undeadcallista · 5 years
New RP
Hey guys, I’m prolly won’t be RPing with Callista anymore or just really little. When I made Callista, it was rushed and never really solidify her and her back story. I’ll try and redo her story and background and maybe use her here and there but I’m planning on staying in the sims community and the rp community for a little bit longer this time.
I’ve created a new RP account who is more refined and who I’ll be able to create more interesting stories with. If y’all wanna rp with me, I’ve only created a twitter for her so far.
https://twitter.com/_londontiptoe_ I’ve really missed this community, alongside all the friends I’ve made.
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undeadcallista · 6 years
Hey its @simplyking
Hey guys it’s me Aiden, So it’s been close a month now since my main account for posting CC got terminated. This isn’t the first or second time this has happened, this is the 5th time. Every time I ask for my account to be reinstated it would take at most a week before I get it back but now it has been a month. I just emailed them again asking so I’m hoping I would be able to get it back. I worked really hard on that account to get it where it is and I don’t want to lose it. This most recent time I’ve been thinking maybe it’s time to let go and maybe start a new account, but then I’m afraid of losing all the amazing friends I made on it. I still have no clue as to why I my account keeps getting terminated, they kept telling me that is’s due to interstiital links, but I have no clue on what that means. Most of my links lead to my patreon or blogspot. If anyone can help me I’ll really appreciate it. Sorry for the rambling, just thought I should post somewhere since this is my only account linked with my main account.
Thank you, Aiden Nguyen
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undeadcallista · 7 years
I don’t think so, but I did just create it so it’s still new ahaha. How I look fab as a demon? 😂 I’m suppose to be scary 😭
How you been Jazzmine?
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I’m back motherfuckers!
So who miss me? No one? Okay… I’ll just go and hide in the corner 😭
If anyone is interested I created a twitter 😅 Follow me or not, I don’t really mind ahaha Twitter: @undeadcallista 
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undeadcallista · 7 years
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I’m back motherfuckers!
So who miss me? No one? Okay... I’ll just go and hide in the corner 😭
If anyone is interested I created a twitter 😅 Follow me or not, I don’t really mind ahaha Twitter: @undeadcallista 
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undeadcallista · 7 years
I already have a list, the question is who's first ahaha
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+Another Morning+
Don’t be fooled, I bought these pancakes. A princess never cooks. 👑😂 Btw, who else likes to keep the AC on high all day long even when it gets colder? Or is that just me?
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undeadcallista · 7 years
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+Another Morning+
Don’t be fooled, I bought these pancakes. A princess never cooks. 👑😂 Btw, who else likes to keep the AC on high all day long even when it gets colder? Or is that just me?
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undeadcallista · 7 years
But I wasn't able to go to your wedding 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Wedding Pictures Part 3
Part 1 / Part 2 
Thanks again @mikobennett for letting Noah be a part of this! He did his job like a Champ :) 
@amberphoenixx @asherkeene , look at Holly kissing your little angel like she was the most precious/delicate thing in the world!!! My heart melt when I saw this picture. It wasn’t even plan ^^ 
@imjasminetaylor @red-luka
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undeadcallista · 7 years
Ughh, I was hoping you forget that name 😭 just call me princess, I like that more lately 😏 ahah
Do they? I wouldn't know I'm not a cat lady 🙄
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+Another Morning+
Don’t be fooled, I bought these pancakes. A princess never cooks. 👑😂 Btw, who else likes to keep the AC on high all day long even when it gets colder? Or is that just me?
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undeadcallista · 7 years
I would die if the heat go up, guess I'm taking the ice queen name too literally ahaha
Do you wear less clothes when it get colder too? 😏😂
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+Another Morning+
Don’t be fooled, I bought these pancakes. A princess never cooks. 👑😂 Btw, who else likes to keep the AC on high all day long even when it gets colder? Or is that just me?
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undeadcallista · 7 years
I don't know what you talking about, I'm just a princess in a trash bag ahaha
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+Another Morning+
Don’t be fooled, I bought these pancakes. A princess never cooks. 👑😂 Btw, who else likes to keep the AC on high all day long even when it gets colder? Or is that just me?
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undeadcallista · 7 years
Omg, I missed everything while I was gone 😭😭😭
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Wedding Pictures Part 3
Part 1 / Part 2 
Thanks again @mikobennett for letting Noah be a part of this! He did his job like a Champ :) 
@amberphoenixx @asherkeene , look at Holly kissing your little angel like she was the most precious/delicate thing in the world!!! My heart melt when I saw this picture. It wasn’t even plan ^^ 
@imjasminetaylor @red-luka
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undeadcallista · 7 years
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+Another Morning+
Don’t be fooled, I bought these pancakes. A princess never cooks. 👑😂 Btw, who else likes to keep the AC on high all day long even when it gets colder? Or is that just me?
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undeadcallista · 7 years
Ahhh that's outfit! He should be taking you every night though ahah
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In honor of our 1 year Mr. & Mrs. Gremlin anniversary last Sunday, he took me out on a date to a Jazz Club & restaurant called “Lenox Lounge” last night. Hope everyone had as much of a good evening as we did. 🌹❤
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undeadcallista · 7 years
What kind of cheetos do you think he is? I feel like he's the puff kind ahaha
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I thought I would come back to celebrate a new president, but it looks like the guy with the bad tan is still in the chair.
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undeadcallista · 7 years
That seems like you ahaha, guess what we read shows our true character? 😅 Yo like? Jazz and muse and combine and you get jasmine ahah
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Chillin’ in-between the books today (literally)
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undeadcallista · 7 years
What kind of book do you like reading Jazzmuse? I love horror novel :3 ahaha
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Chillin’ in-between the books today (literally)
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undeadcallista · 7 years
Hey! Don’t talk badly about the clown! He just tryna spread happiness 😂
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I thought I would come back to celebrate a new president, but it looks like the guy with the bad tan is still in the chair.
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