underyourspellfest · 3 months
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claiming is now open!
Claiming for Under Your Spell Fest has now opened! We have a list of prompts here but do not feel constricted to this list. Detailed claiming instructions and a link to the claiming form are included on the prompts page and under the cut here! Discord invites will be sent out within the next 48 hours.
Claiming Instructions!
Once you’ve found prompts or decided on songs, go to the claiming form here
You’ll list your top three preferences. These can be prompts, other songs, or a combo of the two 
Ex: [#1: Prompt 66, #2: About You by G Flip, #3: bad idea! by girl in red]
As shown in the example, you can claim a song independently of a prompt, even if it is otherwise prompted. The prompts are meant to be inspiration, not constraints.
Submit the form and wait to hear back! We will confirm your prompt/song choice and send you an invite to the discord within 48 hours.
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underyourspellfest · 3 months
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claiming is now open!
Claiming for Under Your Spell Fest has now opened! We have a list of prompts here but do not feel constricted to this list. Detailed claiming instructions and a link to the claiming form are included on the prompts page and under the cut here! Discord invites will be sent out within the next 48 hours.
Claiming Instructions!
Once you’ve found prompts or decided on songs, go to the claiming form here
You’ll list your top three preferences. These can be prompts, other songs, or a combo of the two 
Ex: [#1: Prompt 66, #2: About You by G Flip, #3: bad idea! by girl in red]
As shown in the example, you can claim a song independently of a prompt, even if it is otherwise prompted. The prompts are meant to be inspiration, not constraints.
Submit the form and wait to hear back! We will confirm your prompt/song choice and send you an invite to the discord within 48 hours.
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underyourspellfest · 3 months
Is claiming open?
We are working on opening claiming as soon as possible! Thanks for your patience.
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underyourspellfest · 4 months
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prompting for under your spell fest is now open!
We have a prompting form here and a list of already submitted prompts here!
Please make sure to check that your song has not already been prompted - while we are allowing three uses of each song, we are only allowing one prompt for each just to keep things open to people who want to self prompt.
Don't forget to check the rules before submitting and happy prompting!
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underyourspellfest · 4 months
hiiii when are signups?? or am i missing something
We will have a song suggestions period starting June 3rd, and song claiming will open July 1st!
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underyourspellfest · 5 months
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Welcome to the Under Your Spell fest!!
We've launched!!
Discord coming soon!
Prompting opens June 3rd, 2024
More information on timeline and guidelines below the cut:
June 3rd: "Prompting" opens July 1st: Claiming opens
October 13: Works due October 20: Posting begins
The premise of this fest is to write fics or create art about sapphic Harry Potter ships or characters based on songs by artists who are queer women and/or trans* (We understand that sapphic identities are not limited to cis women, so any character or artist identifying as sapphic is welcome)
This is an anonymous fest, so please do not talk about your ideas outside the fest discord server (we will have a discord server where you can discuss your ideas and works with other fest participants)
This is an eighteen plus fest (lying about your age to join the fest will result in a permanent ban)
We believe in DL;DR (don’t like; don’t read), YKINMKATO (your kink is not my kink and that’s okay), and SALS (ship and let ship); Kink shaming or bashing ships and/or characters will not be allowed.
We do not support or agree with the actions and words of JK Rowling; Any transphobia or other bigotry will not be tolerated
Any fic with a sapphic character or ship from the Harry Potter universe is welcome (this includes all eras); Gen fics are also allowed as long as they focus on a sapphic character 
Works should incorporate their related song in a significant way (ie not just taking it for a title)
Gender swaps of non-female characters are also allowed (for example, Harry or the Marauders as cis women) but we strongly encourage fest participants to consider existing sapphic characters and ships before gender bending (please note that gender bending is different than writing an amab character as trans, and we would be ecstatic to see sapphic relationships with transfem characters)
Works must be at minimum 1000 words long; there is no max word count
You must submit a complete work (works in progress are not allowed)
Your work must be original (no AI-generated or previously published content) and cannot be part of an ongoing series (ie no prequels or sequels)
Dead dove and NSFW content is welcome, but all fics must be appropriately tagged (If you have questions about tagging please direct them to the fest mods)
We understand that life happens! If you need an extension or have to drop out, please let the mods know
In lieu of traditional prompting we will be collecting requests for certain songs and ideas for how to use said songs (you are not required to select a song/use an idea someone else has submitted)
Claiming will be first come, first serve and you may only claim one song at a time
When claiming opens, there will be a form to claim a song; You will be required to list between three to five songs in order of preference
Each song may only be claimed three times (This is to avoid oversaturation and make sure there are a diverse array of songs claimed)
More details on prompting and claiming will be posted closer to the date, along with more details on how to submit your works
Mods: @ghst-boys, @onthemerits
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underyourspellfest · 5 months
Hihi! Super excited for this fest. I'm wondering who the mods are is you don't mind sharing 🥰
The mods are @ghst-boys and @onthemerits !
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underyourspellfest · 5 months
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We are excited to announce a new sapphic Harry Potter fest : Under Your Spell!
This is an anonymous fest that aims to highlight sapphic characters and ships in the Harry Potter universe as well as the music of queer women and other trans folks!
Song suggestions open : June 3rd Claiming opens : July 1st Works due : October 13th Posting begins : October 20th
Full information can be found on our GUIDELINES page! Stay tuned for more!
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