Not a request. Just wanted to say that I like your blog. I LOVE moodboards and it’s wincest so that’s a plus. Keep up the good work
🥺🥺🥺 the motivation has started coming back. Guess which bitch might fuck around and start posting again 👉👈
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I’ve been gone for a hot minute, but hey I’m still alive. Are there any fandoms other than supernatural that you guys are super interested in? I’m looking to switch it up a little.
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Happy pride month babes
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Happy pride month babes
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Happy pride month babes
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Happy pride month babes
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Happy pride month babes
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Vintage weecest
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I really do love the idea of John feeling guilty because he pushed the boys together. Love you!
How do you think regular cannon John Winchester would react to finding out his boys having a relationship with each other?
He’d been gone for hours.
When he returned, he’d expected to see Sam asleep or dutifully completing homework. He’d expected Dean to be watching tv. He hadn’t expected this.
John had walked in on his boys in bed together. Clothed, thank god, but who knows what would’ve happened if he’d walked in 5 minutes later.
Dean’s mouth was on Sam’s neck, extracting noises from the boy John never wanted to hear.
He couldn’t remember what he said. There was screaming. He remembered a lamp being thrown, smashing against the wall behind Dean.
He remembered Sam crying and clinging to his brother.
John left. He’d lost. This was his fault. Maybe if he had been able to save Mary, he could’ve given his boys a normal life. But this was too much. He slammed the motel room door shut behind him and drove off, leaving Sam and Dean behind.
He couldn’t save them. No one could.
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How do you think regular cannon John Winchester would react to finding out his boys having a relationship with each other?
He’d been gone for hours.
When he returned, he’d expected to see Sam asleep or dutifully completing homework. He’d expected Dean to be watching tv. He hadn’t expected this.
John had walked in on his boys in bed together. Clothed, thank god, but who knows what would’ve happened if he’d walked in 5 minutes later.
Dean’s mouth was on Sam’s neck, extracting noises from the boy John never wanted to hear.
He couldn’t remember what he said. There was screaming. He remembered a lamp being thrown, smashing against the wall behind Dean.
He remembered Sam crying and clinging to his brother.
John left. He’d lost. This was his fault. Maybe if he had been able to save Mary, he could’ve given his boys a normal life. But this was too much. He slammed the motel room door shut behind him and drove off, leaving Sam and Dean behind.
He couldn’t save them. No one could.
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There was something about those boys.
No one wanted to be the one to point it out, especially since John seemed to be unaware.
But brothers weren’t supposed to look at each other like that.
They weren’t supposed to touch like that.
Weren’t supposed to talk like that.
It was sick.
And yet, it seemed right.
Like they were made for each other.
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Hey! Do you only do mood boards for Wincest or for other fan fics? I have written 2 which I would love a mood board for 💕
It really depends on the fandom or pairing. I have a limited knowledge of fandoms, so I mainly focus on SPN and other things I know.
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Sam’s dreams were bright. Sure, Dean was the same, but the world changed. There were no crappy motel rooms. No black Chevy Impala to take them to some podunk town in the middle of nowhere. No prying eyes. No argumentative fathers. They were free. Free to be together. Free to exist without being controlled. Sam dreamt of freedom.
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Dean’s dreams were almost indiscernible from reality. Sam was the same. The world was the same. They were together. Happy. Dean liked things just the way they were, and nothing in his wildest dreams could change that.
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When John’s away, the boys will play.
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Sam didn’t realize how bland and colorless the world was without Dean until he left for Stanford, but by then, it was too late.
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MessedUp!verse - people of California are fearing for their lifes, because there had been a large increase in the amount of deaths, and police dont even have a single lead on the trio. A few weeks later, a traumtised man explains that it was boys in their early twenties and a 15 year old boy that tortured him for hours. They immeditly realise --
2/2 Love, I apologize. I promise I read it but it was deleted from my inbox. 🌻
Long before their surrender to police and subsequent executions, the Winchester boys had taken a prodigy under their wing.
He was violent and impulsive, much like Sam. He attacked people who looked at him the wrong way and he’d bring driver’s licenses home like trophies.
The Winchesters thought of him as a son, as someone to pass their knowledge on to.
When that trucker at the gas station had crossed the line, the boys snapped. Dean shot him and Sam took out his anger by carving him up.
Castiel was theirs. No one else’s.
When the time came for the Winchesters to surrender, they sent Castiel off with the hope that he’d continue what they’d started.
The public felt relieved when Sam and Dean were put to death.
Castiel mourned.
The Angel of Death rose.
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