#ic: Ragnor
lurafita · 6 months
Mundane au where they all work in like a big shopping Mall.
Hilarious rivalry between Jace's coffee shop (that also sells pastries) and Raphael's pastry business (that also sells coffee).
Daily flirtations between Magnus (who works in Ragnor's book shop) and Alec (who works in an outdoor/camping/survival kinda shop).
Not sure where to stuff the others, but there is much possibility for hilarity.
Ragnor: "Magnus! Why the hell did you rearrange the historical section this way?" Magnus: "Because there is a book I want to recommend to Alexander, and I need it to be on the bottom shelf." Ragnor: "Why would- .. No, wait. Let me guess. This way either he needs to bend down to reach it, so you can oogle his posterior, or you need to bend over, so that you can present him with yours. Right?" Magnus: "It's a win-win strategy."
Meanwhile with Alec: Jace: "Dude, since when do you like iced coffee?" Alec: "Since it's the only cold drink you have today and I don't fancy burning my chest later." Jace: "Why would-… Are you planning on spilling your drink over your shirt when Magnus comes over during his break, so that you can strip your shirt off and have him oogle your naked chest?" Alec: "It's a sound strategy."
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carelessflower · 1 month
mini alec hiding in magnus hair during warlock meeting and huffing so much cause he want to go home and see his lil bestie!! mini alec shoot sparkly arrows into air to distract other warlocks so magnus get the message this is taking too long! magnus think mini alec arm crossed tapping his foot on table is just adorable. ragnor just roll his eyes and end meeting. mini alec grin and grab magnus pinku finger to drag him through portal. when they get home lil magnus have ice cream and crepes waiting in the mini house but mini alec so overwhelmed he tackle mini magnus with big hug. then they spend the night in the mini garden catching firefly that magnus magic up. all is well is mini malec world again!
anon this is so so cute mini alec being the cutest bratty shadowhunter and distract other warlock with lil magical spark!!! so so cute and mini mangus ppreparingall mini alec fav dish in their min house!!!!!
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1indigoisles · 9 months
Can we just step back and take a moment to appreciate the fact that we now have the smallest, tiniest, most insignificant inkling of an idea as to what might happen in TWP?
And that after New Year we will have more small, tiny, insignificant inklings as to what we might get to see?
CC has us all in web woven by her novel universe. I love her.
But gratitude and all aside, it's TWP CrAckPOt ThEorY TImE (by yours truly)!!
I have some pretty random theories and headcanons that I will be randomly spouting around now and for the next couple of days.
Theory #1: Kit gets gold wings.
Hear me out, why not? He's not just any old part faerie, he's the descendant of the First Heir! Also, Clary had a dream in CoLS of two people standing together beside a lake, one with white hair and black wings and the other with gold hair and gold wings. At the time, it was assumed that those two people were Sebastian and Jace, but the pieces are falling together! ASH HAS WHITE HAIR AND BLACK WINGS, can you not tell how excited I am?
Theory #2: The disappearance that Kit and Ty have to investigate is Livvy's.
I mean, does anyone reading this post have other ideas? It would make sense, since Dru would be sucked into Faerie danger, and even if she wasn't, she couldn't really help Ty because she can't even see Livvy. And if we assume that Dru is in Faerie, Kit is literally the only one Ty could go to, since nobody else knows (except for Magnus and Ragnor, who I think would either be too busy or simply refuse to help, thinking that if Livvy had finally truly died, then it would be lucky that the world got off without having to pay for it). Ty would, obviously, try to find Livvy on his own, but the thought that only Kit could help him would be nagging at him the entire time. So either he finally plucks up the courage to ask Kit, or they just bump into each other on their own. Either way, they team up together, very begrudgingly on Kit's part, because he'll be all ice and "I hate you" on Ty. Then, Kit's faerie magic spurts out again in a moment of danger, or in a fight scene where they're outnumbered, and Ty, aside being amazed, interrogates Kit heavily, and when Kit is finally worn off, he tells Ty angrily about his heritage and how if Faerie knew of it, the entire lands would be after him. And even though the thought gives me immense pain, I think that eventually, it's how Jessa dies, and Kit blames himself for it, and added to how he has to take care of Mina and live for her, he absolutely refuses to help Ty any longer. But then, when danger strikes again, his faerie magic comes out in full, Kit gets himself severely injured. And THIS happens:
"Well, it's a bit ironic, isn't it?"
"What do you mean?"
"All that effort to convince you I wasn't in love with you, and here I am, dying in your arms."
[Teaser #6] Link below.
I just realised I gave an entire rant about it, I'll stop now.
Theory #3: What can transpire between Dru, Jaime and Ash.
And I don't mean this just romantically. Dru getting involved in Faerie finally connects the dots, since Ash literally lives there, and Jaime disappeared there. Their storylines probably merge somewhere around TLKoF and they have their own adventures. Also, headcanon; you know how in TDA, Jaime was all distant when he found out that Dru was 13 and not 16, like he'd thought? And how he literally left, like, the next day? So, what I'm thinking is that he was already beginning to crush on Dru, and he was disappointed, not because she hid her age, but because they wouldn't be possible. Okay, okay, I know Jaime said that Dru was like his sister, but that if you go to that scene, you'll find he's speaking after a moment of being silent, perhaps drinking in the situation. I think he says that because he's trying to convince himself that whatever he likes about Dru is just friendly, and nothing more. Now, I know that people don't have the kindest opinions about DruxJaime, because Dru was just a child when they met, but if you really think about it, 13's really not that young, and Dru was really mature for her age. And this 3-year gap is nothing compared to what Lucie and Jesse had going on. Girl meets a 17-year-old-looking boy when she was 6 years old. Can you believe the age gap that I'm too lazy to calculate? So yes, DruxJaime is plausible, it can and will happen, although Dru will obviously end up with Ash. And if CC pulls an open end to Jaime's character like she did to Matthew, I will literally cry. I really dislike open ends, because it fills me with so many questions! I hate not knowing what happens next! I really want Jaime to either end up with Anush or go poly with Thais, which I know is just wishful thinking at this point. Any character will do, CC! Please and thank you!
Okay, I just read this entire thing over, and my self-critic says; this is not a post, this is me ranting. My writing is literally all over the place. I feel like I wrote too much. But I think I got it all out for now. This was fun.
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Alec's Trueblood lines possibly making him the angelic equivalent to Magnus' level of royalty in Edom.
Perhaps a young warlock gets a summoning wrong and traps an angel (well, not quite an angel) in a circle instead of a greater demon.
oooooh okay so i jumped on this like a preying mantis on a grasshopper okay! i went a little bit of a different route so Alec could finally kick some ass and Magnus is a little out of it but this is basically. i hope you enjoy!
Trueblood Shadow!heir Alec is summoned instead of an angel across time and dimensions. No one has a good time
Magnus is wondering how he’s going to get them out of this, if he’s going to be able to get anyone besides himself free and safe from the nephilim currently using Magnus and four other warlocks to try and power their ritual. They’re summoning an angel, they said. 
Their faces smug as terror had filled everyone around him and Magnus had known that out of all of them, he’s the only one who will survive. No angel will risk Asmodeus' wrath by smiting Magnus, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be hurt. That his heart can’t be ripped apart as he watches warlock children shivering in  fear from where Magnus’ hopes his protective magic and shield will keep them safe and invisible. 
It’s the shadowhunters fault in the end, but Magnus still blames the warlocks who tries to save themselves by selling out what the nephilim considered ‘untrained power vessels’ and Magnus had arrived in time to stop the transaction and save the children, but the other warlocks he was fighting and himself were taken down. Magnus personally will let every drop of magic be drained from the adults around him and if he can, he’s going to rip it free from the array and use it to protect the children, some mere babes.
There’s a crackle of lightning and Magnus can feel the shock wave as the ritual starts, as frost fills the air until each breath crystallizes. At the sight of ice growing on the walls of the abandoned ruins they’re enclosed in, across the broken floor and up the crumbling towers. 
A storm rages around them but for once, the rain no longer slips through, freezing and pausing in the air, a piece of captured starlight in crystal form, cold and bright and glittering all around him. It’s beautiful and terrifying and Magnus tries so hard not to feel fear but for the first time in a long time, Magnus wonders if he’s miscalculated.
The summoning was a success he realizes and Magus knows then that he never thought it would be, that he’d deluded himself into thinking he could hold out until Ragnor or Cat show up.  Instead he watches as the world turns dark except for the icy stars and then there’s a crack, like a glacier being broken open and everyone who isn’t magically secured and bound to the array is blown back.  Some of the shadowhunters remain conscious but it’s with vicious glee that Magnus watches as several of them get smashed into the stones of the decaying castle with splintering cracks of bone that echo in the hollow silence.
The being is glowing, a silver blue light that is an ethereal wisp as the being slowly floats to the ground, four large, long wings trailed out behind it. The eyes look a silver, inhuman blue, more lines criss crossing and overlapping than an iris and a pupil. It casts a long, writhing shadow that is less in the shape of the angel and more in the shape of a hungry maw.
“What is this?” It asks and Magnus is surprised by the low, smooth almost soothing timbre of the voice. Though, Magnus thinks, it would make unfortunate sense if angels were able to charm with their voices, probably why the mundanes accepted the stupid offer from Raziel in the first place.
“Great angel—” one still standing shadowhunter starts. “Forgive us for bringing you here with such disgusting methods.” He kicks at one of the, no longer necessary Magnus supposes, warlocks. “We are indeed of your divine righteousness! To help us cleanse the world of downworlder scum.”
“Are you serious right now?” the being asks and Magnus wonders if he has a concussion because he could swear the angel sounds confused. "Is that? Why is my husband here?”
And suddenly everything goes very wrong, for the shadowhunters.
Because the angel is beyond furious and Magnus watches with a thrilled sense of horror as what looked like long, soft plumage shudders and shines and turns to pure, sharp and deadly adamas. The shadowhunters all gasp and kneel in delighted awe and shadows peel from the floor to wrap around them as the angel steps out of the array, crossing over to a kneeling form and Magnus watches as two of them are beheaded with the easy flap of a razor sharp wing-tip. And then the angel spins, wings flared out and like arrows, feathers shoot out, finding the necks of every shadowhunters still breathing. 
“Oh fuck, just what did they do?” Magnus is being asked next, instead of that deadly plumage in his own neck and he’s looking into eyes that look hazel under the inhuman blue. Then cool hands are pulling him up, picking him from the ground. “Magnus?” And then Magnus feels a hand against the side of his neck but instead of squeezing, there is pure ice being delivered into him, cold, powerful energy that burns as it writhes through him and replenishes his reserves. “Summoning a fucking angel, honestly. I thought we were done with this bullshit. Of all the things, I swear if this is because we ate the cup that one time, I’m going to be pissed.”
“You ate a cup?” Magnus finds himself asking which is still better than commenting that an angel swears. Especially when he's dazed and still shocked by how gently he’s being touched, by how powerful and invulnerable he suddenly feels. “That doesn’t seem very tasty.” Because it doesn't and honestly, Magnus feels disappointed, he'd rather have learned angels didn't eat or only drank ambrosia than learn they eat dishes.
“Oh gods, fuck you’re high as a kite on magical shock. Okay, babe what do I need to do, what are my priorities?” 
“You’re going to listen to me?” Magnus asks because while shadowhunters might think they can command an ancient being, Magnus never once has made that same assumption. 
“Of course.” He’s promised and what feels like a kiss is pressed to the top of his head. “I always listen to you—” and there is a muttered ‘mostly’ that he misses. “As long as you don’t try to convince me that the best way to get over something that makes me angry is to set it on fire, again. I’m not sure Imogen’s office can survive a second inferno.”
“They can stay. Trapped.” Magnus clarified, because he doesn’t want the other warlocks dead. He wants them strung up in front of the council and verbally and physically lashed until their blood and pain is a tenth of the terror the children they stole felt. 
“Okay, and the kids? Are they safe to move? Are any of them hurt? Are they coming with us?”
“Yes.” Magnus says because he can’t leave them here and the angel he knows is better than the one he doesn’t. “With me.”
“Mkay, I’m going to send a message to Cat.” And Magnus wonders how this being knows Cat and if it’s reading his mind, “okay. I’m not going to message Cat.” But instead of a fire message he brings out some strange, eldritch artifact that glows and hums angrily at its wielder. “Okay, no service. Great. Well, a fire message won’t work since she’s still at the Labyrinth. You have enough energy for a portal?” 
Magnus does, somehow but he’s still surprised when he’s led over to the hidden children and the angel helps him stay upright. Hold him as Magnus opens a portal and then keeps him on his feet as Magnus sends the children through. He closes the portal instantly and opens a new one, not wanting to take the angel to the children, even if Magnus doubts a change in portal would truly stop him.
Magnus gets through the portal and then the angel, his angel that is still following him obediently shudders, a look of shock on his face as he takes in the lair and something hopeless and heartbreaking when he turns and now in a place with proper lighting, Magnus marvels at how human it’s face is. 
“Magnus?” He’s asked and Magnus nods, because obviously he is and then his angel’s wings flutter, its expression falling and it’s dropping in what almost looks like a faint, a strange, fallen image of divinity. 
Magnus summons a drink and lets himself slump, still staring at the angel as he wonders just what he’s gotten himself into this time.
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foodsies4me · 1 year
also big hc of low key jealous Magnus and the Spiral being in healthy competition over pampering and doting on Alec 😬.
Alec: I’m kinda hungry
Magnus *summons a rare apple from the orchards in Italy’s valleys*
The Spiral: *grows a whole orchard in the gardens and makes apple pie with fresh ice cream*
plus all the rare gifts the Spiral gives Alec including an immortal phoenix that hasn’t been seen in 1000 years (but that’s a whole discussion for later 🙃)
I mean…maybe?😂 There will be some Spiral and Magnus shenanigans happening, whether that’s in the main part or as a side story that’s still to be seen though. That said it’s more of a competition on Magnus’s side, the Spiral just goes « Oh, tiny not-warlock likes this. Must give more » and then summons whatever Alec wants. So, Magnus is in a one-sided competition and he knows it and is very miffed about it.
Ragnor is both groaning and cackling at the whole situation.
Alec is just happily munching on apples.
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cadencekismet · 2 months
I keep seeing those polls for people’s top five favorite characters, and I’m making one without being tagged, just because.
Please use this as an excuse to make your own polls without being tagged as well (and then put them on my dash so I can play).
Apologies to the Nine Worlds characters for putting them up against bigger fandoms.
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20 Questions
I got tagged by @dogstarblues !
How many works do you have on ao3?
... Let me just open my cheat sheet... 86 works
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
576,230 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now it's pretty much just Greenwing and Dart, though I do have a pair of Good Omens works coming for an event. I've also written for Yuri on Ice, Harry Potter, MDZS, The Untamed, the Chantiverse, Little Women, and Lays of the Hearthfire.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Sun Sets like a Whispered Regret
Facing the Dust and Wind
Rosie Lea (Have a Cup of Tea)
To Break Free from the Night
To Teach a Sorrow to Speak
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do. Almost always. When I was just getting brave enough to leave comments (and a trace of what I was reading on ao3!) @ili-here responded to a couple of comments I had left and had a whole little conversation with me, and it made me feel so much braver about leaving comments that I try to pass that forward, even though I don't think my responses are always as thoughtful and interested
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I... I don't write much angsty fic. I think maybe the Little Women one? In that nothing was really resolved in it
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
See, this is an issue for the opposite reason. They're all happy endings. I think maybe merging our lives here in their established frame?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
LOL no. I'm not a big enough author for that
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do sometimes. What kind? What does that mean? I... kinky? Sometimes? Idk, sometimes they're laughing and sometimes they're crying and sometimes it's just foreplay to the cuddling.
10. Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one you've ever written?
I've written a couple. I think the one that sticks out most in my head is actually the MDZS/Untamed thing, which was not a true crossover but a "MDZS watches the Untamed" thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. Again, I think there are advantages to being a small out-of-the-way author in a small out-of-the-way fandom.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet! Maybe someday
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! It's lots of fun. I live in hope of another
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Whichever one I'm writing currently. At the moment that's Jullanar Ragnor/Jullanar Maebh.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
This moment, worth keeping. I hate to leave it unfinished, because I know how I wanted it to end, but I no longer have netflix and I'm mostly out of the fandom, and I'm busier than I used to be too. I really hate leaving it though
16. What are your writing strengths?
Humor and emotion
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Description and depth
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I love reading it when it's done well--there are some absolutely fantastic Yuri on Ice fics that do it really well--but I could not do it well
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The first one I posted for was YoI, but the first one I wrote for was Swallows and Amazons. I did not know what fanfiction was, but I did believe that Nancy Blackett should have horses.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Just Rainbows Dreaming We're Human. I'm honestly extremely proud of it
I'm tagging anyone else who wants to play, and also @arafinwes @alullabytoleaveby @lindsayraindrops and @marezelle
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myulalie · 2 years
WIP Folder Game
Thanks Polarnacht1 for the tag!
you know the drill: post the names of all the files in your WIP file folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
I'll do this for real just because it's the end of the year guys, so here are the contents of my WIP folder without the obligatory removal of stuff I haven't touched or even thought of in ages.
Alex Rider AR Bingo "Fuck off, I'm not in the mood" Yalex Braindump Yalex Scorpia training fic idea Yalex Ship Week Card Counter
KinnPorsche CHAY
Shadowhunters Femslash 23 A Farm on the Hill Dressage cow It's 5pm somewhere (run up to me) Spoils of War Malec The DUFF AU Prequel LoH (aka Dawns crowns her in gold) Call Me Maybe Jae's failed proposal prompt War of Hearts Snakeskin Ragnor Ships It Play date Batman AU Alec submission novel Omegaverse This World Inverted Mafia Malec HP Malec Fairy tales retelling Silent Brother Alec Soulmates AU Dance AU Bad guy Alec Young artist prompt Centor Jalec Underage tutor Stargate AU ATLA Malec AU Vampire Lightwoods Mummy Magnus Malec Uber College AU
Teen Wolf Sterek Coda Dark werewolf!Stiles mentored by Peter Kitsune Stiles Underage tutor (yes, it works for Sterek and Malec)
There you go. Now tagging: @countessrivers, @wildelydawn, @1lostone, @kelkblr, @mysticmjolnir, @sterekxhale, @machsmile, @aceon-ice and anyone else who wants to join in!
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fluffyvampirewitch36 · 10 months
Lost fic : Shadowhunters I can't remember if its post timeline it just ambiguous but essentially Magnus falls into a coma like state because immortality and depression and Alec finds and takes care of him and part of the fic is magnus explaining that sometimes his people die from this in that just never come out of the dissociated state they fall into and eventually they just die. Usually Catarina and Ragnor take care of him when he's like this. There is a lot of water and ice and glacier talk.
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queenofcandynsoda · 2 years
Cuckoos: Favorite Foods
Malaea Koi- Honey Malasadas, Honey Custard Tarts, Spam Musubi
James Smith- Maple custard pie, crab cake, coffee milk
Lyra Guerra- Wine, gelato, Agnolotti, Bicerin, risotto
Haruki Igarashi- Mochi, green tea, Onsen tamago, gyoza
Zosia Jacobs- Chicken and waffles, biscuits with honey, beignets
Francois Hubert- Macarons, Quiche, chou à la crème
Sue Ellen Hazel- BBQ, hotdish, pancakes, apple juice
Steef Timpert- Stroopwafel, Chocolate, Bitterballen
Hye-Sun Jo- Naengmyeon, pheasant, BBQ clams, lotus tea
Pandu Fadnavis- Dal bhat, Darjeeling tea, dried fruit
Rehema Khalsa- Ras malai, Gulab jamun
Ragnor Hilmarsen- Cinnamon and caramel pastries
Penelope Asper- Carac, Cordon bleu, Fondue, Muesli, Swiss chocolate
Lamar Fullwood- Spicy curry goat, beef patty, rum ice cream
Loukia Relloulis- Lokma, Chamomile tea
Gryffyn Sambell- Saffron bun, cream tea, savory pastries
Babes Maalouf- Halva, Mint Tea, Knafeh
Saul Olloqui- Churros with chocolate, Paella de marisco
Flora Phillips- Caramel shortbread, puff candy, mince pie
Alfie Clemens- Witchetty grub, yogurt, pavlova, trout
Szalai Varga- Sour cherry soup
Hakan Yucel- Rose Water Turkish Delights
Verona Schober- Liège waffles with strawberries and chocolate spread, Fries with mayo, Belgian chocolate
Xiaobo Hong- Egg tart, Shrimp dim sum, Quail eggs, Lotus tea, Dragon’s beard candy
Tania Dulce- Ube (Ice cream, cake, crinkles, halaya, cheesecake), Kaldereta, sapin-sapin
Birch Cypress- “strangled” veal, s’mores
Ivete Araújo Lobo- pastel with guava filling and sugarcane juice
Clovis Dupuis- Bananas Foster, Crawfish boil, Gumbo
Emelie Fritzl- Apple cider donuts, kugel, babka
Dominik Murray- Scone and blackberry jam, Shepherd’s pie
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unearthlyxones · 4 years
{ Non-Sexual Acts of Dominance | Accepting }
@waywardsignns sent:
[ groom ] your muse adjusting mine’s appearance , such as straightening a tie , fixing their hair , or buttoning their shirt for them , etc . (Aubrey / Ragnor)
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The wind had picked up from nowhere. Ragnor was almost worried Aubrey was going to be blown away, slight as she was, and he held onto her as they hurried back towards the house.
Once inside, he let go of her so he could force the door closed against the gale. When he turned to look at her again, he couldn’t suppress a sharp burst of laughter. Her hair was all over the place, covering her face in a bird’s nest of a mess.
He reached out and gently attempted to fix it, pulling out the tangles with his fingers. It wasn’t perfect, but at least she could see now. After another moment of looking at her with an expression akin to awe, he rearranged his face into his usual scowl.
‘Actually, you looked better before.’ And he reached over again and ruffled up her hair, so that it covered her face again.
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voxvulgi · 4 years
an Adonis starter for Ragnor at @unearthlyxones​
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It was nice of Catarina to invite Adonis to drinks with her and Ragnor, who was practically a stranger. Their social made Adonis wonder if his presence would make the outing awkward for Ragnor, if maybe he shouldn’t have come at all, but the truth was that he wanted to meet Catarina’s friend-- properly this time. So he dressed casually, promised himself he’d be neither under- nor over-whelming, and made it to the pub in question.
When he got there, though, he couldn’t find Catarina. He looked around the space several times, looking for her, but Catarina’s wasn’t the familiar face he found. His eyes fell on Ragnor, whom he’d seen only once-- but enough to recognise him in the crowd. After a moment’s hesitation, he crossed the room, heading in Ragnor’s direction. “Ragnor?” he started, his voice a little smaller than usual. “Isn’t Catarina supposed to be here?”
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healedserpent · 5 years
Julian’s still getting used to camp. Adjusting to the pegasi wasn’t too bad, but the general locations of the place, all covered in some amount of snow? Even a Chicago native had a hard time wandering about. He made do with pointers from the others, even consulting Agathys and the therapeutae for advice. 
Seemed like he made do, as the sound of singing greeted his ears. He slowly stood up from his place in the woods, dried herbs at hand. It didn’t sound like a bird’s--too low and smooth. It wasn’t a monster, or else he’d be on guard and running for the hills. It sounded familiar and he had a feeling it was demigod and not satyr.
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Julian crept along the snow, softly crunching with each step as he neared the source. He quirked his brow and muscles relaxed when it was Ragnor--the resident son of Dionysus. He remembered him from Jasper’s trial, not too long ago. Julian tossed him a wave, “Do you like singing this early in the morning, or is there some kind of performance I’m unaware of?” he asked, flashing a light smile. 
“Julian Dorado, son of Asclepius.”
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I really enjoyed the one where Alec met Ragnor first. Maybe some more of that one?
here we go! ty for the prompts anon, i hope you like it
Ragnor sighs and manages only to not scream by sheer force of will and utter exhaustion. Cat, looking as haggard as he feels, sends a spiteful gaze to the bed Ragnor is still watching.
“I could wring his neck.” Cat mutters as she chugs an Irish coffee before she sighs and leans against him. “He knows better than to interrupt me when I’m working. And all because he wanted an answer!”
Ragnor snorts, nearly scalding himself with tea and his magic catches his cup tiredly for him. “We both know that Magnus is many things, but patient is rarely one of them.”
He and Cat share a commiserating look.
“The lad will be alright?”
“Oh, he’ll be fine. It was a little touch and go with how potent the venom was, but Magnus’ magic helped fry it.”
They share another look and both sigh, in time with each other.
“He won’t be letting this one go, will he?” Cat asks, watching as Magnus fusses over a wide-eyed, endearingly deer-like Alec.
“Oh, I highly doubt it.” Ragnor agrees dryly, “my dear, if you think we’ll be doing anything without the attachment of a nephilim for a good long while. I’ll drink a coffee.”
Cat mock gasps, but the gentle nudge of her amused magic tells Ragnor all he needs to know.
“You think your guardian angel will go for it?”
“He protected me once. He’s hardly a guardian angel and I doubt Magnus would enjoy him being claimed by someone else, in any shape or form. So I’ll leave that to him.” Ragnor summons his pipe with a glower, “like I want to interfere with Magnus when he’s like this.”
This is a new face of Magnus.
A very interesting and slightly alarming side of Magnus that neither Ragnor or Cat has ever seen. It’s a mixture of Magnus from across all the years and he’s acting young in a way he hasn’t for centuries. It’s as endearing as it is alarming and Ragnor resolves to make sure Magnus has his head on right before he gets too involved too fast.
“We’ll need to make sure Magnus doesn’t go overboard.” Ragnor murmurs quietly, keeping an eye on how Magnus is using magic to gently feed Alec pieces of ice.
“Like that’s possible.” Cat mutters back but she’s also watching them, “we’ll need to run interference. You know how worked up he can get. Remind him he can have whatever he wants. To never conform.”
“Yes, yes.” Ragnor says and he summons a bit of jam and vodka for his tea. “Now the question is, should we just keep his boy here?”
Cat freezes and turns to Ragnor with a contemplative look.
“How so?”
“The lad’s got a rather bad case of demon poisoning and he’s already been demoted, from what I overheard. A few weeks of prescribed warlock healing and a lack of stress and angelic influence. Might do just the trick.”
Ragnor waggles his eyebrows and Cat smirks, something dark in her grin as she nods slightly. They’ll do whatever it takes to make Magnus happy and if that means lying to the clave and keeping a nephilim with them under false pretenses, then they’ll do so happily.
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stdennard · 3 years
can blood scents evolve? Owl’s blood scent is rose water and lullabies, so I was just wondering when she gets older, would her blood scent change into something more mature?
Yes! They can indeed evolve! If some larger imprinting event happens to shape them, then yes, a person's blood-scent can definitely change.
It happens to Aeduan's dad, and you read about it in Bloodwitch.
"In the end, the blood-scent had convinced him that this man was indeed his father. It had changed in fifteen years, though -- the bloodied iron and sleeping ice might still remain, but gone were the nighttime songs and the loving hounds he remembered. Now there was fire. Now there was inconsolable loss. It stained every piece of Ragnor's blood. It gave his eyes a weight that no one else could understand.
No one but Aeduan, who had been there on the day everything had been taken away from them."
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