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Read the Unland Companies Good Advice blog to learn about essential fire prevention measures for idle and vacant properties to ensure the safety of the premises and minimize the risk of destructive fires.
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Attracting and retaining employees has challenged employers since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2024, the labor market is expected to cool slightly; however, competition for talent will remain. As such, employers must remain agile and adapt to developing labor and market trends that will shape the market in 2024. In particular, current labor challenges are forcing employers to find ways to balance rising health care costs and inflation while providing employees with benefits they value and need. Understanding this year’s key employee benefits trends can help employers attract and retain talented individuals in an evolving labor market.
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Vehicle crashes into buildings can result in severe property damage, which can lead to expensive repairs and business interruptions. In a worst-case scenario, such accidents can cause injuries or even fatalities. As a business owner, it is crucial to take proactive measures to protect your property from these incidents. This article aims to help you understand how to evaluate the risk of vehicle accidents to your property, implement protective measures, ensure regular maintenance and testing of barriers, and educate and train occupants to safeguard your business.
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Hosting events at our homes, such as cookouts and seasonal celebrations, can be enjoyable and rewarding. While these events can be a lot of fun, they can also increase your liability risk, particularly if you have a pool or other attractive nuisances on your property. Know your home insurance with the Unland Good Advice blog!
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Due to the complexities of the law and potentially serious consequences for mistakes or violations, many employers outsource COBRA administration to a third-party administrator (TPA). Read the Unland Companies Good Advice Blog to learn more.
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The job of HR professionals is becoming more complex due to shifting employee demands and constant changes. This article explores reasons why HR professionals are struggling with employee benefits. Read the Unland Companies Good Advice Blog!
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As small businesses compete amid ongoing talent shortages, often with fewer resources than large companies, they may need to get creative in their attraction and hiring efforts. As such, employee referral programs are growing as a popular strategy. They are generally successful because employees put their names on the line by endorsing someone else.
Read the Unland Companies Good Advice blog to explore the benefits of employee referral programs for small businesses and strategies for creating and maintaining successful programs.
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Wide reaching and diverse, the retail industry plays a crucial role in the American economy, employing a sizeable portion of the workforce with both online and brick-and-mortar storefronts, resulting in consistent financial growth. Recent hiccups like the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain issues, and inflation have resulted in fluctuating ups and downs for the industry, but retail still manages to promote economic growth. Learn more on The Unland Companies Good Advice Blog.
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A vital aspect of running a small business involves managing its associated risks, as no operations are immune to internal or external threats. A risk management plan involves implementing various techniques that can help mitigate or prevent loss.
There are multiple ways a company can organize its risk management plan, but steps commonly consist of identifying, assessing, and managing risks. Businesses also need to continually monitor and review their policies and procedures to ensure their courses of action remain applicable and relevant. Learn more on The Unland Companies' Good Advice Blog.
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Rising health care costs are a major concern for most employers. DPC arrangements permit self-funded employers to reduce their health care costs while improving employee access to treatment. With this in mind, DPC is a cost-mitigation strategy that employers should carefully consider and monitor.
For more health care resources, contact The Unland Companies today.
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