unalom-eves · 19 minutes
i'll never show him the pain i'm in. these wounds are for me to lick in the quiet of my solitude. he doesn't need to know what i do to my pretty skin
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unalom-eves · 24 minutes
if they wanted you, they wouldn’t go hours or days without communicating
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unalom-eves · 24 minutes
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unalom-eves · 25 minutes
i hope i marry a person who never stops loving me.. like decades in & still obsessed
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unalom-eves · 25 minutes
Im afraid
i wonder where i’ll be this time next year
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unalom-eves · 12 days
“I have been thinking of how I want to be touched by you, with hands that will play me like piano keys, with fingers that will make a symphony out of me.”
— Karese Burrows
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unalom-eves · 12 days
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unalom-eves · 3 months
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unalom-eves · 3 months
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this is so me
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unalom-eves · 3 months
I would never have done this to you.
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unalom-eves · 3 months
first step: get a partner
i want to build a home with my partner that's safe from the loudness of the world. there will be no yelling, no slamming of doors, no passive aggressive comments. we will resolve our issues as a family. i want to build a home that's full of love.
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unalom-eves · 4 months
i need that person
Rátalálni a lelkem szilánkjaira benned olyan volt, mint hosszú bolyongás után végre otthonra találni. Arra az otthonra, ahova minden alkalommal édes a megérkezés, de végtelenül keserű a távozás.
Sokkalta inkább voltál én, mint jómagam, én pedig nem bántam kissé idegenné válni “önmagam” számára. Szerettem, hogy mindketten otthon érezzük magunkat a lelkem darabjai közt.
Vajon haza vársz még valaha?
Hiányoznak az édes hazatérések.
Újra otthontalanná váltam.
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unalom-eves · 4 months
Létezik egy olyan világ bennem, amiben azt az életet élem, amit élhettem volna, ha meghozom azokat a döntéseket, amikről rettegtem dönteni.
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unalom-eves · 4 months
Ha valakit közel engedsz, belehalsz amikor lelép.
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unalom-eves · 4 months
irhatnek ide barmit is de ez ennyi
We hurt our own feelings by thinking we mean more to people than we really do.
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unalom-eves · 4 months
Affection hits different when you don’t have to ask for it.
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unalom-eves · 4 months
from me to myself🫂
i deserve more. that’s my final answer.
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