unclegramp-ronpa · 2 years
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Dark times all around but there are still people out there who love you
Do not hurt yourself, do not hurt others, get help, talk to someone, anyone. Humanity has survived before and we can do it now if we all just support each other. My country and my people let me down and endangered my life but there’s nothing I or anyone else can do about that so let’s try to spread the love that is so clearly lacking.
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unclegramp-ronpa · 2 years
Friendly reminder that this blog is pro-choice and if you don’t think everyone should have full control of their own body, then kindly unfollow me right now and go to hell
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unclegramp-ronpa · 2 years
Chapter 1! Who murdered HotDog Person? (CW: flashing gif, gore, blood)
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A melody played all around the RV at 7:30 AM. Uncle Grandpa woke up in the same area where he discovered the corpse of HotDog Person. He took one peek at the dead body. Blood and brain matter are still all over the place. Pizza Steve woke up next to the bush where he threw up in. He heard Uncle Grandpa's quiet sobbing and hesitated to check up on him. He ended up reluctantly helping Uncle Grandpa up before a morning announcement was made.
"A body has been discovered! After you find evidence and chat about the culprit, or blackened as I call it, you all may report to the trial room for a group trial!" Monokuma announced. "Jesus, who would've been so demented to do something like this?" Pizza Steve asked Uncle Grandpa. Everyone arrived in time as Uncle Grandpa started to get used to seeing the dead HotDog Person. He took a deep breath and moved out of the way for the 16 other people to take a look at the gruesome crime scene.
"W-who would've done such a th-thing...?" Silk asked, with her hand on her mouth. "Oh... My god." Mr. Gus spoke while shuddering. Frankenstein groaned; "Yes, unfortunately." Mr. Gus then noticed the bloody metal bat that was used for the murder. He did a close inspection and grabbed it off the floor. "Hey, what are you doing?" Pizza Steve asked.
"Shh, we could use this as evidence. Maybe we can find a way to see who's fingerprints by looking at it." Mr. Gus answered, bringing the bat close to Pizza Steve's face. The ginger-headed man looked away as fast as he could. "But HOW does one do that, Mr. G?" Mooon Man asked, fiddling with his hoodie strings. Mr. Gus pondered for a moment before answering.
"I-I don't know..." He stuttered. Mooon Man's shades went down to his nose, revealing his dark green pupils when he heard Mr. Gus say that. "Pu-Hu-Hu!" a laugh interrupted the busy jungle area.
Monokuma appeared behind Uncle Grandpa. "Boo!" he said, scaring the old man. Monokuma had a quick chuckle after playing the prank and faced his direction at Mr. Gus, holding the bloody bat. "Well, Well, Well! The "ultimate" philosopher doesn't know what to do! I thought you were the smartest! Hmm, looks like we need a... TINY MIRACLE to figure this one, chief." he mockingly said and waited for the robot boy to come. "Did somebody say-" Tiny Miracle attempted to continue before getting interrupted by the half-dark rainbow, half-white bear.
"See if you can find the fingerprints, I'm going back to my office," he said before dashing out. "Continue the investigation!" Tiny Miracle took the bat out of Mr. Gus's hand and used his high-tech fingerprint-scanning vision on it. Before he could reveal the culprit's fingerprints, a piece of paper fell onto his head. He picked it up and read it.
"Oh dear, we can't reveal this until the group trials," he said in a sad tone. The group looked at the body and started looking for clues about who did the deed. Mooon Man held Flame Fieri's hand tightly as they helped each other by putting some of the brain matter into a plastic bag for scientific reasons (as told by Tiny). Pizza Steve looked the other way and tried ignoring them as he walked around the body "writing" things down in a notebook. "Hey, look out Pizza Steve. There's glass over there." Eart warned Pizza Steve, pointing at a broken pair of glasses. He looked down at the ground and crouched. "Bro, whose glasses are these?" He spoke, catching the gang's attention. Aunt Grandma took the glasses off the ground and looked at the gang. “These oddly resemble the ones CheesePuff Mike wears.” She muttered.
"Huh, and I just noticed that he isn't even here, how strange." She said, confusing them. "Wait, she's right..." Strawberry Moe-chi said before looking everywhere and started panicking. "WHERE"S CHEESEPUFF MIKE?" she yelled.
"You don't think it might be him, right?" Eart asked. Most of the group looked at each other in concern. "I mean, he is a huge meanie-head, but I don't think he would ever kill anybody outside of any shooting game he plays." Uncle Grandpa answered. "Uncle Grandpa, these glasses seem to belong to him, and he looks like somebody who would commit hundreds of thousands of war crimes." Seph jokingly commented as Uncle Grandpa caught sight of a piece of ripped clothing on the soft, grassy ground. Cheese dust was on it, heavily indicating the fault of the fat troll disguised as a human being.
Uncle Grandpa gasped and put his hand in his mouth. “So it IS him…!” He uttered. Beary Nice picked up the ripped clothing and inspected it. Suddenly, a human-sized trash bag fell on the floor followed by Monokuma. He opened the bag to let out a mortified CheesePuff Mike. “Damn you!” He shouted after being let out. “Pu-Hu-Hu! You can thank me later, Cheesy! I’m just here to see what kinds of evidence you all found!” Monokuma declared. Aunt Grandma and Beary Nice brought out the glasses and the ripped clothing piece to the robotic bear. “Hmmm, well that’s good enough. But what about THAT thing next to HotDog Person’s feet?” He said as he pointed to a recorder. “Huh?” Beary Nice said as he crouched and picked it up.
”What could be recorded in THIS old junk?” Pizza Steve commented. “Who cares? We’re running out of time, let’s start the class trial now!” Monokuma shouted as he pushed everybody out of the jungle area into the living room. “Go into here.” He said as he pulled the curtain to, what was the driving area, to an old elevator.
I looked at two of my best friends, Pizza Steve and Belly Bag, as they shrugged in union and went inside the elevator. Everyone, including me, went inside as well and Monokuma pushed the button going down and threw a glitter bomb on the floor, disappearing alongside the glitter.
”I don’t like it here anymore, Mr. Gus. The RV’s been turned into a killing game royale. I don’t want to die…!” I whispered to Mr. Gus. He assured me that maybe everything will be fine as long as we stick together and survive and that made me a little bit better, but not enough when I started questioning myself about what will happen at the trial and what will happen to CheesePuff Mike. “Hey, c’mon, Uncle Grandpa. You're the main character, nothing’s gonna happen to you.” Seph said as she bumped her elbow on my shoulder.
”While that is true, there are still a lot of stories where the main character or characters do die.” Mr. Gus informed Seph. They chuckled and put their hand on her hip. “Oh yeah, name 30.” Seph said in a joking matter. “Okay. Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Macbeth, Atonement by Ian McEwan,” Mr. Gus started listing the stories that Seph jokingly commanded him to do. I shook my head and looked at Pizza Steve, Mooon Man, and Flame Fieri having a conversation.
”If I die, I’m not letting anybody get any shit from me. It’s PIZZA STEVE’S stuff, not anyone else’s!” Pizza Steve said. “Well, can I atleast get like an old shirt from you?” Mooon Man asked. Pizza Steve shook his head and crossed his arms. “How about that black and grey checkered notebook from your desk? I just like the cover, man.” Flame Fieri begged. Pizza Steve got madder and shook his head a second time. “FUCK no.” He said as pushed his hair out of his face. “That has Pizza Steve’s darkest secrets, not as you’d know.” Flame Fieri’s begging expression turned into confusion. “What kinds of secrets?” He asked.
”Deez nuts, how about that, huh?” Pizza Steve joked and turned away from the two. Mooon Man started laughing after hearing that joke. Flame did a facepalm and groaned. “That wasn’t even fucking funny!” He said as he shook his head.
Ding! The elevator door opened to reveal a trial room with 19 seats, with one that Monokuma was sitting on. “Good morning, my wonderful friends! Sit down and we can start deciding who killed Hot Dog boy!” He shouted. “HotDog Person” Beary Nice corrected the robot bear as he took a seat. He just laughed. “Tomato, tomato, what’s the difference?” Monokuma said. After everybody was seated, it was finally time for the group trial to begin.
I started shaking and heavily sweating in my seat. I KNOW who killed HotDog Boy PERSON, but I’m afraid he might blame somebody else! I’m so scared…
“Alright, let’s do another quick evidence check,” Monokuma said as he pulled out a bag with all the evidence everyone found. “We all already know the glasses, the clothing piece, AND the recorder, but we should know the other things you all have found. First up, a bag of brain matter. If you see closely in it, you could find a… microchip?” Monokuma said as he started passing around the plastic bag. “Wait a minute, THIS isn’t a microchip.” Belly Bag said as he pulled out a pair of tweezers painted black and green out of the brain matter-filled bag.
“That’s mine, sorry.” Flame said as he grabbed the tweezers and went back to his seat. “Next up, a few strands of brown hair and red hair,” Monokuma said. “Brown hair… Hmm.” Silk uttered and looked at CheesePuff Mike, who was blushing profusely out of embarrassment.
”Is something the matter, Michael?” She asked. “NO, F-FUCK OFF!” CheesePuff Mike said. “AND DON’T CALL ME THAT GAY ASS NAME!” He started heavily breathing and calmed down in a matter of seconds. “Let’s get back on track! Here we have the weapon used for the murder.” Monokuma said as he pulled out the metal bat from before, except the blood was cleaned off. “I cleaned it just in case. TINY MIRACLE! Can you give me the fingerprint scan?” Monokuma ordered Tiny Miracle. He gave the bear the paper. Monokuma read it and had a big grin form across his robot face.
”Say, these fingerprints look exactly like… CHEESEPUFF MIKE!” Monokuma shouted. Everyone went silent. “Uhh, dude, we already know that.” Pizza Steve commented. CheesePuff Mike shook his head. "No, you don't! It's... It was the guy with the..." He cluttered as he panicked. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THE REAL CULPRIT IS! CHECK THE RECORDER! HONEST TO GOD, IT WASN'T ME!!" Monokuma ignored his cries and passed the recorder to Uncle Grandpa. "Press play, Uncle G." Monokuma whispered. Uncle Grandpa unwillingly did so and played the recordings infront of everyone.
The first message said; "N'yollll! I just won the fight! Now that lame-o, Uncle Grandpa, is traumatized! Hashtag YOLO! L + Ratio! Fuck you, Uncle Grandpa! Walking with hotdogs still SUCKS and you are GAY!"
The second message said; "I'm back. Just wanted to say how much I wanna punch Uncle Gay-pa's friends. First of all, Pizza Steve is a tranny (AN: I can reclaim that cuz I'm trans) and he is ugly! Secondly, Mr. Gus is lame and stupid! Third, The big cat tiger girl is dumb and smells like pussy! Fourth, Belly Bag is mid! Coming from the giga-chad himself, CheesePuff Mike!"
The third and final message said; "Also, everyone is a bitch except for Aunt Grandma cuz she's sexy AND hates Uncle Grandpa as much as I do!"
Everyone slowly started staring at CheesePuff Mike as he began sweating profusely. "OH ALRIGHT, YOU STUPID CUNTS, I'LL TELL YOU EVERYTHING!" He shouted.
"I was looking for a place to sleep and found the HotDog guy about to sleep in the jungle." CheesePuff Mike narrated. "But I wanted to sleep there, so I beat the shit out of him. He tried to fight back, but I hit him with the bat..." CheesePuff Mike finished bashing HotDog Person in the head and dropped the metal bat. He teleported out of the jungle before Uncle Grandpa and everyone else who heard the murder and into the living room where he went back to pondering about where to sleep. He felt something tug on his beige jeans and turned around to see the small robotic bear. "Good job, CheesePuff Mike. You are the first to kill somebody!" He whispered. 
"Oh, don't congratulate me, I did what I had to do for a place to sleep." CheesePuff Mike said. "Well, why aren't you sleeping over there?" Monokuma asked. "I heard somebody come over there, so I used that weird ass teleporter to get out of here." He answered as Mr. Gus woke up on the couch next to Seph. "What's going on he-" Cheesepuff Mike suddenly smothered Mr. Gus with a pillow, but didn't kill him. Mr. Gus passed out from nearly losing his breath.
"I remember you smothering me, but I didn't know YOU were the blackened." Mr. Gus said as CheesePuff Mike rolled his eyes. "And you call yourself the ultimate philosopher. Aren't they supposed to be, I don't know, SMART?" He muttered to Moe-Chi, who was sitting next to him. "Leave me alone." She muttered back. "Okay, well I guess I'll start spinning this conveniently-placed wheel on the table to see who really IS the blackened!" Monokuma exclaimed and pushed a lever down and the wheel began to spin. Unsurprisingly, the arrow on the wheel landed on CheesePuff Mike.
"I THOUGHT YOU WERE PROUD OF ME! I KILLED HIM JUST FOR... err..." CheesePuff Mike screamed. He started panicking. "LET'S GIVE IT EVERYTHING WE GOT, ITSSSSSSS PUNISHMENT TIMEEEEEEEEE!" Monokuma exclaimed. CheesePuff Mike started crying and screamed; "NOOOOOO!"
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unclegramp-ronpa · 2 years
Prologue (part 2) [DEATH TW]
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“WHAT!?” Uncle Grandpa yelled. Everyone started panicking and screaming. “NO! NOT A KILLING GAME!” The winged girl exclaimed. “I want my mom!” a young Muslim girl with a strawberry-themed hijab shouted before breaking into tears. “C-Can’t this be like a friendship game? Like whoever befriends the most people wins? Uncle Grandpa asked, horrified of the concept of a killing game.
Monokuma sighed. “You guys are acting like babies! This killing game will be awesome, and you guys crying like a baby with autism strapped to a ceiling fan WON’T stop it!” He exclaimed. Almost everybody were concerned on the level of specification from that comment.
“Anyway, we have a couple of rules for this game. Whenever a body is discovered, everyone shall report to the trial room for an investigation of the murder and who did it. If the murderer is found, they will have a punishment and everyone will be a-okay! But if anyone get’s the murderer wrong, everyone except the murderer will all die. Like this.” Monokuma explained and played a video of an RV exploding. “NO violence against headmaster of hopes peak academy, Monokuma. If done so, you will be punished. If you try leaving the RV, like what Pizza Steve did, you will be punished. But it will be FAR worse than the punishment Pizza Steve had.”
Pizza Steve gulped after hearing the last sentence. “The person or people who live through the whole gang without killing or dying, wins! And lastly, have fun! We’re in the most magical RV ever, there are TONS of ways to have fun! And to murder somebody, BUT MOSTLY FUN!” Monokuma finished and threw another glitter bomb on the floor, disappearing alongside the glitter. Everybody stood there, horrified. Uncle Grandpa managed to calm down and wiped some the glitter off the couch. “What are we gonna do now?” He asked. “Well, I guess since we’re here, we should atleast try and get to know each other.” The winged female said. “My name is Silk, and I’m the ultimate butterfly catcher.”
The white-haired guy went next. “You guys already know me. Mooon Man’s the name, still in the game!” Mooon Man exclaimed. “Cool, but what’s YOUR ultimate?” Silk asked. “The ultimate faggot?” Pizza Steve muttered to Mr. Gus, who in returned smack him behind the head. “Uh, the-the ultimate astronaut? I don’t fucking know.” Mooon Man said. The girl with the strawberry-themed hijab went next. “My name is Strawberry Moe-Chi, and I’m the ultimate baker!” The Troll went next. “CheesePuff Mike, ultimate gamer. This place sucks and I hate you all for it.” He said.
“Ignoring the rude comment you made, my name is Sephmalis Cairoris, Seph for short, and I’m the ultimate lust.” Seph said. “You can’t be the ultimate lust! That’s fucking stupid!” CheesePuff Mike shouted. “Fuck you mean, ‘you can’t be the ultimate lust’? I’M A SPACE ALIEN FOR FUCKS SAKE!” She yelled at the troll. “Stop. Anyways, my name is Mr. Gus and I’m the ultimate philosopher.” Mr. Gus said. The guy with burn marks all over his body went next. “The name’s Flame Fieri, I’m the ultimate DJ!” He said. “Belly Bag, you best believe! I don’t know what ultimate I am.” Belly Bag said. Frankenstein groaned, claiming to be the ultimate monster. “My name is E-Eart…” The small child went. “And I also don’t know what ultimate I am.”
Pizza Steve looked confused. “Maybe he can-“ He was interrupted by Moe “IT.” She corrected him. “Oh, shit sorry. IT can be the ultimate… cooool guy? Wait no, PIZZA STEVEEE’S the ultimate cool guy!” Pizza Steve exclaimed. Everyone except Uncle Grandpa and, surprisingly, Mooon Man groaned. “But, maybe the ultimate Italian Karate master rolls of the tongue way better, heh.” He said. “WE DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS SHIT! Anyway, my name is Giant Realistic Flying Tiger, the ultimate model.” A cat girl said, brushing her light orange and brown ombré hair out of her face with her claws. “I’m Beary Nice, that’s me! And this is HotDog Person. We’re both the ultimate Educational TV hosts!” Beary Nice said.
“Wait, our show was supposed to be-“ HotDog Person was going to say something, but he was cut off by Mooon Man. “I know what ultimate I am! The ultimate Moonjitsu master.” He exclaimed while doing a finger gun. “Tiny Miracle here! I think you already know what ultimate I am!” Tiny Miracle said. “MY NAME IS UL GAPA.” A blue male said. “…Okay? And what’s your ultimate?” Aunt Grandma asked. “THE ULTIMATE UL GAPA.” He answered. Aunt Grandma shook her head and bowed down. “Beautiful morning. My name is Aunt Grandma, the ultimate aunt and grandma.” She said in an elegant matter.
Uncle Grandpa pushed her away and waved hello at everybody in the room. “Good Morning! It’s your Uncle Grandpa! And I’m the ultimate Uncle and Grandpa!” He exclaimed. ‘Grr, I say, how rude of that old bastard. He’s probably going to die first!’ Aunt Grandma thought to herself.
You know what? Even though I’m here with some of my worst enemies and the fact we’re in a killing game, I’m glad I’m not digesting inside Ham Sandwich! Everyone of us started talking about what will happen, what we did before reuniting, and how hopeful the future may possibly be. The conversations we had went on for hours, and before we knew it, it was 9:30.
“Alright dearies! Time to lay your heads on a pillow and dream about the despair- I MEAN ANYTHING ELSE OTHER THAN DESPAIR! Hehe, close one, Monokuma.” Monokuma said. “What?” HotDog Person asked. Monokuma nodded and shoved HotDog person into a bedroom. Everyone slept at random places. Pizza Steve slept on his bed while Flame Fieri slept UNDER it, Eart and Moe-Chi fell asleep on the booth chairs in the kitchen while Ul Gapa fell asleep on the table, Aunt Grandma took my bed and I had to sleep on the floor! Atleast the carpet in my room is cozy enough for me to sleep. :/
But at 3AM, a horrific scream was heard somewhere in the RV. Me, Aunt Grandma, Beary Nice, and Belly Bag woke up and left my room. After the scream was heard, sounds of metal bashing on something were being heard all over the downstairs of the RV. Eart, Moe-Chi, Pizza Steve, Mooon Man, Flame Fieri and Frankenstein came to where we were in panic. “What the hell is going on?” Pizza Steve said. “Yeah, I hit my head on the bed frame and it fucking hurt.” Flame Fieri said rubbing his head. “I think it’s coming from the jungle!” Moe-Chi said. The bashing finally stopped and the sound of someone teleporting somewhere was made.
“Belly Bag, do you know where my laser-hammer is?” I asked Belly Bag. “Not sure, maybe if I…” he said before putting his hand down his throat and pulling out my trusty laser-hammer. “Here you go.” He said. “Thanks Belly Bag, I hope you get a medal for your honor and helpfulness.” I said. Me and everyone that went to my room while the scream and bashing sounds happen went down to the jungle. I used my laser-hammer to blast some of the trees away, and in the middle was… I don’t want to say it…
The music that plays whenever a body is discovered plays when the gang finds HotDog Person, on the floor, with his head completely destroyed. A metal bat is place on top of his corpse with blood covering the whole thing. Looking at this made a couple of people puke in disgust and Moe-Chi even passed out from the horror and stress of the situation. The smell of blood and death went around the jungle and Uncle Grandpa tried his best to not scream. But due to the horror, he just couldn’t let himself be silent.
“AAAAAAAAAAUUUGGGHHHHHH!!” He screamed and put both of his hands on his mouth. He fell onto his knees and started sobbing. “We g-g-gotta go. C’mon babe.” Flame Fieri whispered and grabbed Mooon Man’s hand and got the hell out of there. ‘Babe?’ Pizza Steve thought out loudly. He proceeded to puke in the bush and broke down crying. The situation was too hard to handle and Uncle Grandpa finally passed out.
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unclegramp-ronpa · 2 years
Prologue (part 1)
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Uncle Grandpa, Pizza Steve, Mr. Gus, Belly Bag, Giant Realistic Flying Tiger, Frankenstein, Beary Nice, HotDog Person, and Tiny Miracle are screaming for their lives between two pieces of bread as Ham Sandwich laughs maniacally before he’s about to take a bite.
“I-I don’t want to die! There’s so many places I haven’t traveled to yet!” Belly Bag screamed. “And there’s so many kids that still need my help!” Uncle Grandpa screamed, trying to wiggle his way out. “If I die, tell T-Tanya I love her!” Pizza Steve screamed. “TANYA DOESN’T EVEN EXIST!” Mr. Gus screamed. Before Pizza Steve would protest, Ham Sandwich brought the sandwich towards his mouth. Everyone noticed and attempted to wiggle their way into freedom, to no avail. Ham Sandwich opens his mouth and…
“NOOOOOO!” *Chomp*
…They have been eaten.
I opened my eyes and got up from the soft blue carpet where I was laying. I looked around and for some odd reason… I was back in the RV? Also, my friends weren’t here. Instead, there were 17 normal, albeit familiar, humans. At least, I think their human. “Uncle Grandpa…?” I heard a voice and turned around. I (kinda) clocked eyes with a young boy with dark skin, red hair that covered his eyes, and a red hoodie. His voice sounded familiar. That’s when I realized.
“Belly Bag?” I asked. He nodded. “What happened to you? W-what happened to every one?” He got up and walked towards me and gave me some surprising information.
“I think we got revived and turned into humans! Well, semi-human.” Belly Bag said before walking over to a dark-skinned boy with white hair and took his shades off, revealing two sets of eyes. I immediately knew who that was, but I kept my answer in my mouth so I don’t shout it out and wake everybody. “Yup, semi-human. Maybe even alien!” He said. The white-haired boy woke up and snatched the shades out of Belly Bag’s hands.
“Yo, what are you doing with my shades?” He said. Two other people woke up. A chubby guy with orange hair in a ponytail, medium brown skin and clothes that seem to have the vibes of an awesome slice of pizza I knew, and a young child who seems to be eight years old with dark skin with splotches of white skin, blue and green ombré hair in dreads and an oversized nasa shirt with blue jeans under. The child yawned and looked at the taller, chubbier boy.
“Who are you?” It asked. “You really don’t know me? I’m PIZZA STEVEEE! The coolest guy in the universe!” Pizza Steve said out loudly, waking up a couple other people. Almost everyone of them were similar-looking people I knew. Even my arch-enemy, Aunt Grandma, was there. I loudly gasped when I realized.
“GUYS?!” I said out loudly. “Uncle G/Uncle Grandpa/You?!” They all said in return. I ran and hugged both Pizza Steve and a guy who looked similar to Mr. Gus. “I’m so happy we’re all alive! But how?! We got eaten alive!” I said.
A robotic chuckle was heard. “Pu-hu-hu!” It went, when in the shadows, a small robot bear that was half white, half dark rainbow appeared. Everyone stared at the small bear, confused and scared. The small child hugged a girl with brown and blue-ish grey ombré hair, wings, and a huge burn mark across her face in shire terror.
“Woah- Who are you!?” The white-haired guy shrieked. “I, am MONOKUMA!” The bear said. “Wait- Monokuma doesn’t have rainbow. Isn’t he half-black?” A troll covered in cheese dust said. “Pu-Hu-Hu, silly boy, I dyed my skin JUST for this opportunity that I just couldn’t miss!” Monokuma said before throwing a red and black glitter bomb on the floor. The glitter went away and everyone was in a darker, old and decaying version of the RV. Everyone screamed.
“What the FUCK!? How did you do that?!” a boy with dark skin, burn marks all over his body and sun-colored clothing shouted, holding the white-haired boy close to him. Monokuma chuckled again and jumped onto the couch. He pulled out a clipboard and started reading the paper on it. “Welcome to the 80th danganronpa extravaganza! This game is VERY special, since it’s in an RV with characters from a cancelled cartoon!” He read. Pizza Steve threw his arms up.
“I’m outta here. Later, lame-o’s!” He said as he reached the door. But when he turned the knob, he was randomly (and comedically) electrocuted! He fell to the ground as small pizza birds started flying over his head. “Pu-Hu-Hu! What a clickity-classic Pizza Steve moment THAT was!” Monokuma jokingly said as he continued laughing. “But that was just the lightest punishment you’ll get for doing something wrong! Especially murder!” He said, shocking everyone. “Wha-what do you mean?” The winged girl said. “Yeah! Be fucking for real!” The white-haired boy shouted.
“Oh chill out, everybody. It’s ONLY just a simple killing game!” Monokuma said. Everything went silent.
“WHAT!?” Uncle Grandpa yelled.
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