undici11 ¡ 4 months
Veramente un blog incredibile
Trovo incredibile che questo contenuto sia completamente gratuito. è cosi difficile trovare qualcosa di interessante da leggere sulla legge di attrazione di questi tempi. Io stessa non ne scrivo piu molto Harmonious Frequencies: Understanding Manifestation with the Law of Attraction
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undici11 ¡ 3 years
Just a friendly reminder to go for it, don't hesitate, listen to your voice and no one else's, make that change you've been long thinking about! . . . . . #newpost #sayyes #silencethenoise #keepingupwiththejoneses #whitepicketfence #ideallife #dreambig #beyourself #choosechange #followyourgut #judgementfreezone #livefree #lifeblogger #stopcountinglikes #lifecoach #lifetips
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undici11 ¡ 3 years
It’s been two years since I left my job and life as I knew it. It was a decision that had been roaming in my head for months, but fear of the unknown held me back. I wanted change but was afraid of getting it wrong. I was unhappy but had no guarantee that leaving would bring me happiness.
It’s hard to envision a new life, a reality different from the one you know and have experienced. Through our experiences we develop a concept of what’s normal and defend it like it’s the only certainty in our lives. We are attached to our expectations and all the things we think we can’t live without. We are taught to be ambitious and want those things. Many of us are told to dream big and then we’re told what to dream, bombarded by images of an ideal life. So, we live in constant comparison and fear of inadequacy. And we forget what really matters. I had to leave to figure it out.
Change, particularly drastic change, triggers a destabilizing stressful reaction in most humans. Yet we underestimate our survival spirit and sense of adaptability. It’s just a matter of time before we are able to adjust and conform to a different environment, before the new stops feeling new and becomes our normal. Some of the things we were used to begin to lose value, while others gain new meaning. And we’re left to wonder, Why did I wait so long to make that change? What was I so afraid of? Judgement, I say, judgement.
Think about this… How would you live your life if no one was watching?
How would you live your life if you knew nothing about how others were living theirs? 
I’m not advocating for chaos or ignorance or isolation. But the idyllic vision of the American white picket fence was created by someone and unconsciously accepted by all. We overestimate the concept of happiness like it’s a state we can only reach once we’ve ticked off a series of boxes: stellar career, financial wealth, perfect family, numerous friends, etc. But is it what each of us really wants? Or, to refence another American idiom, are we just trying to keep up with the Joneses because we obsessively measure our life against that of the people in our network?
There was a time when our network was limited to our closest friends and family, people who truly mattered to us. Then came social media and the concept of friend started to broaden. Now, while I recognize the value of Facebook in the barriers it has brought down connecting people from around the world and building communities that bond and inspire, I can’t help but fear the damages of living with the daily judgement of, and comparison to, an immense audience of strangers. 
Who are the people in your life who know you deeply and accept you and love you unconditionally? The people who want your happiness and will celebrate it with you no matter their own emotional state? The people who don’t care if you’re a doctor or a comedian, or if you have children or pets? Those who do not pretend to tell you how to live your life and they do not condemn you for doing so in a way that’s different from theirs? These people should be your only audience. 
So, I challenge you. Silence the noise and focus on your own voice. Abandon those who do not support you. Take a chance. Make a change. Step outside the lines. Erase and redraw the lines.
Find the happiness that exists in every moment you get to choose how to live your life. 
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undici11 ¡ 3 years
This post comes a little late, but with warm feelings and happy memories, even though it is very different from anything I’ve written in the past.
These weeks have been full of news, full of discoveries and full of uncertainties, but I have decided to embrace and accept them with patience and self-confidence, without letting me lose heart. I took a kind of trip into the past, I tried to remember who I am based on what I liked over time. Freedom and music, my identity. It had been a long time since I gave myself such a space for myself, and it made me regain possession of myself in full.
Music, in particular, has a seductive effect on me. Listen to it, connect the words of the lyrics to memory and memories. Hearing the notes of the guitar accompanying a melody takes me back in time, and I have the extraordinary ability to remember every moment associated with it. It probably doesn’t work for everyone, but every time I need to find myself, I throw myself on my favorite notes and start traveling as if I were in the world of Fantàsia. It is a simple but very powerful thing.
And I remembered. The unruly and rebellious girl who ran away from home to dance late. Who covered each other with friends to be able to do whatever we wanted. That she suffered because none of the greats liked everything she did, and she was constantly punished for being the way she was. And these experiences, these memories are now engraved in the lyrics of the music that I listened to and loved. I looked at the photos of the past by now very distant, but only by listening to the songs of the time I associated those photos with the feelings I felt and the confusion of joy and pain I felt inside, and I was so excited that I felt again as I was at the era, naive, curious, enterprising, and nothing, absolutely nothing could have dissuaded me from having fun.
That way of being happy it’s what I’m rediscovering now, with more awareness and clarity.
Associations are important, let’s use them for a good purpose.
P.S. To my old friends (you know who), you are always in my heart!
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undici11 ¡ 3 years
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Lisbon's tree of life! Really something else! #lovelisbon #nature #ggi #wild https://www.instagram.com/p/CO7_H8mlBSI/?igshid=lj1mlif5j5o6
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undici11 ¡ 3 years
New post on #LOVE ➡️twoeurekagirls.com . . . #relationships #theone #hemakesmeproud #settling #settlingdown #independentwoman #loveiscomplicated #helovesme #loveyourself #compromise #knowyourworth #findsomeone #therightone
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undici11 ¡ 3 years
I wanted it for so long. That one constant in a life of variables. A sense of stability to hold you anchored through the roughest, often unpredictable, storms. I dreamt of being found, despite my tendency to hide, and treasured like a rare jewel, adored, and protected. Much like when I was growing up, surrounded by men who taught me I was worthy of great unconditional love. I learned to have high expectations and was shown what to look for. I dismissed everyone along the way who didn’t have elements of my father or brothers. I waited for the one who would see me as they do. I waited for the one who would peel all the layers through to the darkest depths and love all of me, complicated and flawed. I waited for the one who would hold me tight and never let me go. I thought he would sweep in on a white horse and effortlessly whisk me away. I thought to be right it had to be easy. 
We had a wildly intense rocky start. He dove head in as I cautiously dipped my feet. He stood strong through the first waves, while I hurriedly sprinted out of the water. Before meeting him, I had been working hard to build my confidence. I finally felt I had control of my life, so I resisted relinquishing it. I hesitated in exposing myself to vulnerability, insecurity, and fear. Fear of rejection. Fear of betrayal. Fear of another heartbreak. 
He, however, never showed fear. He never retreated when I pushed back. He persisted, confident in his pursuit and sure of his feelings. He patiently uncovered the layers, and to my surprise, continued to find beauty even in my most unattractive traits. He looks at me as if nothing else in the world matters. 
Though we share similar values and cultural background, we quickly learned that our different upbringing and life experiences gave us a vastly different way to view the world and relate to others. So, often, our perceptions divide us. We interpret each other’s words, tones, and actions to mean something other than what intended. And we feel hurt, offended, frustratingly misunderstood. He stubbornly defends his ideas, his truth. But he just as stubbornly works to understand mine. He has the confidence to swallow his pride and the humility to recognize his own limitations, then move beyond them, in my direction.
He loves me in the way I always dreamt of being loved. He believes in the love we were taught to want as children but learned to refute as adults. No matter the size of his wounds, he hasn’t given up on that love. He fights for it, facing any adversity head on, prepared to sustain the deepest cuts, but never defeated by them. 
He gives with all of himself. Even when he’s hurt. He forgives. And keeps on giving. He takes on burdens so that others don’t have to. And he doesn’t get tired. He doesn’t allow himself to get tired. In a world where we’re constantly being encouraged to put ourselves first, he does the opposite. Because he wants to diligently fulfill his role as father, son, friend, lover, supporting and protecting, caring, and nurturing. 
My longest relationship before him lasted 1.5 years. His, 15. Accustomed to my independence, I continued making decisions as one even when I became a party of two. There is great pride in flying solo. It’s incredibly empowering to recognize that you don’t need anyone else, and quite terrifying to learn to count on someone else. But as he showed me, it is well worth the risk.
I was taught to aim high. And I did. But the quest for more fueled a persistent fear of missing out. The idea of having to make any compromises sounded too much like settling, a concept I proudly refuted for 37 years as I waited for just the right person. Yet when he stood in front of me, I almost didn’t recognize it… beautiful, rare, complicated, imperfect love. 
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undici11 ¡ 3 years
I'm just so enjoying my time in Lisbon! But missing my friends... Traveling is not always a vacation, sometimes it's a hard choice, and, most of the time people will not understand or support you. So, whenever you can, do it for yourself! Follow 👉👉👉 @twoeurekagirls @luna_coll @bluecitra Link of blog in Bio . . . . . .#lisbonacomeroma #roma #lisbona #f4f #follow4followback #followforfollowback #likesforlike #likesforlikesback #likes4like #likes4follow #tag #selfhelp #travel #quotes #loa #motivation #lawofattraction #coaching #coach #lifecoach #quotes #loa #abrahamhicks #lawofattraction #nlp #pnl #richardbandler
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undici11 ¡ 3 years
What do you wanna do when you grow up? What's your long term goal? Do you know what you want? Follow 👉👉👉 @twoeurekagirls @bluecitra @luna_coll . . . . . .#lisbonacomeroma #roma #lisbona #f4f #follow4followback #followforfollowback #likesforlike #likesforlikesback #likes4like #likes4follow #tag #selfhelp #travel #quotes #loa #motivation #lawofattraction #coaching #coach #lifecoach #quotes #loa #abrahamhicks #lawofattraction #nlp #pnl #richardbandler
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undici11 ¡ 3 years
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What do you wanna do when you grow up? What's your long term goal? Do you know what you want? Follow 👉👉👉 @twoeurekagirls @bluecitra @luna_coll . . . . . .#lisbonacomeroma #roma #lisbona #f4f #follow4followback #followforfollowback #likesforlike #likesforlikesback #likes4like #likes4follow #tag #selfhelp #travel #quotes #loa #motivation #lawofattraction #coaching #coach #lifecoach #quotes #loa #abrahamhicks #lawofattraction #nlp #pnl #richardbandler (presso Lisbon, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/COfJiG5H4Mc/?igshid=132l0gm9jf1bx
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undici11 ¡ 3 years
With this post I feel rather ambitious, but in my opinion it is a really important topic to understand who we are and what we want. At the same time, for some, it may seem trivial and obvious, but to me, it is very close to my heart since it has resolved a lot of uncertainties.
I have previously talked about how our desires are formed, and how the path taken to achieve them is equally important. Unfortunately, however, the real question that always puts anyone in crisis is not “What are your desires”, but “what are your goals?”. Often and willingly, when asked this question, we feel almost intimidated because most of us really don’t think that building a goal is something realistic, but rather a hidden desire, the fulfillment of which depends mainly on the events, not from us. And of course, answering such a question is not easy if we think that the goals are our desires, as it would make us feel vulnerable, especially if they do not come true.
How many of you can relate to that?
I myself, until recently, had no idea that there really were any differences between the two, and I never gave them too much importance until, looking inside, I realized that what I was doing with my life, and the value I gave to it, depended on my choices and my actions, as well as my thoughts. Therefore, I had to act without fear to really feel that I was living a life of value.
And so I started working on it, and I tried to figure out how to create goals, the main step to get something out of life.
This made me realize how far I was from reality.
First, how to distinguish a desire from a goal?
According to the NLP it is useful to follow this pattern:
S – Specific
M -Measurable
A – Attainable / Assignable
R – Realistic / Rewarding
T – Timebound/ Tangible
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So just ask yourself some questions?
If your desire is to find work as an astronaut, then ask yourself: Is any kind of mission as an astronaut okay? Are you okay with fixing the bathroom at the International Space Station like Howard from Big Bang Theory, or do you want to go and discover new planets? Do you want to be an astronaut in space, or just training is enough? How many hours of work would you like to have per week?
Then I would ask myself if this goal is really measurable, that is, to what extent do you think you can define yourself satisfied with what you have achieved? When will the achievement of your goal be evident to you?
Another fundamental question is whether that goal, for what you feel, for what you have lived in your life in the past, is a concrete and achievable goal. If you didn’t have financial problems, do you think you would be able to? But even more, an essential part of this process is to understand if the goal is in fact achievable: do you think that with the economic problems you have you might not be able to do it? Could someone or something interfere with your goal? Do you have to find another job in the meantime? Do you have the time to do everything?
Finally, the essential question is that of time. It is here that everyone, absolutely everyone, fails, because it is when they understand how much all the previous questions are important when we relate them to time.
All the questions asked so far make you understand very well how a desire is really achievable to make it truly a goal, but of all the questions, for me that of time is the most specific, and it is the one that made me achieve most things.
At first, I was cheating. I didn’t even notice that I was cheating. I kept pretending to have these bizarre and obvious goals, with a date so far away, that when that date arrived I didn’t even remember my desire anymore. Since, “I want to learn a new language”, “learn to play the ukulele” and “become a dancer”, all these wishes are absolutely achievable. If you reflect in these words I can only tell you to do it and with joy, but learn well to distinguish desires from goals because otherwise they can only bring you a huge disappointment if you don’t reach them quickly.
I also thought I had learned the distinction between the two when I tried to start using this NLP method to become a web designer. I gave myself quite a long time to learn everything, I looked for a community that would help me reach the necessary milestones, and mental support, I bought courses, I invested time and I also made a lot of progress, but I forgot, or better, I deliberately left out some fundamental things. If my determination were unalterable with the passing of time and difficulties, because unfortunately the more a goal is far away, the more external elements and factors will come to get me in trouble, then undermining mental health and physics.
So I took a step back and looked at the things I’ve done in my life. All those goals I have achieved in my past life have one thing in common: I wanted them, they weren’t insurmountable, I did them consistently and without thinking, they were quantifiable, they had an expiration date, and they made me improve as a person.
This, I repeat, does not mean giving up desiring, on the contrary, you will often and gladly find that things will come to you before you even ask yourself all these questions, almost by chance, but it is important to know how to recognize the real objectives, and to be able to teach the little people you raise and educate.
In addition to this method, there are also many other techniques to understand well how to create a goal or even just recognize it. There are goals so ambitious that to reach them it is inevitable to have the work of an entire team working together for the same goal, and you often have to create micro-stages to keep motivation and mood high (such as to become Olympians).
Meanwhile, I want to say that the biggest and most beautiful goal I have for this year is regarding this blog in which we have a well-defined time, a very strong team with Antonella, and a great motivation.
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undici11 ¡ 3 years
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My new blog post is out now. Check it out!!! Follow 👉👉👉 @twoeurekagirls @luna_coll @bluecitra . . . . . .#lisbonacomeroma #roma #lisbona #f4f #follow4followback #followforfollowback #likesforlike #likesforlikesback #likes4like #likes4follow #tag #selfhelp #travel #quotes #loa #motivation #lawofattraction #coaching #coach #lifecoach #quotes #loa #abrahamhicks #lawofattraction #nlp #pnl #richardbandler https://www.instagram.com/p/CN74SrdHbYM/?igshid=hoijf8hrhrnw
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undici11 ¡ 3 years
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Devo ammettere che mi fa sentire un po' piÚ a casa....si sÏ, è un teppista, bla bla bla, però oggi mi ha fatto sentire a casa! . . . . . #lisbonacomeroma #roma #lisbona #f4f #follow4followback #followforfollowback #likesforlike #likesforlikesback #likes4like #likes4follow #tag #graffiti #travel #quotes #loa #murales #lawofattraction (presso Lisbon, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN4uuzRFz5s/?igshid=7a2mpxnye5zf
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undici11 ¡ 3 years
Freaking scary how much I resemble Uma Thurman!!!! . . .. #reface #f4f #follow4followback #followforfollowback #likesforlike#likesforlikesback #likes4like #likes4follow #coaching #coach #lifecoach #quotes (presso Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM7sSTAFdGp/?igshid=1npd9mo45zyn9
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undici11 ¡ 3 years
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New post on twoeurekagirls.com On desires and wishes... Check it out . . . #nlp #pnl #richardbandler #f4f #follow4followback #followforfollowback #likesforlike#likesforlikesback #likes4like #likes4follow #coaching #coach #lifecoach #quotes #loa #abrahamhicks #lawofattraction (presso Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM2dg45BIus/?igshid=1rwggyfo8bwh0
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undici11 ¡ 4 years
You're on your own and that's the hard truth!
You’re on your own and that’s the hard truth!
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undici11 ¡ 4 years
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Yesterday walking in Centocelle I found one of my favorite stores in Rome @arabafenicetattoo I got this beautiful blue obsidian! Everytime I go there I end up buying something for some reason! When I was 18 I went there and got myself my nose piercing! All the yoga people in this city should know that store! #yoga #rome #yogarome #stones #beautifulstones #jewlery #india #peace #bling #handmade #jewels #sterlingsilver #bohojewelry #iloveit #arabafenice https://www.instagram.com/p/CK3WEIZl3vN/?igshid=sx8vy1zic81d
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