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Angel Lightwolf
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Ryu, Arous, Holly
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Unnamed Realm houses prt. 2
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Lil test drawing of houses
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Creator’s Misfortune - What to make
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Small little random comic, part of a larger group, I’ll be posting in several places.
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Unnamed Realm: Darkness’s Return
This world of magical creatures has had peace for many centuries, with the worst of threats long gone. But then a prophecy states that, “Within the light, Darkness will rise. Darkness long forgotten shall forsake the light, and turn the pure of heart into the Darkest of it’s kind.” With this prophecy, the three journals of The Moon, Sun and Star have vanished.
Fed up with his life at home, our main character heads off with the Book of Star, and it reveals a new feature.
Ask away in the comments.
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First pic.
Skyreacher | Heartpelt | WhiteFang |
Second pic.
Starseaker | Nightstep | Firescale | Moonshine
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Wyvern Butterfly - The Gentelest yet fearcest, it shall burn and blow.
Phaleaf - The wolf of the forest, they are the phantoms of the forest.
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Crimsion - "You stoll my EVERYTHING now I'll steal yours."
Lighting Pupp - "The stars shine brightest on thoughs in the most pain."
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Angel Lightwolf - Main OC/Creator
Humanoid forn & Hight chart
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The Three
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                                            The Apprenticing
Orange Pillar: Draco
Blue Pillar: Angel
Green Pillar: Ryu
The Three
Left: Blaze
Middle: Silver
Right: Holly
It was early morning of September 15 XXXX, Silver, Holly and Blaze where asked to meet Draco, Angel and Ryu at the Pillars at sunrise.
 The three of them weren't 100% sure why they were called. Though they each had a feeling. But, no one wanted to jinx it.
  It was quite when they walked, as they were nervous. This could either be really bad or really good. But when they got there, the sun was just rising above their heads apon the stary eternal night sky.
   "I believe you have some idea as to why we called you here?" Angel says, tilting her head and looking apon the three pups with unseeing eyes.
   "You're, we're going to become apprentices right?" Silver asks, taking a step forward. His silver pelt shining.
   "That's right. So, why don't we start the ceremony then." Angel says, "I Angel Lightwolf, call for Silver to step forward. As on this sunrise, I call forth all the spirits who have come befor us, to grant me the power to make you my apprentic."
   As instructed Silver stepped forward. Angel then touched noses with him befor continuing.
   "From this day forward, Silver, do you promise to strive to find your place, your calling, and your time?" Angel asks.
  "Yes!" Silver responds, looking up with his own unseeing eyes.
   "Then from this day forward, you are my apprentice." Angel says.
   Silver practical seems to glow, but then Draco spoke up.
    "Blaze! I call thy forth apon this suns rise! As the sun lights the earth, I call apon my ancestors to give me the power to dub thy as my apprentice." Draco says, his voice booming.
   Blaze walks over to him, chest forward, gaze determined. His wings firmly agenst his back.
    "As long as I'm your mentor, and you my apprentice, I vow to train you as best I can. Be it in heart, mind and form. Do you, as my apprentice, vow to train as such?" Draco asks.
  "Yes sir!" Blaze responds, eyes gleeming as a gentel smile appears on Draco's face.
  "Then from this day forward! You, Blaze, shall be my apprentice!" Draco says, befor touching noses with Blaze.
    "Holly! From the stars that line the sky, let the spirits that watch over us all grant me the power to make you my apprentice. You will not only train in the ways of a chaser, but also of a warrior of justice. I will do my best to teach you all that you may need to know in your future beyond, but from today forth, you shall be my apprentice." Ryu says, Holly having come when he called her name.
  Holly's black green fur was a stark difference from Ryu's bright yellow tan. But they felt as close as clanmates when touches noses.
   The begining of a new era has started, and today was a dawn apon a new day with many adventures yet to come. No one could predict what events are yet to unfold. Yet as the sun continues to rise, these pillars of light didn't freat on what was to come, only the now that is.
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