back, and grabbed her hand as you walked to your next class.
You make me wanna shut it all down, Throw it all away, Cause I’m nothing if I don’t have you. What’s the point of being on top, All the money in the world, If I can’t blow it all on on you. So, send the cars back, Put the house on the market, And my big dreams too. Because it’s all so clear, Now without you here, I’m the loser of the year.
  "(Name!) (Name!) Listen to the awesome me for a second!" Someone grabbed your arm, and you turned around, glaring at them. The vibrant red eyes that met your own made your heart skip a beat for a moment, before you angrily pulled away. "(Name)." He was obviously out of breath from chasing you after school let out and you broke the news to him. "Why did you...? We were doing so good."
"No we weren't, Gilbert! Just... Just shut up. I don't want to talk to you."
Your eyes traveled behind him when you heard voices calling Gilbert's name. You turned around and started heading towards your car once again, not wanting to talk to Francis and Antonio. They would only make things worse.
"What's wrong with me?" Gilbert questioned, not even bothering to turn around to greet his best friends.
His question made your heart stop, just for a moment. Nothing at all. You're perfect. But that's why you can find someone better, Gil. "Ever since you joined that shitty band with those two losers, you've changed. And sure, some changes are great, but not this. You ignore me when the fan girls show up." Your voice came out as bitter, making even you flinch from how harsh it sounded.
"I..." Gilbert started, but stopped himself when he realized that you were completely serious. "(Name)," he repeated, face palming. "I could quit the band. I just want to stay with you." He followed you to your car, and put his hand on the door, holding it in place so you couldn't open it.
Your (e/c) orbs met his own once again, and you saw sadness in them. Glancing behind you for a moment, you noticed that Francis and Antonio stopped, and were listening to the conversation. However, they weren't commenting. They must know that this was serious business between you and your boyfriend. No, wait. Ex boyfriend.
"I don't want you to do that. You're going to make it big, Gil. You're a good guitarist, and they're amazing as well." You pried his hand away from your car and got inside. Starting it up, you avoided his gaze as you drove home.
I’m at a party in a mansion There’s a lot of high fashion, And I’m cooler than I’ve ever been So what you think about that? I’m livin’ life in a fast lane I’ve got fridge full of champagne, And I’m hanging out with Lil’ Wayne. So what you think about that? So why do I feel like it’s all just a show? You make me wanna shut it all down, Throw it all away, Cause I’m nothing if I don’t have you. What’s the point of being on top, All the money in the world, If I can’t blow it all on you. So, send the cars back, Put the house on the market, And my big dreams too. Because it’s all so clear, That without you here, I’m the loser of the year. I’m the loser of the year.
      It's been five years ever since that day. You had succeeded in avoiding Gilbert for the last of your senior year in high school, and you were currently in (Chosen College) studying to be a (Career Choice). You were doing great. After the three-year anniversary of breaking up with him, you had moved on.
Of course, every time you turned on the television, you were reminded of him. You were right; he had made it big. Gilbert and his two friends were famous. Good for them.
Currently, you and your own two best friends were studying for your exams. Nepeta, who went to your college as well, was sitting across from you, playing with her pencil. Eridan, a black-haired boy with a purple streak in his hair, was planted next to you, grumbling about how studying was shit. You had met him through pure luck, and even though he was a total douche some times, he had a good side to him. Then again, he never stopped flirting with you. This was a rare occasion.
"That's it! I need music! Fuck this silence." Eridan stood up, slamming his hands on the table, scaring both you and Nepeta, and going to turn on the radio. As soon as it was turned on, a song by Gilbert's band came on. "God. This band again? Wwhen are they gonna stop bein' so popular?" His wavy-sounding accent came out, making him stutter quickly with his double-u's.
"I agree," you mumbled. "Turn off the radio, or turn it to a different station. I don't want to listen to them." It was a statement that made both of your friends look at you. You glanced up, raising an eyebrow. "You heard me, Eridan."
Dropping her pencil that she had trying to balance on her nose, Nepeta stood up quickly. "Ampurra, (Name). We should go somewhere." She giggled slightly, like she suddenly had a fantastic idea. "There's this pawsitively amazing party that I heard was going down at one of my furiend's house." Her light green eyes met your own, and she gave the cutest smile that not even you could deny.
"I'll go if (Name) does," Eridan stated.
Groaning slightly, you let out a sigh. "Which of your furiends-" You coughed. "-Friends is it?"
Equius wasn't that bad. His house was in fact a mansion, due to how rich he was, so you were certain that the party would be huge. "Fine. I'll call Feliks and make him bring us some cute clothes to wear." Nepeta squealed, cheering slightly as you agreed to it. Eridan simply grumbled at the mention of Feliks; they hated each other due to the fact that Eridan loved scarves and wore one everyday. It was 'against the rules of fashion' or whatever.
Feliks arrived in record time at the mention of a party. He threw you and Nepeta two dresses that fit your frames perfectly, and grabbed Eridan, yelling something that sounded like: "I'm like, going to make you take off that scarf even if I have to force everything off of you."
You decided not to comment on it as Eridan was dragged away. "I guess we better change then," you told Nepeta, who nodded her head and took off towards your room.
Arriving at the party, you watched as Feliks took off to go find Toris, and Eridan went after a group of cute people. Nepeta stayed by your side, flashing you another cute smile. "I'm glad we're not studying," she said, her cat puns dropping as she became serious. You groaned; so that was a reason why she wanted to come here. "Now! I want you to go up those stairs there, to the second floor. I'm going to go find something to eat. I'll bring you some champagne later." She scurried off after you nodded.
Doing as she said, you went up the stairs she pointed to. You fixed your (f/c) dress, noticing that it had crumpled up a little. As soon as you took your eyes off of the gown, you bumped into someone. "Oh! I'm so sorry, sir. I wasn't looking where I was going." You knew it was a he by how firm his chest was. And damn did it feel fine. Bowing just the slightest, you lifted your eyes to meet a white-haired man wearing sunglasses.
"Hm? It's fine; you don't have to lie. You just wanted to meet the awesome me, huh?" He laughed, and you swear that you felt your heart stop.
Fuckfuckshitfuck. Fittafanfitta. Abscond the scene right fucking now, (Name). Standing right in front of you was Gilbert Beilschmidt; the man you were avoiding desperately for five years. The one man that made your heart flutter, like it was doing now, just by the insane yet stupid laugh of his. "Who are you?" It left your mouth as you put in your best innocent "I-Seriously-Don't-Know" faces.
His laughing stopped, and his smile faded just slightly. "Huh? You don't know . . . " His voice trailed off as he slowly took off his sunglasses and examined you. " . . . (Name?)" His eyes almost seemed hopeful.
Your eyes widened. Fan. What kind of guy remembers his ex girlfriend after 5 years? Why didn't you abscond? "Who is that?"
"O-Oh. Es tut mir leid, I thought you were someone else."
Before either of you could say anything else, someone pounced on you. "(Name!) You won't believe what happened." The said person, Nepeta, giggled slightly, and you realized she was a little tipsy. "Ampurra just got slapped by some girl. It's causing a whole scene downstairs." The girl hic-ed, and as she started to nuzzle you, she finally spotted Gilbert. "Oh. Ohhhhh. I'm so sorry. This must be a purrty awkward situation. I furgot to tell mew him and his band is here." She pursed her lips, then slowly started backing up. "I'm just gonna go." She pointed to the stairs, leaving you and Gilbert to sort things out of your own.
Getting the courage to look back up at Gilbert, you noticed that he was looking at you. "So, you are the same (Name) that I was talking about, ja? That's so unawesome that you lied to me." The cutest pout adorned his face, making you feel a little less guilty, until he looked away. "Why did you lie about it then? You obviously know who I am."
"Be-beclaws." His eyes once again turned towards you, and your face flushed. "I mean because." Damn it, Nepeta. "You're having such a good life with being famous, and having Francis and Antonio by your side-"
"Nein." His voice was softer than usual, and you noticed a few girls looking at you two and pointing. "(Name), follow me." Without any warning, he grabbed your hand and pulled you into a guest room that was unused. "What do you think of it?"
"What?" You raised an eyebrow. The room? It was a little plain, but to be expected with Equius's house.
"My life. My band. What do you think about it?" His red orbs stared straight into your own, and he pushed a (h/c) strand of hair behind your ear.
Oh. He meant that. Not the room. Stupid (Name). "Your band's really good, Gil. It seems like you got everything you ever wished for."
His gaze broke from your own and he stared at the ground. "Yeah, it's awesome isn't it?" He sighed slightly, moving away from you and sitting on the bed. "But, it doesn't feel right. It never did ever since you broke up with me." He put his head in his hands, covering his face. You stayed silent, staring at him, not sure what to do. "I'm actually a loser though. I go to meet ups, talk to all of the fans, and I'm practically perfect whenever I'm out in public. But then I go home, or to the hotel or wherever we're staying, and I become moody and refuse to go out unless Francis forces me to. I go on a few dates here and there, but I'm comparing every one to you. It's fucking stupid."
"Gil . . . "
"I can't help it though. Whenever we were still in high school, I thought that we were going to go somewhere together. I thought that you wanted to stay with me, help me, and encourage me through this life." You had just noticed that he had dropped the 'awesome' act of his all together. It seemed like he matured ever since high school.
"But when you broke up with me, I didn't know what to do. Ludwig almost beat me to death over not going to school because then I would see you and I would probably break down. Antonio convinced me to stay in the band, and around two years ago I finally started being more serious about the music and everything. I thought I finally moved on and had gotten over you not being there supporting me anymore."
You took a few steps towards him, but stopped when he removed his face from his hands, and just stared at the dresser to the left of you.
"But seeing you here today just made every one of the feelings I swore to myself that I was over come back. (Name), I guess is what I'm saying that I would gladly quit the band if that meant you would at least consider being my girlfriend again."
"Ich liebe dich," you murmured softly, using the limited German that you knew. "I get what you're saying, Gil. But I still don't want you to quit the band."
His eyes widened slightly and they met your own. "Du liebst mich?" You nodded your head, not moving from the spot where you stopped in front of him. The albino slowly stood up and walked over to you. His hand caressed your face softly and he leaned closer to you, stopping a few inches away from your own face. "Then why'd you break up with me?"
"You paid more attention to the fan girls than me." His face was so close, and all of the feelings you kept bottled up were finally being let out. A lust for him made the next thought appear in your mind: you just wanted him to kiss you already.
"I won't make that mistake again if you take me back."
You smiled at him, and nodded your head.
He grinned back, and pressed your lips together passionately.
You make me wanna shut it all down, Throw it all away, Cause I’m nothing if I don’t have you. What’s the point of being on top, All the money in the world, If I can’t blow it all on you. You make me wanna shut it all down, Throw it all away, 'cause I'm nothing if I don’t have you. So, send the cars back, Put the house on the market, And my big dreams too. Because it’s all so clear, That I need you near, And it’s all so clear, Now without you here, I’m the loser of the year. Loser of the year. I’m the loser of the year. Loser of the year.
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[55. Waiting]
From my DA. Jean x Reader. SnK fanfiction.
The large Titan's grin seemed like it was piercing through your soul. You gritted your teeth, wanting everything to just be over with already.
You wanted, more than anything, to just take back Wall Maria. Because of that, you had become close friends with Eren, Armin and Mikasa through your training. The countless hours you poured into training; the long talks you had with Armin about what it must be like outside of these walls; and all of the moments you found yourself looking up to Mikasa and how she so easily mastered everything. The memories of your past flashed through your mind, and you found yourself glaring at the monster in front of you. It slowly started to reach for you, and you found yourself backing up, looking for a way out of this mess. Your eyes met one of your fellow cadets, who was frozen in place behind the Titian, looking at you in shock. "Jean! What the hell are you doing? If you can't get me out of this rut, then you're never going to become one of the King's guards!" you yelled at him, gripping your blades tighter. It seemed to get his attention, and his expression hardened. He gave you a grin that would have made your heart skip a beat if you were in a different situation, then headed into action, killing the Titan before it could do the same to you. Jean landed beside you, before glancing around. "We need to get out of here. There are four 10-meters to our left, and I lost count with how many are to our right," he murmured, his eyes meeting yours. You nodded your head, before scanning the area around you. You two were completely alone, besides all of the Titans around. "What happened to the rest of your squad?" you asked, tilting your head in question as you tried to decide the best way out of this area. You knew this town like the back of your hand. Jean's face flushed the slightest, before he nodded north, where the Titans were falling down one by one. "They're somewhere up there." "You're not supposed to separate." You chuckled softly, before taking his hand in yours, and pecking him on his cheek. "But I'm glad our friendship means something to the all-mighty Jean." "We should have a talk about that friendship..." He paused for a moment, his eyes meeting yours. The Titans were still far enough away, so if you stayed here a little longer, it wouldn't hurt. "I wouldn't mind it developing into something more." You pushed him on his chest. "Save that for when we recapture this wall." You readjusted your grip on your blades, hearing him mumble something. If you weren't a good listener, you would have missed it completely. "I would wait for as long as it takes." "C'mon, Mr. Smooth. We need to get out of this area and into less danger before we think of dating right in the middle of a battlefield." "That's what I was going to say. Let's get your ass into safer grounds. Fuck, sometimes you can be as annoying as Eren," Jean said teasingly, leaving you behind on the roof. You rolled your eyes, easily following him. Yeah. As soon as you retake Wall Maria, you wouldn't mind dating the one guy you've had a crush on since training.
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Go to Gamzee's House
From my DA account. Tavros x Reader. Homestuck.
You didn't know what to do. You were completely and utterly lost as a moirail. It was supposed to be your job to calm him/her the fuck down, but you didn't know what to say. It was bugging the hell out of you.
You were sure to go insane if this thought process continued.
Your pesterchum dinged, signalling you had a message. You quickly click on the tab, and read through it.
adiosToreador (AT) started trolling copiousPeplom (CP)
AT: hEY, (Name),
A smile graced your lips as you read the words. Of course you would love to! Gamzee would offer you some delicious Faygo, you were sure, and Tavros could get your mind off of anything just by being near you. Plus, even if you were still thinking about your moirail with him in the room, and not about how sweet he would be as your boyfriend matesprit thing, you were sure that he would be understanding and listen. And hopefully help you out.
CP: Yeah, sure! I would love to, Tav.
CP: I was actually about to have a breakdown.
You slipped that casually enough in there. Very subtle.
CP: Oh my gog. Thank you so much! You're such a brilliant friend!
CP: The best, besides my moirail, of course.
CP: You never know when he/she could be peeping in conversations.
adiosToreador (AT) ceased trolling copiousPeplom (CP)
A small frown appeared on your face as you read the words. He seemed a bit hesitant. Or, well, even more hesitant than usual.
Putting it to the back of your mind, you closed your laptop and swiftly gathered your things together to head over to Gamzee's house for a visit. You doubted you would need much seeing as you were just going over there for a few hours maybe. And even if you stayed overnight, Gamzee would let you borrow his clothes.
After the small hassle you had with your case holding your objects in it opening and deciding to just spill out randomly in the middle of your living room because it just could and enjoys being a dick to you, although you do nothing but love and care for it, you went to Gamzee's hive.
Knocking on the door, you waited for just a few moments before it opened. There stood the purple blood that the hive belonged to. He gave you a lazy, high smile. "Hey, my motherfuckin' sis." He stared at you, his head tilting to one side. A few seconds of silence pass, as you move your case from one hand to the other. "Why are you all up and being here?"
Tavros of course told him, but him being, well, Gamzee, he probably had forgotten. You let out a small giggle. "I'm here to hang out with you and Tav." The said troll you just mentioned recognized your voice, and started saying nonsense about 'not doing what you want to do' and 'go away Karkat' as well as 'please just let's not mention this at all'. Then something you actually understood came from his mouth, and he reminded Gamzee that you were coming over.
The purple blooded troll's mouth opened for a second, and he looked at you with glazed eyes. His voice lowered to a whisper, and he shot you another grin. "You do know that Tavbro feels red for you, right? He all up and gets upset whenever you motherfuckin' pay attention to people that aren't him. So you should know that he's really serious about you." You blinked for a moment, watching as Gamzee moved to the side to allow you in his hive. It was a rare moment when Gamzee wasn't being all high and actually spouted sentences that you could understand without having to think through it. "So I got my main bro, Karkat, to help me motherfuckin' match you and him up."
Your eyes widened a little, and you stop in mid-walk as you're passing by him. A short troll suddenly started growling and yelling at Gamzee, spouting many "fucks" in his long speech. "Shut up, fuck ass! It won't work now that she actually knows." His reddening eyes went to your face, but he didn't mention anything to you.
"But . . . " You started to complain, and before you could get another word out, Karkat grabbed your arm gently and shoved you towards the room where Tavros most likely was. "Don't I get a say in this?" you whispered harshly, despite your very obvious face flush. You had figured that Tavros liked you some time ago with the way he acted around you, and as soon as you realized that, you slowly developed a small crush back on it. It was cute the way he acted.
Gamzee shook his head at your question. "You all up and feel red for him as well, so motherfuckin' no." It was a statement that brought more colour to your face somehow.
You sighed, giving in. Karkat followed you, his footsteps soft on the hive's floor. "Don't fuck this up. Gamzee and I worked very hard on all of this." Yeah, and you didn't even consider consulting my feelings on this. Not that you minded. You still liked Tavros, even if Karkat and Gamzee were going to be straightforward to start your relationship with him. Giving you a slight push towards the rust-blooded troll that was sitting on the couch, he backed up a few steps. "Gamzee and I are leaving. We'll see you guys later," Karkat said, giving the slightest wave, and was almost out of the door before another word could be spoken.
"W-What?" you heard Tavros say, and you glanced over at him. His face flushed, tinting to a dark brown colour. "But I could, uh, talk to all of you . . . " His voice fell on deaf ears, seeing as they had already made up their mind to leave you and Tavros alone.
You turned around, catching Karkat's sleeve just in the nick of time. You moved closer to him, so that you could whisper in his ear. "Since you set this all up without my knowledge, the only way I won't leave right now is if you fix my moirail's kismesis." It wasn't a threat; you would never leave poor Tavros all alone. You just needed to let your mind relax, and the only way that could happen is if Karkat tried to fix everything with him/her.
The troll growled softly, but gave a stiff nod of his head. Your face broke out into a grin as the two trolls left. Karkat really was a sucker for romance.
Turning around so that you were facing Tavros, you suddenly felt a little more courageous. It was probably due to the fact that he was impossibly shy and hesitant, unless he tried to get confidence himself. Then again, it rarely came now, ever since Harley had shot him down.
"What, uh, was all of that about? We were having a nice conversation about..." He paused, his face lighting up once again. "And then they just, uh, leave as soon as you get here?" He was obviously confused.
You strode over to him, deciding to take matters into your own hands. You moved his wheel chair that he didn't use as much anymore due to Equius giving him robotic legs so that it sat in front of Tavros. "You feel red for me, right?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper as you lowered yourself into the seat. Your hand found his, and you grabbed it, intertwining your fingers together.
"W-What?!" A dark look crossed over his eyes, to the point where it surprised you, but was gone as fast as it came. "Gamzee told you, didn't he? Was that why Karkat was over?"
Nodding your head, you started playing with his grey fingers, looking down at your hands. "But, listen, Tav. I like you as well. I just thought we were sort of in the pale quadrant or something. I never knew that people actually wanted us to be together and would take measures like this. I would have done something about it sooner, if I knew you were ready for a relationship." Your eyes moved up to meet his own brown ones.
His eyes widened. "Why would you think I wasn't ready? I, uh, loved you ever since I met you. I guess Karkat would say that it was 'love at first sight'? That's what's, uh, in his rom coms at least. You're the one person besides Gamzee who makes me feel a little more confident. I even though I wasn't hiding it all that well. Vriska always teased me about it every time she could. You should have at least noticed that I act differently whenever I'm around you." He sighed softly, his hesitant voice going away. Suddenly, his face flushed, and he covered it with his free hand. "If I, uh, had enough confidence, I would have told you sooner. But, uh, my mind goes blank each and every time you say my name."
That was one hell of a confession coming from a guy who doesn't have that much of an ego. You touched the hand that was on his face with your own, and pulled it away. Leaning forward, you planted your lips to his, and kissed him gently. It felt like your lips melded to each other's perfectly; it was supernatural and surreal. You loved it more with every second that passed.
Pulling away for air, you gave him a gentle smile. "I love you too, Tavros. I can't say it as well as you did just now, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
His face lit up at your words, and he leaned forward and kissed you again. "It's good enough for me. So . . . You'll be my matesprit, then?"
You laughed softly, pulling him into a hug as you moved from his wheelchair to sit on his lap. "I would absolutely love to, Tavros."
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Everybody Talks
Homestuck fan fiction. Putting it on tumblr from my DA account (TheRikkyApp). Song used is Everybody Talks by Neon Trees. CronusxReader.
"(Name!)" Someone yelled, hoping to catch your attention. You keep ignoring the voice, walking straight ahead of you with your best friend at your side.
"Hey, I think someone's trying to get your attention, (Na-)" "Shush!" you whisper-shouted at her, sending her a glare. "I'm ignoring him. Learn to read the mood." Kanaya gave you a look, stopping in her tracks. "(Name), I highly suggest you talk to him. He won't leave us alone unless you do so." Her green eyes went to look behind you. Sure enough, Cronus was walking up to your little group with a smug grin on his face. "Hey there, kitten," Cronus greeted as soon as he reached you. You didn't even say anything to him, before you started walking again. You had heard enough from all of your other friends about him to know that he definitely wasn't worth any of your time. It was just your dumb luck that he had put his sights on you as soon as you met him. He just wanted to get you in a bed. Kanaya probably took the hint that you were starting to get testy, and followed you. "(Name), I can see why you don't want to talk to him, but he knows about magic." That almost was enough to peak your interest. "I'm not interested in that anymore. Anyway, if I were to do so, Eridan would bitch. You know how he is." You rolled your eyes. "The Amporas are not worth any of my time. Just drop it, please." Hey baby won't you look my way I can be your new addiction Hey baby what you gotta say? All you're giving me is fiction I'm a sorry sucker and this happens all the time I found out that everybody talks Everybody talks, everybody talks "Oh, c'mon, kitten. I promise I vwon't bite," Cronus stated, sitting down next to you, putting his arm around your neck. You almost groaned, before you caught yourself. You don't want to give him the pleasure of giving him the time of day. It was kind of hard not to look at him due to him basically throwing himself at you. Honestly, you liked the attention deep down. Your old boyfriend back on Earth forced guys to stop talking to you so you could take him back. It was annoying when you were trying to get over him and date someone else. "I mean, I vwon't do it, unless you're into that sort of thing." When you still didn't say anything, he glanced down at what you were reading. "Vwhat book is that? It must be interesting if you're ignoring a high blood." "Oh, yeah. Because something must be super interesting to tune you out," you mumbled, rolling your eyes. Cronus obviously heard what you announced and chuckled. "At least you're talking to me." He leaned down to your ear, his fingers starting to twirl a (h/c) strand of your hair. "You should get to knowv me and ignore vwhat evweryone else is saying. I promise I vwon't do anything that you don't vwant to do. Vwe could evwen just talk if you're okay with that." You actually looked up from your book, meeting his eyes. "What are you talking about? You just want to bed me 'cause you're so desperate." Cronus opened his mouth to say something, but closed it and shook his head. He sighed slightly. "You're saying that like I'm going to rape you. I don't do anything vwithout consent. Kankri should evwen vwouch for me." "Kankri?" You almost shivered. The guy didn't like you that much since you always walked off when he started lecturing you. You couldn't help it; he would go on for hours. "Fine. We'll skip that step. I don't want to go ask him." You shut your book after folding the corner of the page to hold your place. "We can hang out for a little bit, I guess." You stood up, waiting for him to do the same. "You don't-" Cronus started, but stopped as soon as your words seemed to sink in his thick mind. "Oh. Then that's a yes?" "I'm not going to repeat myself, fish." He just chuckled, standing up next to you. "You won't have to then. C'mon, I want to show you some of my music. I know you're into that kind of thing." He gave you a wink, his accent dropping, and the sound of it made you blush. How did he know that that I enjoyed homemade music? It started with a whisper And that was when I kissed her And then she made my lips hurt I could hear the chitchat Take me to your love shack Mamas always gotta backtrack When everybody talks back Hey honey you could be my drug You could be my new prescription Too much could be an overdose All this trash talk make me itching Oh my my shit Everybody talks, everybody talks Everybody talks too much About two hours later, you were still hanging out with Cronus. All of the rumours were really wrong about him. He was actually very adorable, in his own way, and he could possibly be the definition of dorky. The guy was currently telling you about his past with magic, and you could easily see that he was showing his true self. He hadn't once uttered something along the lines of "I'll be whoever you want me to be" which was very surprising. The guy was also good at making you feel special. He had tried teaching you how to play guitar, but you gave up soon after you realised that you couldn't play an instrument to save your life. He also, although you weren't sure if it was because he thought he could bed you, complimented you almost every chance that he got. "But then my friend just ran off, and as soon as she came back, she had these tvwo huge things of cotton candy. I didn't knowv vwhere she got them, seeing as vwe vwere novwhere near a carnival." "Wait, hold up. You guys had legit candy floss near the ocean?" you asked, your eyes wide. You hadn't had any in forever. You loved the way it just melted in your mouth. Cronus grinned, nodding his head. "If you want, I could take you to get some later with me." His accent dropped again, and you smiled to yourself. It dropped here and there for some reason, making his voice around ten times more attractive than usual. Obviously the guy was flirting with you once again, but this time . . . Honestly, you didn't mind. Maybe, after a couple hours with him, you were growing to actually like the guy. "You could consider that time to be a date, then," you whispered, half surprised that you actually acknowledged it aloud, yet completely serious. You returned his smile. Before you knew it, you were both leaning forward like in all of those romcoms you watch with Karkat, and your lips met. The kiss turned a little more passionate and you realised that you had wanted this. You wanted to feel like a regular (human/troll) and to experience flushed feelings. You weren't thinking that it would exactly be with him, but right now you didn't mind. Your mind went blank and all you could think about was what he looked like without clothes on. It started with a whisper And that was when I kissed her And then she made my lips hurt I could hear the chitchat Take me to your love shack Mamas always gotta backtrack When everybody talks back Never thought I'd live to see the day When everybody's words got in the way After that rather eventful night, you hadn't seen Cronus around anymore. It was mostly because of you; he had gotten laid, and you didn't want to risk the possibility that that was all he was after. Every time he even walked into a room, you found the nearest exit and left. You would hear people talk about you and him, wondering what happened. Latula and Porrim took it upon themselves to make very elaborate stories, but you didn't mind. They were your friends and the rumours would never live up to what actually happened so you let them have their fun. "(Name)," you heard Kanaya say. Your eyes met hers, and you gave a smile. "You've been ignoring Cronus lately. He's been asking how you've been." You couldn't help the blush that crept up your face. "Oh?" "Yes. He seems to like you a lot. More than everyone else, it seems. And, judging by the way your face is turning a dark (colour), I'm guessing you like him as well?" The jade-blood shot you a knowing smile, and giggled gently when you diverted your eyes. "And all of the vwords that Latula and Porrim are saying are completely vwrong. We did vway more advwenturous things." You nodded your head. That was true; you and Cronus had a very exciting time, if you say so yourself. "But they're my friends, so-" You stopped yourself, your face flushing even more. That wasn't Kanaya talking. You turned your head, seeing Cronus leaning on the wall beside you. When the hell did that sea dweller get there? Kanaya laughed, and you glared at her. Only she would plan something as sneaky as this. "I'll leave you two alone to chat about your relationship, away from all of the judging eyes of our peers," she stated, promptly taking her leave soon after. Hey sugar show me all your love All you're giving me is friction Hey sugar what you gotta say? It started with a whisper And that was when I kissed her And then she made my lips hurt I could hear the chitchat Take me to your love shack Mamas always gotta backtrack When everybody talks back You and the sea dweller stayed silent, watching her leave. You heard him sigh, and soon after, you felt the slight coolness of his body. One of his arms found its way around your waist, and you were brought even closer to him. You didn't pull away, and instead nuzzled your face into his neck. He chuckled gently. "You really miss me that much? You vwere the one avwoiding me vwhen I tried talking to you." "What about that whole "I vwant someone to just pail me" thing that everyone expects you to say, then leave the person and or troll." You glanced up at him, to see that he was looking at you. "Howv many hours did you spend vwith this slick cat? Did I seem like the type to do that to someone I actually feel red for?" You couldn't help it; a smile crept across your face. "Oh? When did you start to have red feelings for me?" His face flushed a light shade of violet. "Some time after I met you. Vwhen you smiled at me as Kankri vwas lecturing me about something or another." "Okay, that was legitly the most cheesy thing anyone could have ever uttered." You moved so you were standing before and, and pulled him down to your height so you could kiss him. "But, of course being me, I wouldn't mind hearing things like that more often." "I vwasn't really planning on stopping." Everybody talks Everybody talks Everybody talks Everybody talks Everybody talks Everybody talks... back It started with a whisper (everybody talks, everybody talks) And that was when I kissed her (everybody talks, everybody talks) Everybody talks Everybody talks... back
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You Got Me
From my DA account. Homestuck. Genderbent!Nepeta x Reader. The song lyrics are from You Got Me by Colbie Caillat.
Different names used here other than their canon names. Just a heads up. Equiua is Fem!Equius Nepete is Male!Nepeta (In my mind, it's pronounced Nep-eh-tay) Katnis is Fem!Karkat Joan is Fem!John I couldn't come up with less crappy names 'cause I suck at names.
You're stuck on me and my laughing eyes
I can't pretend though I try to hide - I like you I like you. I think I felt my heart skip a beat I'm standing here and I can hardly breathe - you got me You got me. The way you take my hand is just so sweet And that crooked smile of yours it knocks me off my feet "-and that is every reason why I think hanging out with Equiua more often." Nepete's olive eyes met your own as he finished ranting, and smiled a cat-like grin. He had just completed telling you of everything pawsitively amazing about his moirail and to be honest you blacked out for a second due to boredom and fell asleep. You were quite lucky you had a knack for falling asleep anywhere and waking up quickly so he didn't catch you. "You're right," you said, giving him a small smile. "I guess I should consider hanging out with her more." A giggle escaped your lips nonchalantly, as you discreetly stretched to wake yourself up some more. Rubbing your (b/c) eyes and moving your black hair away from your face, you stood up, not noticing how his face tinted the smallest shade of olive whenever you giggled. You knew that he had a flush crush on you, but he thought it was a secret so you kept silent as well. You didn't want to broach the subject and ruin your friendship with him since you didn't have strong feelings towards him. Just the slightest flush crush. You didn't want to say anything in case it went away soon after you two started up a matespritship. It was how your last one went. Plus, he was probably still reeling from the rejection that Katnis gave him when he confessed his feelings to her. Sitting up from where he was laying down on the floor next to you, he rubbed his hair slightly, before starting to fix it. It was rare for him to remove that blue hair that he usually always wore, symbolizing that he was in a moirallegiance with Equiua  "(Name), I really want you to at least become furrends with her. I know that she may be a little... catty most of the time, but I'm sure that because you're furrends with me, she won't mind you." You giggled again at his use of the word "catty". You leaned down to his height, since he was still sitting down, and kissed his cheek in response, before straightening up again and holding out your hand to him. He took it, and for a moment you swear that you felt something - akin to an electrical shock. Deciding quickly, you just ignore it, and pull him to his feet and point to the door. "Let's go do somethin', Nep," you suggested, tilting your head to one side. He nodded, a smile soon adorning his cute face. "Yeah, sure!" He went to grab his hat and placed it on his head, covering up most of his mess of hair before joining you near the door. "What are we gonna do though?" "Don't be . . . " You thought for a moment, and a word that he had used before came to your mind. "Persnickety, Nep." You didn't have to drag him out of the door, as he just followed you as you walked. You honestly only said that since you had nothing in mind; just wanted to get away before he says that he wants to visit Equiua  You had nothing against her; it was just that fact that every time you talked to her and suggested that she should do something, she became nervous and a little sweaty. She was just an odd apple in your honest opinion. "We're going to go to my hive and watch a movie or some shit, to answer your question, by the way. Since you asked any everythin'." Nepete smiled his normal, crooked smile at you, and you swore that you blood pumper skipped a beat, before he grabbed your hand. Planting a small and gentle kiss on your cheek, he nodded. "That sounds good, (Name)." You swore that if he said that more sensual, you would have just fallen head over heels for him. Oh, I just can't get enough How much do I need to fill me up. It feels so good it must be love It's everything that I've been dreaming of. I give up. I give in. I let go. Let's begin. Cause no matter what I do, Oh (oh) my heart is filled with you. I can't imagine what it'd be like Living each day in this life - without you. Without you. One look from you I know you understand This mess we're in you know is just so out of hand. You both were crashed out on your couch, him sitting up and petting your hair as your head was on his lap and the rest of your body sprawled out on the couch. Your eyes were intently on the movie that you were watching. Some of the humans that you met - although at the moment you couldn't remember the names of the aliens - had given them to you for your wriggling day. You had never thought about watching them until now. Currently, you were watching a silly movie due to Nepete not even paying any attention to it besides certain parts. It was called Mulan II or something of that matter - what an odd name. You had seen the original with Joan some time ago and all most immediately fell completely in love with it. It was just so . . . Let's just say, Katnis would love the movie just as much as you did. "(Name)," Nepete said in a soft voice, making you glance up at him. Your (b/c) eyes met his own olive ones, and you hummed gently. "Uh . . ." He paused for a second, his face flushing again. "Y-You do know that I'm... I mean, I have a flush crush on you, right? It's really obvious, I'm sure of it. I don't really try to hide it that much. Hell, even Vrezca guessed it and you barely hang out with him." His face somehow flushed even more, and he glanced away. You were staring at him in shock; one for him dropping the cat puns, and the other for him actually admitting to you and feeling embarrassed because of it. "B-But if you don't feel that way towards me, then it's okay. I just want you to be happy and stay in my life." You could easily tell that he was getting nervous. You, on the other hand, didn't know what to say. You were completely dumbstruck, and couldn't speak. You didn't expect that he would say something like that to you, right at this very moment. You stayed silent for a moment, thinking everything through. "Nep," you murmured softly, placing a hand on his face. He rarely stuttered, and him stuttering at the very end, and then saying something as sweet as that, just made your blood pumper flutter. At the nickname he allowed you to call him, his eyes slowly moved to gaze at your own, and you noticed him biting his lip just barely. "I'm flushed for you too. I just never said anything 'cause I thought you were still hurting from the whole 'Katnis' thing." He shook his head. "I wanted you to become my matesprit more than I wanted her to," he mumbled, before a smile crept on his face. "Wait, you said that you're flushed for me too?" The smile turned into a grin, and you nodded, moving so you were sitting on his lap. Placing your arms around his neck, you pulled him into a gentle and passionate, yet slightly sloppy, kiss. Oh, I just can't get enough How much do I need to fill me up. It feels so good it must be love It's everything that I've been dreaming of. I give up. I give in. I let go. Let's begin. Cause no matter what I do, Oh (oh) my heart is filled with you. I hope we always feel this way (I know we will) And in my heart I know that you will always stay Oh, I just can't get enough How much do I need to fill me up. It feels so good it must be love I give up. I give in. I let go. Let's begin. Cause no matter what I do Stretching your arms, you just realized where you were. And what you were wearing. You were in your respiteblock, with no clothes on whatsoever. Turning your head to the left, you noticed a messy-haired Nepete sleeping next to you, making a soft-purring noise that could be considered a snore if it was loud enough. It was just too cute that you wanted to squeal silently. Moving closer towards him, you snuggled in his chest, shutting your eyes. The purring ceased for a moment, before starting up again. Feeling his face nuzzle your hair, you let a small smile grace your facial features. "We're considered matesprits now, huh?" you asked him. "Of course. I thought it didn't even need to be said. I would never pail someone just for the hell of it." His voice was soft, and you felt the vibrations of his words with your head against his chest. His hand made its way to your waist and you felt pressure on the top of your head, signalling that he kissed you there. "I love mew," you murmured, before moving your face up to stare at his own. A grin washed over his face at your use of a cat pun. "I love mew, too." He chuckled softly, which was proceeded by him leaning down and planting a kiss on your lips. "And I'll always love you. Even when I die, I'll always seek you out. From this world to the next." You blushed a deep shade of (b/c) from his cheesy words, but couldn't help to think them yourself. "Oh shut it. You already won my heart through sweeps of hanging around you. You don't need to say anything romantic." Nepete just smiled. "I'll never find the words that will express how strong my feelings are towards you." You just pulled him into another kiss, before moving over top of him, feelings slightly hot just from those words. Oh, I just can't get enough How much do I need to fill me up. It feels so good it must be love It's everything that I've been dreaming of. I give up. I give in. I let go. Let's begin. Cause no matter what I do, Oh (oh) my heart is filled with you. Oh (oh) You got me. You got me. Oh (oh) You got me. You got me.
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