undecized · 3 days
last night like 4am I still couldn’t sleep so I wrote a song while tired as death. will probably take this down tomorrow when better judgement sets in.
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undecized · 5 days
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the ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ has only been actually typed once by a single person, everyone else who has ever used it has just googled “shrug emoji” and copy-pasted it
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undecized · 9 days
I love when people are like “I can’t believe you reblogged that despite their user name, icon, bio, and last twenty posts” bc to me my dash is the only part of this website and I’m not slowing down to look at urls you could all be the same person
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undecized · 10 days
its september time to build a new life
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undecized · 17 days
When did the Jedi lose their way?
A notion put forward by Tales of the Jedi and The Acolyte is the idea that the Jedi were losing their way, as an Order, by letting themselves become more institutionalized and mired in bureaucracy.
Is that the intended narrative? Nope!
Because here's the thing, Lucas acknowledges the fact that the Jedi start to be corrupted, at some point. But if you ask him, that happens as a consequences of being used as generals during the Clone Wars.
(note the keywords "used" and "forced"... aka they didn't willingly join the war, they were drafted by the Senate to fight in it, see here for more research & quotes)
But during The Phantom Menace? The Jedi are in their heyday.
"You see the heyday of the Jedi, when they are the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, sort of like the old marshals out West. And there's thousands of them." - Vanity Fair, 1999
Their only fault is that:
the Senate is their boss and the Senate is corrupted af which limits their mandate greatly (so not really the Jedi's fault, but it does make their hands tied)
they're oblivious to the Sith's scheme.
This notion that "they were so institutionalized/detached from the regular Joes of the galaxy that they became dispassionate and lost their way, forgot about the little guy" is absolute headcanon from fans and current authors. Lucas never brings it up once.
On the contrary, during development, he and concept artists took measures to make them look less institutionalized and heartless.
The Jedi temple isn't meant to signify an ivory tower, it represents a place of warmth/worship that contrasts with the coldness dispassion of the Senate building.
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The Jedi used to wear uniforms, it was softened to a humble tunic.
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Because the intended narrative is that the Republic (including the Jedi) and Anakin's downfall are paralleled with Palpatine's rise to power. There is a direct correlation, both in-universe and thematically.
As Palpatine becomes Emperor, the Republic dies under thunderous applause while the Jedi get slaughtered, and Anakin becomes Darth Vader.
As Palpatine gets emergency powers, the Republic weakens because of the war, the Jedi's values are foregone and Anakin is put in situations where he fails to uphold the Jedi teachings, over and over.
And it all starts when Palpatine becomes Chancellor after pushing out Finis Valorum, marking the end of an age of value.
(Get it? Finis Valorum? "Finis", latin for "end", "Valorem", latin for "value" puns are fun!)
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undecized · 17 days
we literally need more and better feminism
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undecized · 20 days
Ok you know what, let's spread some positivity. Reblog this if you actually like Star Wars
And I am refering to all of star wars and not just select parts of it. Even if you have issues with parts of it, you still enjoy it.
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undecized · 21 days
big fan of when stuff is the color green
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undecized · 27 days
To me, the worst tragedy of Star Wars is that the Jedi would have won if they weren't betrayed. They discovered who was the Sith. Mace defeated him! The Jedi would have won the war that was set up to destroy them and they lost, not because of some incompetence or weakness or whatever, but because they were betrayed by one of their own.
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undecized · 1 month
Actually Kanan was completely right. Everyone following Jedi philosophy WOULD have won the star wars
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undecized · 1 month
Taken in 2000 about a year into our relationship.
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Taken in 2024 (last weekend). Didn’t quite get the pose or positioning right, but hey, we’re older and our memory ain’t what it used to be!
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undecized · 1 month
No hate because I love The Bear but in real life if my favorite local sub shop turned into a place where you pay $56 for three tortellini and a sea scallop I would be inconsolable.
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undecized · 1 month
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undecized · 1 month
Having ur main emotional response be crying is so embarrassing like ill be trying to explain why im mad or ill try having a serious convo abt smthn that upsets me and ill start crying like a baby and i have to like turn around and go “i am not crying 4 pity or to emotionally manipulate u im crying cuz im a little bitch, give me a sec”
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undecized · 1 month
I love soulmates but also this-
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undecized · 1 month
Me listening to my friends vent about their relationship drama:
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undecized · 2 months
sometimes the tragedy of distance is very simple. i want to get groceries with you
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