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The Personalities Of Women Underwear
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In case anyone is having a bad night:
Here is the fudgiest brownie in a mug recipe I’ve found
Here are some fun sites
Here is a master post of Adventure Time episodes and comics
Here is a master post of movies including Disney and Studio Ghibli
Here is a master post of other master posts to TV shows and movies
*tucks you in with fuzzy blanket* *pats your head*
You’ll be okay, friend <3
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Maybe... If this didn’t matter and time didn’t count
Maybe... If I was good enough and stars could grant wishes
Maybe... If I had the spirit to let you free To give you what you want. To show you what you want To love you like you need to be
But I don’t... I have not the spirit to do so For my spirit has been broken and I’ve lost all self love
My skies are gray and My oceans are green My sun no longer shines and My moon highlights me with its pitiful light. My stars have lost their twinkle and so have my eyes.
But maybe... Just maybe...
If this didn’t matter and time didn’t count
If I was good enough and these dull stars could grant wishes
Maybe, then I’d be all you deserve and all you want me to be.
Then I could set my broken spirit free.
A poem written in a moment of self pity by ~Annie
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It’s April 21st, the only date in the year that I looked forward to more than my birthday. I smiled to myself, as I pulled off my covers and slid out of bed, thinking of how life changing this date has been for me in so many bittersweet ways. I quickly got ready, not putting in too much effort in my appearance, for today, I was just a ghost visiting ghosts; I couldn’t seem to let go of. They haunted me especially on this day, but I just couldn’t get enough of it. I checked the time on my phone,7:29. This is where it begins. I waited for her to form out of thin air like she always has for the past 5 years. Three, two, one, 7:30am. A chill ran up my spine as I watched her materialize by my bedroom door. She opened the door and walked out. I followed her like I knew I was supposed to. Her short blonde hair bobbed on her shoulders as she made wide steps, hurrying to get to work. She wasn’t late; she just liked to be on time. She didn’t notice I was following her; she never does. I tried my best to keep up with her as we walked along the busy sidewalk; she walked right through the people. No one else noticed her; I was the only one who could see her. There were times when I wished I was just as invisible as she was to the rest of the world.
I checked my phone again 8:24, just a minute before he appeared too. Matt. My heart skipped a beat, when I saw him and it broke my heart a little bit more that I couldn’t go up to him and comfort myself with one of his god sent hugs. But, it would only be pointless because there was nothing really there to hold onto but thin air. He would only slip through my fingers again just as he did when he was real.
She bumped into him at exactly 8:25. I didn’t even need to check my phone to know that. I leaned on a nearby post, hands in my pocket and watched as the two translucent figures collided. Both their phones fell from the collision. Matt bent down to pick them up. As he rose to face the midget of a girl before him, I took notice of how his face transformed from a cold expression to the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen in my whole existence. The only smile I’d like to believe, I was the reason for. His knitted eyebrows relaxed, his deep set of green eyes flowed and his lips tugged into an ear to ear smile , as he looked down on her. He held her hand and placed her phone in it.
I could feel his hands on my own, as if my palm and fingers recalled exactly what it used to feel like. Just exactly, how secure those hands used to make me feel. A tear slipped down my cheek but yet my lips formed a smile. She gave him a polite smile and stepped away continuing her journey to work, and he on his own way.
One would say it was destiny but I can’t say I’d agree. And if it was,destiny was unfair to us.
April 21st, 1991 was the day I met my deceased boyfriend. Our phones got switched that day by accident. I was very surprised that day when my phone (or what I thought was mine) rang while I was at work and answered to hear someone telling me to meet them to collect my phone. He said our phones got switched that morning when we bumped into each other. He told me his name was Matt and apologized at least a hundred times saying the the mixup was all his fault.
A week later, I met up with Matt to collect my phone. He invited me for lunch and that one lunch invitation became more and more each week. Soon we were friends and it was only a matter of time until we became more than that. Everything was blissful, perfect even, if I dare say.
But of course nothing good ever lasts forever. On April 21st 1992, Matt succumbed to cancer. Coincidence, was it? A dumb trick of the universe?
I remember how he confessed on his death bed that he had purposefully switched our phones that day we met, just for a chance to see me again. He claimed he knew I was the ‘one’ the minute he laid eyes on me that day. Destiny? I think not. I think the people around us, friends, family and all loved ones are like air. You can’t hold on to them; no matter what they will escape from our holds. Some take longer than others, while some like Matt take only one wonderful and unforgettable year.
I made it a ritual of mine to visit the spot we met every year for the past 5 years on the same day, April 21st. I would disconnect myself from the rest of the world and watch it happen all over again. I’m not sure why I did it. Maybe it was just my way holding onto what used to be and forget about what is.
I didn’t follow her any further. I never did. I eased myself off the post and began walking back home. The tears flowing down my cheeks like angry rivers. I didn’t even know when I reached back home or fell asleep on my bed. But I woke up at dusk in the same clothes from that morning. I lied flat on my back and stared at my ceiling fan allowing it’s steady spin to hypnotize me for a moment. I asked myself, when I was able to think straight again, the question I’ve been asking for years; “When will you let it go?”
A short story by ~Annie
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reblog if ur a disgusting piece of shit
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Chivalry died when Feminism became a thing. Are we going backward or forward?
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This should happen more often
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Jewels Elite Network | rubisqe
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April 16, 2016 - REVOLVE festival Day 2 at Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in Palm Springs
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April 27, 2017 - Leaving the studio after filming the 10 year Keeping up with the Kardashian show in LA
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July 26, 2017 - heading to an office building in NYC
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August 2, 2017 - At Cipriani in NYC
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July 31, 2017 - head to the boxing gym in NYC
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August 2, 2017 - is seen shopping at Balloon Saloon in New York City
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