unyielding-phoenix · 3 years
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“You should totally like this for a starter with me~. Because I’m so much cooler than that grumpy ol’ Mokou~.” 
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unyielding-phoenix · 3 years
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“Surprise~ It’s Kogasa-tan as a Guest Muse!” 
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unyielding-phoenix · 3 years
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“If all Myths are real in Gensokyo, does that mean I’ll get to witness a death battle between Santa Claus and The Krampus? Because that’d be fuckin’ sick.” 
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unyielding-phoenix · 3 years
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“Well, what do we have here?” she asked as she peered into the pitfall. “Another one of Tewi’s victims? You need a hand or you good?” 
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unyielding-phoenix · 3 years
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Contrary to popular belief, Mokou doesn’t actually hate Kaguya. In fact, she considers her a friend. Well, the kind of friend that you’re willing to beat the ever living fuck out of, but a friend all the same. 
Truth be told, she doesn’t really care for revenge anymore. She just wants to live her immortal days in peace, with the occasional fight of course.
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unyielding-phoenix · 3 years
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Like this post to help me with world domination- I mean, if you want a starter.
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unyielding-phoenix · 3 years
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As an immortal, there aren’t many things that can give Mokou pause. Giant monsters, deadly assassins, bitches from the moon, all of that hardly fazes her. But you know what does faze her? 
That’s right. Wriggle Nightbug is the most frightening person in all of Gensokyo in Mokou’s eyes.
Not that she’ll let anyone know that. 
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unyielding-phoenix · 3 years
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And now there’s a KKHTA blog following me. Is this 2008? Did I time travel? 
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unyielding-phoenix · 3 years
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Like this post to help me with world domination- I mean, if you want a starter.
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unyielding-phoenix · 3 years
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“I’d like three, if you please!”
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“Coming right up. Feel free to choose a stool and get comfy.” 
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unyielding-phoenix · 3 years
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Where the fuck did all you people come from?! Gah, dropping out of the sky like flies. I blame Yukari. Or Zelretch. Any Omniscient troll really.
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unyielding-phoenix · 3 years
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“Welcome to the Fujiwara Yakitori Stand, how can I help you?”
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unyielding-phoenix · 3 years
Perma Starter Call
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Hey pal, I get it. Liking a lot of starter calls is hard, so I got your back.
Like this post and you’ll be telling me that I can write you a starter whenever you want. Sounds like a good deal right? So what are you waiting for? 
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unyielding-phoenix · 3 years
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Reblog this post if you’d like to interact with a brand new Mokou blog.
Crossovers encouraged. Knowledge of Touhou is optional, but appreciated.
Free hugs are part of the deal. 
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