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Being a system is finding little doodles like this that an alter made and just looking at it like 🥺
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((Sometimes being a system is really funny because I get to figuratively watch the difference between one of the groups going “You are… [insert name] #3-” and put a little tape sign on him mentally, and also the host of one of the subsystems just coming over and going hey, here’s a MLP alter I have and wondering how long she’s been there. So anyway, we can only sleep in 2-3 hour increments and are fully nocturnal, have an excellent day 👍))
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When somebody pouts that I “haven’t drawn enough him”
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🍊I need everyone to know I’m cutting vegetables in 5 inch heels.
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🍊Can’t believe it was so easy, y’all better try this out.
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🕯Hi, hope you’re all well. Currently we’re not doing so well ourselves, trying to manage a post-manic episode low period for Blueby and stay positive but it’s not exactly going the best.
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Today is observed as Dissociative Identity Disorder Awareness Day. I’ll hopefully be able to make a longer post regarding this sentiment, but just want to remind you that systems are real, dissociative disorders are real, and we struggle. We are real people with what is best described as a fragmented separation of consciousness between two or more conscious “parts”, alternatively called alters or headmates.
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🧬Good evening, I hope you are all quite well. I’ve nothing to say past that.
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What do you think about syscourse?
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🍊In all seriousness, we aren’t here to talk about any of that y’know? not our cup of tea, and not something we need here.
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₽But ALSO Phil has been a right idiot about us celebrating him, all bullying him right now.₽
£I forgot to tell everyone that it was a birthday yesterday, and the big man himself would not let us go out to the store and buy him rolos, which are his favorite. Happy birthday Phil, you bastard (loving)£
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£I forgot to tell everyone that it was a birthday yesterday, and the big man himself would not let us go out to the store and buy him rolos, which are his favorite. Happy birthday Phil, you bastard (loving)£
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inspired by @polyfrag-kero - a poll but it's things about our system!
feel free to elaborate on anything, if you would like.
- lola.
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I’m always open to answering questions about myself, the others, and just general silly things.
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((dawg, don’t follow me, I’m wildly stupid and we’re doing stupid shit 24/7, y’all ain’t gonna be happy with this shit))
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❌Gonna work on a little system positivity today, and a general explanation of “fictive divergence”. I hope you’re all having a wonderful day, orgulloso de ti 🫶
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Things are just… kinda going downhill at the moment and I feel like there’s genuinely nothing I can do.
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Systems, I love you, you didn’t ask for any of this, you didn’t choose for this to happen, you are trying your best.
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