Small changes you can stick to over massive overhauls that you give up on quickly and make you feel poorly about yourself 2021
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Attention Management: How to Take Control and Live Intentionally
We live in an age of information, and it’s becoming even more difficult to be in control of our attention. Every second, it seems like there’s something new to be consumed, something new to pay attention to. Because of this, it’s important to take control of our attention and more intentional about how we spend our time, and we can do so by practicing attention management.
Keep reading below for a transcription + some other posts you might be interested in:
Energy Management
Flexible Time Blocking
The Mandatory Midday Break
A Small Guide to Journaling
Staying Focused while Studying
Hope this helps!
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Quick Tips for Learning Languages on Your Own
Here are some mindsets and techniques that helped me study Italian on my own after classes ended. Hope this helps :)
Also, I’m trying out a new format for shorter posts–let me know what you think!
Text format below.
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Completed: get a new job (7/22/2020)
The big one! The thing that kind of put my life on pause for 6 months!
I finally got a new job and I’m so happy with it. I won’t share too many personal details, but I work with dogs now, which is... something I’ve always wanted, to the point where I assumed it wasn’t possible, because it would be too good.
Currently I work at the front desk, and later on I’ll be training to be a dog trainer!
I ended up taking a 60% pay cut at my per-hour rate and 82% at my per-year rate, which is a LOT. I’m very, very lucky to have supportive and relatively well-off parents who made it possible for me to even accept a job like this one.
Despite the pay cut--even at the top levels of this job, it’d still be 22% less than what I made at entry-level in IT--I’m way happier with this career path. I actually like being at work. Contrast with my last job, where I hated every minute.
I have a lot of thoughts on that, which I’ll get out under the cut.
It’s interesting that in my IT job, I was already overworked and overloaded with responsibility, while being paid quite a bit more than I felt I really needed. It kind of... incentivized not getting promoted? I didn’t want more responsibility, or to spend any more time on work, and I already had more money than I needed.
The pressure and workload on entry-level workers was absolutely ridiculous, and it was clearly worse for people in the levels just above us.
On top of that, I didn’t feel like I was doing much to directly help people in my last job. I worked in auditing, which helps people in theory, but... when a big client will leave, causing your auditing firm to lose revenue and have to fire people, if you don’t give them your stamp of approval... it’s not the most moral place to work.
At my new job, it is another wacky capitalist extravagance, but on the plus side, I get to help people have better relationships with their dogs. One thing I have an innocent, true belief in is that dogs and humans were made to work together. We’re friends by nature! I love that my job now is strengthening those friendships.
Anyway, that’s all my rambling for today. This is basically a journal, so I just wanted to get all of that out. TL;DR, I got a new job finally and I love it!
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Inspired by @lapetitevampire​‘s post about this challenge!
I really like this concept–basically, the idea is to create a list of 101 things you want to do in the next 1001 days (2.75 years).
Bucket lists have always put me off. I look at them and am instantly thrown into dread about how many things I won’t do before I literally die. That shit’s too scary for me to reckon with.
This is way more approachable, and I think it encourages you not to put things off forever. I really enjoyed just the exercise of making a list and thinking about all the things I’d like to have done in the next couple of years.
My list is under the cut. It ended up being a lot of non productivity-related items, which honestly feels great. I’m glad to be focusing on what I want to do.
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COMPLETED: Cut hair (8/11/2020)
This took surprisingly little time, probably about 15 minutes in total (and then some cutting off of stray pieces here and there for a while after).
Overall, I like it a lot, and it was nice to have such a surprisingly easy “win” if that makes sense. I thought cutting my hair at this length was going to be super difficult and disappointing, but it was the exact opposite.
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Inspired by @lapetitevampire​‘s post about this challenge!
I really like this concept–basically, the idea is to create a list of 101 things you want to do in the next 1001 days (2.75 years).
Bucket lists have always put me off. I look at them and am instantly thrown into dread about how many things I won’t do before I literally die. That shit’s too scary for me to reckon with.
This is way more approachable, and I think it encourages you not to put things off forever. I really enjoyed just the exercise of making a list and thinking about all the things I’d like to have done in the next couple of years.
My list is under the cut. It ended up being a lot of non productivity-related items, which honestly feels great. I’m glad to be focusing on what I want to do.
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COMPLETED: Hold a baby animal (8/19/20)
So, first of all, I got a new job, and second of all, someone at my work had a litter of puppies! I’ve gotten to hold a few of them, actually.
This was a goal I’d totally forgotten about until after it happened and I was looking at my list this morning. I’m happy to have completed it!
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Inspired by @lapetitevampire​‘s post about this challenge!
I really like this concept–basically, the idea is to create a list of 101 things you want to do in the next 1001 days (2.75 years).
Bucket lists have always put me off. I look at them and am instantly thrown into dread about how many things I won’t do before I literally die. That shit’s too scary for me to reckon with.
This is way more approachable, and I think it encourages you not to put things off forever. I really enjoyed just the exercise of making a list and thinking about all the things I’d like to have done in the next couple of years.
My list is under the cut. It ended up being a lot of non productivity-related items, which honestly feels great. I’m glad to be focusing on what I want to do.
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So uh... this is a bit of a curveball.
I know very few people follow this blog, but if you’re seeing this, I hope that you and your loved ones are safe.
As far as the long-term goals I’ve outlined, a couple things are changing due to COVID-19. I’ll be talking about that under the cut.
Shifting focus to goals I can do at home
There are about 29 goals on the list that I can still do under the current conditions. Most of them are in the Creativity and Other sections, along with a couple that might be possible, but I’m not sure, such as volunteering and buying lottery tickets. So I’ll mostly be focusing on things that I can create or practice at home.
Financial goal changes
I have a job offer for a temporary job that’s still standing, but that’s being delayed. Who knows what the job market will be like after this, so... I’m not terribly optimistic about my finances. What I’ll be focusing on financially is mostly just trying to find a job and pay off my debt.
Stuff I finished but didn’t post about here
I completed my goal to decorate for spring! We got a wreath and a string of flowers, and we put out the colorful vase that we found by the dumpster. Might share photos later. Other than that, I haven’t completed any new goals.
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Inspired by @lapetitevampire​‘s post about this challenge!
I really like this concept–basically, the idea is to create a list of 101 things you want to do in the next 1001 days (2.75 years).
Bucket lists have always put me off. I look at them and am instantly thrown into dread about how many things I won’t do before I literally die. That shit’s too scary for me to reckon with.
This is way more approachable, and I think it encourages you not to put things off forever. I really enjoyed just the exercise of making a list and thinking about all the things I’d like to have done in the next couple of years.
My list is under the cut. It ended up being a lot of non productivity-related items, which honestly feels great. I’m glad to be focusing on what I want to do.
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UPDATE: changed “Save money for to take time off” to “Pay off debt”
Sorry, it’s kind of a sad update today. But I want to be realistic.
I can still save money to take time off eventually, but... I don’t see that happening before 2023. And now I have some debt to pay off, so that’s got to come first.
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Inspired by @lapetitevampire​‘s post about this challenge!
I really like this concept–basically, the idea is to create a list of 101 things you want to do in the next 1001 days (2.75 years).
Bucket lists have always put me off. I look at them and am instantly thrown into dread about how many things I won’t do before I literally die. That shit’s too scary for me to reckon with.
This is way more approachable, and I think it encourages you not to put things off forever. I really enjoyed just the exercise of making a list and thinking about all the things I’d like to have done in the next couple of years.
My list is under the cut. It ended up being a lot of non productivity-related items, which honestly feels great. I’m glad to be focusing on what I want to do.
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UPDATE: added goal to start a podcast
The other day I was prompted to answer the question, “What kind of business would you and your girlfriend have if you worked together?” (source)
It surprised me how quickly a clear answer came to me. We would start a podcast, of course.
We’ve hosted a show together on our college radio station and really enjoyed the experience. The only thing that was bad about it was that we threw ourselves too hard into it and were putting in an unsustainable amount of work for each weekly episode (about 20 hours total).
But we loved the process--researching, finding interesting things to talk about that we were excited to share, weaving together segments into a narrative or theme, editing, and most of all, working together.
No one will read this post, so this is just for me, but I really do think we’d enjoy running a podcast together. I don’t know what it would be about, or when we’d do it, so the 2.75-year long list is perfect for this goal. I definitely want to try this, but we don’t have to start right now, and we shouldn’t put it off indefinitely either. I’d love to have started a podcast with my girlfriend in the next couple of years.
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Inspired by @lapetitevampire​‘s post about this challenge!
I really like this concept–basically, the idea is to create a list of 101 things you want to do in the next 1001 days (2.75 years).
Bucket lists have always put me off. I look at them and am instantly thrown into dread about how many things I won’t do before I literally die. That shit’s too scary for me to reckon with.
This is way more approachable, and I think it encourages you not to put things off forever. I really enjoyed just the exercise of making a list and thinking about all the things I’d like to have done in the next couple of years.
My list is under the cut. It ended up being a lot of non productivity-related items, which honestly feels great. I’m glad to be focusing on what I want to do.
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I went back to working on Saturdays again. An intern was supposed to come but never showed up so instead I spend a lonely afternoon sorting reference books
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COMPLETED: Make a campfire (1/18/20)
Gf and I went camping. We actually forgot the firewood but it turns out they sell it at the campsite! It ended up being way too cold and we had to leave after 1 night instead of 2, but having a couple of campfires was great.
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Inspired by @lapetitevampire​‘s post about this challenge!
I really like this concept–basically, the idea is to create a list of 101 things you want to do in the next 1001 days (2.75 years).
Bucket lists have always put me off. I look at them and am instantly thrown into dread about how many things I won’t do before I literally die. That shit’s too scary for me to reckon with.
This is way more approachable, and I think it encourages you not to put things off forever. I really enjoyed just the exercise of making a list and thinking about all the things I’d like to have done in the next couple of years.
My list is under the cut. It ended up being a lot of non productivity-related items, which honestly feels great. I’m glad to be focusing on what I want to do.
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Inspired by @lapetitevampire​‘s post about this challenge!
I really like this concept--basically, the idea is to create a list of 101 things you want to do in the next 1001 days (2.75 years).
Bucket lists have always put me off. I look at them and am instantly thrown into dread about how many things I won’t do before I literally die. That shit’s too scary for me to reckon with.
This is way more approachable, and I think it encourages you not to put things off forever. I really enjoyed just the exercise of making a list and thinking about all the things I’d like to have done in the next couple of years.
My list is under the cut. It ended up being a lot of non productivity-related items, which honestly feels great. I’m glad to be focusing on what I want to do.
101 goals in 1001 days: a bucket list for right now
Start date: Friday, 1/17/2020
End date: Friday, 10/14/2022
Finish and publish a novel on Amazon
Write and publish a spellbook
Get a tattoo
Successfully propagate a plant
Fill a journal
Fill a sketchbook
Knit something
Cross-stitch something
Learn a new song on guitar
Complete a large (1' x 1') painting
Use sewing machine
Make a candle
Cook edible gumbo
Turn J's t-shirts into a quilt
Write and publish an informative article for fun
Write a poem
Start a podcast
Work and money
Get a new job
Save an emergency fund
Pay off debt
Save for a new car
Invest in something
Get a credit card
Going places - local
The LGBT campground
Drive-in movie theater
Medieval-themed restaurant
Roller rink
Somewhere supposedly haunted
Ride a roller coaster
Do another event with the lesbian group
Attend a non-local band’s show
Attend a local band's show
Attend a sports game
See a musical live
Do karaoke outside the apartment
See a standup or improv show
Perform at an open mic night
Find another geocache
Quality time with J while camping
Make a campfire (1/18/20)
Going places - further
See the milky way
National park - day trip
National park - overnight
State park - day trip
State park - overnight
Backpacking trip - day trip
Backpacking trip - overnight
West coast
Statewide renaissance festival
Women's land
Sleep in a cabin
Dark sky reserve
Cousins’ place up north
Swim in a natural body of water - freshwater (lake, river)
Swim in a natural body of water - salt water (ocean, gulf)
Play Nancy Drew #34
Complete a Goodreads yearly reading challenge
See In The Heights in theaters
At home
Decorate for spring
Decorate for summer
Decorate for fall
Decorate for winter
Throw a party
Experiences - anywhere
Smoke (on the original list this is #69 but Tumblr won’t let me number multi-part lists like that)
Get a massage
Hold a baby animal
Vote in a non-presidential election
Climb a tree
Do a jello shot
Watch the sunrise
Celebrate Halloween outside our apartment OR throw a Halloween party
Walk barefoot in snow
Do a line dance
Buy 5 lottery tickets
Have a birthday celebration (not necessarily a party)
Make a new friend
Successfully skateboard for 30 seconds straight
Play a ghost-themed party game
Cut hair
Dye hair
Work up to 50 pushups
Work up to 100 situps
Read 1 book entirely in Spanish
Read 2 books entirely in Spanish
Read 3 books entirely in Spanish
Watch a season of a TV show in Spanish with subtitles in Spanish
Know 10 words/phrases in Tagalog
Try wearing contacts
Be honest with J's mom
Reserved - to add on later
[Reserved for 2021]
[Reserved for 2021]
[Reserved for 2021]
[Reserved for 2022]
[Reserved for 2022]
I’m also reserving the right to re-evaluate and change goals if I know I no longer have any interest in them. I’m sure things will change as time goes on, but I’m excited!
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Oh I kinda like this! It's like a bucket list but you have less of an excuse to put them off forever lmao
Anyway these are cool goals! I might try doing something like this soon
I haven't used this blog in a while but for 2020 I want to start 101 things in 1001 days, a mix of a todo and a bucket list where you try to do 101 predetermined goals in about 2.75 years.
Making the list is a lot harder than it first seems! I'm currently at 92 things after 3 days of brainstorming! I would love suggestions for tasks
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Today's productivity tip: for when you don't feel like doing any of it
Take your to-do list for the day (or make one, if you haven't already) and assign numbers to the items.
You can number all of them, or the most important ones, or the ones that are easiest to start--in my case, the ones that can be done indoors, because it's cold out.
Then use a random number generator like random.org or a many-sided die. Whatever it lands on, just do that thing.
I use this as a shortcut for when I have a long to-do list and I don't feel like doing any of it. Even if the number it lands on is something I don't want to do, I just do that one immediately and get it over with. No arguing with myself over not wanting to do it--the die has decided. 🎲
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I think today I'm gonna do some planning and refine my goals into more actionable steps
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Anyway, here's a photo from before I quit my job lmao
Even the most tedious, boring situations can produce some cool shit
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