untoldgitaroolegend · 10 years
((Hi... umhh, I haven't see you in some days... I hope you're ok c: and see you soon..))
((Ah, shoot... I left in an unannounced miniature hiatus. I should've left a note or something, but I ended up forgetting to do so or thought I already did! Expect to see activity soon, just know that I'm still around!
In fact, I should also update my crack rp blog someday...))
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untoldgitaroolegend · 10 years
gravillian-warrior submitted:
"Hey you!"
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"Who are you and why are you acting so weird?"
How shocking! Was this another Kirah, or a Kirah U-1 knew? This was so weird! “U-um,I’mU-1!I’mjustU-1!” The bugged hero quickly spoke, his voice tempo at a major increase. “I-Idon’tknowwhatyou’retalkingabout!”
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untoldgitaroolegend · 10 years
Oh really? you're the one here all bugged.. I was just kidding
"I... don't... care...! That's... a... messed... up... joke...!" He was still noticeably all flustered.
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untoldgitaroolegend · 10 years
If this is getting to be too much for you, I reccommend turning Anons off for a while.
"I... don't... wanna... have... to... agree... with... you... but... I... gueee-- essyou'reright."
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untoldgitaroolegend · 10 years
*pokes him* Hey, I was just kidding, she's really old for you, that's why the metaphor.. *pokes him more*
Completely still. Just as if he was a statue. Buuut, thankfully, with enough pokes, he moved again in that slowed tempo. "That's... messed... up...! You're... messed... up...!"
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untoldgitaroolegend · 10 years
oh poor U-1, being teased like this with a Kirah that might be your mother
"W-WHAT?!" Aaaaand he froze again.
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untoldgitaroolegend · 10 years
there's no age for love~ *winks* or do you want me to send her a magic anon and make her younger?
"W-what?!T-that'stooweirdthough--!" Poor U-1. He was flustered and awkward at this point.
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untoldgitaroolegend · 10 years
Oh really?? I think I hit right in the nail's head with that!! come on! don't be shy! you should tell her! owo)9
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untoldgitaroolegend · 10 years
You sure that's because you're "buggy"?? it looks more like you are in loo~vee~~!
U-1 immediately froze up... for quite a long moment, actually. ... I think you froze him with that shock, anon. Look how red his face is! Oh, wait, he's moving again, covering his face and blushing heavily.
"N-no...! I--... I... didn't... mean... it... like... that...!"
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untoldgitaroolegend · 10 years
'Soda: Have you ever gotten to our stage in that state? 'Carrot: Better question, has he ever beaten us in this state? 'Soda: It doesn't seem pleasant to be like this. 'Pine:..
These guys? U-1 didn't know much about the Sanbones, but due to the ones in his file being loyal to Zowie, his suspicions were held a little high. "I... mean... I... DID... save... the... universe..." He slowly spoke, taking a sudden still moment, speaking again after a total of five seconds, "You... guys... aren't... gonna... try... anything... sneaky... are... you...?"
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untoldgitaroolegend · 10 years
what do you think of the older Kirah? Do you like her?
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"ButIfeelkindaallmessedupinside'causeI-- IIIII... I'm... a... little... buggy..."
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untoldgitaroolegend · 10 years
"T-that'sgood! IguessI'mfinetoo!" He subtly, yet rather rapidly swayed from left to right, right to left, until he came to a sudden halt. 
A slightly concerned look showed on his face, and not long after, his pupils dilated, and he slowed down vastly once more. "What's... wrong...?"
"W-Well, I’m fine..?" She didn’t understand a lot of what he said so suddenly but tried to understand.  "What about you..?" She asked cautiously trying to figure out what happened with  U-1.
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untoldgitaroolegend · 10 years
gravillian-warrior replied to your post:"U-1?!"
She couldn’t stop herself from smiling widely at him and get closer for a better look, he looked kinda slow and his body glitched a little. “I missed you so much, U-1.”
His cheeks began to flush a faint red, just as slowly as his movements.
"W-well... gee... I..." he paused, light colored pupils suddenly contracting as his voice increased in tempo. "--missedyoutoo! H-HowareyouKirah?"
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untoldgitaroolegend · 10 years
Another Kirah? This one appeared to be much older than the two U-1 knew, but that didn’t change much.
"Uh… H-hi… Kirah…!" His lips slowly curled into that of a sheepish grin.
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untoldgitaroolegend · 10 years
I anticipated that, even with your current, sorry state to be considered.
The bugged hero slowly huffed, crossing his arms as he looked on, still some obvious unease apparent on his face.
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untoldgitaroolegend · 10 years
Oh gosh... U-1? Are you alright?
"K-Kirah…?" He stared blankly at her for a couple seconds, only to grin. "I’m… fine…!"
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untoldgitaroolegend · 10 years
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How lucky U-1 was, to hit a speed-up at that point. Look, there he goes!
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