unearthlyxones · 4 years
Indefinite Hiatus
I know it barely makes a difference at this point, but some stuff has happened that makes these OCs kind of painful to think about rn so I’m putting this blog on indefinite hiatus. Hopefully I’ll be back eventually, but since I was barely here anyway who knows.
As always, you can follow me over at @willofcausality or message me on discord. I won’t be checking this blog so if you do wanna talk, those are the places you can contact me.
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unearthlyxones · 4 years
Indefinite Hiatus
I know it barely makes a difference at this point, but some stuff has happened that makes these OCs kind of painful to think about rn so I’m putting this blog on indefinite hiatus. Hopefully I’ll be back eventually, but since I was barely here anyway who knows.
As always, you can follow me over at @willofcausality or message me on discord. I won’t be checking this blog so if you do wanna talk, those are the places you can contact me.
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unearthlyxones · 4 years
Indefinite Hiatus
I know it barely makes a difference at this point, but some stuff has happened that makes these OCs kind of painful to think about rn so I’m putting this blog on indefinite hiatus. Hopefully I’ll be back eventually, but since I was barely here anyway who knows.
As always, you can follow me over at @willofcausality or message me on discord. I won’t be checking this blog so if you do wanna talk, those are the places you can contact me.
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unearthlyxones · 4 years
Indefinite Hiatus
I know it barely makes a difference at this point, but some stuff has happened that makes these OCs kind of painful to think about rn so I’m putting this blog on indefinite hiatus. Hopefully I’ll be back eventually, but since I was barely here anyway who knows.
As always, you can follow me over at @willofcausality or message me on discord. I won’t be checking this blog so if you do wanna talk, those are the places you can contact me.
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unearthlyxones · 4 years
Indefinite Hiatus
I know it barely makes a difference at this point, but some stuff has happened that makes these OCs kind of painful to think about rn so I’m putting this blog on indefinite hiatus. Hopefully I’ll be back eventually, but since I was barely here anyway who knows.
As always, you can follow me over at @willofcausality or message me on discord. I won’t be checking this blog so if you do wanna talk, those are the places you can contact me.
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unearthlyxones · 4 years
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Charlie’s Angels (2000) dir. McG
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unearthlyxones · 4 years
The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.
Ernest Hemingway  (via quotemadness)
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unearthlyxones · 4 years
being soft is not weak!!! kindness is not weak!!! being sensitive is not weak!!! being sympathetic is not weak!!! you can be soft and powerful!!! you are soft and powerful and kind and deserve love!!!
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unearthlyxones · 4 years
there was always something eerie about they way she just smiled at his threats. he wasn’t sure if it was because she was just naturally smiley – or if she wanted it to happen. even the flutter of her wings were awfully off putting to him. which only made him scowl more when she talked again. 
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“ i don’t think i ever fucking mentioned or showed that im someone who is nice, bug. ” he huffed. “ and now im starting to think you actually fucking like it when im mean to you , so take your degrading kink away from me. ”
‘That’s true,’ Eve concedes. ‘My mistake, I guess.’ Spoken just as brightly as ever. 
Not that she was ever really under the belief that he was nice, given that he’d done nothing but threaten her since the moment she approached him and even attacked her. But who wants nice anyway?? If he was nice, she most likely would not have taken an interest in him at all. She wonders how annoyed he’d be if she told him that.
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Eve laughs. ‘I don’t have a degrading kink. I just it’s funny. But if you wanted to know my kinks all you had to do is ask!! I hope you got time though, because I got a lot of ‘em.’
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unearthlyxones · 4 years
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unearthlyxones · 4 years
Well … he had a point. And judging by the way she sighed and rested her head against him, she knew it. Either way, a rather obtrusive thought rose, one that had her growing quiet for a moment … and couldn’t help but wonder if he had been more affectionate with the last woman he loved. If he would willingly and frequently kiss her or hold her hand without being prompted. 
Or maybe it was just Aubrey he was like this with. Maybe he didnt’ really want to be with her. Was he lying about her making him happy? 
Physically shaking her head to rid herself of her thoughts (or attempt to) she took a deep breath before trotting forward to get to the top of the hill ahead of Ragnor, taking a moment to take in the sights before her. “..Having a picnic was a great idea, by the way.” turning to face him, she smiled as brightly as she could, the sun setting in such a manner it outlined her and almost made it seem as if she were glowing. 
He doesn’t bother to change his pace as Aubrey unlinks their hands and rushes ahead, content to hold back and watch her. Admiring her just as much as he’s admiring the countryside view. The way the sun illuminates her, as if it’s a spotlight designed just for her.
Ragnor smirks when he reaches her. ‘All of my ideas are great. I’m afraid we cannot continue any sort of relationship until you realise that.’ His tone is one of dry amusement and he looks out at their view. He puts an arm around Aubrey’s shoulders, drawing her closer to him, almost without thinking about it.
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unearthlyxones · 4 years
When somebody doubts your abilities you have two choices. You can hang your head down low and believe them; or hold your head up high and believe in yourself.
William Chapman  (via quotemadness)
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unearthlyxones · 4 years
Aubrey never realized just how fun it was to create a work of art with someone until now … to blend their styles together, creating something she never would have been capable of until now. Focused on the work, it was her name that had Bailey nudging against her, drawing her attention away from the art and towards her friend. 
“Magic? Yeah, I do,” the answer didn’t have a hint of hesitation to it, shifting to move and sit, smiling some as she looked to Jamie. “Do you?”
Jamie grins at the lack of hesitation in Aubrey’s response, feeling vindicated. She knew Aubrey would. Her parents have warned her since she was a child that she has to be careful, even when she thinks someone is trustworthy. But she has a good feeling about Aubrey. She always has.
‘Yeah, totally!!’ She rubs her hands absently on her knees, smearing a rainbow of chalk onto her clothes. ‘Do you believe in, like... fairies and stuff??’
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unearthlyxones · 4 years
all i do is sit and think about imaginary but extremely detailed romantic scenarios
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unearthlyxones · 4 years
@unearthlyxones​ || Nanami
“Listen!! If he calls you a snack. Tell him you’re a candle … you’re warm, you brighten up a room . but if he forgets about you, you’ll burn his fuckin house down.” god Nanami hated people sometimes. Romance sucked and people hitting on others was even worse, but that didn’t mean she could pass up this opportunity.
Kalila cackles, the sound maniacal. ‘Oh that’s good, I’m definitely using that one!!’ Not least because Kalila absolutely would burn someone’s house down, and not just because she felt spurned or used, but also just because she’s bored. She’s done it before, she’ll do it again. Kenji warns her she’s gonna burn herself alive one day if she keeps running towards fire instead of away from it, but she’s never been one to listen to good advice. Fire is simply too pretty to walk away from.
She doesn’t necessarily need help with unwanted attention, given that she usually takes it as someone willingly offering themself up for her entertainment, but this is just as fun.
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unearthlyxones · 4 years
Totally wasn’t meant to post that yet but ANYWAY of course the first thing I actually manage to reply to here after fuck knows how long is Eve being a creep. Gotta love an unstable moth-demon assassin
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unearthlyxones · 4 years
Did she really give a shit that the woman had these weird ass shit on her body? No. Did she think it was some cosplay kids were doing these days? Also no. Hell, her brother she was closest with (Red), had horns for shits sake. Wings and those little weird ass things coming from her forehead she was too drunk to care to think of the name of were nothing. 
“Always … day in and day out, baby doll…” snickering some, Ravenna tipped back and took a drink of the bottle, pausing to look over at her. “That’s a damn fine dagger you got there.” 
Eve giggles at the response, the sarcasm not lost on her. 
She holds out the knife, tilting it to let the light hit the freshly cleaned blade, giving it an admiring look. ‘I know right. I forget where I got it. I either stole it or I took it off some corpse. That’s where I get most of ‘em.’ She confides this in the same manner she might tell someone which store she got her shoes from.
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