I’ll be moving this multi muse HERE. today! So give it a follow if you still wanna write with me.
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I’ll be moving this multi muse HERE. today! So give it a follow if you still wanna write with me.
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“that and i get to actually go to school. all my classes were really interesting.” matilda’s always loved school, ever since she was little. that passion hasn’t diminished at all. “i told my mom the other day that i wished i could take more than eighteen credit hours for more than four years.” but she had a feeling that wasn’t going to happen.
“seriously?” she couldn’t believe people that they knew actually were getting married and starting their lives like grown adults. matilda still felt like a kid in most ways. it was strange to think that kids she’s known since the first grade were doing something that, to her, seemed too grown up. “how is it?” she hasn’t been there in a really long time, even when she was home. she just hasn’t really found the time to visit, especially since she was basically always at home during the holidays. she smiled, even chuckling through her nose. “i miss her too.” she loved school, loved being there. but she did miss the small things like reading with her mom or, when she was in high school, the car rides while being dropped off on ms. honey’s way to the elementary school. “i don’t think i could either.”
  “Mathilda, Mathilda. Once a nerd, always a nerd.” He said in a teasing voice, shaking his head at her with a light chuckle. Sure, Marcus usually did good in school, at least in the more logical classes. Math, physics, those types of things. But Mathilda was way out of his league in most classes, and he leaved teasing her for it. 
  “The store?” He asked, his eyebrows rising while he gently nibbled at his bottom lip. Would he tell her the truth, that it was falling apart, or did he put on a front that everything was okay, like he did with everyone else. “Honestly?.. I goes as good as anyone would expect with these dollar stores and Walmarts popping up everywhere.” It was a good of an answer he could give her. It was honest, but he still didn’t have to admit that it was most likely going to shut down. “Don’t tell my mom though.. it would break her heart.” Whatever was left to break anyway. 
   He sat up straighter on the bed, giving his friend and more sincere look. “You know.. I thought about visiting you, going to see what the east coast has to offer.. but.. I’m just scared if I leave this place I’d never want to come back.” So he wouldn’t judge her if she didn’t.
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as much as he really wanted to do it and knew he was just digging his own grave, he shook his head. “i’m really sorry. you never really told me your name or anything.” it’s not like he paid attention to pop culture. if anything, his dad wasn’t a big fan of television or movies. he remembered being told that tv killed his brain cells and he was better outside. besides, he didn’t really have any options.
he sighed, trying to reason with this girl. he couldn’t do much. he wasn’t his dad and, really, he couldn’t do much. squirt was just told what to do and did it. “if that’s what you wanna do, dude.” if she was so insistent, he wasn’t going to fight her on that. he wasn’t going to fight it. but it was strange. usually it was the opposite: people usually wanted crush samuels to be the instructor. he was the one with the surfing awards and the fame in the surfing world. squirt was just the kid. “you don’t have to offer all that money. you can just pay the normal price and we’ll call it even.” he did feel a little bad for her and wondered if this was one of her last resorts. “i’ve got an appointment at noon tomorrow. you’re good with that?”
“Yes I did. I told you my name was Vanessa Mason.” Man, this guy was annoying, but he was her best shot at getting Ryder jealous, and to finally learn surfing at the same time. 
She took a deep breath, knowing she was probably acting like a dive, and she hated that about herself, reminded her too much of her mother, and she’d rather be poor than turning into the woman. “Noon is perfect. Can I get an email so I can send the address once I find the right place to stay?” 
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Ethan tried not to look so amused when she’d dismissed him. Not like any other girl. The cliche. Just like that his interest in her disappeared. He found that most women who use that line forget the fact that no other girl is like the next. And if there was, there wasn’t anything wrong with being like other girls. “Good for you,” was the final thing Ethan had to say about the matter. He turned his attention to the other woman, who seemed much more amiable.
“I’ll be on a plane to France two days from now,” Ethan answered Jenny with smile. When the woman mentioned what hotel they were going to be staying at, he didn’t exactly know how to respond. Maybe the fan was hoping to get information about which hotel he was going to be staying at. That was something the singer was still adjusting to. If they’d said the exact same statement before his fame, he would’ve been more than willing to divulge information. But now his management believed it would be a safety risk. Hell, even this trip to the capital of the country was a bold move and he was lucky they’d even let it slide. So instead the celebrity nodded. “That’s so nice of them to get you that. The best gift I ever got from my dad was a guitar, which he soon began to hate because I paid more attention to my music than my calculus class.” He chuckled.
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Good for you? Good for you? What did that even mean, and what did his change of expression mean. It felt like it had been some connection earlier, maybe not the most positive one, but an interesting one non the less. But then, as soon as it had arrived, it was gone. Because of something she said. As he talked to Jenny, her mind went over what she said. Was it about speaking her mind.. no.. it was about being like any other girls. Why had she even said it. It was a stupid sentence, and far from her feminist views. 
“Pari? Oh my God! That’s insane, cause Amalie and I are also going to Paris in like..” - “Two months.” Amalie said, cutting her off, giving her friend a disapproving look. Was she really planning to make it seem like the two of them just so happened to be going to Paris in two days. She was insane. Weird what a celebrity’s present could do to people. “For fashion week. I go every year.” Of Course, going very year, Amalie was fully aware that the Paris Fashion Week wasn't until four months down the line. She just prayed he didn’t know it as well.
“Well anyway. I had some French in school. Now I just remember small phrases like bonjour, our and je t'aime.” Jenny said, with a shy smile. Was she really trying to flirt with this guy? “Amalie was always way better though. Especially after the went on a one month trip, living down there with a host family.” Jenny continued. That, and actually working hard in class, instead of picking up suggestive sentences, Amalie thought to herself, though she would never say anything like that to embarrass her friend. 
“So you always knew you wanted to do music?” Amalie finally asked, looking over at the other, hoping for a second chance to prove who she was. If there was anything she hated, it was people getting the wrong impression of her. Image was everything, especially in the fashion business. Not to mention, the singer seemed to have some sincerity about him. That he truly did care about his craft and  his admirers, so why not explore what inspired him.
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What Shape Does Your Pain Make?
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Your pain takes the shape of ghosts, haunting you, always there. No one would believe you if you told them, or understand even if they did. You don't know how to make them go away, or what they want. They just follow you, casting shadows over all you do, being your fears and the embodiment of all you've lost or are afraid of losing. 
They can't touch you though... Can they?
Tagged by: @awfultm Tagging: @writtenarcana (Ben) @gcldcnhour (Whomever, or all) @wxnderinghearts, @fullofhcart (Mathilda)
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Classes are canceled because fo freezing weather! So I’m all your for the day!! Gonna get some replies out and work on my blog 
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The Filipina looked at the santa hat in her arm before she looked up to Amanda, brows furrowed. “This is literally the first actual interaction that we have. I don’t know what image of me your friends have built but it isn’t fair for you to hold me to that standard.” She spoke plainly, struggling to hide the frown on her face. She honestly just wanted to say sorry, be amicable, and help Chloe decorate the mansion. “I can say the word fuck. And I do fucking drink. But I don’t feel the need to drink to ‘chill’ or ‘let myself go.’” She hated that in the first conversation she’d had with this moment. Maybe Amanda did come from a well meaning position, but Blesse wasn’t having any of it. She didn’t let Isaac tell her how to live. She sure as hell wasn’t going to let this stranger think she had the power to do so either.
She put on the hat, letting it flop to the side of her head. “Listen Amanda. Don’t worry about me. I’m more capable than you give me credit for.” She returned the smile Amanda gave her before she left the room to find Chloe.
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As Blesse walked past her, Amanda couldn’t help but turn to look at her with a small smirk appearing on her lips. Maybe the Filipino was tougher than she gave her credit for. At least she was feisty, something Isaac desperately needed. Someone who would tell him when he was being a stupid pain in the ass. Perhaps this relationship could withstand somehow after all.
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As she entered the kitchen, she wasn’t even surprised to see Isaac walking in the other door. Perhaps he had even listened in on their conversation. “aah.. my three favourite girls, and the love of my life.” He said, crouching down to pet Justin as he said his last lines. Apparently the pug had been luring around hoping some cookies would make their way to the ground. And she he chuckled before walking up to Blesse, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and putting his arms around her waist from behind.” Made any extras for me?” A spatula made its way towards Isaac’s head, but had clearly missed him on purpose. 
“Get out of here! I told you, Girls Night. You’re kicked out until 2am.” Chloe said, giving him a firm look. “Chill out, Chlo, I’m just making sure you guys aren’t ripping each other apart.” Amanda felt Isaac’s gaze on her as she spoke, to which she shrugged, like she didn’t know what he was referring too. “What?” Isaac shook his head and gave Blesse another kiss on the cheek before stepping away, not being able to let some worry shine through. These were his best friends, his family, and he knew Amanda could be overprotective at times. He just hoped she’d be okay. Finally it made sense, why Blesse was scared to introduce him to her family. 
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The smile made him feel relieved, he may not have messed up completely just yet. “Waffles and ice cream it is.” He declared with a wide grin. If that was what was going to make her feel better, it was what they were going to go for. When she thanked him for not judging her, he tried not to let his confusion show as that seemed to be what hurt Chloe in the first place. “Of course. It honestly changes nothing for me,” he assured the blonde.
“Can I ask something though? And you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, I don’t usually butt into people’s business but–” he paused, the question he really wanted to ask was why it would change his opinion on her but he thought against it – “why is the father not in the picture?” he opted to ask instead. Maybe he can piece things together for himself.
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Chloe stopped by the street, wondering if he was calling and Uber, or was planning on walking to the closest breakfast place. Then he asked to ask her something, a statement that would often freaked her out, as the question following usually wasn’t the most positive on, or the person wouldn't have asked permission. At the mention of the baby’s father, Chloe’s gaze fell to the ground, too ashamed for her past to dare look into the other’s eyes. 
“Well... let’s just say I have a bad taste in men.. and.. they way he provides from himself isn’t exactly legal.. or ethical..” Neither had her former way to proved for herself been, so who was she to judge. “I’ve.. made some stupid mistakes in the past.. and I don’t want this child to pay the price for it.. it’s not that I don’t want my child to know its father.. its more that I don’t want the father influencing his.. my child.” 
She kicked around some pebbles on the ground, keeping a soft focus on him, to watch for any reaction, or where he might lead her. “Can I ask you a question too though?” She said, turning so she was looking at a building across the street, and anything but his eyes. “Do you think the end justifies the means? Or that a person can be forgiven what they’ve done, if they did it out of desperation?” She finally looked over at him, looking for even a spark of forgiveness for what he didn’t even know he had done. Why did she care anyway? Since when did she care what someone she barely knew would think of her.
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   “Second destination?” she asked, with raised brows. “You may surprise me yet, Isaac.” There was amusement in her tone. She really didn’t expect this date to be more than just a quiet meal together. But at the mention of lingerie, she tried not to blush. Sex was something that was new to her. And she found that she did enjoy it thoroughly. She didn’t know why she felt so abashed at the thought still. But despite not anticipating a second part to their date, she did wear a cute pair of underwear today. Mostly just to give her a little boost of confidence, but in the end she was glad she did because it turned out it would come in handy.
   When she met Isaac she was certain his intentions weren’t in the right place, he probably only ever wanted to as they say hit it and quit it. But she knew she’d dampened that goal when she refused to kiss him despite the heavy tension that settled between them since that night.
   Tension. Passion. They always had that. Things Blesse thought she’d never have with any man. She turned to look at Isaac with a wonder in her eye. She didn’t know why it took a year but she realized that even though Isaac thought wasn’t really good at surprising her– that was the farthest thing from the truth. For here was Blesse realizing that having Isaac in her life was the surprise of a lifetime.
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   Isaac gave his girlfriend a sincere grin and a kiss, trying to make it somewhat passionate but failing for the grin that kept reappearing. Yes, maybe he would be able to surprise her after all. “I mean, I try.” 
   As he noticed the sense of wonder in her eyes, he shrugged, letting his hand rise slightly in confusion. “What?” It was far from an accusing what, but rather one of his now wonder, wondering what was going on inside that beautiful mind her hers. 
   The car-ride to their next destination felt way too long, at least if you were to ask Isaac, who kept his right and resting elegantly on her thigh, slightly a bit further up that it normally would. Eventually, he pulled the car up in front of his apartment, looking over to check if his love would approve or not. “The place is almost finished, so I wanted to show you how it turned out.” He gave her a kiss, lingering for a bit, but then exited the car, rushing around the front to open the door for her.
   As he walked up the front steps, his stomach immediately dropped, as his gaze landed on a dead rat on his front porch, front cut open to have its intestines falling out. It wasn’t random, it was a message, a threat, and he knew exactly why. He quickly kicked it aside and turned to Blesse, he jaw tightened and eyes wide open in focus, ready for anything or anyone to jump out at them. “Get back in the car, right now!” He put a hand gently on her back and led her towards the car, opening his own car door to bend over and reach for a handgun underneath his seat. He quickly loaded it and held up, ready to shoot anyone or anything that got to close to the one he treasured the most. But the question was, should he leave her there while he checked the building, or let her follow him inside. “Do you know how to shoot a gun?” If course he had a second one, the question was, would the diplomat use it.
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I’m gone for two days and apparently a small thing about tumblr changes and everyone freaks out.. so.. I didn’t miss much? Just the usual business?
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So, tomorrow a friend is flying on from Norway and is gonna stay with me for four days, so obviously, my activity is going to be non-existence! But don’t worry about me, I'll be good! Will be available for ooc chatting abut plotting or ship or anything though, so feel free to reach out!
Especially those two new peeps who followed me! I’d love to write with you once I return after my 4 day vacay! 
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     what’s that crashing sound, follows us around??                   that’s the sound of all things good breaking!!
                                          SELECTIVE INDEPENDENT MULTI-MUSE
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after justin went into the bathroom, lavender wasn’t really sure what to DO. she stood there awkwardly for a moment in her living room. should she leave?? should she just stay and wait?? she decided on the later, choosing to sit down on her couch. soon her orange cat jumped up on the cat with her, settling in her lap.
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what a DAY it had been. she never thought something like this would happen to her. justin seemed…nice. there was a warmth to him that lavender picked up on. when the bathroom door opened, lavender turned her head, sending a smile to justin.
“hey. this is stewie, by the way.” she says softly, gesturing to the cat on her lap. “is there…well, is there anything else i can get you??”
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As Justin walked out, his gaze immediately fell on the orange cat, as a smile appears on his face. If there was one thing Justin loved, it was animals. Especially as some, no, most of them, were better than humans anyway. In fact, it would always be he dream to become a vet, but that required an education, which required a bigger amount of money than he would ever have.
   He crouched down, reaching out his hand towards the creature, letting his fingers run over the orange hairs as he came over. “Hi there Stew. Nice to meet you.” He chuckled, petting the cat for a little before looking up at the other. “Nope, but we need to get you a new lock.” 
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– // ** “oh, i didn’t realize…” now that made him sound like he thought amanda was an alcoholic. which wasn’t true. he just wasn’t used to going out with anyone in the first place, let alone someone as confident as she was. “i’ll have one then, whiskey is more purposeful when sipping anyway.” he nodded.
davis glanced down at the wood of the table, trying not to give away any of his micro-expressions. he wasn’t the best at hiding his feelings or thoughts. “i appreciate that, i think more teachers are like that then you think. at least in my experience, just the system doesn’t do a good job supporting those teachers.” he tried to explain, wanting to defend those he worked with. “that sounds like a nice time though, and hey. i enjoy a good rom com if it’s done correctly.” he admitted. davis had always been much more sensitive than others wanted him to be, but he had learned to accept that part of himself. it just seemed like something amanda would get bored with and figure out pretty quickly, that’s how it usually went. “so, you been here before?”
   “A good rom com.” Amanda said, nodding her head slowly. “And how exactly, is a good rom come done correctly”? She was curious as to what he would say, not to mention that it was the chance to have the conversation easily transition into the flirtatious or suggestive territory, which after all, what was most men desired, at least the men she had encountered. Except for Justin, another rom-com lover that Chloe could connect with. Sure, Amanda hated most rom-coms, but seeing Justin being exited, and try some of the pick-up lines on her on later occasions had made it worth it. This was far from the first date Amanda had been on since his passing, so why was the memory if him suddenly haunting her. 
   “Never been actually..” She said, looking around the bar. “My friends and I recently.. stopped hanging out with our usual crowd.. and lets say.. if I were to walk into one of my former regular places.. I wouldn’t be walking out with a face as sexy as this one.” Rather one of bruises or a bloody lip. If she had walked out at all.
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      “n-no, no i can pay for it really.” she WANTED to pay for it. her way of doing something nice for him. sure, he’d been living in her apartment for two weeks, but she wanted to do more. she liked him, a lot. but she didn’t know how to EXPRESS what all she was feeling. “i’d really like to get you dinner, justin. don’t worry about it.” 
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    “Come on.. you get me dinner almost every night. God knows I can’t cook for shit.” He said, placing a few more books before looking over at her. “What is this all about? You’re acting.. different.” Strange was the word he had meant to say, but figured different sounded a bit more positive. Yet he had a feeling he knew what it was.. it was time for him to go, to move out, it had been two weeks after all, and now she wanted to give him one more perfect night before delivering the bad news. “Look.. if you’re gonna kick me.. I can handle it.. save your money for the next lucky guy that breaks in here.” 
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