univcrsal · 9 years
1. there is a mirror in my cage, the reflective parts painted over as a bright blue sky with birds and clouds and spaceships. i know it is a mirror because when i look, i see myself. always, always, always
2. when i was younger i wanted to kill the sky, but shooting arrows up and watching them fall back at myself got too boring, in the end.
3. i built a castle out of sand and called it love. as i left, it began to pour and there was nothing i could do.
4. i built a castle out of sand and called it love. this time, i sat beside it all night drinking cherry soda and reading gossip magazines. this time, it didn’t rain, and when the tides came in, i had built a wall.
5. i built a castle out of sand, and no matter what i called it, it was still just a sandcastle.
Discussion 10/7/15
1. Anomaly 2. Violence 3. What is irreplaceable 4. What is forbidden 5. Pyrrhic victory
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univcrsal · 9 years
does it matter how we die? rough edges and smooth centers, dreams in which we tell each other about other dreams; this is what matters, after all. this is the part where i tell you i love you and lie about the rest. this is the part where i tell you i love you and the rest doesn’t matter. if you don’t mind a bit of blood, then maybe this could work. maybe we could write something about our love for other people and pretend it’s for each other. i don’t mind a bit of secondhand cigarette smoke, it’s better than nothing at all. the truth is: even after everything this is what i am and you know it, and you know i’ll never be sorry.
a.m. // how to build a love
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