Hey y’all this is my first post I just wanted to introduce myself!
Hey everyone my name is Scarlett but you can call me Scar if u want. I am 15 years old and I am originally from Germany but my parents moved to Connecticut when I was 4 (#Foreign😜😜). I know how to speak German and English but I am 100x better at English. I like to snowboard and paint and write (duhhh). I will write for basically all of your favorite characters/ people. Here are the things I will and will not write🫶
What I will write:
Series( If I’m feeling up to it I’m lazing asf💀)
Anything (on the list of things I will write) LGBTQ+!
And anything I feel comfortable with
What I will not write:
Rape/Sexual Assult/ Abuse to anyone male, female, other. (Bc it’s fucking weird and it’s disgusting to write💀)
Pedophilia 😟 towards anyone male, female, other. (Bc again that’s weird and really, really gross)
Homophobia, Transphobia, Racism, Sexism, ect. (Your sick if you want me to write that, like honestly)
……..any weird sex you want me to write is um……..well I thing that explains itself
Um and also anything to do with anime, I have nothing against people who watch it I’ve just never seen any before sorry if this has made a inconvenience xx
And lastly anything I don’t feel comfortable writing
That is all you guys!! Put your request down in the comments🫶
(What person/character, what genre, and any other details. Also anything to do with y/n😜😜 or who ever else; example; Female Reader, Male reader, non-gender specific reader, anything like that)
Ok luv u🙌🙌
Also what do you guys want me to call you????
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