undecime · 10 months
🐝  *  ―  𝑷𝑶𝑺𝑰𝑻𝑰𝑽𝑰𝑻𝒀 𝑻𝑹𝑨𝑰𝑵.  reblog this post and give the person you reblogged it from a small compliment in the tags.  just something sweet and simple that’ll hopefully bring a smile to their face.
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undecime · 11 months
when i come back to tumblr, i will be doing a heavy sweep of my mutuals. someone who targeted my friends and myself is interacting with quite a few of my mutuals and i want to make my dash a safe place for myself and for my friends, so if you don’t receive a follow from me on that blog know that is probably why.
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undecime · 11 months
slowly but surely working on a blog for mj watson i’ll link it around once i’m done <3
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undecime · 11 months
have been spending time off dash, hope y’all are doing well <3
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undecime · 11 months
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‘You’ll dream about that box. It’ll never leave you. Big and little at the same time. Brand new and ancient, and the bluest blue ever. And the times we had, eh? Would have had. Never had. In your dreams, they’ll still be there.’
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undecime · 11 months
@erebius: if you don't tell the truth, i'll know.
RULE NUMBER ONE, THE DOCTOR LIES. had victor been around long enough to learn it? it appeared so. the doctor looks up from the TARDIS console, eyebrows furrowed and expression a mixture between something solemn and something amusing. “ i wouldn’t lie about this. cross my hearts. ” his face bursts into something childlike, stepping back from the console and crossing the control room to vic. they had a hard life — he was going to keep them from it, even if it was for a moment. he couldn’t keep them with him forever, but he could make them feel like it, and if it made them feel better, what was wrong with that? “ what i would lie about, however, is a location. nothing wrong with a FRIENDLY FIB in the name of surprise, right? ”
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undecime · 11 months
ok hello i’m going to try to write today
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undecime · 11 months
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POOR BIRD ! THOU HAST PICTURED THE FATE of many in life's changeful day , who , trusting , have found but too late , what smiles may be lit to betray.
wilhelmina sinclair , a druid / cleric oc , originating in d&d , with various other verses available. personals and minors dni. written by ash.
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undecime · 11 months
you wake up in the room the tardis built for u. u go to the console room. eleven info dumps on you for 20 minutes. he flies you to a place just bc he wants to eat a pizza with That Topping from That Planet. u go to sleep. rinse and repeat.
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undecime · 11 months
edward was a bit of an odd fellow — THEN AGAIN, so is he. THE CALL IS COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE! but he was particularly odd. maybe that was why the doctor liked him so much. “ fine! bossy. ” he tightens his bowtie and makes his way in, instantly taking in the both familiar and unfamiliar sights of the place the other man called home. “ i just wanted to stop in. see you. all that fun stuff. ” hands clasp in front of him and he grins. “ and, i had a question. one only you can answer. then i'll be OUT OF YOUR HAIR. ”
@undecime: you don't seem very pleased to see me.
"now now, whatever gave you that impression?" his tone is cheerful though it's lined with a sourness to it, like the tang that comes with eating pineapple. he's wearing his person suit - big chunky glasses obscuring his eyes squinted with suspicion, lips drawn taut in clear apprehension. edward has never been particularly fond of company... especially of the spontaneous variety.
he wipes his palms against the front of his slacks and presses his glasses up the bridge of his nose. silence dawns between the two for a long moment; edward finally relents with a half-irritated, half-paranoid sigh. "i've not sent for anything. hurry up and get in here before one of the neighbors sees you."
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undecime · 11 months
dialogue prompts from hester by laurie lico albanese.
words are just words.
you're strong and wise.
sometimes there's more power in silence than in speech.
i learned my lesson the hard way.
i won't shame you again.
you must have someone who loves you.
when my fingers are moving, my mind is free.
beware the devil in the forest.
i've never been alone before.
why are you following me?
you're quite charming, despite your temper.
you must fly from the nest, little faerie child.
where did you come from?
i'm afraid you've caught me brooding.
i do what i have to.
gotta be what folks want. first lesson.
owls are wise. a hawk is a message from the dead.
i'd never dine alone, if i didn't have to.
you're more solemn than solitary, i think.
there you go again, intriguing me as you do.
i'm not the girl in your story.
the first time i saw you, i thought i'd conjured you with my own mind.
let me help you.
you're an honest and kind friend.
you're so openhearted. i could kiss your cheeks.
if you don't tell the truth, i'll know.
[name] trusts you. so will i.
even if the town suspects, they cannot know.
you're the first who's asked me about it.
i want to know how to recognize a good man from a bad one.
bad men can do good things, and good men can do bad things.
there wasn't anywhere to go.
history is hidden away in dark corners, not written or told.
i won't ask, and it's best if you don't tell me.
not all ghosts are sinister.
you have to know the difference in who you are and who they think you are.
hide your strengths until it's time to use them.
i'm hurt and i'm freezing. please open up.
one day you'll be known.
can something be both blessing and affliction?
you're in my veins now. you know it, don't you?
i am here, and i am very real.
i'm afraid that when i say it, everything will change.
you're always trying to feed me.
i don't know how to swim.
there are too many ghosts here. too many shadows and secrets.
the day is too pretty to spend inside.
i wish it were different for you.
i can't be soothed. i don't want to be soothed.
i won't be trapped by you.
without my name, i'd be nothing.
you're lucky you didn't die.
i heard what happened. tell me how i can help.
what form do they take, these devils?
you fainted. you should rest.
if you came for gossip, i have nothing for you.
every heart has a grave in it.
whatever good you had in you is long gone.
nobody's going to find us here.
you're in it now, so you should know.
aren't you afraid?
you'd be surprised what people don't see.
i would marry you, if you would have me.
i hope i see you again.
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undecime · 11 months
“ i know, right? i usually don't EAT HERE. ” a pause. “ i know a planet where they only eat chips. wanna go there? ”
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❛❛ I'M TOO AFRAID TO EAT ANYTHING at all on this planet. what's the texture like ? and why is it that color ? ❜❜
@undecime !!
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undecime · 11 months
@c0rmac: there's more to the story, isn't there?
THE DOCTOR LOVED STORIES. he loved that there was a beginning and an end, and that all the contents in the middle were fair game. usually, he got to reach in, mix it around with his hands however he pleased, and hopefully left it a better place. THE DOCTOR LOVED TELLING STORIES. very rarely, though, people questioned him when he was telling them. they were keen to sit still, WIDE - EYED AND BUSHY - TAILED, just amazed to bask in his glow. did he like doing it? of course he did. humans were interesting to him, constantly seeking out something new and unknown. he used to do the same. almost a thousand years later, he's still doing it. “ there's always more to the story, abby. ” the doctor grins, finger reaching forward to lightly tap on her nose. “ well, i think i have no other choice than to show it to you. have you been to that part of the universe before? well, i suppose it doesn't really matter. you weren't born seven hundred years ago — WELL, UNLESS YOU WERE. ” he's run over to the console of the TARDIS, but pauses, hand perched on the go lever. “ were you? have humans learned how to be that old yet? ”
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undecime · 11 months
“ pleased to meet you, commander spock. ” he grins — how fascinating. he caries himself like someone with a bounty of experience. HE CAN ONLY IMAGINE WHAT THE CAPTAIN IS LIKE! “ name, THE DOCTOR. rank, DOCTOR. well, not that kind of doctor. i'm a . . . scientist. of sorts. and a pilot. also, a librarian. ” he pauses, looking around, turning back to look at the TARDIS and then back at spock and around at the ceilings and the walls. “ you're not the captain? ” the doctor repeats, hand moving up to caress his chin. “ say, commander spock, what does a science officer do? ”
it's in his nature as a scientist to observe anything and everything around him with immense attention to detail. this stranger is no exception - his manner of speech, seeming unfamiliarity with his current circumstances, and the mere fact that he seems unable to recognize chain of command - all come together to form a very curious profile in spock's mind. he's fascinated, to say the least. his head tilts to the side subtly to reflect it, padd tucked dutifully against his side. "i am commander spock, first and science officer of the uss enterprise. i am not the captain - that would be james t. kirk, who shall be joining us quite soon. he is likely on his way here now, to investigate the anomaly caused by your... vessel. might i inquire as to your own name and title?"
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undecime · 11 months
what if we plotted.... haha jk.... UNLESS?????
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undecime · 11 months
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undecime · 11 months
THEY’RE BOTH STORIES, AREN’T THEY? the doctor, the man who changes his face, running around with earthlings in his magic blue box that got stuck as a 1960s police phone box, HIS TRADEMARK. doctor river song, a name that is still vaguely familiar, one his peers seem to know better than he. NO ONE WILL TELL HIM WHO SHE IS. both leaving varying reactions of wonder and dread throughout the universe they’ve both traveled in, with planets and whole species telling their tales, SINGING THEIR PRAISES or PRAYING FOR THEIR DOWNFALL.
“ yes, i suppose we are. ” the doctor offers a relaxed smile, he’s sat comfortably near the controls of his new and improved TARDIS. it was odd — he’s seen her die. it was hardly the first time he witnessed a death then ran into them much earlier in their timeline — but this was different. much different. “ though, i don’t know much of your story. you’re clearly well - travelled. how do you get around? what have you seen? ”
" it's just a story. a story can't hurt you, can it? " ... @undecime / the doctor.
being a fable of selves, it's a rather ironic conversation to hold. one legend, pouring theories to another, as if either don't hold a notorious name in their fair share of textbooks themselves. ( of course, river can't be surprised. when one is busy running, it's hardly practical to stop and smell the roses ... even if those roses are particularly endearing to remember. ) their story is interlaced. interwoven. threaded together in a remembrance that can't keep up with either one, yet refuses to ever fall short. it's all thrill, danger, and time-tangled decadence, with just a touch of tragedy in between. because, after all: what good is any story without a rise as full as the fall?
a chuckle curves its way around her lips, glance departing from the shared interest at hand and fixating on a man who isn't quite a lover ... but not anything else, either. ' i'm sure some would argue the opposite, sweetie. ' amusement dims, dialing back into a freeze-frame of a film reel. nostalgia, river finds, is much harder when you're always meeting in the wrong order. the slip in a smile finds an upward swing, humor layering atop an affectionate tone. ' we're both stories, ourselves, aren't we? '
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