unfreakingtouchable · 10 years
Rivalry Rush (Saxxy Awards 2014) by ItalienNinja98
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unfreakingtouchable · 10 years
((Man, it sucks when people you talk to off tumblr or are in ships with via other blogs block your Scout just because someone bitched about his url, which is based on dialogue from the freaking game.
This Scout is freaking important to me, because I rarely see any First Nations characters. I want to make him and love him and teach people more about the culture via interactions, but because I used in-game dialogue as his url, people are just flat-out blocking him without me even saying shit all.
I guess representation only matters to folks when it gives them something to whine about, but not when it comes to actually interacting with or giving these characters a chance.))
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unfreakingtouchable · 10 years
"You think I'm scared?" Frank let out a barking laugh and set both hands on his hips. "I grew up on the freaking reservation. You wouldn't last five minutes on the res, buddy. I ain't afraid of no one no how."
Shaking his head, he jerked his chin up proudly. "If the gangs or drugs or random drunks or folks wandering over looking for a scrap didn't get ya, the wild animals definitely could."
Not to mention all the shit they dumped in the water. "Or the other kids. Act like an apple and you're a marked man."
unfreakingtouchable said: …… Yeuuuuch! *shudders*
"You think that’s bad?  You’re a SCOUT, a slim, boyish young man surrounded by OLDER, BIGGER men.  I’d get the hell out of dodge if I were you, kid!"
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unfreakingtouchable · 10 years
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Spycrab’s Island! Gotta bring baby Scout back to Ma!
Don’t ask me how I got this idea I don’t even know myself.
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unfreakingtouchable · 10 years
Mann Swap [Saxxy 2014] by Olu
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unfreakingtouchable · 10 years
Is what you told Soldier true?
"You mean the hair thing?" The Scout rolled his eyes, setting down his comb momentarily. Even with conditioner, it could take him a long, long time before he finally managed to brush through all that hair. But, it was worth it. He took pride in himself and the way it gleamed in the light. When it didn't decide to be a frizzy mess, of course.
"Yeah, it is. It's a bit silly, but..." But it was a way of reclaiming his heritage and his culture. It was his personal way of healing himself and reconnecting with the way of his grandparents.
"You know, I sort of dig it. And the chicks dig it, too." Of course, he wasn't about to admit his real reasons for growing his hair. Frank simply grinned his usual smarmy grin and winked as he returned to combing out his hair.
"I mean come on! You show up with hair like this and BAM! Babes for days!" He waved a hand through the air and let out a barking laugh before tugging more of his hair over his shoulder to comb through. "Works like a charm."
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unfreakingtouchable · 10 years
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unfreakingtouchable · 10 years
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those unused spy lines valve plz…
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unfreakingtouchable · 10 years
"Oh, not long." When Tie asked him about his nails, the Scout smiled. He didn't want to turn this into a lecture, after all. Glancing down at his nails, he shrugged and carefully touched the tip of his thumbnail with his forefinger.
"Maybe another minute?" Pursing his lips, he glanced up at the Medic curiously. "What are you even doing here, anyways? I don't think I've seen ya around Hydro before."
"Oh." He frowned some. He really didn't see why painting nails would be a cause for greif. There were worse things the scout could do. Like dissecting people with pens.
"Ah really? Zhat is.. interesting." He smiled as the scout lead him to the med bay. "... so... how long does zhat take to dry?"
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unfreakingtouchable · 10 years
Rather than arguing about him about the whole boss thing, Frank decided to let that slide. The Soldier had backed off about cutting his hair, and that was the most important thing. "Don't worry about me, alright? When I gotta fight, I braid it and stuff it down my shirt. My backpack keeps it from popping out." And if anyone was close enough to grab what little he left out for the sake of being able to turn his head, he was a dead man, anyways.
Smiling a little, he shrugged at the Soldier and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "I know what I'm doing, alright?"
Son, you need a sensible haircut.
Mhhhn… Nah, I think you should just learn to mind your own damn business, old man.
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unfreakingtouchable · 10 years
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unfreakingtouchable · 10 years
"Folks... give me grief sometimes. Had to break a few skulls once or twice... or four times." The Scout shrugged, flashing a quick, if slightly uneasy smile. Turning from the Medic, he jerked his head down the hall and began to lead the way.
"A boté is someone that has both the spirit of a man and a woman inside them." He explained, slowing down to walk with the other mercenary. "It means I like to do guy and girl things. It's a blessing, being born like this and all where I come from... But you know how folks can be."  As he walk, he began to slowly shake his hands back and forth in an attempt to dry his nails. "It's... alright, if you ask me. Wouldn't go as far to call it a blessing or nothing."
"Um... it looks like you are painting zhem..." he rubbed at his arm.
"It is vhat?" He had never heard that term before and was curious about it. "Vhy vould I give you greif? I vould like if you told me about it. Und eh... danke fur taking me to zhe medbay."
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unfreakingtouchable · 10 years
"What's it look like?" Well, the Medic wasn't exactly yelling at him over this. That was a good enough start. A lot of people off- and on- the reservations just didn't understand the whole phenomenon, and some could react more aggressively than others.
"It's... a boté thing. I can explain it to ya on the way to the medbay, if you're not going to give me no grief about it on the way." Shrugging his shoulders, he capped his nailpolish carefully to avoid smearing anything. "I don't mind none."
Was... was the younger male painting his nails? Tie had never seen a male paint his nails.
"Oh um.. nozhing. I vas vondering if you could point me in zhe direczion of zhe med bay. Uh.. but... vhat are you doing zhere?" He pointed to the other male's hands.
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unfreakingtouchable · 10 years
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Watch it here.
Idk, i love this video so much. I have looked it 4378649 times.
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unfreakingtouchable · 10 years
"Yeah, yeah. Best hold onto it, 'cus I ain't gonna need no stinking pine box until I'm at least... thirty or so." Frank wasn't going to kid himself; living to a ripe old age just wasn't his scene. Knowing himself, he was going to burn out earlier than most.
Flicking his heavy braid behind his shoulder, the Scout hurried off to try and beat up some robots.
"You're the chick in charge, right?" The Scout asked, absently pawing at the side of his nose as he approached her. "Can I ask ya something?"
"Yeah, I’m in charge. What tipped you off?" She lifted the bill of her cap and smirked. "Whatcha need?"
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unfreakingtouchable · 10 years
The Scout glanced up from his nails when he heard a stranger talking to him. After finally feeling settled in his base, the young man had decided that it was high time to be true to who he was and had finally taken to painting his nails. Still, he was a bit defensive about a stranger walking up on him. There was simply no telling how some people could react.
"Sup?" He asked, his lips forming a grim line as he came to a stop and turned to face the Medic. Not that he stopped what he was doing with his hands. Frank had picked out a nice shade of blue to go with his uniform, and he wasn't about to let something silly like someone bumping into him to stop him from applying the second coat.
Once again Tie had left Mann Manor early. They had the weekends off so he liked to get away from that place whenever he could. Since he had no where else to go he usually just hung around other BLU bases. 
He had picked up a map of the base and was trying to find the med bay. Maybe the medic here would be in need of some help. As he tried to find his way around the base but paused when he noticed someone down the hall. 
"Eh.. Guten tag?"
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unfreakingtouchable · 10 years
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