#unnamed realm officals
amber-laughs · 6 months
Most anti lc!Jon people cite him being naturally suspicious/isolating to a fault as a leadership flaw which seems to hold up for marsh and the officers, however I'm on a reread of his dance arc and he's like...
Weirdly open about certain plans? In the scene where he sends Val to look for tormund, it mentions that Ed and Mully are both close enough to hear everything they talk about, as well as multiple unnamed sentries straight up watching them leave.
Val also mentions the baby switch THAT NO ONE COMMENTS ON implying that Ed and Mully already knew????
yes both great points, iirc it’s implied that melisandre knows about the baby switch too and i don’t think the men of the nw have any reason to suspect they’re switched and therefore don’t need an explantation. i don’t get that criticism either sometimes. i understand it in Feast for Crows when his friends are ragging on him for not spending time with them anymore and they’re right jon could communicate better with the people who have saved his life and been there for him when he felt more depressed than he ever had. but that’s more an emotional flaw rather than a political one.
"Once the free folk are settled in the Gift, they will become part of the realm," Jon pointed out. "These are desperate days, and like to grow more desperate. We have seen the face of our real foe, a dead white face with bright blue eyes. The free folk have seen that face as well. Stannis is not wrong in this. We must make common cause with the wildlings." - A Dance with Dragons - Jon III
he’s speaking to bowen marsh here and tho bowen goes on to disagree with him it’s no secret that jon is going to do it anyway and he just told him why. there are some things he keeps to himself, mance rayder chief among them, but what would have been gained from people knowing that? surely it just would have caused more chaos. and the loan from the iron bank, well iirc he didn’t have much time to share that info before all hell broke loose and even if he did, he is lord commander and is allowed and expected to make many decisions on his own especially regarding food and financing.
most importantly he’s more than clear about what the Real threat is.
"Winter is coming," Jon said at last, breaking the awkward silence, "and with it the white walkers. The Wall is where we stop them. The Wall was made to stop them … but the Wall must be manned. This discussion is at an end. We have much to do before the gate is opened. Tormund and his people will need to be fed and clothed and housed. Some are sick and will need nursing.” - A Dance with Dragons - Jon XI
this is the quote i chose but it’s not an isolated one. he’s never shutting up about these walkers of his. Old Nan would be so proud.
so does jon have trouble communicating? emotionally yeah. politically? not really, he could do a much better job of selling his point but he’s kind of a dickhead (affectionate) so he’s crisp and to the point but no, the night’s watch knows his reasons for wanting the wildings there, they just don’t like it. some of them for valid reasons might i add, they’re concerned about infighting and starvation, i understand them and am sympathetic but so is jon and that’s why he desperately wanted stannis’ men gone and a loan from braavos.
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ae-neon · 2 years
ACOTAR worldbuilding (part 345 of sjm hating the humans and being kinda racist?)
Note: Humans in almost every sjm work are an allegory for mostly poc minorities.
Historically excluded white peoples like the Irish, Eastern Europeans and Mediterraneans sometimes get to be Fae or at least magical in some way but even then only lesser Fae and evil high fae
The Faerie Realms
These are places above the Wall. Unsurprisingly it's easy to find there's little to no worldbuilding and each location is just a really bad allegory for a real world place
The most interesting part is how this line divides the 1st and 3rd world irl.
Like sure most of these places are written off as generally bad but that's probably sjm's American Exceptionalism peeking through. Because otherwise these are the only places where the rich, beautiful, powerful, long lived Fae are.
Prythian is Prydain which is the Welsh word for Britain
Hybern is Hybernia the ancient (Latin?) name for Ireland
Vallahan which is Nordic rep since it's a spin on Valhalla
Xian is Xi'an a city in China
Ravennia is Ravenna a city in Italy
Rask is a Danish surname but most likely a poor allegory for Russia given the description of a huge territory with a large army and vast wealth
Montesere makes me think of Montessori but it's probably just France (?) given the location
Lapplund is Lappland a province in Sweden
The Black Land is Kemet, the original name for Egypt. (Sarah? Kemit? Temek? No? Just "The Black Land"? Cool. Fck you too. Also EGYPT IS IN AFRICA therefore definitely below your little white line so you don't get to claim them asshole) (Also all these places enslaved humans but thisss one was definitely the worst place?? F U C K U)
The Mortal Lands
All lands where humans live are called the Mortal Lands but also specifically The Mortal Lands refers to the land below Prythian because of all the other Mortal Lands this Mortal Land has no other name or defining features. Here's a simple, free solution: the Southlands.
(notable locations on the fandom wiki include: Feyre's Village Post Office and Feyre's Village Barn? Yeah? 🖕🏼)
Silverspring Creek is a stream that runs through Feyre's Village (just name the fucking village after it? How have you named the stream but not the village?? This is a published author btw)
Greenfield Village a generic but pretty solid name. Isaac Hale's wife is from there.
And that's literally it for the oh so important Mortal Lands below Prythian. Notable residents include the dead unnamed parents of our core 3 female leads.
Bharat is Bharata, a historical name for India (Mama Archerons' cousin goes there and gets malaria and dies because...of course)
Neva is a city named after a river in Russia
Scythia is an ancient Greek Kingdom (once again just like with the Illyrians, Vassa's golden skin is not poc rep just sjm othering darker skinned and historically excluded white people)
Anyways this again brings into question how and why the Fae would ever lose to or be forced to treaty with humans when judging from the given locations they vaaaaaassstly outnumber them. Not to mention having magic. Like sure other Fae helped but there's more evil Fae territories than good ones too so ???
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sigilsongs-a · 8 months
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𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐄 / 𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓 ; canon unnamed wife of 𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐄𝐃𝐌𝐘𝐍 𝐓𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐘, mother of his three daughters; there is no known lore on her.
 marina moshcen , anna poppelwell , eleanor tomlinson ... emma watson , jodie comer , rose williams ... caitlyn stasey , charlotte hope , summer bishil ... elle fanning , holliday grainger , aubri ibrag ...
canon summary of lore. They had three daughters together, one of whom married Quenton Qoherys, the then Lord of Harrenhal. In 2BC King Harren Hoare offered Edmyn's daughters to whomever could slay Aegon's dragons after Edmyn was the first of the riverlords to join Aegon the Conqueror.  King Aegon called on Lord Edmyn to serve as Hand of The King in 7 AC, however, in 9 AC, Edmyn's wife died* in childbirth. Deciding that his children had more need of him than the realm, he begged leave to return to his family at Riverrun and resigned from the office. // + edmyn's heritage to lord of house tully.
+ these fc's are just some of my suggestions / preferences. *we can alter that to perhaps a difficult pregnancy to avoid her canon death.
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dogmomwrites · 2 years
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Got a couples tags for this one, so thank you, @andromedaexists, @eli-writes-sometimes, and @mariahwritesstuff! I'm gonna pass it on with soft tags to @axl-ul, @zoya-writes, @traveler-of-realms, @littlepatchofhell, @magic-is-something-we-create, @penspiration-writing, @thetruearchmagos, @witherednightmare, @zmwrites, @writingpotato07, @regalserpent, @fearofahumanplanet, @pluttskutt, @smzeszikorova, and @the-finch-address, as well as an open tag in anyone wants to join in! I'm well aware I'm a bit behind on this one lol
Since I had multiple tags, in addition to my own answers I'm gonna answer half of the questions for an oc and the other half for another oc. I'm gonna use the brothers Riley and Jimmy from my unnamed WIP (and it's unnamed sequel! *sob*)
⚠️ really long post, sorry! ⚠️
My answers
Are you named after anyone? Not to my knowledge. My mom was pretty random about names—my oldest sibling wasn’t named after anyone at all whereas my second oldest sibling was named after two different people
When was the last time you cried? I genuinely do not remember but I know it was a really long time ago
Do you have kids? No, thank goodness, because while I’d be a better parent than most parents I see in public, I very very much do not want that. I get worn out by nothing, I really could not handle a whole actual human child
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yes. I’ve been told I have a dry humor (to which I responded “well, yeah, I grew up in a landlocked state.” He laughed the whole way back to his office lmao)
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Whether they seem happy or not
What’s your eye color? Dark blue, but I have sectoral heterochromia in my right eye! The different color is brown, and there are three sections of it, so it looks like I have a brown star in that eye! My heterochromia and my hair have always been my favorite things about myself lol
Scary movies or happy endings? This is circumstantial for me. I don’t really have a preference betwixt these options on their own. Curse of the Black Pearl scared the shit out of me when I was…however young I was when it first came out, I don’t remember and I don’t wanna math my age, but—it scared me then (that was before I learned I have severe kinemortophobia; I can handle CoBP skeletons now) and now it’s one of my all-time favorite movies. Alternatively, Return of the King technically has a happy ending cuz they succeed at destroying the Ring, and that is also one of my favorite movies of all time. I would need more info about the movie to make my pick, but I do prefer action and comedy, so happy ending? Most labeled scary movies are really dull to me and only rely on jumpscares (which annoy me illimitably). Anyway, I’ll shut up about this question cuz that ended up really long; sorry!
Any special talents? Uhhh rambling, I guess lmao
Where were you born? Arkansas, although I have never actually lived in that state. I am grateful for that
What are your hobbies? Writing. Reading. Games—video, board, card, outdoor. Procrastinating writing 😔
Have you any pets? Yesss! I have always had dogs and sometimes cats, and as of now, I have two buppy and the dumbest kitty I’ve ever had. She will literally run face-first into the wall and doesn’t always catch herself when you slowly lower her to the floor in that sliding motion, like you’re pouring water from your hands. She has landed on her face—multiple times!!—from that because she apparently doesn’t think landing on her paws is important. She's so dumb, it's great
What sports do you play/have played? Softball when I was peewee. Since then, I haven’t been on any actual teams, but I have dabbled with mini golf and yard football (I have a good spiral but I do not have the yeet)
How tall are you? 5’8, close to 5’9 I think?
Favorite subject in school? English cuz I got good grades in it lmao outside of quizzes and tests, I always loved reading about biology and I really enjoyed my psychology classes
Dream job? Writer tbh, with like a side gig at an animal sanctuary or smth
For Riley. He’ll take the odd numbers
Are you named after anyone? When his biological mother was young, she had a dog that she loved more than anything; had it throughout her teen years and even a couple years into her twenties. It was rough on her when the dog passed, but not long after that, she had her firstborn with her husband. She never considered any name other than what her dog had been called—Riley Zeke
(3) Do you have kids? Yes, although that’s a very sensitive topic for him
(5) What’s the first thing you notice about people? Behavior and how they communicate with those around them
(7) Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. He was a big fan of scary movies when he was a dating teen tho lol
(9) Where were you born? Alabama, although when his biological parents died, he and his brother were moved up north to their paternal grandmother. He had a bit of an accent when he was first moved, but it faded
(11) Have you any pets? No, actually. While Riley has never had a pet of his own, there were many a dog and cat brought into their house during his younger years; however their mother drew the line when a nest on baby squirrels was brought inside
(13) How tall are you? Riley is 6’2, and stopped growing somewhere in his late teens
(15) Dream job? All he knows is soldiering tbh it was his dream ever since he was five years old. He does love being the center of attention though, so something to do with a stage would be pretty good for him
For Jimmy, who gets the even numbers
(2) When was the last time you cried? That’s a tough question. I know of a couple times he’s cried, but he doesn’t cry very often
(4) Do you use sarcasm a lot? Oh yeah, he uses sarcasm a lot
(6) What’s your eye color? Jimmy has dark green eyes. No heterochromia for him tho (RIP)
(8) Any special talents? Quite a few, actually. For starters, he’s not the best musician in the family, but he does know how to play three instruments, he can control lucid dreams, he can roll multiple coins across his knuckles at the same time, he knows a few magic tricks, and he can juggle just about anything—if he has four or fewer items, he doesn’t even need to pay much attention to what he’s doing. Lots of things were broken during his practicing years for that
(10) What are your hobbies? Nonsense, shenanigans, and a little dabbling in tomfoolery
(12) What sports do you play/have played? Jimmy was probably the laziest of his siblings tbh he didn’t care much for sports. Tried most of them out but never committed to them beyond the season. He didn’t even finish the season for soccer. He doesn’t like running
(14) Favorite subject in school? Science. He’s always loved doing the experiments himself, and science is the perfect scapegoat for when something gets set on fire, as it is more than just an excuse, it is a reason!
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sam-glade · 1 year
Ten first lines tag
Tagged by @thewardenofwinter here. Thank you💜
Rules: share the first lines of your last ten stories. If you haven't written ten stories, share as many first sentences as you have.
And I'm gently passing the tag to: @magic-is-something-we-create @serotoninshift @iced-ginger-tea @another-white-hole @moonluringfrost.
How many stories do I have?
The Fulcrum
The Soulless exhales in wonder as she looks across the waters of the Radiant Bay. Lornai, the Fulcrum, rests there, among the glints and shimmers, like a bejewelled bird in its nest. Soft violet sky is cloudless, pristine, but even its vast beauty cannot match the magnificence of the holy city. The waters and the sky are nothing more than a backdrop for the wonder of the Ancients. Every time the Soulless sees it in this setting, she is in awe.
Days of Dusk trilogy
Gifts of Fate
“Lissan?” Marrik tugged on the cuff of Lissan’s sleeve. His voice struggled to pierce through the buzz of the market crowd.
Aftermath (working title)
“What are we going to do about the boy?” The boy. The kid. The moronic brat blessed with the power of a Sword. He wasn’t your average Sword at that. His power manifested barely a year ago, and it was already on a par with that of a senior officer. However, he was still a foolish, arrogant, careless, immature, despicable… boy.
Prodigal Children
There were five of them. Five Elements, Five Princedoms, five princes to rule them.
The Truth Teller trilogy
“You joining in, Yevan?” the new guy asked, jerking his chin towards the dartboard.
II (rough discovery draft)
“Tell me about yourself, child?” Rilna looked up at the ancient man, not quite meeting His eyes.
III (rough discovery draft)
Rilna woke up cold and stiff. Her back was against a rough wall, and the threads in her blouse caught on the texture of the bricks. She shuddered and hugged her knees closer to her chest.
Other stories in the Sunblessed Realm
Asking for Trouble (an abandoned WIP - plot needs a lot of thought)
Ayda wasn’t a Dancer. Her opponent was. There was no way a normal person could do a hand spring over a crate instead of tripping as they backed away from her too slow punches. No bloody way.
Unnamed WIP (a.k.a. Unnamed Parody Thingy)
The cart’s wheel hit a stone, and Tilyon narrowly avoided biting his tongue. He steadied himself, directed the two horses back to the middle of the road, and checked that his luggage was still secure in the back of the cart.
A fluffy filler
Yes, it started with Catnip.
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mrtinmtz · 1 year
The Nectar of Silence
In the sanctuary of silence, beauty comes to life, on the altar of silent beauty humility plays with life, in the light of dancing humility innocence opens itself, freedom is the blossom, love is the perfume, compassion...  graceful way of walking, once you have tasted the nectar of silence then whether your eyes are open or closed, does not matter, once you have tasted the nectar of that dimension then it does not matter whether you are sitting on a room or working on an office or a kitchen, or talking to people, the quality of aloneness, the quality of motionlessness, the quality of thought-freeness does not get affected by physical or verbal movement
To realize that one is really alone gives new courage to the person, discovery of truth, a voyage one has to launch alone, you cannot impose the inquiry of truth in the heart of your partner, you cannot compel your partner to have the same intensity or the same depth of inquiry, so irrespective of where you are the voyage has to be launched upon alone, taking the inward journey and arriving at silence is the voyage in solitude 
Meditation is meeting eternity in the present moment, it is resolving every problem as it comes, it is resolving every tension as it creeps in.. it is facing the challenges of life in a non fearful way. When the taste of observation is sustained it changes the quality of your biological structure, the nerves are steady, the chemical system has an equilibrium and there is relaxation. Equilibrium. You live in the clarity of knowing who you are, when we see the wholeness of life, of being born, living and dying, there is a joy in living and grace in dying
As we deepen in understanding the arbitrary divisions between inner and outer disappear, the essence of life, the beauty in grandeur of life is its wholeness, life is a mystery that contains silence, which is free of movement, life contains that silence, that stillness, that state of unconditional freedom from movement or motion that also contains mind... which is constantly moving..
Silence is the realm of the unknowable, there is not the duality of the known and unknown. there is not the duality of that which has been defined and that which has not been defined, it is something unnamable, unmeasurable, 
you are rooted in the I consciousness, deeply attached to the center, and along as one is attached to that center, the i the me, the ego, one is attached to the past, the known, the experienced, there that center has a ceaseless involuntary movement, a tremendous momentum, that center needs time, that center needs the whole thought structure and inside the brain the tremendous momentum of the total human past is wound up, the movement it gets a chance, the center moves, keeps on moving, acquires something,  reacts to something, changes something, molds something, says something to someone else or hears something, reads something, looks at something, it wants to be in touch with something, otherwise it feels that it is not living, that is why it is said life is being equated to the movement of the conditioned energy..
So silence is not abstention from verbalization, silence is not waiting inward waiting for something to happen, some experience to take place, for silence to be, one has to understand the mind and its ingoing and outgoing movement, the mechanism of mind and its incessant movement, one has to see that in oneself, one has to discover that in oneself, it's a first hand personal acquaintance with the movement of the conditioned energy that might open the door to the other... to have the awareness of the total, to have the awareness of silence one has to be with it, in it. you have to plunge into it. you may read dozens of books about swimming but if you don't take a plunge in the pool then you can't give a discourse on how to swim, without ever having experienced the ecstasy of being in the waters, the joy of it, then your words would be empty shells, you have to take a plunge into it, you have to take a plunge into that which thought has not touched
that is silence... 
One has to take a plunge into the vulnerability of innocency, vulnerability and insecurity of silence where things will happen to me and i the center will not be able to operate upon it, so in the non-action of the conditioned mind, in the non-action and non-movement of thought structure life moves, it operates, it fills my being, it charges my being with a new vitality, it gives the depth to the being and charges it with vitality or energy that is neither physical nor psychological, when the being is flooded with that energy there is freshness, there is rejuvenation, in the freedom from thought, rejuvenation of the being takes place, so silence rejuvenates, it heals the worn out and tired mind, when the being gets flooded with intelligence or a new sensitivity, that also refreshes the intellect, sharpens your capacity heightens your sensitivity, this has happened to everyone that has taken a plunge, this is not the privilege of the few 
Why am i so afraid of letting life operate upon me, letting silence operate upon me? could it be that when life operates upon me i cannot know about it? i cannot identify what is happening to me and describe it to myself? silence brings you directly in communion with a thing as it is, it doesn't keep you busy with the word, the description, it brings you directly intimately and immediately to the thing as it is, to life as it is…
 So my friends, being with that solitude of silence, being with the limitless, nameless, measureless reality creates a new balance, it refreshes the worn out mind and washes you clean of every manner of fear…
Vimala Thakar
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vacantgodling · 2 years
hi hello I'm a little late but I or A for the oc alphabet soup?? - @magic-is-something-we-create
hi!! never too late promise <3
like all my other ones i'll do all the ocs i have for both i & a!
iberis gunn (paramour) - one of hya's elder siblings and the researcher/doctor of the bunch. is having an affair with his sister narci's husband myrtus lol (also has a wife himself pff)
officer izak harrison (tlss -> donut wip/noi, alone) - one of the officers investigating what's going on at the unnamed college that juls/noi go to. is definitely an asshole and kinda racist :/
lady illiana aegos (tcol) - the stepdaughter of the current reigning duke & kiba's step sister. spoiled and haughty, but she has a good heart under her upbringing somewhere.
IIARAN (tcol) - goddess of creation among other things
IISIDIA (tcol) - goddess of creation and magic among other things
izul (celestial weddings) - one of dagmar's partners of the seventh realm, mukhiru. they're the fifth eldest of the royal family.
ire (god eater) - one of the seven deadly sins (wrath) aka one of the first demons of the under (just not The first, that's ava).
itri or thumbs (thumbs and the giants) - mc of the thumbelina retelling i'm working on. he's good with his hands, thus the nickname thumbs.
A (this will have a lot so i'm sorry in advance)
amon (paramour) - beloved boy. hya's butler lol.
aloe anvil-gunn (paramour) - hya's youngest sibling, an angel. wants to become a priest.
antoinette rouzet-blanc (vampires don't take roadtrips) - darren's cousin; daughter of his uncle laurent and his late wife emily.
agenor rouzet-blanc (vampires don't take roadtrips) - darren's grandfather on his mother (liz)'s side. deceased.
awilda haelathem (vampires don't take roadtrips) - one of vlad's close friends & cousin of the leader of the coven he's been hidden at corsel haelathem.
andres seymour (tlss -> donut wip) - juls's best friend
altair nocturne (tcol) - an alchemist who was apart of jihi's team when he first joined guilds. has been missing for at least 10 years.
grand duke aran lathsbury (tcol) - kiba's father and the current reigning reagent of lathsbury until kiba is old enough to become king.
duchess arietta lathsbury (tcol) - kiba's aunt and presider over the city wish of palanthia.
arian bloom, guardian of love (tcol) - evondra's former lover who was killed by jealous suitors. was made a guardian at his death.
anele of kairos / anele lightfoot (tcol) - historical character. the first ruler of the newly established kingdom of lathsbury after the civil war.
aidan "di" absyna (lukewarm rejection) - main character of LR and the rhythm guitarist of the group. doing his best fr.
amiya abada (lukewarm rejection) - groupie, tour bus driver & di's best friend.
adelise absyna (lukewarm rejection) - di's mother and an emotionally absent parent towards siobhan, but was very close with di growing up.
alona (nad) - the third pov character/main character. college student who starts working at a sketchy company.
axel heights (nad) - one of the experiments that nyseah ends up adopting.
aenlin (celestial weddings) - one of the hopefuls from the first realm lesedi & dagmar's final love interest in a suprise twist of fate. second born of the royal family.
almine (celestial weddings) - one of dagmar's love interests from the third realm zali. fourth child of the royal family.
azab (azab and the hero's shade) - mc and the chosen one that's been reincarnated over and over. feral boy.
avarice "ava" (god eater) - one of the seven deadly sins (greed) and the first demon manifested in the under.
apathy "path" (god eater) - one of the seven deadly sins (sloth) and one of the first demons manifested in the under.
aurora o'rion (gothica) - main love interest. serial heartbreaker and head smasher. got some weird power thing going on.
agatha reuter (gothica) - one of lennon's roommates and a snitch pff.
alessandra (shrouded in darkness) - mc & the youngest princess of the kingdom of darkness who still has her sight. agrees to marry into the empire of light to kill them all.
amelia rottney (noble) - noh's former best friend and comrade; was the JACK in their JACK&JILL unit.
amehana (train master chidori) - chidori's ex-gf and best friend. works for her family's restaurant as a delivery driver.
arden (???) - he's an old oc from the remnants of cardia but idk what i'm doing with him yet.
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paullovescomics · 2 months
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The Warcraft movie is currently on Tubi, and i watched it last night. I thought i had watched it back in the day, but i remembered none of it. I played maybe twenty minutes of the game ages ago, so no real expectations from that direction. The impression i had was that people hated it.
It's not great, but it's not terrible. Orcs come to the planet Azeroth from another, unnamed world that has been dying for a while. They're led by a sorcerer (i mean that in the generic sense, not in terms of rpg classes, idk what his class is or what classes are available) called Guldan who is using a kind of magic called "Fel" that's like necromancy. He uses prisoners' life energy for magical power, including to open gates to other worlds. Humans of Azeroth resist, good guys turn out to be bad, some orcs realize how awful this Fel magic is, big fights, big spells, betrayals, tragedy, plenty of epic fantasy beats are hit.
Do the orcs look ridiculous? Yeah, kinda. But it's close to the exaggerated style of the game, right? There's also some uncanny valley between their more realistic faces and their insanely wide bodies, but obviously it didn't but me enough to deter me from watching it.
I think orcs also came from another world in Forgotten Realms lore. At least in 3rd edition. I had the 3e book about the Realms.
I liked the thing that happened in the end between Garona and King Llane. That was a twist that made sense in the moment and was more effectively sad than it had any right to be considering how sudden it was. Good job by Paula Patton emoting past those tusks.
Maybe this disappointed at the box office, but it's a good time in the less weighty and expectation-laden world of free streaming.
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libraryofcirclaria · 2 months
1025 to 845 BCE
Library of Circlaria
Remikra Timeline
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Spanning previous millennia was the existence of the Circlarian Empire, which brought about the rise of a prosperous society that almost achieved global status. It was around 1025 BCE, according to present-day scholars, that the Magnum Plagam Collis, a supervolcano near the present-day island of Vantacula, erupted, triggering cataclysmic events across the Circlarian Realm and plunging the entire globe into a volcanic winter for the next few years. The consequences were tremendous, as the event killed off almost ninety percent of the human population at the time. This period became known as the Ashen Years. However, several cities had practiced the idea of preserving seeds to grow in underground farms in the case of such a catastrophe. Two of those cities, Totia and Kitalos, were located on the continent of Remikra. Over the next two centuries, these two cities would endure.
What would become the Imperial Head of the Totian Empire was initially a small, rocky island in the Bay of Fundee inhabited by a small citadel which sat atop a large underground city. The land surrounding the Bay was untouched; although much of the area was inhabited by vegetation, most of which consisted of pine trees, grasses, and ferns. Compost from these resulted in the little topsoil and mosses that existed throughout the otherwise rocky landscape. Cool to mild summers alternated with harsh winters while the vast Circlarian Ocean brought a great deal of precipitation.
The people during this time were of North Circlarian descent, and spoke Aerdn, the official language of the Circlarian Empire. It was also during this time that the Totian religion began to take root. Totians believed that the world began in "chaos and storm," and that divine spirits worked to bring order to the world. Believing that their job was not finished, these spirits decided to produce more divine beings by growing them in bodies of human flesh, which would then die and release the new divine spirits. Thus, deceased loved ones were worshipped as deities by the North Circlarians. During pastime, North Circlarians created simple vocal music, as well as music on little-known stringed instruments. Although most of this was conceived aurally, rare pieces of paper manuscripts and stone carvings provide evidence. Also conceived were poems, which later developed into simple theatrical plays, and visual art creations in the form of stone murals and carvings. Education was military-training-based, where all people, under an order issued by an unnamed Commander at an unknown time, were mandated to receive a "basic doctrine." Only those fit enough advanced voluntarily into the upper ranks. However, during the curriculum, pupils were taught simple survival and combat skills, as well as religion, arithmetic, and literature. Early Totia was governed in a top-down fashion, where laws and orders were issued by the Head Commander, and enforced by top officials and the military. Totia was, at the time, divided into Cantons; so the Commander would appoint a Watch to head each Canton, where the Watch appointed loyal members of the community to keep order. Succession was determined by the Head Commander, who would first appoint a Top Advisor. This Top Advisor would succeed the Head Commander in the event of the Commander's death and determine who the next Head Commander would be. This Advisor, however, would not take power if the Head Commander appointed an official successor before death.
Not much existed in the form of trade with other entities during this time period. However, Totia developed a robust domestic economy, which consisted of bartering goods and services. Later on, in the 900's BCE, precious metals and pebbles were used as currency. Although no official social structure existed, the wealthiest and most powerful were the Head Commander and closest Officers (including the Watches). The second most powerful class was populated by the Watch-loyals and their families. And the least wealthy and powerful consisted of the Commoners, who had no direct relations with the Watch-loyals or Officers. The Commoners produced food and basic goods for themselves as well as everyone else in Totian society. Watches and their loyals maintained peace, upheld the law, and carried out important civil services in exchange for goods, property, and precious material. The Head Commander and Officers regulated the rules of exchange, as well as settled any disputes and checked the value of certain exchange items. Crucial to the survival of Totia during the Ashen Years was the discovery of lych moss, which could filter salt out of sea water. Lych moss existed in abundant amounts on Totia, allowing for the creation of a reliable supply of fresh water to a growing population. Such a supply of fresh water helped to water the wheat and cereal crops that existed in Totia's underground farms, where burning kelwick lamps provided sufficient artificial sunlight. For a time, kelwick also lit lamps in even the Commoners' living quarters. However, kelwick was native to the distant mainland Circlarian Empire. Although the Totians had a large reserve of kelwick by 1025 BCE, the two centuries of isolation that followed the Ashen Years had worn this reserve down significantly. So Commoners and top Officers alike turned to another abundant source of fuel: pine trees. Many pine trees existed on the island, and would serve as a reliable fuel source for years to come. As the trees were cleared out, Totians built cabins in the clearings and settled there. Meanwhile, criminals were subject to indentured servitude, while Watch-loyals continued to carry out honorable civil duties, creating a reliable supply of human labor.
Messages were mostly spread by word of mouth, either informally or by official Messengers. The Head Commander and his inner circle used small paper scrolls for communication as well. Such scrolls, as well as pebble inscriptions and stone "tax tablets" (taxes were imposed beginning in the 820's BCE), were kept in the Head Commander's archival vaults as records. News and announcements were presented on large bulletin walls in each canton, mostly under the Head Commander's orders; although free speech from the lower ranks was permitted most of the time.
Most of Totia existed underground at this time; so the cantons were connected to each other by stone passageways while all people traveled on foot. This system existed as a web, where the Head Commander's Headquarters, located in the Citadel, stood in the center. Well-maintained, tiled stone halls connected these Headquarters to all the cantons, while the cantons were connected to each other in the same fashion. Within the cantons, lesser-kept passageways existed between the living sectors of the Commoner and lower classes.
Totia was originally a military outpost built by the Circlarian Empire. This outpost consisted of a navy base and the Citadel with large companies of foot soldiers. During the Ashen Years, the ships fell into disrepair and sank. However, Totia maintained its system of foot soldiers, who spent most of their time maintaining order, as there was no legitimate outside threat. Early on, inside diplomacy issues existed in the form of "street factions" within certain cantons. Anything from property disputes to disliked romantic relationships would occasionally erupt into brawls and even killings. As factions rivaled factions and allied with others, the Head Commander and his Officers were on either hostile or favorable terms with each faction as well. Nevertheless, strategic deals with them was a must, as Totian society grew larger and became harder for the government to keep in order.
Within each canton existed a library of spell scrolls from the days of when Totia was under Circlarian Imperial influence, while a grand library of such material existed within the ranks of the Citadel. Priests and clerics, as well as other spellcrafters in the lower social classes, worked endlessly to interpret these scrolls.
Unlike Totia in the cold, hard North, Kitalos resided much further South, along the warm coast of the Magnumarian Ocean. The adobe-like structures of ancient Kitalos surrounded a harbor which opened East into the Bay of Kitalos, which stretched many miles inland and had a small opening out into the Magnumarian. Surrounding the bay were mostly sandy beaches and rolling hills. Most of this territory was made of fertile soil, as well as vegetation consisting of short grasses, coastal oak, and a few pine trees in the colder, higher regions. There were also a variety of ferns, mosses, and small greens. Mild winters alternated with warm to hot summers, with the latter lasting longer. However, the climate pattern here was noted more for its significant wet and dry seasons.
During this time, Kitalans were keen to mingle with the nomadic indigenous groups who regularly traveled along the hillsides. Indigenous groups were also welcomed openly to live in the city. Initially, Kitalans spoke Aerdn, like their Totian counterparts to the North and East. However, interaction with the nomadic groups led to changes in vocabulary and dialect, giving rise to the Kitalan tongue. Also as the result of nomadic influence came the Kitalan religion, which viewed the earth (Their world is named Juno Minor.) and each known celestial body, including the many observed stars, as genderless, faceless divine beings. Accordingly, to their beliefs, some of these beings were more powerful than others, with the most powerful being the Sun. For each of most of the beings, at least one temple was erected. In the city of Kitalos, many temples existed, including one for Juno Major (the gas giant around which Juno Minor revolved), and, most significantly, one for the Sun. Countless homes and market squares had little shrines for the less significant beings. As freedom of religion was a staple principle in Kitalan society, people went into these temples, individually, and at their own free will, where they lit incense and meditated in an attempt to connect with the divine. Kitalans did not believe in life after death, nor did they believe that the Universe was created by a divine being; however, they believed that prayer and meditation would allow one to communicate to a divine being, asking a question or a desired outcome.
Kitalos was a free society, embracing such principles as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, voice in government, human rights, and tolerance of others. Such a philosophy was reflected in the visual and performing arts, including musicians performing pre-modern harmonizations on string harps during certain occasions. However, Kitalans believed that the human voice was the purest method of music creation; so the use of "artificial instruments" was quite rare, as no "orchestras" were believed to have assembled at any given time. It was the responsibility of the parent or "watcher" to teach a child to read and write, as well as teach the methods of thriving in the world in which the child was expected to live. The only educational institutions that existed during this time were libraries, which were tuition-free and open to the public. The central library existed in the city-proper of ancient Kitalos while smaller ones existed in other various locations. While no concrete requirements existed in terms of education, there was incentive. For many years, Kitalan masses catered to those who were the most informed on special areas of expertise of certain materials in the libraries.
In stark contrast to the city of Totia, the Kitalan government was democratic in nature. Kitalos was presided over by an elected council with no single leader. Furthermore, the power of such council was kept in check by the population. Although there were no set terms or limits, the tenure of a member of such an elected council was determined solely by the people. Anyone who did not vote favorably on certain issues was removed according to petition. If a double-petition arose, one that favored a council member's end of duty versus one that did not, the petition with the higher number of signatures prevailed. The Council of Kitalos also appointed a Tribunal class, subject to the will of the people, who served a judicial duty to settle both civil and governmental disputes. Laws and decisions were carried out by Orders, classes of physically fit members of Kitalan society who served both military and civil duties of enforcement.
A notable difference with this system of government was that it was inclusive of any member of society, including women and those of nomadic groups. With their policy of openness and tolerance, the Kitalans became the first society to trade with the indigenous groups. Through a developing trade network, Kitalans were introduced to a fine resource: olives. This would inspire curiosity for later generations to explore more of Remirka. Kitalans were favored by the indigenous groups for the construction of adobe buildings and boats, while the Kitalans mutually favored the indigenous groups for their ability to produce a variety of food.
Initially, rubies and marble pellets, artifacts of ancient Circlarian society before the Ashen Years, were utilized as currency. However, around the 900's BCE, a rift between the wealthy and less fortunate inspired the lower classes to use olive seeds as a more convenient currency; this eventually would re-balance the economy, rendering the rubies and marble pellets to obsoletion. For Kitalos' market, workers would build the ships and buildings, while upper-class Kitalans would be the ones to sell them to the indigenous population. The latter practice served as the first model of real estate. With usually one to three workers per seller, buyers would pay the vendors equally. Meanwhile, the indigenous food and good producers, who worked as merchant families and clans, would sell their goods in the Kitalan market squares, usually splitting their earnings equally. By the 900's BCE, there was a working class and a merchant class within Kitalan society. However, being an active democracy, Kitalan society provided an incentive to strive for fair economic distribution. Within the nomadic families, the elders usually held more wealth than the younger ones.
Like the Totians, the Kitalans had an underground agricultural system. However, public infrastructure existed in the form of seed vaults, consisting of wheat and barley. Residents were given rations from these vaults, which they grew in chambers in their homes, utilizing mirror systems to focus the weak sunlight during the Ashen Years. Other sources of food came, via trade, from the nomadic indigenous groups, who were hunter-gatherers. From the Pimdanian Mountains came the Yearling River, which ran down to a delta just North of Kitalos, serving as a secondary fresh water source for the early inhabitants. The primary source was an underground plumbing system built before the Ashen Years; such a system drew water from a multitude of underground springs, named the Seven Underground Lakes. In various pockets around the Underground Lakes lay coal, from which the pre-Ashen Kitalans drew large amounts and held in large reserve chambers underneath the city. These chamber reserves lasted the Kitalans until around 875 BCE, after which they ventured out into the surrounding land and felled trees for wood. In contrast to the Totians, the Kitalans never practiced mandated labor. Before the Ashen Years, the Circlarian Empire had ruled over the Kitalan region with forced labor; so following the Ashen Years, the Kitalans, as part of forming a free society, established one of its crucial principles to be the total abandonment of any and every kind of forced labor. However, voluntary labor was a part of everyday life in Kitalan society and trade.
Indigenous nomadic groups were often the source for carrying written messages between Kitalan parties. Another form of coded communication existed, where structures, mounted with torch towers, used lights of differing color to "flash" certain messages to other towers, which would echo these messages back to the intended party. This was known as "flash code." Pamphlets and scrolls were stored in vaults all over the city, especially government items such as tax records and resource budgets. Even as early as this period, multiple organizations produced pamphlets to communicate news to the masses, with the material ranging from public announcements to informal gossip. The Kitalan Council neither regulated nor had any involvement in this press system.
Clay and dirt streets existed in the ancient city of Kitalos. Outside, trails were marked by members of indigenous nomad groups, who served as guides. Traveling Kitalan parties would follow a nomad clan on occasion. As the nomadic groups constantly shifted location, so would the paths, as walking was the most common form of transportation in this time. It also was quite common for Kitalan and nomadic traders alike to use mules, domesticated elk, and even horses in their possession. Most notable, however, was the utilization of the mountain eagles, which both populations used to their advantage. Although quite rare in this period, mountain eagles would become more popular in the years to come.
Indigenous nomads often called upon Kitalan warriors to serve in battles against hostile nomadic groups, using horses and infantry as well as boats against enemy camps across the Bay. Skilled Kitalans became the first to use mountain eagles to drop primitive fire bombs upon enemy encampments, often for a very high payment, making Kitalos the very first society to develop a military air defense. Despite such an advancement, Kitalans were very reserved when it came to military conflict, utilizing it only in the event that either they or their indigenous allies were provoked. Even in the event of provocation, Kitalans often pushed for diplomacy first. Nevertheless, whenever diplomacy failed, it was usually the Kitalans and their allies who won the conflict. Abiding by the principle of abandoning forced labor, the Kitalan Council often split an enemy population so that only their families could live together, forcing them to adapt to Kitalan society via Kitalan "guides," who rehabilitated them. It was upon the alliance with most groups that trade and, eventually, acquisition would develop. However, the nomad groups would occasionally fight each other. Those hostile to the ones associated with the Kitalans would, inevitably, be hostile to the Kitalans, themselves. In 841 BCE, one of these hostile groups constructed boats and attacked Kitalos from the Bay. In less than a year, however, Kitalos and their many allies ended the battle with a victory.
Like the Totians, the Kitalans had spellfire scrolls from the ancient Circlarian era distributed in libraries throughout the city. A notable difference, however, was that spellfire inscriptions existed in stone along the streets and sidewalks, serving for use only in the case of an apocalyptic event such as the Ashen Years. In the years that followed, a variety of people added to these long lines of spellfire code, contributing items that included inscriptions of nomadic influence. Such additions were also added to new pieces of scrolls in the libraries.
-> 835 BCE ->
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writer59january13 · 7 months
Bittersweet pyrrhic victory...
if a 2024 November presidential Biden win pandemonium likely to occur, subsequently figurative tectonic upheaval might set United States in a tailspin. Though discouraged, disenchanted, disheartened, et cetera Democrat, I intend to exercise enfranchisement wherein human made his habitat within Schwenksville, Penna, a washed out town with one laundromat pessimism rains heavy on my heart reverberating a prominent pitapat hoping on a broken wing and a prayer trumpeting Republican theocrat blessedly outvoted videre licet sense and sensibility courtesy electorate. Yours truly attests the candidate signified by donkey the lesser of two evils, a cruel trick doled out courtesy fickle finger of fate braying against lumbering Elephantidae Thomas Nast of Harper's Weekly in 1870 he did illustrate
said animals as caricature he did humorously sketch though expressing tacit approval for elder incumbent octogenarian quintessential statesman, he (a common gentile Joe) exhibits the preferred alternative, though secular Semitic humanist,
I vouchsafe present commander in chief bares the sisyphean onus to foster entente cordiale among various and sundry governments linkedin across the webbed wide world, particularly vocalizing, orchestrating,
invoking dovish overtures unnamed politician obligation his adherents must take a stand and serve as ambassadors representing peace and harmony for instance such as conferring freedom regarding oppressed Palestinian people Israel must liberate
allowing, enabling, and providing their own destiny (lies) to operate versus being humiliated courtesy where boot heel diplomacy of autocrat bully and regulate every friggin action brutally commanding, goading, lording over, et cetera subjects
when, where, and how to breathe or urinate, plus current occupant of Executive Mansion must not resist parlaying olive branch, which amped up energy, would tax even an envoy
even at her/his prime, which younger generation must be entrusted to govern since four score chronological orbitz logically, seriously, zealously... automatically must disqualify office holder/seeker, whose emotional, mental, and spiritual fitness necessitates body, mind, and spirit triage
no more than half life of aforementioned age, cuz youth in general, (and women in particular) bubble with near boundless energy regarding promulgating win/win within realm of conflict resolution emblematic of Lake Wobegon, the little town time forgot,
and the decades could not improve .
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arunima123 · 9 months
Illuminating Qatar: Navigating the Bright World of LED Lights
Lighting the Way in the Heart of the Middle East
In the vibrant and ever-evolving landscape of Qatar, where modernity meets tradition, the demand for cutting-edge lighting solutions has witnessed a significant surge. As the nation strives for sustainable development and energy efficiency, the popularity of LED lights has soared. In this quest for brilliance, many individuals and businesses are seeking out the best lighting options, turning to LED lights shops, lighting companies, and lighting suppliers in Qatar. In this article, we explore the luminous world of LED lights shops in Qatar and shed light on the best lighting companies leading the charge.
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The Bright Evolution: LED Lights in Qatar
Efficiency, Sustainability, and Aesthetic Appeal
LED lights have revolutionized the way Qatar embraces illumination. These lights are not merely a source of brightness but represent a shift towards energy efficiency and sustainability. Qatar's commitment to reducing its carbon footprint has fueled the widespread adoption of LED lights in homes, offices, and public spaces.
LED lights, known for their longevity and low energy consumption, have become the go-to choice for those looking to make a sustainable lighting investment. The government's push for green initiatives and sustainable practices has further accelerated the demand for LED lights, prompting the establishment of numerous LED lights shops in Qatar.
Shining Stars: LED Lights Shops in Qatar
Exploring the Diverse Market
Qatar boasts a diverse market of LED lights shops, each offering a unique array of products to cater to different needs. From residential to commercial lighting solutions, these shops house a myriad of options, ensuring that customers find the perfect fit for their requirements.
Whether you are searching for stylish indoor LED lights to enhance your home decor or robust outdoor lighting solutions to illuminate the architectural marvels of Qatar, LED lights shops in the country have you covered. Many of these shops collaborate with reputable lighting companies and suppliers, ensuring that the products on offer meet the highest standards of quality and innovation.
Guiding the Glow: Lighting Companies in Qatar
Leaders in Innovation and Design
In the dynamic realm of lighting, Qatar is home to several leading lighting companies that have set the benchmark for innovation and design. These companies play a pivotal role in shaping the aesthetic landscape of Qatar through their cutting-edge lighting companies in Qatar.
Collaborating with renowned architects and designers, lighting companies in Qatar have been instrumental in creating iconic structures that come alive with the play of light. From bespoke chandeliers that adorn luxurious hotels to state-of-the-art LED installations in commercial spaces, these companies weave light into the fabric of Qatar's architectural identity.
Radiant Partnerships: Lighting Suppliers in Qatar
Connecting the Dots in the Lighting Ecosystem
Behind every well-lit space are the invisible threads connecting lighting companies and end-users—these threads are the lighting suppliers. Lighting suppliers in Qatar act as the bridge, ensuring a seamless flow of high-quality lighting products from manufacturers to retailers and ultimately into the hands of the consumers.
These suppliers play a critical role in maintaining the delicate balance between innovation, affordability, and accessibility. Their partnerships with lighting companies and LED lights shops in Qatar contribute to the dynamic and ever-evolving lighting ecosystem of the country.
The Quest for Brilliance: Best Lighting Company in Qatar
Setting the Standard for Excellence
In the pursuit of the best lighting company, one name consistently stands out without the need for a specific mention. This unnamed lighting company has etched its mark on the Qatari lighting landscape, setting the standard for excellence and innovation.
Known for its commitment to quality, durability, and design, the best lighting company in Qatar has been instrumental in transforming spaces into captivating experiences. From residential projects that exude warmth to commercial ventures that radiate professionalism, this lighting company's portfolio speaks volumes about its prowess in creating illumination masterpieces.
Illumination Nation: A Radiant Future for Qatar
As Qatar continues its journey towards a sustainable and vibrant future, the role of LED lights, lighting companies, and lighting suppliers cannot be overstated. The luminous tapestry they create weaves together efficiency, aesthetics, and environmental consciousness.
For those navigating the bright world of LED lights in Qatar, the array of options provided by LED lights shops, lighting companies, and lighting suppliers is nothing short of dazzling. As the nation looks ahead to a radiant future, the quest for brilliance in illumination is set to be an integral part of Qatar's ongoing narrative.
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tearingchunks · 1 year
[drabble #2 (unnamed)]
"Are you fuckin' with me?"
The cloaked figure holds his arms out wide in exasperation, smirking, grinning, almost laughing before coming to a sudden halt, stepping forward once.
"It ain't funny, though. Nah. I'm not the one putting forward such a pathetic little offer. You come to me, in my office, and- oh, and I arranged a little transport, to be nice, even though ya could have fuckin' just took a bus, or a cab, or a- no. Ya cheap out now? The fuck d'y mean 'bank transfer or cash'. Do I look like I need either of those things? If you're offerin', I'll take that just for the damn ride back, if you want it. Waste of time."
"...Told ya I can't- no, we can work this out, I just can't think of what would be worth it. I've offered- more than enough. I've got chemicals, pharmaceuticals. I can loop you in on my patent- I've got- "
"...shush- shut it- shut it. You've offered nothing you truly care about, hm? I don't like to run background checks, and I'm no expert on if we've got chemistry or not but I can tell when you're trying to fuck me. Get a move on, or get out. All this for an assassination?"
Gallagher's got a raised brow and leans forward on the back of a chair, both parties stood up in his office, clearly neither calm enough to sit with a table between them. The chair rolls back and forth as he pushes and pulls idly, listening. He prefers to talk other's heads off, but he can listen, for a moment.
"Well, he's. Ah, it's, an old business... associate, he has too much tied into things and he's not exactly friendly. Look- that's not the point- how much? How much? Is it physical?"
"How much? I ask the questions. I don't want any of that."
He leans forward after whispering that out, putting a finger to the lips of the other for a moment, then cupping his chin.
"How would you feel if you got what you wanted, today? Or if one of your business... partnerships, went well? Would you want this, even if it you weren't happy afterwards? Is that worth it?"
"..good, I'd feel good. Accomplished. It certainly wouldn't be bad- as long as the price is right- I mean- the money I'd make, it's undeniable, yes, but- what are you implying?"
"Hm. Oh, just a little something. It's done, then, if you're ready, you know. You've said all I need t' know... so. Deal's a deal? Shake my hand, if it is?"
The hand drops from the chin, and he extends for a handshake. A smile. Very welcoming, yes. As the other extends, and grasps on, for a moment, the other can't let go, Gallagher's grip increasing as he steps forward, locking eyes for a moment, his eyes subtly tinting, darker and darker with a deep burgundy red, before he lets go.
"And don't worry, you'll get it back. These sorts of things tend to adjust themselves, chemically, in the mind. It's no less real, though. Now, hm. Care for a celebratory drink, or do you want to leave? My chauffeur can get you where you need."
"...I'll. I don't, no I don't want one. This doesn't feel like the right time- wait- what did you... What's happened? You are going to sort out the problem, right? Where's your- don't. Can you- fuck, I'm confused, it's like-"
"...sh. Shush. Shut- shut it. You're okay. Stop rambling. You'll understand, it's metaphorical. It's not so satisfying, right? Shoo, downstairs. I have food in the slow cooker and I've gotta sort out my desk. Elevator's behind you, you know that. Hah... ha. Ha."
The figure he dismisses walks off looking at his hands, looking around, almost worried, miles off from the demeanor of contemptness he has come into the building with. Gallagher, in the meantime, grins, smiling to himself as he slides his office door shut, running back over, getting back in his office chair via a vault over his own desk, knocking a few items over, but who cares. He spins the chair a couple times, and stops to look out the window.
He's very happy with this one, and he knows exactly why. It's not often someone's so gullible to not expect him to delve into the realm of emotions when securing his deal. New customers. At least he'll know the guy'll be back - this arrangement might end up making the client some money... and he knows that's really what keeps them coming back. Well, most. He prefers the older days, where sometimes he'd get a customer who's simply here to mess with the rulebook, or wants something unique- or even positive. A smart one... but the type of character who finds his enterprise is not the sort that values fun.
It's a fine balance, anyways. A lot more people he can feel good conning than people who he'd feel good helping. The prices that are needed to be paid just wouldn't be worth it.
He picks up his phone and calls up an associate - they've got a little something to do before the day is out.
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danicadenniss · 1 year
Na’ Coda Naruto
Home: Pryo, Kingdom of the Jungle, Earth Realm (birthplace), Titan City, United Republic of Nations
Elements: Earth, Metal, Lava
Occupation: Police Officer, Heir of Pryo (since childhood to teenage years)
Abilities: Earth Bending, Metal Bending Lava Bending
Ethnicity: Indo-Caribbean (Indo-Trinidadian)
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eyes Color: Hazel
Skin Color: Tan
Family Members: Father-Chief Navajo Naruto, Mother-Nova Naruto, Oldest Sister-Niagara Naruto, Partial Grandmother-Nova Naruto, Unnamed Material Grandfather✝️, Material Grandmother✝️, Unnamed Partial Great Grandmother ✝️, Wife-Stella Mia Garcia-Naruto, Daughter-Na’ Luzia Rio Garcia-Naruto, Mothers in Law-Savanna and Gloria Garcia, Brother in Law-Blaze of Domino, Nephew-Na’ Kai Naruto/Hiccup Haddock/The New Limbonar, Naruto Ancestors, Ancestor-Kumora
Na’ Coda Naruto is a Indo-Trinidadian man with thick mid length dark brown hair, thick brown eyebrows, hazel eyes, brown beard Earth symbol on his right shoulder and slim muscular build and athletic figure. He wears a black sleeveless top with collar and dark green trim, dark green pants, black flip flops sandals.
As Titan City Police Force, he wears a green long sleeve shirt, black pants, black socks, dark gray boots and sliver armors, shoulder pads, wrists guard, elbow pads, chest plate and knee pads on the sleeves and pants.
Na’ Coda is brotherly, royal and brave man.
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themorniingstar · 2 years
There had been something unnamed scratching at his senses for more days than he had deemed acceptable; a distant feeling of familiarity that he had been unable to place. The feeling had grown from a simple inconvenience to a fully fledged irritation that refused to give him peace, and now compelled him now to take leave of his office and satisfy his curiosity himself. 
The very walls of Hell itself seemed to have felt this strange presence too, sharing It’s thoughts with every quiet pulse of energy as he walked. It’s chattering grew louder in his ears, with all the sickening thrill of starved hyenas baying at the heels of some half-dead, unfortunate beast.
New-born doors and hallways opened as he followed their lead, each eager and willing to deliver their Lord unto his quarry. Hale had expected to find some piss-poor attempt at Creation left to rot in some forgotten corner of Hell, or even a few squabbling Hell-born jostling for some sort of social standing in their pathetic little circles. 
The sight he found before instead him was a surprising one.
“Far from home, aren’t we?” he mocked as he took measure of the lithe angel huddled against the unforgiving ground beneath their feet. He eyed him cautiously;  how long had the angel been down here and why had his presence gone unnoticed until now?
“You could have sent a missive to tell me you were visiting, old sport.” He teased, keeping a respectable distance between them for the time being. Hale may have had the upper hand at face value, this was his realm and his word and action here were law after all, but a cornered angel was still a volatile creature.
“I would have fetched the good China.”
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Ryu, Arous, Holly
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Silly Jackbox Headcannons bc I can't go back to sleep.
-The jackbox games are all hosted by the same game show network/company that is desperately trying to convince the outside world that the supernatural stuff going on is just special effects for the drama
-The narrator for Weapons Drawn (goes unnamed but I'm gonna call her Dawn) was just a stage tech that happened to have a time machine. She was promoted to a host when her time traveling was found out by higher-ups.
-Dawn liked to travel to a particular party crashing of one Lord Tippet, which became the setting of their show!
-Some intern thiught it would be funny to put googly eyes on a bunch of the office equipment, and now we have the Job Job cast. Management is still trying to figure out how this happened.
-Cookie, Schmitty, and Kate (the drawful host) were all roommates at somepoint. Schmitty moved back to his old home after some...things came up, but Cookie and Kate still live together. Or at least, they did for a while.
-Mayonnaise jumped into the TV once, and now he can grow thumbs. Neither Cookie nor Kate question this, because they see a lot of stuff on the regular
-Mayo and Dawn are space-time travelling buddies sometimes!
-Felicia was accidentally summoned in the Jaxbox building's basement, and with no way to send her back to her realm, she just lived down there for a while, watching old romcoms.
-Felicia is fascinated by earth love. Not because she wants to fall in love herself, but because watching other monsters get together is just ADORABLE to her!
-Cookie got really into ventriloquism once. After his puppet started to act way more alive than intended, it was thrown in the basement, where Felicia found it.
-I like the REDACTED is Schmitty take, personally. Can't really explain why, I just like it
-After hearing that Cookie would replace him as the YDKJ host, Schmitty got.. kinda pissed, taking up his family's old serial killing trade and doing his old friend in
-As for how Cookie's conscious is in Binjpipe? Uhhh let's just put it this way: any way Schmitty could have killed Cookie so hard he got stuck in Twitch just...wouldn't sound believable, so why explain?
-And then in Full Stream Cookie hosts anyway because hey free host and also fuck you Schmitty
-Someone help Toby out of his toxic "business relationship" with Lena, that bitch is crazy.
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